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  1. I want my ex girlfriend back
  2. Hope
  3. Is this girl into me?
  4. Sooo confused right now.. and looking for a little help
  5. My 60-year-old daughter is a recovering alcoholic. She is very needy and I need help
  6. My boyfriend went to Vegas,did he cheat?
  7. My brother in law didn't talk to me while at his place.
  8. Is it true that if I am second hand I will get second hand wife also?
  9. Talking to a girl in an abusive relationship
  10. NEED ADVICE PLEASE EX contacting me out of the blue
  11. I am losing my mind because of a married man
  12. I'm still in love with my ex,should I be the one to tell him 1st this time around?
  13. Does it matter if the man walks in front or next to the girl.
  14. I want him to propose.
  15. He cheated
  16. My ex has a live in girlfriend, but says he loves me. What should I do?
  17. I'm 19 and my parents hate my boyfriend with a passion... What should I do?
  18. Girlfriend wanted break, but is now to busy and standoffish.
  19. Is it all my fault?
  20. Is my boyfriend lying
  21. Complications in a relationship.
  22. I want to fall in love?
  23. Boyfriend seems to have lost interest in me!!
  24. How do I get this girl interested in me?
  25. What do you think?
  26. Is she setting me up for a breakup? Should I move on?
  27. Help!!
  28. Help needed
  29. How to get over my girlfriend's past?
  30. My mom never cared for my feelings. What should I do?
  31. Why does she accuse me of doing bad when its really her?
  32. Hurt and confused
  33. What to do about room mate boyfriend with benefits?
  34. I broke up with my boyfriend and now I feel sick to my stomach
  35. Boyfriend resents me
  36. Feeling lost and confused
  37. What does she want? Why is she confused?
  38. I really like a girl so much it physically hurts me inside.
  39. Why didn't she let me hug her?
  40. How do I get my grown married daughter to stop trying to ruin my life?
  41. Lying to girlfriend.
  42. Friendship and new relationship ruined
  43. 4 date blues
  44. Does she love me?
  45. How to get out of an awkward silence with a person of opposite gender?
  46. How can I make this easier?
  47. My boyfriend is just not that into me
  48. My girlfriend loves me but loves someone else
  49. Question about girls
  50. Do I have to end my distant relationship even if we love each other?
  51. How to resist conflict
  52. I think I want to break up with my boyfriend...
  53. Anyone out there send someone choclates to someone?
  54. I like this girl very much but she doesn't know anything about it. What do I do?
  55. Did I move too fast?
  56. In love with bisexual guy friend
  57. Is she coming back to me?
  58. What should I do?
  59. Is it possible for a man to TRULY love 2 women at the same time
  60. Does he confuse needing me with loving me?
  61. What's the proper etiquette when dealing with exes?
  62. Waited too long to propose? Do I have a chance still?
  63. Is he abusive?
  64. Accra ghana scams
  65. Anything to be done?
  66. Why would he do this?
  67. Can SSRI* ruin relationships?
  68. I need to move on... but how?
  69. Letting go... How to do it?
  70. Please help me find the film title
  71. A man and his mistress
  72. My cousin is obsessed with me. What should I do.
  73. Should I tell his girlfriend I was with him the weekend after they broke up?
  74. My boyfriend fantasizes about hookers.
  75. Why am I so heart broken?
  76. What is the right thing to do?
  77. Ex married to another man now wants to marry me
  78. Which man to be with?
  79. No contact rule
  80. A little guidance, please.
  81. How do I prove to my fiancé that he has no reason to be insecure
  82. My boyfriend constantly threatens to leave me and it scares me so much, please help?
  83. How can I test my boyfriend to find out if he is stingy or not?
  84. I love my girlfriend so much, that I don't want to have sex with her.
  85. He texted me and said I was amazing right after he left - does he like me?
  86. Future together
  87. Mixed signals from a girl, should I walk away?
  88. My Straight Friend
  89. How can I bring back his love for me?
  90. Boyfriend ignoring me... will he ever talk to me again?
  91. I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months and I don't know what to do?
  92. How to cope with ex moving on with a new guy?
  93. Relationship
  94. Relationships? I am torn between two girls, and I cant choose.
  95. I feel forced to leave our 3 yr relationship, I don't think he want me living with him
  96. Classmate
  97. Girlfriend of over 4 years left me, advice?
  98. I feel like my boyfriend Is holding me back
  99. Did I mess up not sure?
  100. I used the no contact rule to get my ex back and it worked know what?
  101. Kisses me then has sex with his ex
  102. My ex contacted me after 5 years.
  103. I still miss my ex but I'm seeing someone else now. What do I do?
  104. Every time I go to kiss my boyfriend, he turns his face away
  105. Is it too soon to send her a letter?
  106. My girlfriend doesn't know if she wants to be with me?
  107. My long term girlfriend feels trapped
  108. Why is a girl that knows I like her trying to get a reaction from me?
  109. Why does she ignore my messages?
  110. I still miss my old friend, and they have moved on, what to do?
  111. I'm worried about my girlfriend. What do I do?
  112. Sincere opinion
  113. Do long distance relationships work?
  114. Girlfriend breakdown after break up
  115. How do I convince myself its really over
  116. Help! Need advice or suggestions...
  117. My girlfriend seems to not love me like before, why?
  118. How do I bring out who I want to be, its affecting my life!
  119. How long should I wait? And how should I go about it?
  120. Why is loving a married man so hard?
  121. Problem With First Relationship?
  122. Heart broken and can't seem to get over this
  123. How do I get my boyfriend back?
  124. Should I put effort into trying to get back my ex?
  125. 9mo relationship rejection
  126. Narcissistic partner, no contact rule, and videos.
  127. My boyfriend has changed
  128. Someone broke my relationship up, what can I salvage?
  129. I get depression from my family, should I run away?
  130. Fatherless boys and relationships
  131. Should I hold on to her or not?
  132. Would this bother you?
  133. Leaving to Army , need help.
  134. Relationship with friend
  135. What should I do to get 2 months pregnancy aborted
  136. What to do when you still have feelings for a ex girlfriend?
  137. My girlfriend always wants me to change something that I can't change.
  138. Long distance relationship question.
  139. Need Sound Advice
  140. Girlfriend wants to break up to be alone, but still wants to get back together.
  141. Left my girlfriend, want her back. Can't until she sees things clearly.
  142. Why did my boyfriend delete all history from his phone and laptop?
  143. Doesn't add up
  144. Is she making excuses to break up with me for her guy friends? Please help!
  145. I really miss him and want him back!
  146. Sometimes I just don't want this anymore
  147. Girlfriends obligations to boyfriend
  148. I really love this girl and I don't know what to do.
  149. Need relationship help and advice
  150. I'm a guy and I don't know when or how to make the first move (kiss)
  151. A straight guy fancying a lesbian
  152. Should I confront my separated wife about working in a brothel?
  153. How can you know if you're meant to be with someone?
  154. My Gf is distant and I don't know why
  155. What can I do?
  156. I don't know how much I can take
  157. Help! My boyfriend acts uninterested
  158. Uncomfortable about meeting my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend.
  159. What should I do about girlfriend being insensitive?
  160. So mad at myself.
  161. My boyfriend wants to kill himself
  162. Is best friend have feelings with my boyfriend?
  163. I need logical advice
  164. How do I stop being needy in a relationship?
  165. How do I know that she loves me or not
  166. Coincidence or something more?
  167. Am in love with this guy
  168. What do you think?
  169. My Boyfriend Cheated on Me. Having a hard time forgiving?
  170. Girlfriend is confused.
  171. She has baggage
  172. My boyfriend watches porn but isn't OK with me watching it
  173. Drama queen
  174. Girlfriend broke up with me because she said I deserve better?
  175. Boyfriend works nightshift, I'm always alone
  176. Very depressed...
  177. I want my ex girlfriend back, and she is pregnant, What to do?
  178. I apologize and my friend just ignores me.
  179. understanding boyfriend
  180. How to leave a controlling boyfriend
  181. Don't know if I should get into this relationship
  182. When and how should I break up with my girlfriend?
  183. Why does he act this way with me? Does he or doesn't he want me?
  184. Broke up with girlfriend because of college, but still in love with her
  185. Trying to understand where I stand exactly.
  186. Do People accidentally Kiss during school?
  187. 22 year old son sleeps with his father.
  188. What to do...
  189. What do I do
  190. What to do about a broken friendship?
  191. I'm a female and I think I like my best friend (female) more than just as a friend
  192. Difficult dealing with break up
  193. Can you believe this..
  194. Making your girlfriend /wife jealous
  195. Crush or what because I'm confused
  196. Still in love with my ex
  197. I don't know what to do.
  198. One-sided love... how do I cope with it?
  199. How to ask my ex to wait for me?
  200. I'm a straight girl but I like another girl...
  201. He left me when I was one month pregnant
  202. Does she love me?
  203. Jealousy/ego issue as girlfriend went out with friend during 'Our' talking/chat time.
  204. Compulsive lying
  205. Help me please
  206. How do you prove to someone that you love them?
  207. Coping with infidelity
  208. I like a boy but I am also one what do I do
  209. I broke up with girlfriend and she had sex. Don't know what to think.
  210. Man and woman living together. Difficulties. man ask woman to leave his apartment.
  211. 8 months pregnant live in boyfriend broke up with me
  212. Love
  213. Help with relationship questions?
  214. This site has saved me in the past.. 3 times a charm?
  215. Is she lying?
  216. How to meet women, if you're shy?
  217. How do I tell my parent that I want to move in with my grandmother?
  218. How to fix a break?
  219. Should I leave him or stick to him and try to solve problems?
  220. My girlfriend says she loves me but doesn't want a relationship right now
  221. My girlfriend dumped me after 4 years.
  222. Girlfriend wants a break
  223. Girlfriend of 6 years wants a break to find her self
  224. Would love some input
  225. Break up or make up?
  226. I just started to work with my husband and one of the women there has a bad attitude
  227. 10 years older
  228. My boyfriend lied about having a child when in fact he doesn't have one
  229. I'm a guy and I'm in love with my male coworker
  230. Break ups
  231. Lack of sex in relationship - is non-monogomy an answer?
  232. Just broke up with my girlfriend with whom I had for 4 years, I want to die.
  233. He wants sex all the time, I don't?
  234. I am very confused about my past and present.. please help me
  235. Am confused that I don't know what to do.
  236. Long Distance Relationship
  237. What should I do about constant arguing with my partner, and abuse?
  238. What now? Is there any hope?
  239. I have feelings for my best guy friend, but it's not okay with my best girl friend.
  240. How can I look for a person using his picture only?
  241. Boyfriend takes pictures of neighbor.
  242. I'm not my best friend's best friend
  243. My ex is pregnant with my kid we planned the pregnancy
  244. Dating
  245. Bf talking to girl I don't like, wants to help her.
  246. My ex wants me back and I have a boyfriend
  247. I broke up but cant see her suffering and I am also suffering don't know why?
  248. How to keep a relationship when he is far from me
  249. Fell for a girl over the internet. What should I do?
  250. I need help I'm so lonely over my boyfriend moving out today