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    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 3, 2009, 06:51 PM
    What the HELLLLL! What's the matter with world and the people in it? I thought all these skin lightening forums were designed for us to exchange information and to learn from each other? Instead the honest ones get attacked by EBULLIES?? Beautifulskin are a poster or an Imposter? And don't get mad it's a fair question? Nikkicute you been around for many many years - But I will also direct my Qs to you. Poster or imposter? Ridiculous.
    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 3, 2009, 06:58 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Princess View Post
    What the HELLLLL! What's the matter with world and the people in it? I thought all these skin lightening forums were designed for us to exchange information and to learn from each other? Instead the honest ones get attacked by EBULLIES??? Beautifulskin are you a poster or an Imposter? and dont get mad it's a fair question?? Nikkicute you been around for many many years - But I will also direct my Qs to you. Poster or imposter?? ridiculous.
    Thank you.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Sep 3, 2009, 07:31 PM
    :confused::(... all of this information is giving me a headache. I just want to know about the best skin lightening products that are safe and affordable? Lets just drop it and get back to what we were talking about earlier because I don't know what to believe.
    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 3, 2009, 08:11 PM

    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Sep 4, 2009, 12:41 AM
    umbrageous:Thanks for your support! I really appreciate it. Your story is too funny! Sounds like some James Bond type stuff going on. Government computers? IP tracking? ANATOLA? That name sounds like a Russian spy. Lol
    What's going on the Monobenzoners? Don't know much about the product but I do know they can't seem to find a legit supplier and when one does they won't tell anybody else or they'll say you give me the money and I'll get the mono for you. Then later on you find out they charged you $50 when the supplier only charges $25. They kept the extra money to buy themselves more cream! Who can you trust?

    Indian Princess:I'm sorry I got caught up in this mess too! I was answering a members question, next thing you know I was attacked. Your absolutely right, you can spot her posting pattern faster than any of us. It's the same old same old Tonique is good, Fair and Flawless is bad routine. Why is it that those who like Tonique hate Fair and Flawless? Why is it that those who have used Tonique say Fair and Flawless didn't work but Tonique worked great.:rolleyes: Why are the sites always intertwined with each other? Because Tonique is a knock off site!! A counterfeit! A cheap imitation! Why do you think she is going after me so hard? Cause she thinks I'm with Fair and Flawless and since she's really with Tonique, she feels she has to compete with me. In the eyes of the Tonique company Fair and Flawless is the enemy! If someone came in here and said they liked Tonique without ever even mentioning Fair and Flawless maybe they'd be more believable to me. But they are ALWAYS comparing the two with each other. Look at this blog.Same Posting Pattern Notice how they write? Notice how they sound alike? Notice how Renee (who is really Tonique) has to compete with Claire's bad experience with Tonique to post her own horror story saying Fair and Flawless (once again bringing Fair and Flawless into the conversation) sent her to the hospital but the phony want to be Fair and Flawless site Tonique is helping her skin? Yeah right! Same old pattern of Tonique is good, Fair and Flawless is bad. That post is sooooo obvious. You'd have to blind not to see it.:cool:

    And then came the really big LIE, I pm'd her with a discount?:eek: I have never came on the boards accusing someone of being a seller/vendor scammer/spammer just because they really like a cream. I always give people the benefit of the doubt because I know how it feels to be accused of such things, I've been through it already. This is the first time I have come across a real seller on the boards, I can say it now, I think beautifulskin is a seller of tonique, she has something do to with that company. OK there I said it. I feel better now. When she lied and said I private messaged with a discount that just confirmed it right there!

    If you look at her past post you'll see her first post was June 12, her second post 17 days later asking me for recommendations was June 29, that's the last time I posted to her! She did not come back here until Aug 26th. She was not here for all of July and mostly August. If she never came back to this forum after my last post to her I would have never even noticed she was gone. She's back 58 days later to say I pm'd her? Wait a second I don't even know her!

    Indian Princess, if you think you are going to get a straight answer from beautifulskin your living in a dream world. She can't even address the issues in the posts that I have written:
    Does she know abbycute?
    Does she know whiteandlight?
    Does she know shantifive?
    Why her first post stated she was a fan of a cream she never used?
    Where are the "dozens" of sites that I was supposedly banned from?
    Why does she keep saying I have a husband who's a lawyer? Lol

    Your not going to get a honest answer either. What she'll do is distract you with the old stand by "nikki works for Fair and Flawless" and the 2005 drama.:rolleyes:

    Why does she keep bringing up the bright skin forum?
    Why would I care what they say about Fair and Flawless?
    That same forum has a member saying Bio Claire ruined there skin.
    I've seen more post about Maraki making people's skin break out.
    But I have nothing against any of those products. She can link to bad reviews of Fair and Flawless (which are exaggerated by the way) all she wants does not prove a thing. I've got a link to bad Tonique reviews. Not every cream is going to work for everyone.

    You and Golden Girl are right, I have to let the eBullies go and move on.
    Get back to discussing more positive things.:D
    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 4, 2009, 04:57 AM

    Well said Nkki! Now beautifulskin I'm convinced that Nikki is simply a BIG fan of F&F..

    You on the other hand is clearly looking from BLOOD from Fair & Flawless Company. All of your post is clearly pointing in that direction.
    You are always on the attack calling out and accusing that F&F just like NIKKI said. Smells kind of fishy to me...
    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 4, 2009, 05:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by imgorgeous View Post

    HELLL that sounds even shadier than BIO CLAIRE.... although I know bio claire still works... with all the africans purchasing it in black beauty stores in UK...

    But TONIQUE??????? The shadiest name for the shadiest product!

    LOL!! Even the website looks crappy and shifty.
    beautifulskin's Avatar
    beautifulskin Posts: 143, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 4, 2009, 05:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Princess View Post
    LOL!!!! Even the website looks crappy and shifty.
    You guys have obviously been bamboozled if you think that Nikki doesn't work for F&F. There are too many signs pointing to the OBVIOUS and for years at that. Her real name is Allison and she works for F&F. Google ALLISON AND FAIR AND FLAWLESS and see what you find!! Then again you may not want to do that because Allison has multiple computers at home and at the shop so, therefore she has multiple IP addresses so all of you are probably the SAME PERSON. Notice Maharani has not posted here ever since I mentioned that she was in the same forum backing up Nikki all the way back in 2005. Allison give it up you are forgetting I know who you really are. ;)
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Sep 4, 2009, 11:40 AM
    No more drama!!
    Indian Princess
    That's it! That's it! That's it right there!
    What in the world does she have against (except their success) this company of which she has never used their products? Why is she out for blood? What did they do to her? Why all the hate? Every skin lightening cream you find has at least one bad review. Name a company and I'll show you several
    Complaints against them. That's how it is, even the best of companies have them. So what's all the fuss about? She posted I should be mad at the bright skin forum and not her, well she should not be mad at me and direct all her anger to Fair and Flawless.

    Instead she wants to try and convince others that I work for them and it's not working because those links don't prove anything! It's simply not true.

    Remember this?

    Posted by adamjohn
    Fair and flawless completely damaged my skin they also never
    send the same formation of cream when you re-order.

    I use a cream called Eliminer and pills. I have been using these products for a year now and my skin has gone from medium brown to very light olive. The cream is expensive but work quite quickly but the pills took about 3 months before i saw a difference. There is nothing toxic in these products i am very pleased with them i am asian and eliminer products are great. I bought from Fair & Flawless but they sell toxic products that really damaged my skin.

    Indian Princess to adamjohn:
    You such an obvious spammer. That eliminer site looks so sketcy!!

    You saw that too right? LOL!!
    It's also obvious because these people make a couple of posts and someone calls them out on it POOF!! there gone....

    Wheres abbycute?
    Wheres whiteandlight?
    Wheres shantifive?

    I bet adamjohn's not coming back to this site/thread anymore.
    (at least not under that user name).
    Now the site does not come up anymore, it's a blank page.
    oh boy!!

    LOL! You spotted him with a quickness! Another poster who recently joined
    Says bad things about Fair and Flawless, when called out then poof! Another one bites the dust!

    Guess what? Adamjohn has not been back since, scared so bad deleted all posts on the way out too! LOL! Made sure you couldn't follow.
    You can't even find past post except in other members quotes. I knew that was going to happen. When these new members start posting and come out swinging you know something is up.

    LOL! :D Did you just call the Tonique site "shifty"? That's a new one.
    Oh, I told you she wasn't going to answer your question.
    Her silence and refusal of not answering questions speaks VOLUMES!
    And she expects others to listen to her when she points the accusing finger towards me? At least I was women enough to answer mine. You can do that when you have the truth on your side.

    You putting out the name Allison only proves one thing, you have been reading the chat threads, that's the only way you know that name. So what!
    It's not me, moving on...

    Fair and Flawless is a PROFESSIONAL company that does not even know about these chat boards and has no need to hire someone to sit and post, they are far too busy being successful filling out orders due to the popularity of their products. I can't say the same for Tonique.

    Maharani has been a valuable member of this forum since 2007 with over 300 post and is still active. She probably didn't think anything of it and of you. Wish I would have done the same.

    What you should be doing is focusing on is your fixing yourself up for the wedding and taking care of your precious baby girl and forget about fighting with Nikki and Fair and Flawless. There are more important things in life you know.
    beautifulskin's Avatar
    beautifulskin Posts: 143, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 4, 2009, 12:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nikkicute View Post
    Indian Princess
    That's it!! That's it!! That's it right there!!
    What in the world does she have against (except their success) this company of which she has never used their products? Why is she out for blood? What did they do to her? Why all the hate? Every skin lightening cream you find has at least one bad review. Name a company and I'll show you several
    complaints against them. That's how it is, even the best of companies have them. So what's all the fuss about? She posted I should be mad at the bright skin forum and not her, well she should not be mad at me and direct all her anger to Fair and Flawless.

    Instead she wants to try and convince others that I work for them and it's not working because those links don't prove anything!! It's simply not true.

    Remember this?

    Posted by adamjohn
    Fair and flawless completely damaged my skin they also never
    send the same formation of cream when you re-order.

    I use a cream called Eliminer and pills. I have been using these products for a year now and my skin has gone from medium brown to very light olive. The cream is expensive but work quite quickly but the pills took about 3 months before i saw a difference. There is nothing toxic in these products i am very pleased with them i am asian and eliminer products are great. I bought from Fair & Flawless but they sell toxic products that really damaged my skin.

    Indian Princess to adamjohn:
    You such an obvious spammer. That eliminer site looks so sketcy!!

    You saw that too right? LOL!!
    It's also obvious because these people make a couple of posts and someone calls them out on it POOF!! there gone....

    Wheres abbycute?
    Wheres whiteandlight?
    Wheres shantifive?

    I bet adamjohn's not coming back to this site/thread anymore.
    (at least not under that user name).
    Now the site does not come up anymore, it's a blank page.
    oh boy!!

    LOL!! You spotted him with a quickness!! Another poster who recently joined
    says bad things about Fair and Flawless, when called out then poof!! Another one bites the dust!!

    Guess what? Adamjohn has not been back since, scared so bad deleted all posts on the way out too!! LOL!! Made sure you couldn't follow.
    You can't even find past post except in other members quotes. I knew that was going to happen. When these new members start posting and come out swinging you know something is up.

    LOL!!:D Did you just call the Tonique site "shifty"? That's a new one.
    Oh, I told you she wasn't going to answer your question.
    Her silence and refusal of not answering questions speaks VOLUMES!!
    And she expects others to listen to her when she points the accusing finger towards me? At least I was women enough to answer mine. You can do that when you have the truth on your side.

    You putting out the name Allison only proves one thing, you have been reading the chat threads, that's the only way you know that name. So what!
    It's not me, moving on....

    Fair and Flawless is a PROFESSIONAL company that does not even know about these chat boards and has no need to hire someone to sit and post, they are far too busy being successful filling out orders due to the popularity of their products. I can't say the same for Tonique.

    Maharani has been a valuable member of this forum since 2007 with over 300 post and is still active. She probably didn't think anything of it and of you. Wish I would have done the same.

    What you should be doing is focusing on is your fixing yourself up for the wedding and taking care of your precious baby girl and forget about fighting with Nikki and Fair and Flawless. There are more important things in life you know.
    That's just because that's you! I was concentrating on myself until you started spreading RUMORS AND LIES! Next time you should investigate yourself and your motives before investigating anyone else. Instead of putting down Spa Basin and Tonique let's focus on the review for your company, you should go and defend those and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
    beautifulskin's Avatar
    beautifulskin Posts: 143, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 4, 2009, 12:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Princess View Post
    LOL!!!! Even the website looks crappy and shifty.
    NIKKI/ALLISON/INDIANPRINCESS/MAHARANI I hope you know that saying things about Tonique when you've never tried it and promoting F&F only makes you look more like you're selling the product!;)
    beautifulskin's Avatar
    beautifulskin Posts: 143, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 4, 2009, 01:02 PM
    nikkicute/allison/indianprincess/maharani=spammmmerrrsss! They are all the same person and all own f&f!
    fairr's Avatar
    fairr Posts: 285, Reputation: 6
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    Sep 4, 2009, 01:26 PM

    OK how about you all just get over it?

    MAHARANI's Avatar
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    Sep 4, 2009, 02:20 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by beautifulskin View Post
    nikkicute/allison/indianprincess/maharani=spammmmerrrsss!! They are all the same person and all own f&f!!

    How dare you call me a spammer. I have been a member of skin lightening boards for more han 10 years. I have always been totally honest in my posts and any advice or recommendations I give.

    Please get your facts straight before you make such accusations. You are so wrong and need to think before you post.
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    MAHARANI Posts: 800, Reputation: 39
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    Sep 4, 2009, 02:29 PM

    By the way, if I was affiliated with F & F, I would hardly be saying that the results are inconsistent... Think about it, you silly person.
    Indian Princess's Avatar
    Indian Princess Posts: 20, Reputation: 3
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    Sep 4, 2009, 03:54 PM

    This clearly a losing battle fighting with this person. Lets just all move on like I said in my earlier post. Ridiculous!!
    beautifulskin's Avatar
    beautifulskin Posts: 143, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 4, 2009, 04:48 PM

    I am warning everyone here that nikkicute/indianprincess/maharani are all the same person and I am very familiar with this person. Anyone thinking of purchasing any product including F&F should not take any stock in what these "people" have to say at all. What she's doing is trying to appear as if she is not all of these people but, she is. Try these products because you want to NOT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING THAT SHE SAYS! If you notice a lot of the screen names that I mentioned all just showed up after I mentioned them! You can't say I didn't warn you! (ie. Her best bud Maharani that has been in all the same skin lightening forums as her since 2005 the same time as her backing up all her "statements" about Fair and Flawless). DON'T BE FOOLED PEOPLE! I have more details but, I will keep them to myself for the time being!
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Sep 4, 2009, 07:56 PM
    Well, about Adam John. I had reported him and asked for him to be banned from here because he started sending me harassing pm messages about his junk products saying I shouldn't say that about him, and then started attacking me on the forum, although others noticed he was a spammer also. It's his fault for bad business, I told him to do it right and go buy some banners. He sent me a pm saying how he was ticked at me because I called his Elimer crushed up tylenol, which it is... so he can't come back anymore and all his marketing messages were deleted.

    Only way to know who's who here is by checking their IP addresses. And if Nikkicute really had sent Beautifulskin a message, then it should be no problem for it to be posted here. But, since the "message" has never been posted, then we can say there was no message that was ever sent, correct?

    Ok, so. How are everyone's regimines going do far this week? What are you using or stopped using, etc?
    nikkicute's Avatar
    nikkicute Posts: 733, Reputation: 35
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    Sep 4, 2009, 09:43 PM
    You gave him good advice, banner advertising to get the product noticed.
    He must not like being told what to do, some think they always know better and don't listen.

    Crushed up tylenol:confused: What is Elimer anyway, a powder?

    My skin regime is going well.
    I'm using the Crème de Laser from Fair and Flawless. Lol
    Along with the Skin Brightening & Resurfacing Cleanser and the Skin Brightening Toner. It's working out fine, just trying to be more consistent when it comes to applying my creams.

    The 5XF Gel is being used in my hands and I'm finally starting to see some lighting. I'm applying it thicker now. A thin layer to rub in well and a thicker layer to sit on top and let it soak in. Now I see some lightening going on.

    My sister called today and she said she is using the African Queen products. I forgot I must have told her about those creams a loooong time ago. I don't talk about lightening with her but one day she asked me what should she use to lighten her knees. I really really liked the way the african products smelled, it smelled so fresh, like soap.
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    Sep 4, 2009, 10:43 PM
    Lol... I just said ithat it was made with crushed up tylenol as a joke of how ineffective the stuff really was, well maybe to help headaches. But the site was selling pills that's mad with bearberry leaves, sulfur, and vitamin c. I'm unsure if sulfure helps to lighten, but what I have read before, you can buy pure quality msm sulfur for much much less at walmart. But, you would have to take so many pills of sulfur a day for a long period. The site also has these awful before and after photos in different lighting where I noticed that they had darkened and hardened the before shots, and then lightened extra bright the after shots. One of the photos it was the same photo in both shots, in another the girl is in the same room with the same clothes on as her before shot except she is posing differently! They also have a crème, but they didn't give the list of the ingredients, so I'm guessing it was the same stuff that was in their tylenol pills.

    That's good that you are beginning to see some lightening with the 5XF Gel and creams. I have to make myself stay consistent because I can be impatient. How long do the products last for?

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