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  1. I cannot shake hands in greeting due to hand injury. What is best way to be polite?
  2. How to get swelling down
  3. If I stop lifting weights, will my bulging back hands veins disappear? YES or NO.
  4. Barriers to communication health and social care?
  5. What should I eat with an upset stomach and slight fever?
  6. What is Testesterone?
  7. What is Aderenaline?
  8. Hello, I am a 15 year old male, 6 foot 3 and I weigh 270 pounds. Weird feeling head
  9. Lumps behind the ear
  10. Can I commit my Mother to rehab?
  11. Bloating
  12. How many hours are you suppose to sleep for?
  13. How can I get rid off from visible veins on my hands,
  14. Back to original MD for surgery
  15. Dreams
  16. Infected (?) cut
  17. Need some info on some woman things
  18. Back and leg injuries
  19. I've been coughing for over two weeks?
  20. Can Ciprodex cause numbness to tongue and loss of tastebuds
  21. Zquiet
  22. Bite
  23. We don't know if he got soft before or after he came.. Could I be pregnant?
  24. Achille's tendon hurts very badly when I walk or put pressure on it?
  25. Allergy?
  26. Why does my eye twitch uncontrolably?
  27. Severe neck pain?
  28. Tongue Numbness or Tingling Causes?
  29. Sharp neck pain when I tilt my head up
  30. Health
  31. Cold Spot in my neck
  32. What is the best Scheduling Software out there for Home Care Agency?
  33. Stopping pills
  34. Ask a question about pregnancy for free?
  35. Rain...
  36. Toe spasms
  37. Heavy night sweats on legs and back ONLY?
  38. First aid food
  39. Stabbing pains
  40. Igia vibro shape - does it work on batteries?
  41. Sore nipples brown discharge?
  42. Hi just been to the loo n noticed tiny blood clots when wiped?
  43. Does semen taste different after a hysterectomy ? If so, why?
  44. I haven't had sex and my period is about 6 days late and I'm 16 years old.
  45. Why do her armpits sweat so much? Answer please!
  46. Stomach pains
  47. I'm short going through puberty, not growing but gaining weight
  48. Mattress and bad back
  49. Ears ringing
  50. How many arteries are in the arm
  51. Pepper
  52. How should my sprained ankle look like?
  53. I hate water
  54. My boyfriend fell and hit his head hard. He has slight memory loss.
  55. Please Help
  56. Is Fasting for 10 days (water only) good for you health?
  57. Am I crazy?
  58. I'm 5'2 120 lbs
  59. Feel heavy weight because of my Stomach
  60. Help with a cat bite
  61. Workers COMP Settlements for Back Surgery?
  62. Chest pain and shortness of breath and I'm only 19
  63. Why do I always forget what I wanted to say?
  64. Chances I pass an ETG Alcohol Test
  65. Help Me Please
  66. Why can't I sleep?
  67. Red
  68. Help
  69. Help please vitamin
  70. Burning tears
  71. Should me and my girlfriend separate?
  72. Fish dream
  73. I keep missing my period?
  74. Top layer of skin prolong BAD!
  75. I get really tired during sex, what should I do?
  76. Enema prior to every BM
  77. Acidic taste in throat + sour smeel in my nose
  78. Am I making myself sick?
  79. What causes this?
  80. Sore side of heels when walking?
  81. I have some questions?
  82. I have this occasional click in my ear, what is it?
  83. Numb tongue?
  84. White see through scaly bumps on fingers?
  85. How to stop or control self masturbation?
  86. I got bitten by a mosquito on my leg
  87. Back and Better
  88. How much alcohol do you need to consume for it to show on a UA?
  89. Pregnancy?
  90. Numb tongue?
  91. My hands are similar to all my kids except for one. What does that mean?
  92. Seeking help from you guys
  93. "New" CPR method?
  94. Is there a certain amount of one has to smoke to be detectable in a hair strand test
  95. How much alcohol will it take to show in your system for an EtG test
  96. Does exercise increase alcohol metabolism / elimination?
  97. What causes one spot of numbness on the tongue?
  98. Hungover/ alcohol poisoning or date rape drug.
  99. Strep Throat
  100. What can I eat after jaw sugery?
  101. How to overcome my insecurity because of my stretch marks?
  102. Sleep during day, stay up at night
  103. Found something on my boyfriends..
  104. How long until I test negative on a urinal drug test?
  105. How clear your nose after jaw surgey?
  106. I don't want my son to change insurance because he is fully covered
  107. I need a doctors opinion
  108. Spasms/leg numbness after orgasm
  109. Was agent orange sprayed at Goose Bay Air Force Base in 1965 to 1975
  110. Foul smell from throat?
  111. Pain on top of my hand!
  112. How do I make my boobs smaller?
  113. When I eat chocolate my ears get itchy why?
  114. If you are standing with your heels against a wall, you cannot touch your toes.Why?
  115. Bad cramps after miscarriage?
  116. Why and what is this white bump inside my lip
  117. Am I pregnant?
  118. When I breath a bad smell is coming from within my head
  119. Long term leg numbness, recent elbow numbness, HELP!
  120. Unprotected sex
  121. Recent Injury
  122. Bleeding when using the toilet -- please help!
  123. I need to cure acidity once and for all.
  124. What to add to bath water
  125. Could I be pregnant and have a false pregnancy test?
  126. Teenage height and smoking
  127. Is it normal to wake up on the opposite side of the bed that I fell asleep on?
  128. A cough and aching in both arms
  129. Negative pregnancy test?
  130. Injured foot swollen and bruised
  131. Why does my upper arm hurt?
  132. Painful finger tips
  133. Emotional numbness
  134. Smoked white fish
  135. Sleepless Nights with sickness.. Help?
  136. Bad smell of spit
  137. Pain in my right leg and left sholder.
  138. Lower back pain and right leg numb?
  139. Difficulty in pregnancy
  140. Fat deposits in blood
  141. Having dreams basically every single night?
  142. Could I have IBS?
  143. How to GAIN weight/slow down metabolism?
  144. Should I go in?
  145. What have I done to my wrist?
  146. Sleep condition
  147. I'm sick & kind of scared...
  148. Headaches due to fall
  149. Is it still Labyrinthitis or something else?
  150. Why cant I gain weight
  151. Random Sleeping Question
  152. Toes hurt really bad
  153. Im obese and want help?
  154. Reasons pot is bad
  155. Pimples on your gentile?
  156. Background noise elimination products
  157. What bra size would be for a 37in bust (measured around full bust)?
  158. Shortness of Breath
  159. How can I override my gag reflex?
  160. I keep lying and I need to stop
  161. Why does my arm hurt when I play piano?
  162. What is Prednisone used for?
  163. How do you heal a rubbing rash?
  164. What should I do ?
  165. Can I take ovaltine and theragram M tablets daily. Is there no side effect of taking?
  166. Muscle loss in right leg
  167. Wrist pain.. help please asap
  168. What are the effects of sleep deprivation?
  169. Severe Headaches
  170. Sick and shaking and sweating
  171. I shaved my stomach and now have a rash?
  172. Numb tongue
  173. Is there a way to get rid of a lisp by myself without a speech therapist?
  174. How do I make my boobs smaller
  175. Why have I been having so many deja vus?
  176. What should I do for hip pain?
  177. How long does alcohol stay in your system?
  178. Knee problem
  179. Can your dr just drug test you?
  180. Toy Safety Question
  181. Help! My dog has some sort of bug living in her fur!
  182. Can drinking an energy drink before having an oral swab test cause a false positive
  183. ETG Test with 56 hour window
  184. Can a Headache lead to stroke?
  185. Why are my eyes playing up
  186. Can't sleep!
  187. Help me to be free of this problem!
  188. Labyrinthitis?
  189. ?when I breath in I sound wheezy
  190. Can't sleep... feel lightheaded!
  191. I think I may have insomnia. What's the best route to go down?
  192. One of My Big Toe Nails Is Turning Purple... What Does That Mean?
  193. Where/how can I get a completely voluntary hair strand drug testing done?
  194. Overcoming barriers
  195. Is it real?
  196. Polycythemia
  197. Injections
  198. Overcome supernatural beliefs,exessive dopamine secretion
  199. Please help me to overcome my problem.
  200. C-section incision may be infected. Should I make appointment or go to medi clinic?
  201. Bad Headaches
  202. Health and wellness
  203. Knee injury, when to see the doctor
  204. What is the best product to clean and stop mold?
  205. Woman Issue
  206. When I urinate it burns
  207. Real bad smell in are manufacturer home!
  208. How to get a nice sleep ?
  209. I do not come when we have sex, why?
  210. My scapulas hurt
  211. Cancer treatment and pregnancy
  212. Two questions about my eyes...
  213. Ear itching like CRAZY!
  214. Do protein levels in the blood reduce with each donation?
  215. Sever pain
  216. Septoplasty
  217. My belly button ring won't come out!
  218. Is this normal?
  219. Drug test for weed
  220. Health and wellness
  221. Do protein levels typically decrease with each plasma donation?
  222. Been up all night couldn't sleep because of this feeling in my tummy,
  223. Stomach pain
  224. Stomach Flu
  225. Stomach rumbling
  226. How long can we Live?
  227. Is hand twitching a sign that something is wrong with my hand or arm?
  228. Nurse Hlp? The Bottom Part of my Jaw is Swollen
  229. My rats has a clenched left paw
  230. Congestive heart failure with pain above waist on right side with rib pain
  231. Brown Discharge/Cramping/Reg Periods
  232. Do I Have Labyrinthitis?
  233. A Baby after Back Surgery
  234. To clean my toilet I spray with vinegar/water. How long do I leave it?
  235. I Think I Have an Eating Disorder?
  236. What causes black bulb at bottom of hair follicle ?
  237. If I wear a scarf round my nose and mouth will it protect me from the car fumes?
  238. Is this normal ?
  239. What is wrong with her?
  240. Tongue problem
  241. Carbon monoxide
  242. My mood is strange
  243. Sleeping aids
  244. Suffering with 16 bad teeth, poor circulation, and dry, itchy skin with veins
  245. Roof of mouth and tongue numbness
  246. Do we need plan b?
  247. Can something heavy damage my arm or body after I get the HPV shot from the doctor?
  248. Hip pain and leg giving way
  249. Rib hurts when breathing
  250. Drug testing help