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    kaykay0941's Avatar
    kaykay0941 Posts: 74, Reputation: 0
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    Sep 28, 2008, 06:56 PM

    No I Really Didn't Take Your Advice.. I Just Left This Post Alone.. But Seems Like Some People Cant, When This Post iS Way Old. But I Did Pass My Class iN School, 102 words in 10sec :D, But I Don't Type Like This iN Class. But Yea, iM Done With This Post, And As You Said, Your Going to Be The Mature One And Stop Posting iN iT, But You Still Are Even When I Left iT Alone... Bye?
    wikedjuggalo's Avatar
    wikedjuggalo Posts: 406, Reputation: 43
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    Sep 28, 2008, 06:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    No i Really Didnt Take Your Advice.. i Just Left This Post Alone.. But Seems Like Some People Cant, When This Post iS Way Old. But i Did Pass My Class iN School, 102 words in 10sec :D, But i Dont Type Like This iN Class. But Yea, iM Done With This Post, And As You Said, Your Gonna Be The Mature One And Stop Posting iN iT, But You Still Are Even When i Left iT Alone... Bye?
    I believe my words were I'm done getting in a pissing contest with you :D. I'm simply replying to Chuff and jrsg.

    But since I have your attention. Why do you type like that? I mean for me to do that I'd really have to go out my way to type that like. I do not believe you typed 102 words in 10 seconds correctly :).
    jj890's Avatar
    jj890 Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by wikedjuggalo View Post
    I believe my words were I'm done getting in a pissing contest with you :D. I'm simply replying to Chuff and jrsg.

    But since I have your attention. Why do you type like that? I mean for me to do that I'd really have to go out my way to type that like. I do not believe you typed 102 words in 10 seconds correctly :).
    I know her in rl, Believe me, She types like mad fast, Lol.
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    wikedjuggalo Posts: 406, Reputation: 43
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    I kno her in rl, Believe me, She types like mad fast, Lol.
    I'm not doubting her typing fast more typing fast and correctly :).
    jrsg's Avatar
    jrsg Posts: 560, Reputation: 67
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:42 PM
    Hey, sorry... I think I should take the responsibility of reviving this...

    But I just want to ask YOU a few questions now...

    If you type normal in school, why can't you do that here? When so many people have requested it, can't you just type normally? And don't use the "bad habit" excuse. If you can type normal english in school, you can do it here. Why do you refuse to?

    The only reason I can see is that you don't like being told what to do. I think you are being rebelious... But these people (and me) are just asking you to type normally!

    Quote Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    No i Really Didnt Take Your Advice.. i Just Left This Post Alone.. But Seems Like Some People Cant, When This Post iS Way Old. But i Did Pass My Class iN School, 102 words in 10sec :D, But i Dont Type Like This iN Class. But Yea, iM Done With This Post, And As You Said, Your Gonna Be The Mature One And Stop Posting iN iT, But You Still Are Even When i Left iT Alone... Bye?
    I don't want to say bye quite yet...
    I just have so many questions, most just out of curiosity.
    - Why do you insist on typing like that? Just try it once, in your next post. Type normally!

    - Did you read my post? #56 on page 6 of this thread. Please read it.

    I also want to follow up on your original question. What did you do? How did it go? We all got so lost in this argument, and I want to know what happened?

    And don't get so mad... I've said it before (*ahem*, post #56) that people here just want to help. Sure, this post turned into one huge argument, but that is only because you were so confrontational. Just try being nice and understanding on these forums. It will get you so much more respect.

    In your next reply, PLEASE be nice, and maybe even type in proper english! At least think about it. What is the worst that can happen? People actually read your posts, and respond to them in a kind way?

    I thank you in advance for using proper spelling and grammar in your next post. :D
    And just don't be so confrontational, my god...
    chuff's Avatar
    chuff Posts: 3,397, Reputation: 1235
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    But i Did Pass My Class iN School, 102 words in 10sec :D, But i Dont Type Like This iN Class.
    Oh KayKay. You continue to put a smile on my face.

    To know that we have somewhat of a celebrity posting on this site is a true honor.

    World Records in Typing

    If you follow that link you'll see the various world records for typing. Our own KayKay has blown those retarts right off the keyboard because even the fastest at 216 words per MINUTE can't match up to the apparent 612 words per minute that our little KayKay can type. Who would have known reading stuff like this, LMaoO Are you Kthanks I Ride The BuS, wHo saiD I maDe thAt SiGnAtUrE 4 U that we were in the shadows of typing royalty. We truly have been the retarted ones.
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:50 PM

    This post is for wiked...

    I just have to say, that line about shooting her computer was great... lol.

    And I know exactly what you mean,
    People ask for advice, then, when it isn't what they want to hear they get mad. Then they call you a dumbs**t and type with bad grammar and throw the basic rules of spelling out the window. Sometimes they even call you a retart...

    And it must take longer to capitalize the words then to just type normally.

    Several things you have said on this thread have made me fall out of my chair, or stand up and just walk away and laugh. I sit here, and giggle at me computer, as people look at me like I'm a retart.

    Thanks for the good laugh,
    To you and Chuff :) Actually I guess the OP too. Haha!
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    jrsg Posts: 560, Reputation: 67
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    Sep 28, 2008, 07:57 PM

    Quote Originally Posted by chuff View Post
    Oh KayKay. You continue to put a smile on my face.

    To know that we have somewhat of a celebrity posting on this site is a true honor.

    World Records in Typing

    If you follow that link you'll see the various world records for typing. Our own KayKay has blown those retarts right off the keyboard because even the fastest at 216 words per MINUTE can't match up to the apparent 612 words per minute that our little KayKay can type. Who would have known reading stuff like this, LMaoO R U Kthanks I Ride The BuS, wHo saiD I maDe thAt SiGnAtUrE 4 U that we were in the shadows of typing royalty. We truly have been the retarted ones.
    I looked up the world record too. I got 278 wpm off Google, but still, that is still a hell of a lot less than the 612 our KayKay claims...

    Even when you are serious, you have a way of "Chuffing" people. It is quite the talent you have there, Chuff. You are no retart!

    Typing royalty. This is better than T.V.

    Maybe she means 102 letters per 10 seconds? I don't know... but 10 seconds isn't a common time segement to measure typing speed either. Did you just make it up, KayKay? Just pull a bs statistic out of your butt so that you could be respected? Seriously, you are just confusing! Funny... But confusing!
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    Sep 28, 2008, 08:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsg View Post
    typing royalty. This is better than T.V.
    This post is one of the all time best I have to admit. I give her credit, most would have stopped pages ago, but she keeps posting something new and outrageous... and her typing gets worse every time. I just can't stop laughing.

    Quote Originally Posted by jrsg View Post
    Did you just make it up, KayKay? Just pull a bs statistic out of your butt so that you could be respected? Seriously, you are just confusing!
    I can't imagine our precious KayKay doing something so dishonest! KayKay lying to us like we are a bunch of retarts, it just can't be. If KayKay says she can type 612 words per minute then give her record of integrity I think we'd be retarted not to believe her.
    jj890's Avatar
    jj890 Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 29, 2008, 07:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by chuff View Post
    This post is one of the all time best I have to admit. I give her credit, most would have stopped pages ago, but she keeps posting something new and outrageous....and her typing gets worse every time. I just can't stop laughing.

    I can't imagine our precious KayKay doing something so dishonest! KayKay lying to us like we are a bunch of retarts, it just can't be. If KayKay says she can type 612 words per minute then give her record of integrity I think we'd be retarted not to believe her.
    Omg yo, Im her cousin and I don't really like how you guys are talking to her like this. You don't even really know her in real life, So you wouldn't know how she types or how she doesn't type. Unless you know her in real life and know how she really types don't critize her typing. Thanks. Please stop posting in this, Unsubscribe to it.
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    jj890 Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 29, 2008, 07:28 PM

    Oh also, She has stopped posting in here, But you guys keep on adding to the drama, if you stop it will be done. Keep on adding drama to it, and she will add more drama back, that's just how she is, I know her. I know how she does.
    wikedjuggalo's Avatar
    wikedjuggalo Posts: 406, Reputation: 43
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    Sep 29, 2008, 07:37 PM

    Lol because you asked so nicely I will leave it alone. But you should talk to her about her the way she talks to people when they give her advice.
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    Sep 29, 2008, 08:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    Omg yo, Im her cousin and I dont really like how you guys are talking to her like this.
    In what way?

    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    You dont even really know her in real life,
    That has already been covered.

    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    So you wouldnt know how she types or how she doesnt type.
    Umm, but I would because I read her typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    Unless you know her in real life and know how she really types dont critize her typing.
    I'm not criticizing it, I'm laughing at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    Thanks. Please stop posting in this, Unsubscribe to it.
    Mmmmm No.
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    Sep 29, 2008, 08:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    Oh also, She has stopped posting in here, But you guys keep on adding to the drama, if you stop it will be done. Keep on adding drama to it, and she will add more drama back, thats just how she is, I know her. I know how she does.
    She said she didn't want our advice and she was going to ask her friends, now we are using this post for learning purposes. KayKay may not be with us but her spirit lives on with us all.
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    Sep 29, 2008, 08:29 PM

    Yea okay but still, having you add more drama to the post, and it being HER OWN post when she logs in she see's it. Just stop adding drama to the situation and nothing else will go wrong. All the drama on this post will end. Thank you and have a nice night.
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    jj890 Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 29, 2008, 08:32 PM
    But do you see how she types in real life? Are you sitting there right beside her and see how she is typing? No you aren't.
    And laughing at it is even worse, you wouldn't want someone laughing at your typing or laughing at anything else to you, now would you? No you would not, Just leave the situation alone. Its done, its been done for a while, but then you guys keep on adding and adding. Seem's like you like to add to the drama instead of stopping when its already been stopped.
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    jrsg Posts: 560, Reputation: 67
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    Sep 29, 2008, 09:33 PM

    I don't think we are adding to any drama. We were just reminiscing about the good times we had with KayKay.

    To be blunt, if you two don't like it, don't read it, and let me say what I want. I don't like being censored. When we laugh at the good ol' times, there is nothing wrong with that.

    But you, jj, have at least been nice. Notice the difference between your posts and KayKay's. You type properly, and you are nice, and a respectable person online. You don't call people "dumbs**ts" or anything like that. You have not once been a retart to any of us (not that I am insisting that KayKay was).

    Someone (hopefully you) really needs to advise KayKay on how to talk to others. And when she asks for advice, realize she isn't only going to get what she wants to hear. And then she doesn't even consider the advice. That is why I found this so funny, the close-minded mentality KayKay had. Apparently she knew everything, yet she was asking for help. Maybe it is her own insecurity, that she needs to be so rebelious and defensive, but she needs to learn.

    So, Jordan, THANK YOU! For being a decent, educated, considerate individual.

    But, I am going to have to respectfully turn down your offer. Ultimately, if anyone posts here, and I want to respond, I will. If you don't want to read it, don't. Just click it so it removes from your cp, then navigate right back out. It takes 5 seconds, and lets me have my right to free speech. If you could do that, I would appreciate it.

    And if I can just point this out:
    When KayKay commented on your post, she used PROPER spelling, and puncuation. Although the attempt at the grammatical device known as the "elipsis" wasn't carried out properly, but I won't be that picky (it needs three periods "..."). That aside,the typing there 100% readable. If only she could have done that 6 pages ago, a lot of this would've been avoided.
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    Sep 29, 2008, 09:48 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jj890 View Post
    But do you see how she types in real life? Are you sitting there right beside her and see how she is typing? No you arent.
    And laughing at it is even worse, you wouldnt want someone laughing at your typing or laughing at anything else to you, now would you? No you would not, Just leave the situation alone. Its done, its been done for a while, but then you guys keep on adding and adding. Seem's like you like to add to the drama instead of stopping when its already been stopped.
    I just have to comment on this, jj. Please just try to go with me here for a minute...

    Do I see how she types in real life? YES! I do. This is real life. Just because it is on the internet does not make it some kind of game. On this site, REAL people try to advise other REAL PEOPLE about their REAL SITUATIONS!

    And if she can type normally, why doesn't she just do it? When several REAL people are requesting that she type properly, why can't she do it? Are you seriously going to say that me asking her to type properly is an outrageous request?

    First she can type normally, just chooses not to.
    Then, it is a "bad habit" she can't get rid of.
    Then, she once again CAN type normally.
    Then, SHE DOES TYPE NORMALLY! (while commenting on your post)

    Just type properly. It's that simple.

    It is just a mess, and I myself, can't help but laugh at it.

    Which brings me to my next point;
    laughing at her lack of proper typing is not rude at all. If she was autistic or a retart, and couldn't do it, as in physically impossible for to do it, yes laughing would be rude. But if she chooses to type like that, and piss of eveybody here, that my friend, is funny. It's the stubbornness and rebelious attitude of KayKay that is funny to me. I am not ashamed to admit that, and I refuse to feel guilty for it.

    But seriously, about the spelling,
    you don't see anything funny about that?

    Why can't she just type normally?

    I could ask that question 50 times, and I know I would never get a straight answer from you. But please, prove me wrong, and ANSWER me! Please.

    This whole thread is just funny. Please, read from post 1, and tell me there is no comical value to this at all. It is just absolutely helarious.

    Again, jj, thanks for acting like a rational, human being. I understand you defending a family member. But I just don't agree. I also understand you are extremely biased in this, but PLEASE! Just take yourself out of the moment for a second. Pretend you have never met or known her before. Then read it. The thread is just ridiculous.

    Now, I am tired. I have typed huge posts, and probably for nothing, but I need to sleep now. Thank you, and you have a good night as well, jj.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 30, 2008, 08:26 AM

    Oh and some of you just leaving stupid little retarted comments, and not giving me shtt or helping me out. Keep ur comments to yourself, I dont need you wasting my time. THANK YOU !

    With this type of attitude, what do you expect??
    jj890's Avatar
    jj890 Posts: 57, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 30, 2008, 08:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jrsg View Post

    And if she can type normally, why doesn't she just do it? When several REAL people are requesting that she type properly, why can't she do it? Are you seriously going to say that me asking her to type properly is an outrageous request?
    I know that she doesn't type correctly, She use to, BUT she started to hang around people on the internet on some sort of game that typed like her, And she got in the habit of typing like it. One of her friends have already told her to try and stop typing like it because its annoying, She has said she will try, But even when she tries its just a thing that just appears when she types. That's how she texts too. You know how it is, Once you start a habit its hard to get rid of, Like you start to bite on your fingernail's isn't that a bad habit you can't just magically stop? It takes a while to stop. And that is what Kayla is trying to do. So don't blame her, Blame the person she use to hang around with that typed like that. And I am just taking up for my little cousin.

    Quote Originally Posted by jrsg View Post
    First she can type normally, just chooses not to.
    Then, it is a "bad habit" she can't get rid of.
    Then, she once again CAN type normally.
    Then, SHE DOES TYPE NORMALLY! (while commenting on your post)

    And it is a bad habit.

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