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    AngelsInHerEyes's Avatar
    AngelsInHerEyes Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 26, 2015, 05:26 PM
    I can't overcome my jealousy of a porn star?
    This is a serious question and if you're going to answer it, do it politely. I won't tolerate rudeness. I've been addicted to porn ever since I was 18, the minimum age to view porn legally. I've been using it to cope with frustration and try to manage my feelings better, but I find it's only allowing me to become more of a bitter and unhappy person. There's a porn star in particular who I won't mention the name of, but I watch a lot of her videos and she's basically this beautiful woman with long brown hair, blue eyes that people claim are like an ocean, a curvy figure and C-cup breasts. In my mind, it feels unfair that a person can be this "perfect" compared to me. Every time I look in the mirror, I just want to smash it because I hate that I have an average appearance and feeling imperfect as a result. And I'm jealous of the way she seems to thoroughly enjoy what she's doing, contrary to stereotyped notions of how porn stars really feel during their performance. She seems to defy these stereotypes by really throwing her whole heart into a scene and that's what's led me to become so envious of her, almost as if I'll never be as good as her at the same thing in my personal life. Not only that, but I've followed her on her social media too which has only made me feel worse about myself. It crushes me that she has fans telling her everyday how perfect and wonderful she is. She gets credit for every little thing she posts, even the most trivial of things. If she posts quotes for example, often ones which are not her own, people come to assume this automatically makes her a deep and philosophical person, as if they are thanking her for something she hadn't conceptualized by herself. While I post other people's quotes too now and then, nobody ever looks at them and thinks "Wow, it's amazing someone like her could think on the same level as the person who wrote them". But I don't think I'm just any typical person. I'm a uni graduate with an upper-second class degree (2.1) and while you might think it's ridiculous that I'd be feeling insecure when I have succeeded to some extent at life, I feel as if I've just not done enough to be an inspiration to people. Somehow I feel less when I think of myself in comparison to a porn star on a screen, sometimes even believing my life would be so much easier if I was better than her in a number of ways just to fill a void in my life. But at the end of the day, I'm only deluding myself. If I'm feeling bitter and unhappy over a porn star on a day-to-day basis and I'm letting it affect my quality of life, will this mean I'll need to seek counselling or help of any description? This is a serious issue which is leading me to become depressed and wallow in self-hate and I really can't seem to overcome it all that easily. Simply telling myself to just quit following her on social media as well as watching her videos if it bothers me so much and actually doing it, doesn't quite work out as well as expected. I used to always fully believe in myself and take pride in my personal achievements until I let porn dampen my spirits.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Sep 26, 2015, 05:47 PM
    How old are you now? Do you work or go to school? (Just a warning -- once you post, you cannot dictate to us how to respond. You might get rude answers; you hopefully will get helpful ones. That's the chance you take by airing this in a public forum.)
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Sep 26, 2015, 09:35 PM
    Well you need to start to tolerate rudeness... seriously. You won't make it far in life if you don't.

    First thing in order... why aren't you in therapy? You really , really need it on a lot of levels. I think you already know this. Your issue isn't porn, you are only blaming that for it. It could have just as easily been something else.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Sep 26, 2015, 10:16 PM
    Yes, sometimes rudeness is what you need.

    You are a fool if you believe a porn star has even good life. They sell and market a body that is often produced by doctors and surgery. Everything from the hair ( which anyone could have, if they pay enough money to have it colored or styled. To eye color that can change with "contacts". For the breasts, almost all stars, and every porn star normally has had breast surgery.

    You should feel sorry for such a sad women. She has sex with no meaning, with anyone she is paid for. They may spend 1000's of dollars for skin treatment to make sure coloring is even.

    So you want to look like her... do it, just just costs money.

    I bet when this women looks in a mirror, she sees a tramp. A high level prostitute that was too stupid to do anything but sell her body.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Sep 27, 2015, 03:50 AM
    I can understand how you feel, even though I don't suffer from what is amounting to obsession in you.
    I'm assuming that you are female. I say that because it's possible that a male can feel envious of a sexy, attractive woman.
    There's an old saying that men look at women while women look at both. Women often compare themselves to other women. I do. I have small breasts and I am envious of women with even average sized breasts.
    The difference between us is that I haven't let it control my life (pain ruined my love life, and I was more depressed about that).
    The reason it is controlling your life is that you don't have enough meaning in your life from other sources. You can spend months in therapy to find out what in your past caused so much insecurity, or you can figure out ways to replace that lack with positive actions and ways of thinking. OR do both! A good therapist won't dwell so much on the past, and will dive right into the present and future.
    You can try doing this yourself.
    Start with a good long assessment of your good attributes, and a mental list of people you know who aren't gods and goddesses but who are well liked. Some of my favorite people don't fit the mold for attractiveness at all, and maybe I feel more comfortable around them because I don't feel so attractive either!
    A guy I knew 35 years ago said, when I complained about all the beautiful women in my college town, "But then you wouldn't hang out with US!"

    So tell us some of your attributes?
    Jake2008's Avatar
    Jake2008 Posts: 6,721, Reputation: 3460
    Emotional Health Expert

    Sep 27, 2015, 05:10 AM
    I also wonder if you are female, and if so, your sexual orientation. Is this something you are also struggling with?

    As to the porn addiction, and the focus on one individual actress. It is not a good sign to have such an obsession at all, regardless of what it is. That it happens to be porn, is only the focus, it is not the cause.

    An obsession over anything that affects your day to day life and happiness, is something I would recommend you seek counseling for. I suspect that this obsession is affecting your life to such a degree, that you cannot even modify, or stop it, on your own. There are reasons for this, and it is probably good advice to tell you to find out what those reasons are.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 27, 2015, 06:38 AM
    I think you would benefit greatly from talking to a professional therapist about your issues because they go much deeper than jealousy over a porn star.

    Why you would make such a media creation the object of your obsession or even compare yourself to her only makes sense if you are covering up some other area of your life you are dissatisfied greatly with.

    No shame in getting the right help... AND support to unlock that box and learn how to deal with it in a more positive way. I hope you seriously consider reaching out to a local professional.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 27, 2015, 06:56 AM
    You are a better person than some porn star. Never forget that beauty fades. She won't be beautiful forever. You, on the other hand, have an education that will carry you for a lifetime. She probably does not.

    Also, keep in mind that most porn stars are drug and alcohol addicts so that they can perform these sex acts in front of many people.

    All that glitters is not necessarily gold. You need to get some professional counseling to deal with your self esteem issues.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
    current pert

    Sep 27, 2015, 08:36 AM
    Speaking of being 'crushed' on social media...
    That too is understandable up to a limit. I'm on Facebook a lot, and see countless brain dead cretins with huge followings on matters political and philosophical, and it burns me up. But only for about 3 seconds!
    In other words, the only difference between you and most people, the difference between obsession and not obsessed, is the matter of degree. With some help you can wean yourself off of it, by replacing it with a variety of more positive ways.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Sep 27, 2015, 10:39 AM
    Counseling/ therapy has been mentioned, consider it to learn more about yourself.

    Cut off the source that contributes to your dissatisfaction with your life. Unplug from social media and the porn.

    Want to feel as though you contribute something? Find ways to use your talents to help others in real life... whether it's people or animals. If you simply have to stay on social media, seek out positive influences. People and organizations that help society.

    Take the focus off of yourself and you will reap the rewards of actually feeling better about yourself and what you have to offer.
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
    Adult Sexuality Expert

    Sep 28, 2015, 08:04 AM
    This one is a weird one, but what it really amounts too is just a plain celebrity crush. You need to get to therapy for this obsession, I don't think you can break it on your own. If you want to try then you need to cut your connections with this person. Unfollow, delete links, delete from twitter, etc.

    The thing you need to realize that no one is perfect. Even those you think could be, have a laundry list of imperfections that they know about and everyone else does. More so with a porn star. Saggy boobs, fake boobs, dimples/cellulite, big teeth, bad hair, no enough hair/no hair down there, and the list goes on. They're an ordinary person like you, their profession and celebrity, which what you're obsessing on, is what seems to set things apart. You're putting her on a pedestal so high that you can't even seen anything other then your perfected image of them.

    I don't think that she's the REAL issue here. What I see a lot of is low self-esteem and low self-image stuff. This is poisonous to you and will lead you down a path of sadness. This is what you REALLY need help with. Accepting yourself for yourself and loving you for being you. Until you do that... you're going to be in trouble. Get help.

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