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    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 21, 2010, 04:43 PM

    Your approach is important, as in any communications. You can't just read from a list. The list is for you to organizing your thoughts, and stay on point. The way you ask the questions are what she will hear, as part of a conversation.

    For example, You can just ask her will you commit, You have to phrase it in a context of your own feelings, as in I was hurt by the break up, and don't want to hurt again, as expressing your fears is a way to see if she will commit.

    She opened a door when she said she could understand you wanting to talk, without all the emotions of being in the same place.

    That's what I mean about your impatience will be your down fall, because your zeal for answers, and solutions, often gets in the way of you listening, and to me, that's the most important part of good honest communications, LISTENING. That, and knowing when to back off, and wait for someone to get their head wrapped around what your saying. That's the key to understanding. That's the key to getting facts, by which to make good decisions with.

    Make that list, memorize it, and work it into a good conversation. Hell, it took two days for my wife to tell me what she thought about some changes to the household budget, to cover some software she wanted.


    Also know, it takes time to establish good communications sometimes, with some its so natural, others take longer. It's a big red flag when a couple cannot establish communications between them. Hard to work together, if you don't understand each other.
    Kitkat22's Avatar
    Kitkat22 Posts: 6,302, Reputation: 1191
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    Mar 21, 2010, 04:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Your approach is important, as in any communications. You can't just read from a list. The list is for you to organizing your thoughts, and stay on point. The way you ask the questions are what she will hear, as part of a conversation.

    For example, You can just ask her will you commit, You have to phrase it in a context of your own feelings, as in I was hurt by the break up, and don't want to hurt again, as expressing your fears is a way to see if she will commit.

    She opened a door when she said she could understand you wanting to talk, without all the emotions of being in the same place.

    Thats what I mean about your impatience will be your down fall, because you zeal for answers, and solutions, often gets in the way of you listening, and to me, thats the most important part of good honest communications, LISTENING. That, and knowing when to back off, and wait for someone to get their head wrapped around what your saying. Thats the key to understanding. Thats the key to getting facts, by which to make good decisions with.

    Make that list, memorize it, and work it into a good conversation. Hell, it took two days for my wife to tell me what she thought about some changes to the household budget, to cover some software she wanted.

    Patience is a virtue! I often lose patience with people and end up feeling horrible later. Good advice.:o
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 21, 2010, 04:50 PM

    I agree, didn't mean to be so cut & dried.

    There's what's in your head & what's in hers.

    There's honest & frank conversations that need to happen for both of you to make decisions.

    That involves being honest & listening. Putting all of your respective cards on the table in a sense.

    For you both to paint that picture of how you see things in the future.

    And what hasn't worked before.

    Thens there's the time to reflect after.

    Making true informed decisions based on that information.
    itsyerboi's Avatar
    itsyerboi Posts: 42, Reputation: 6
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    Mar 28, 2010, 03:59 PM

    Just a little update.

    We've talked some more on the phone. I addressed two important issues, one being her not making me a priority anymore like she used to. The other was an issue of sex. We went from having sex about 3 times a week to about once every 2 or so weeks.

    In her responses she talked about me not being able to come first all the time and how that isn't how a relationship works. (which I don't agree with)

    In relation to the sex problem so owned up to this and said once she started getting stressed with her work the last thing she felt like doing was having sex. She apologised for the argument we go into where by after about 4 months of very little sex I asked about it and she blew up and claimed all I was after was sex...

    One thing I can't get past is, she dumped me because she said she didn't know what she wanted anymore, didn't think she had time for a boyfriend. Now she's realised she wants me.

    If this is so, why am I having such a hard time believing it?

    Im having a hard job in my mind upon whether to get back in this or not. Even when we talk some more and after a few weeks if all the issues are resolved on the phone, there's still no way to resolve the issue of she dumped me. Things got bad and after 3 months or so she dumped me. When you love somebody as much as she claims to, you don't dump them after that short of time.

    I asked her about this on the phone and she said she just couldn't do it anymore and needed time away from it to figure things out.

    She also asked me on the phone if I had met anybody. I replied no and she said strange because she's had several dreams about me meeting somebody and girls name was the same in all of them. She then got very sharp with me and pretty much said she's sure Im in contact with somebody else. She said she doesn't want to be hurt so if I am to let her know and she'll be on her way.

    Im actually not in contact with anybody, nor have I met anybody.

    She also said a few things on the phone which I thought were quite odd. She claimed that because I hadn't been contacting her very much and from the words Im saying, she doesn't feel I love her very much or actually want this relationship back. She also said she is trying with me and doesn't feel like Im trying much at all.

    How can she judge how much Im trying with her? She after all ended things with me.

    One thing she did say which I don't know how to take is that when she ended the relationship she did so because she felt pressured from me.

    On that night she told me she needed some time to think about things and by this point I was a little annoyed because she'd used that phrase many times but not actually asked for a break or anything. I pushed her and said make your mind up. She again said she didn't know what do to. I raised my voice and said look you either want me or you don't, it's that simple. She said, you obviously have other options or you wouldn't be pushing for a decision from me this second so fine, we're over, now Im not in the way to stop you from addressing your other options.

    I explained on the phone I pushed for a decision not because I had other options but because I became impatient and needed to know if she either wanted to be with me or not. She believes I was wrong to do this.

    Do you guys think I was wrong? Did my impatience get the better of me again?
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 04:25 PM

    She's either in or out.

    Not sure how you can work things out apart.

    Sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. But likes using the excuse that you have other "options". Lame.

    Like she said. "Were over"
    itsyerboi's Avatar
    itsyerboi Posts: 42, Reputation: 6
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    Mar 28, 2010, 04:34 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by vanheart View Post
    Shes either in or out.

    Not sure how you can work things out apart.

    Sounds like she doesnt know what she wants. But likes using the excuse that you have other "options". Lame.

    Like she said. "Were over"
    Ah, well I'm following the guys advice from here. They said only talk on the phone until the problems are addressed and I see a change.

    Even now she keeps asking if I have options and says she's worried. Surely if I had options I'd be off with them not talking on the phone to her!

    She seems to blame me for demanding an answer from her on the night we broke up. My patience has been talked about in the previous post a few times. We me raising my voice and demanding a yes or a no answer the reason she said we're over. She believes it is and will not accept blame for it. She wants me to take the blame for that one. She believes she was pushed into the decision by me. Should I have pushed like that at the time or stepped back and given her some time?
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 04:49 PM


    You certainly deserve an honest answer. And you got it.

    I personally wouldn't even talk on the phone. If she decides she wants to try again, she will let you know. But don't wait around & be her pal while she's figuring it out.
    hungtoronto's Avatar
    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Mar 28, 2010, 05:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by itsyerboi View Post
    Just a little update.

    We've talked some more on the phone. I addressed two important issues, one being her not making me a priority anymore like she used to. The other was an issue of sex. We went from having sex about 3 times a week to about once every 2 or so weeks.
    I think sex 3 times a week is a bit much. Once you pass the honey moon stage once a week is more like it beside you are not living together.

    Quote Originally Posted by itsyerboi View Post

    In her responses she talked about me not being able to come first all the time and how that isnt how a relationship works. (which I dont agree with)

    In relation to the sex problem so owned up to this and said once she started getting stressed with her work the last thing she felt like doing was having sex. She apologised for the argument we go into where by after about 4 months of very little sex I asked about it and she blew up and claimed all I was after was sex...
    She doesn't want to be satisfied or something? Sound like she just want to have sex just for the sake of it "let get over with this".Maybe she's not into sex as much as you. Or got bored of you.

    You got to decide if you can put up with these:

    1. She is busy with work, stress out and doesn't have time for you.
    2. She may not have sex often because she is stressed out, not into sex that much or what ever the reason is.

    Why does she still sound like you guys are together but she dumped you. You didn't sound too confident. You should have point out the fact that she dumped you that's why you didn't phone.

    I am afraid that the only reason she phoned you is because she thought that you have moved on first. What she's saying is you can't move on before me lol.

    The fact the she phoned you the ball is in your court. It sounded like you didn't solve any problem, just make thing worse. It shows that she still in control. You should have show more confident. You should have said, listen, "you either make time for me or the relationship will not work out, the sex can be negotiated a little but still more of what you want not what she told you. If she doesn't agree you simply walk away that's how you show confident.
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 05:36 PM

    "she thought that you have moved on first. What she's saying is you can't move on before me lol."

    Very true. Lots of head games here.
    hungtoronto's Avatar
    hungtoronto Posts: 162, Reputation: 34
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    Mar 28, 2010, 05:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by itsyerboi View Post
    She said she doesnt wanna be hurt so if I am to let her know and she'll be on her way.
    She'll not be on her way, she'll want you more but it's manipulation. Won't last if you get her back this way.

    Quote Originally Posted by itsyerboi View Post
    She also said a few things on the phone which I thought were quite odd. She claimed that because I hadnt been contacting her very much and from the words Im saying, she doesnt feel I love her very much or actually want this relationship back. She also said she is trying with me and doesnt feel like Im trying much at all.
    What she is saying is, since you didn't contact mel I missed you so much and thought that you are gone for good. I can't handle it. I don't want to lose you.

    She dumped you and blame you because you pushed her, that's a total lie. She probably thought about this a long time and that was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 05:48 PM


    She couldn't handle NC from you.

    All, bad reasons here.

    One doesn't need to push to find out if their partner is invested.

    They either are or not.

    I guess it back to NC. For good.
    Kitkat22's Avatar
    Kitkat22 Posts: 6,302, Reputation: 1191
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    Mar 28, 2010, 05:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by vanheart View Post

    She couldnt handle NC from you.

    All, bad reasons here.

    One doesnt need to push to find out if their partner is invested.

    They either are or not.

    I guess it back to NC. For good.

    Be strong!:)
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 06:06 PM

    Doesn't sound like she's ready to take responsibility in a relationship. Or her actions. No real priorities or how to mange them. No real evidence that she wants to change, and is truly invested.

    Depressed, snapping, blame, flip-flopping, playing games. Making you feel like crap, basically.

    Is that the kind of person you want?

    Like you said originally "I was sick of this"

    Just thought that would help in going back to NC...
    Kitkat22's Avatar
    Kitkat22 Posts: 6,302, Reputation: 1191
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    Mar 28, 2010, 06:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by vanheart View Post
    Doesnt sound like shes ready to take responsibility in a relationship. Or her actions. No real priorities or how to mange them. No real evidence that she wants to change, and is truly invested.

    Depressed, snapping, blame, flip-flopping, playing games. making you feel like crap, basically.

    Is that the kind of person you want?

    Like you said originally "I was sick of this"

    Just thought that would help in going back to NC....

    Don't be pulled back into her games. She is a user!
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 06:30 PM


    Classic user. Just like my ex, hehehe..
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 06:42 PM

    Ya know, boi..

    Here's the thing.

    You were sick of they way things were. And went NC for 5 weeks or more.

    Then she pulled you back in, begging (which was more BS). And you fell for it.

    Now you got another taste of what its like dealing with her.

    I got texts, emails, voicemails from my ex.

    Every one was about relieving her guilt. Not about me.
    She even to get to my friends, and got her friends to try.

    So, glad that I never responded to any of them. I went NC after 4-5 days of being dumped. Never stopped.

    You used your gut before. You were right.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 28, 2010, 07:01 PM

    One thing you found out was she has powers to flip you into a defensive position, and you are a lousy listener, who when pressed become impatient.

    Geez all you had to do was listen, and you would have known what you should have known in the first place, she only called you to make sure you had not found something more interesting to do, since you never called her. And had you paid attention, she doesn't handle stress well, and she will shift the cause of it from her inability, to YOU.

    That you are impatient is stressful for her, as she expects you to fall in line and give her comfort. Work on that impatience, it distracts you from things you should be paying attention too.

    The good part is at least over the phone you have not had to take the full force of her charms and can at least hold onto your dignity and self respect, but guy, you're a real sucker for her mental games.

    As to your issues with her, lack of sex is only a symptom of a greater problem in another area of the relationship, and it may be in a few areas, not just one.

    In her responses she talked about me not being able to come first all the time and how that isn't how a relationship works. (which I don't agree with)
    Actually there is a lot of truth in this, as a balanced life, where partners are free to spend time away from each other, and enjoying good clean adult fun is essential for long term happiness.

    Okay you have had a chance at talking about what bugs you, and have more info than you had, so there are more problems that remain, and I doubt she calls you soon, considering the guilt trip she laid on you. But the main thing you do know and can take as fact from this whole exercise, is your impatiences makes you press, when she wants time to consider. That's a biggie in your interaction, and something you will learn. Whether with her, or another.

    Is there hope? Not without a lot more work, and not sure if either of you is that willing to talk and listen, or give and take. What talking over the phone did do was keep the physical out of the equation, and make the judgment tainted.

    You need 3 days to see what you feel, figure what has happened, and what you do about it. A test of your patience. Will she call? Who knows. Decide what you want, Now!
    Kitkat22's Avatar
    Kitkat22 Posts: 6,302, Reputation: 1191
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    Mar 28, 2010, 07:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    One thing you found out was she has powers to flip you into a defensive position, and you are a lousy listener, who when pressed become impatient.

    Geez all you had to do was listen, and you would have known what you should have known in the first place, she only called you to make sure you had not found something more interesting to do, since you never called her. And had you paid attention, she doesn't handle stress well, and she will shift the cause of it from her inability, to YOU.

    That you are impatient is stressful for her, as she expects you to fall in line and give her comfort. Work on that impatience, it distracts you from things you should be paying attention too.

    The good part is at least over the phone you have not had to take the full force of her charms and can at least hold onto your dignity and self respect, but guy, your a real sucker for her mental games.

    As to your issues with her, lack of sex is only a symptom of a greater problem in another area of the relationship, and it may be in a few areas, not just one.

    Actually there is a lot of truth in this, as a balanced life, where partners are free to spend time away from each other, and enjoying good clean adult fun is essential for long term happiness.

    Okay you have had a chance at talking about what bugs you, and have more info than you had, so there are more problems that remain, and I doubt she calls you soon, considering the guilt trip she laid on you. But the main thing you do know and can take as fact from this whole exercise, is your impatiences makes you press, when she wants time to consider. Thats a biggie in your interaction, and something you will learn. Whether with her, or another.

    Is there hope? Not without a lot more work, and not sure if either of you is that willing to talk and listen, or give and take. What talking over the phone did do was keep the physical out of the equation, and make the judgment tainted.

    You need 3 days to see what you feel, figure what has happened, and what you do about it. A test of your patience. Will she call? Who knows. Decide what you want, Now!
    I don't know what else I can add. I do hope you stick to your

    No Contact. There are good and bad days you will go through,

    But you will love again and laugh again. Just give yourself time

    To get over this one.:)
    vanheart's Avatar
    vanheart Posts: 2,806, Reputation: 708
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    Mar 28, 2010, 07:09 PM

    I agree with lots of that but,

    I don't know. How much time does she need? 5 weeks or before?

    Maybe. Patience was always an issue I guess.

    But be patient when it comes to how you live & communicate. But don't wait around for her in order to make your daily decisions.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 28, 2010, 07:10 PM

    I think that's a decision he makes on his own now, since he see for himself that little has changed in 5 weeks, and that he is still hurting from being dumped, as well he should be.

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