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  • Sep 22, 2008, 03:14 PM
    Love Confusion
    For all of you willing to read this whole thing thank you, and maybe thanks for your advice.. I really need it.

    Okay so, i have a new boyfriend we've been dating for about a week, but i still have really strong feelings for my ex. Me and him still talk and things but its like the more i talk to him, and the more i get closer to him, my feelings become stronger.. i Just dont kno how to control them.. i Have asked my ex before if he was over me and he said no iTs really hard to control my feelings, but i like my new bf but not as much as i LOVE my ex.. sometimes when we text its like just an urge to tell him i love him.. but i cant.. Then later today, someone told me they liked me, and i was shocked because i just met him on about the 2nd day of school, but hes in a lower grade then me, i only know him from the bus. But yea anyways, my heart is telling my one thing.. and my feelings are telling me another.. My heart is telling me to stay with my current bf and just proceed with life, but my feelings are telling me to dump my current bf, and try to get back with my ex.. i Just dont really know what to do, im soo confused.. Help please?

    Oh and some of you just leaving stupid little retarted comments, and not giving me shtt or helping me out. Keep ur comments to yourself, I dont need you wasting my time. THANK YOU !
  • Sep 22, 2008, 03:45 PM

    Well why did you break up with the ex?
    There must have been a good reason or you two would still be together
  • Sep 22, 2008, 03:47 PM

    Originally Posted by COOKIE MONSTER View Post
    well why did you break up with the ex??
    there must have been a good reason or you two would still be together

    Actually no, I Didn't he did.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 03:51 PM

    We can't tell you who to choose but basic rules are...

    ... do not jump to a new relationship right after the recent break up
    ... do not talk to an ex.
    ... be true to yourself at all times.

    Things to consider in going back to an EX
    ... overall quality of the relationship
    ... presence of deceit and abuse
    ... feasibility
  • Sep 22, 2008, 03:54 PM

    It sounds like you are young, I remember when I was younger I felt the same like omg all these people like me lol.. but anyway I think you should just follow your heart.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:01 PM

    Well you should ask him why he honestly broke up with you?
    And go forward from that awnser
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:06 PM

    What I would do if I was in your shoes is I'd think hard to myself, who do I like more? Who do I get more along with. You can't force yourself to like someone when you don't or that would just make you plain old miserable. Take the time to think to yourself about who you like more. Cause if you like your ex instead of your current then you should get back.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:08 PM

    Originally Posted by COOKIE MONSTER View Post
    well you should ask him why he honestly broke up with you?
    and go forward from that awnser

    Another girl.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:09 PM
    I think you jumped into a relationship too soon. Instead of leading the new guy on explain your situation and tell him you do not want to hurt him by jumping into something too soon.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:25 PM

    Well then that says it all
    He dumped you for another girl

    Who says he won't do it again?
    Id move on and forget about him,and see how you and your new boyfriend get on,take it slow,don't be rushing into stuff when your not ready
  • Sep 22, 2008, 04:53 PM

    1. If he dumped you for another girl he can't be trusted.

    2. You are using your boyfriend if you are thinking about your ex. Your current boyfriend did not ask for this nor does he deserve this. End it with now before he gets hurt even more.

    3. Tell the new guy that you are recovering from a break up and you appreciate him saying he likes you but at this time you need to clear your head and when that happens you might be interested but you can't and won't confirm that until you've spent some time thinking about it.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 06:35 PM

    Originally Posted by chuff View Post
    1. If he dumped you for another girl he can't be trusted.

    2. You are using your boyfriend if you are thinking about your ex. Your current bf did not ask for this nor does he deserve this. End it with now before he gets hurt even more.

    3. Tell the new guy that you are recovering from a break up and you appreciate him saying he likes you but at this time you need to clear your head and when that happens you might be interested but you can't and won't confirm that until you've spent some time thinking about it.

    If he gets hurt even more? Wth? Rofl.. U don't even know the beginging of what he's done to me. But k thanks.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 06:37 PM

    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    If he gets hurt even more? Wth? Rofl.. U dont even kno the beginging of what he's done to me. But k thanks.

    You misunderstood that. He meant the new boyfriend.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 06:50 PM

    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    If he gets hurt even more? Wth? Rofl.. U dont even kno the beginging of what he's done to me. But k thanks.

    Huh? I am also rofl, but not at your bad English at your own comments. That is correct before your boyfriend gets hurt even more because you are using him, you need to tell him it's over. How do I come to such a conclusion, while I read your original post, let's read it together and see what it says...


    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    Okay so, i have a new boyfriend we've been dating for about a week, but i still have really strong feelings for my ex.

    Hmmm. Seems a little... a lot unfair.


    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    i like my new bf but not as much as i LOVE my ex..

    Huh? Does you boyfiend like being used? Most guys don't?


    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    My heart is telling me to stay with my current bf and just proceed with life, but my feelings are telling me to dump my current bf, and try to get back with my ex

    OOOOOOHHH!! So your feeling are telling you to dump your boyfriend but when I actually say break up with him before he gets hurt even more you question me.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:31 PM

    Originally Posted by chuff View Post
    Huh? I am also rofl, but not at your bad English at your own comments. That is correct before your boyfriend gets hurt even more because you are using him, you need to tell him it's over. How do I come to such a conclusion, while I read your original post, let's read it together and see what it says.......

    Hmmm. Seems a little.......a lot unfair.

    Huh? Does you boyfiend like being used? Most guys don't?

    OOOOOOHHH!!!! So your feeling are telling you to dump your boyfriend but when I actually say break up with him before he gets hurt even more you question me.

    Rofl my english? My english is good.. U should tell me which boy your talking about.. iNstead of criticizing me.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:32 PM

    Originally Posted by chuff View Post
    Huh? I am also rofl, but not at your bad English at your own comments. That is correct before your boyfriend gets hurt even more because you are using him, you need to tell him it's over. How do I come to such a conclusion, while I read your original post, let's read it together and see what it says.......

    Hmmm. Seems a little.......a lot unfair.

    Huh? Does you boyfiend like being used? Most guys don't?

    OOOOOOHHH!!!! So your feeling are telling you to dump your boyfriend but when I actually say break up with him before he gets hurt even more you question me.

    O and wdf? IM not using him? IF you KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOiNG ON. You would do the same thing I'm doing.. But appearently you don't.. So back off? K thanks!
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:35 PM

    Uhm actually I'm not, your not me, so don't say stuff you don't even know. Ur bullsht isn't needed on this comment page.. Kthanks.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:38 PM

    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    Rofl my english? My english is good.. U should tell me which boy ur talking about.. iNstead of critizing me.

    I can't tell you how hard I laughed at you with this.

    Also I did tell you what boy I was talking about. You actually have to read the posts.
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:41 PM

    Originally Posted by kaykay0941 View Post
    O and wdf? iM not using him? iF you KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOiNG ON. You would do the same thing im doing.. But appearently you dont.. So back off? K thanks!

    Priceless. Actually I have never needed to use someone while I've had feelings for someone else... so uh... No I would not do the same thing you are doing and if you are going to come here and lie about what you are doing I will happily call you on it. Maybe the boys on the bus don't see through your games but I sure can. K welcome!
  • Sep 22, 2008, 07:42 PM

    Wow... Do not ask for advice if you do not want to hear the opinions people have. Chuff is right. You are too young. And you obviously heard what you did want to and got upset. You need to calm down a lot.

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