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    Ninjatic's Avatar
    Ninjatic Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 15, 2009, 07:59 AM
    My GF wants a 'break' with me.
    Ok, my girlfriends name is Cachet we've been together for over a YEAR our anniversary was last week... it's a long distance relationship (im from UK and she's from CA), we met on Deviantart and we're both artist, this is my first relationship... I'm 19 and she's 17(turning 18 this year)... we ALWAYS talk on msn and skype everyday after school.

    Few days ago, we had a big argument, we mostly argue over small useless things... I didn't think this argument was 'serious'... before, when we argue we resolve it in the end. But this time, she just wants to be alone for a month or less (thats what she said)... the problem was about my immaturity and how I get controlled by my emotion, and I'm too over-protective on her. Well I must admit it was ALL wrong, and I was deeply sorry for it and regretted everything I've done, I promise I WILL change and start over again... no matter how much I try she seems to be ignoring my message, I know apologizing isn't much of a help... I'm just scared I might lose her...

    then she sent me a note, saying she's 'tired of me, she's not attracted with me anymore, and her love has died down etc. because of my immaturity and over-protectiveness'... this mssage HURTS me SO MUCH!. I was speechless... she said she meant what she said... but before this happened, couple days before, she got my valentines card and she said that she liked it and she loves me SO much and stuff... and that was 2 days before...
    (if she's MATURE enough, she wouldn't say this words to me T^T"... we would prolly talk this over and FORGIVE what i did)

    we've been together for over a year.. we've been in so much trouble before, like our parents not trusting us together... and we managed to survive that... we even have promises/goals in life/memories... we always say something like, 'i will never break up with you/abandon you/lose you/ etc... she even cried infront of me on skype saying it. i obviously believe she meant what she said... i was touched coz i feel the same way... she even said 'she can't believe im her BF' etc. etc.

    everything she said on our fight was exact opposite, i feel like she HATES me, she doesn't act like this before i KNOW her... coz i talk to her EVERYDAY and we've been together for over a year T^T... she's a NICE person, i'm thankful that i met her in my life, i couldn't even ask for more...

    i don't know what to do other than just WAIT and give her space... coz i really don't wanna lose her T^T"... I don't think she likes someone else, she'd never DO that... she's a strong christian, I am too... I just have to trust her/believe in her...

    I'm going to meet her in person this july/august 2009... I'm so excited and she is too T^T I hope she'll come back to me ><

    I just need advice and help... to those people who have experienced like this before...
    please be mature when you reply... it is IMPORTANT to me ><"

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    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Feb 15, 2009, 09:54 AM

    I think you may be in to deep with someone who is to young. While I have heard of people connecting online, I can't say this will work out well without meeting face to face. I also think your life is to wrapped up with her to be healthy and you should have other things to balance things out.
    TL4ever's Avatar
    TL4ever Posts: 37, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 15, 2009, 10:39 AM

    Hmm, it seems a bit unfair how she thinks of u, and have you even tried giving her reasons your so "protective" over her? Seriously, I would want my boyfriend to be like that (I'm also in a long distance relationship, and have dA O____O) .
    Well, anyway, I guess everyone needs some time to think and reason things out (hopefully she's doing that).
    Me and my lover have been through countless arguments... U____U
    But he's always trying to avoid them, and for me, ugh, sometimes I overreact and break down, then close the computer to get some time away and think carefully so I won't end up saying something stupid in front of him and regret it forever.

    Since it seems that you guys are getting to be OK, I hope you all fulfill your goals and long dreams with each other... BEST OF LUCK TO U BOTH <3
    Ninjatic's Avatar
    Ninjatic Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 15, 2009, 03:57 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by TL4ever View Post
    hmm, it seems a bit unfair how she thinks of u, and have u even tried giving her reasons why ur so "protective" over her? seriously, i would want my bf to be like that (i'm also in a long distance relationship, and have dA O____O) .
    well, anyways, i guess everyone needs some time to think and reason things out (hopefully she's doing that).
    me and my lover have been through countless arguments.... U____U
    but he's always trying to avoid them, and for me, ugh, sometimes i overreact and break down, then close the computer to get some time away and think carefully so i won't end up saying something stupid in front of him and regret it forever.

    since it seems that u guys r getting to be ok, i hope u all fulfill your goals and long dreams with each other...BEST OF LUCK TO U BOTH <3
    well she thinks that I'm over-protective and I get controlled by my emotions... well sometimes I kind of force her to do something if she doesn't want to... like on skype... if she doesn't want to go on, or she doesn't feel like going... I sulk/get unhappy/whine about it... because I do like her seeing on skype even if it's on mute ><"... sometimes i get jealous quickly the way she comment/talk about someone also including non-existent character... i KNOW its immature thing to do >< i regretted that so MUCH

    now i realized that all i did was wrong... she said that im burden, she feels 'free' from not talking to me now... and stuff... i don't know what she means by it... we're not officially break-up.... we're just on a break... but leaning closer to break up, thats what she said... HURTS so bad... no matter how i try, it doesn't seem to work... T^T^T^T^T"
    I just have to wait and see T^T yeah, I regretted EVERYTHING I've done... I'm just a human we all make mistakes ><"... and I promised to her I WILL change...

    I'm on a vacation this summer with my family... and I have my relatives living NEAR where she lives... hopefully when we meet... it will be different T^T
    Ninjatic's Avatar
    Ninjatic Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 15, 2009, 04:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I think you may be in to deep with someone who is to young. While I have heard of people connecting online, I can't say this will work out well without meeting face to face. I also think your life is to wrapped up with her to be healthy and you should have other things to balance things out.
    well, I don't think she's YOUNG... to me, she's more mature than me... she act really mature... I act mostly immature... I know I'm going on a vacation with my family this summer for a month... and I have a relatives living where she lives, it's like 10mins away from her house T^T"... i know, im trying to balance it... but right now, i just have to wait and see T^T"...
    TL4ever's Avatar
    TL4ever Posts: 37, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 15, 2009, 05:18 PM
    haha, well, like people say, girls do mature quicker than guys.

    have u told her it's all wrong and that u regretted all those things u did?
    [U]have u tried reminding her of all those dreams, goals, and PROMISES u both wanted?

    try making her smile and happy again, and I HOPE u know what makes her smile and happy... >_______>

    sometimes a "break" is needed, it's Kind of like starting over again... or meeting and falling in love for the first time with each other, remember how it's like? And getting to know each other again... smiling... feeling warm and fuzzy... uhem, yeah all those cheesy things.

    REMEMBER to think before u act, really, all it takes is COMMON sense, we ALL have it, but just don't use it. Try putting yourself in her shoes and in her situation, and all those things you're saying to us (as in other people here, or anywhere else where your asking this question) make sure u reword them and tell her that... the things u regret and all the good times, I mean. Well, just answer my questions for u, and I'll try my best to give u some advice.
    good luck ^__________^
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    Ninjatic Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 15, 2009, 05:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by TL4ever View Post
    haha, well, like ppl say, girls do mature quicker than guys.

    have u told her it's all wrong and that u regretted all those things u did?
    [U]have u tried reminding her of all those dreams, goals, and PROMISES u both wanted?

    try making her smile and happy again, and i HOPE u know what makes her smile and happy.... >_______>

    sometimes a "break" is needed, it's KINDA like starting over again...or meeting and falling in love for the first time with each other, remember how it's like? and getting to know each other again.....smiling...feeling warm and fuzzy....uhem, yeah all those cheesy things.

    REMEMBER to think before u act, really, all it takes is COMMON sense, we ALL have it, but just don't use it. try putting urself in her shoes and in her situation, and all those things you're saying to us (as in other ppl here, or anywhere else where ur asking this question) make sure u reword them and tell her that....the things u regret and all the good times, i mean. well, just answer my questions for u, and i'll try my best to give u some advice.
    good luck ^__________^
    YES I told her about how I was DEEPLY sorry, and I WILL change I just can't prove it through TEXT but I WILL prove it, when we meet this summer... T^T

    I kept reminding her about our promises/goals in life/memories for over a year... she still rejects it... her replies are 'stop talking to me'... that was yesterday... now I stopped COMPLETELY!. me and my mom talked about it as well, she said I have made a huge mistake, we're just humans we make mistakes sometimes and we even regret the things we do... she said I just STOP communicating with her, any shape or form... I just have to let her go/give her space... that how I will know/measure how much she truly loves me, like she said to me before... if she ever note/reply/come back T^T"

    i wish i could make her smile... but at this stage it's really hard, coz she doesn't wanna talk to me... all i can do RIGHT NOW is wait... im really at 50-50 chance with this relationship... i LOVE her so much, is she's mature/adult enough... she would have realized what i did was WRONG, people change... and I WILL change... we could talk this sensibly/more mature... but i really can't... coz i just have to wait... and give her space T^T

    i'm even communicating with her close friends right now... and give me advice, and stuff
    the best thing i could do at this stage is WAIT and see what will happen... and just stay POSITIVE T^T"... I really don't want to lose her, we've been so much trouble before especially when our parents don't trust us but we managed to survive that... those our minor arguments mostly, we resolve it in the end... we even apologize each other in the end and say we didn't mean what we said...

    right now... I really don't know what's going on, on her mind T^T"... i still believe what she said to me before about saying she don't wanna break up with me ever/abandon/leave me... we both said the same... she even cried about how im important with her in my life...
    and now, she's saying she's tired of me, not attracted with me anymore, she doesn't WANT a bf, her love with me has died down.... she even meant that T^T^T^T^T"

    so what happened to our memories before? About our words we have said to each other?. because I STILL keeping mine, I still love her like when we first met... my love for her HASN'T died EVER!. I just made a HUGE mistake, and I WILL change it... but no matter how much I try she doesn't want to 'talk' to me... so I'll just wait and see T^T"

    we have so much in common and those words we said before that we meant it from the bottom of our hearts... that couldn't be just LIES T^T"... she even said to me before she knows what/how it feels when someone break-up/ends your relationship... (coz she has few Exes too)... and now she's doing it to me?? It HURTS SO BAD T^T"...

    but i still BELIEVE in her though and respect what she wants... i don't think she will cheat on me, she's a strong christian and she goes to a christian school... so i don't think she will ><"
    I just have faith with it... and be positive about it T^T
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    TL4ever Posts: 37, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 15, 2009, 06:34 PM

    Yeah, your doing the right thing then, sorry for lecturing you and stuff, I'm pretty sure u've been through more than enough and try your hardest, and that's what counts the most: u tried, and tried

    I'm surprised you even went as far as to talking with almost everyone else, yet she still doesn't see how great of a guy you are

    Mistakes are natural, your kind of getting stuck to the idea of "she's a christian" not only that, she's human and all those other things we r >_>

    I seriously hopes that she realizes that she's the one making a huge mistake if she leaves u,and changes her mind...
    Ninjatic's Avatar
    Ninjatic Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 15, 2009, 06:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by TL4ever View Post
    yeah, ur doing the right thing then, sorry for lecturing u and stuff, i'm pretty sure u've been through more than enough and try ur hardest, and that's what counts the most: u tried, and tried

    i'm surprised u even went as far as to talking with almost everyone else, yet she still doesn't see how great of a guy u r

    mistakes r natural, ur kinda getting stuck to the idea of "she's a christian" not only that, she's human and all those other things we r >_>

    i seriously hopes that she realizes that she's the one making a huge mistake if she leaves u,and changes her mind....
    I REALLY tried so HARD!. just to fix this problem... if she's mature/old/as an adult... we would have talked about this in a sensible way like normal adult would do and start over again, as promised I WILL change... it's not like she saw me having sex with a girl/cheating on her... because that's UNFORGIVABLE, and I understand if she doesn't want me because I cheated, but NO I wasn't... and I WOULD NEVER do that she KNOWS she's the girl I WANT her and ONLY...

    I just made a mistake about my immaturity/attitude... I WILL change.. people change T^T
    sigh, I just have to wait T^T and see...

    well thanks for you input/comment though I appreciate it much!! <3 T^T

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