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    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 01:49 PM
    Bleeding During foreplay
    I am 20 yrs old. I have been sexually active for 5 years now. Never before had I bled during foreplay or intercourse. Then in February my partner at the time and I had sex and I bled. I also got nauseaus during sex (not very romatic). I wasn't sure what it was but assumed it was because I missed a few days of my birth control. Well it happens now during foreplay and sex. My boyfriend/new partner is a virgin and I feel bad that he has to experience this and I have to answers.

    I did go to a gynecologist and ask. He said that I have blood capilaries or something on my cervix and when they get bumped they bleed. Ok... but then why did it never happen before? :(

    This is very embarrassing and pretty much causing me to be non-sexual in any way with my boyfriend.

    Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
    danielnoahsmommy's Avatar
    danielnoahsmommy Posts: 2,506, Reputation: 297
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    Jul 11, 2009, 01:56 PM

    Ask dr to explain exactly what those are how you got them and how to fix it... I'm sure you will feel better once you know the whole story!
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:06 PM
    Well he said there isn't really much we can do... just that they've been there and that they don't know why but that it is "Normal". :( I sure as heck don't feel like it is normal
    Emma-Louise's Avatar
    Emma-Louise Posts: 28, Reputation: 15
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:11 PM
    Definition of Capillaries
    Capillaries: Capillaries are the smallest of blood vessels. They serve to distribute oxygenated blood from arteries to the tissues of the body and to feed deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into the veins. The capillaries are thus a central component in the circulatory system, essentially between the arteries and the veins. When pink areas of skin are compressed, this causes blanching because blood is pressed out of the capillaries. The blood is the fluid in the body that contains, among other elements, the red blood cells (erythrocytes) that carry the oxygen and give the blood its red color.

    Source: MedTerms™ Medical Dictionary
    Capillaries definition - Medical Dictionary definitions of popular medical terms easily defined on MedTerms
    danielnoahsmommy's Avatar
    danielnoahsmommy Posts: 2,506, Reputation: 297
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:11 PM

    Since you are uncomfortable with the answer you got, maybe time for a second opinion.
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:19 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    since you are uncomfortable with the answer you got, maybe time for a second opinion.
    It was my first ever gyno appointment though.. and my mother doesn't exactly know the details.. but that I have been sexually active over the past year. She doesn't know about the bleeding and since I'm on her insurance I'd have to explain why I need to go see another gyno.
    Emma-Louise's Avatar
    Emma-Louise Posts: 28, Reputation: 15
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:24 PM

    Then explain you are still having women personal problems and you are worried. I am sure there is no need to go into great detail.
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:29 PM

    I wish that was the case. However since my mom is a single parent she has to know EVERY detail. For instance, when I told her I needed to change my anti-depressants because they weren't working she sat down to have a long discussion about my depression and everything. She knows my boyfriend is a virgin (I told her so she'd know we aren't having sex) but I'm sure she'll think we are if I ask to go back to the gyno. Plus money is tight.Can't really afford food let alone a $15 co-pay for a DR visit.

    Sorry I am being difficult. I know going to the DR seems like the only reasonable and smart idea but it isn't feesable for me unfortunately
    danielnoahsmommy's Avatar
    danielnoahsmommy Posts: 2,506, Reputation: 297
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Then it is time to take a break from sex. Give your body time to recover!
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    then it is time to take a break from sex. give your body time to recover!
    I have not had sex since February and only have been fingered twice since then. Time doesn't seem to make a difference.. but maybe you are right.. I'll give it some more time and look into another dr appointment
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:36 PM
    Is your current partner, bigger than previous partners? Like above average. Are you particularly petite? This may play factors in how uncomfortable you are and the friction issues.

    I agree this maybe more common and something that may not be corrected. Maybe additional lubricant can help aleviate some of the discomfort and bleeding.
    Emma-Louise's Avatar
    Emma-Louise Posts: 28, Reputation: 15
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:39 PM

    We could offer advice and come up with many advice topics but at the end of the day this is about your health.
    You can not afford to not go back to the doctor.
    Your health is the most important thing to your mum I am sure.
    It seems you are able to talk openly with your mum as you say she knows about your partner being a virgin so I am sure she will not be shocked to hear you are sexually active even if full intercourse is not taking place.
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    Is your current partner, bigger than previous partners? Like above average. Are you particularly petite? This may play factors in how uncomfortable you are and the friction issues.

    I agree this maybe more common and something that may not be corrected. Maybe additional lubricant can help aleviate some of the discomfort and bleeding.
    The partner it started with is bigger than previous partners.. but I didn't bleed until nearly a year after I started having sex. And we used to have sex 2 or more times a week. I am petite.. 5'8 and weigh 92lbs.

    I will look into lub the next time I have sex (though my current boyfriend does not want to have it )
    danielnoahsmommy's Avatar
    danielnoahsmommy Posts: 2,506, Reputation: 297
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:41 PM

    Don't let him put his comfort over your health
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:41 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Emma-Louise View Post
    We could offer advice and come up with many advice topics but at the end of the day this is about your health.
    You can not afford to not go back to the doctor.
    Your health is the most important thing to your mum I am sure.
    It seems you are able to talk openly with your mum as you say she knows about your partner being a virgin so I am sure she will not be shocked to hear you are sexually active even if full intercourse is not taking place.

    True. Perhaps it is time that I talk to her. It is kind of odd though to talk with my mom about sex though considering I know she hasn't had sex in near 7 to 10 years.
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by danielnoahsmommy View Post
    dont let him put his comfort over your health
    He is very sweet about it. He says he doesn't care andjust wants to make sure I'm OK and that it doesn't hurt.. which it doesn't
    Emma-Louise's Avatar
    Emma-Louise Posts: 28, Reputation: 15
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:45 PM
    I have tried looking it up for you but this is about all I could get I could not find a site based on what your doctor thought it was.

    You've just finished making love, and you're in that pleasant dream-like state when you go to the bathroom and discover that you are bleeding. Nothing can bring you back to reality faster than vaginal bleeding after sex. Post-coital bleeding can occur for a number of reasons, and is nothing to take lightly. Here's a look at the top 10 causes of vaginal bleeding after sex:

    Cervical dysplasia:Cervical dysplasia is precancerous changes of the epithelial cells that line the cervix. Risk increases with multiple sexual partners, sex before age 18, childbirth before age 16, or a past history of STDs. Treatment is usually cryosurgery or conisation.

    Chlamydia: A bacterial infection that is usually transmitted through sexual activity or contact with semen, vaginal fluid, or blood.

    Gonorrhea: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacteria. Several pharmaceutical treatments are available.

    Vaginitis or Cervicitis: Inflammation or swelling and infection of the vagina or cervix. Treatment depends on the cause.

    Cervical polyps: Cervical polyps are smooth, red or purple, finger-like growths that grow out of the mucus layer of the cervix or the cervical canal. Cervical polyps are extremely fragile, extending out of the cervix, and easily and painlessly removed.

    Trichomoniasis: A usually sexually transmitted disease caused by protozoan. Can also be passed to newborns during vaginal birth by infected mothers. Although rare, transmission is also possible in tap water, hot tubs, urine, on toilet seats, and in swimming pools. May cause vaginitis.

    Vaginal Yeast Infection: An overgrowth of the normal fungi that inhabits the vaginal area. Common symptoms include itching, burning, and an odorless, white, cheese-like discharge.

    Endometritis or adenomyosis:Endometritis is defined by Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition as an inflammation of the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus). Both conditions are associated with endometriosis. Adenomysis is when endometrial tissue attaches itself to the uterus, or another organ such as the ovaries, and grows outside of the uterus.

    Uterine polyps: Uterine polyps occur when the endometrium overgrows causing these protrusions into the uterus. It is extremely rare for these growths to grow in a way that is either benign or malignant. Women with uterine polyps frequently experience bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia), other symptoms includes vaginal bleeding after sex, spotting, menorrhagia, bleeding after menopause, and breakthrough bleeding during hormone therapy. Hysteroscopic-guided curettage is the preferred treatment, since the normal D&C is basically an unguided procedure that may miss many of the uterine polyps.

    Fibroid tumors: Uterine fibroid tumors are usually benign tumors. They are solid masses made of fibrous tissue. Fibroid tumors are rarely malignant. Symptoms of fibroid tumors vary among women, with some women never experiencing any symptoms at all. Women who can wait until menopause will see their fibroids shrink and disappear once their bodies stop producing estrogen. It's important that women with fibroids make sure they never take estrogen, in any form including birth control pills, since estrogen increases fibroid growth. Several treatments are currently available for uterine fibroid tumors from myomectomy and uterine artery embolization to the traditional hysterectomy.

    Diagnosing vaginal bleeding after sex is usually a matter of exclusion. Anytime you experience post-coital bleeding or vaginal bleeding after sex see your physician.

    Source -
    leighnaras's Avatar
    leighnaras Posts: 25, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:47 PM

    Yeah I have read that one. The gyno ran test and said that everything was normal and no cancer or tumors.
    jenniepepsi's Avatar
    jenniepepsi Posts: 4,042, Reputation: 533
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:54 PM

    Hi hon,
    Out of curiosity, are you sure your using enough lubrication? Some girls don't produce enough of it on their own and it can cause friction which will cause the calliperies (I don't think I spelled that right) to break and cause the bleeding.

    If you think this might be the issue, you could possibly try getting a lubricator to help with your natural lubrication.

    Other than that option, you still DO need to see another doctor and get another opinion, just to make sure its not something else you know? Good luck hon. And be honest with your mom. I know, even as an adult it can be embarrassing to speak about things like this with your mom, but she really is there to help you.

    Besides, you never know, she could have this same problem and she may know what is causing it, and how to fix it ;) good luck hon
    Emma-Louise's Avatar
    Emma-Louise Posts: 28, Reputation: 15
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    Jul 11, 2009, 02:54 PM

    Please speak to your mum - tell her you are worried about this - your mum is not silly she will know you experiment even if you have told her you don't.
    She will understand that it is natural for you and partner to "play" around with other - she has children herself and it makes no diff that she has not had any form of contact for years - it is like riding a bike you never forget - jokingly aside she will be able to help you.
    She will be a good support network I am sure once she understands you are worried.
    No amount of money would stop me from getting my child medical treatment if needed (It is part of being a mum).
    You will no doubt get wrong for not telling her sooner !

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