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  • Apr 18, 2009, 11:26 AM
    Skin whitening/lightening.THE SAFE WAY! Join the natural movement.
    Ok this thread is for all people using safe and natural products who are willing to keep the board members updated with their results. If you use Bio Claire or anything that contains hydroquinone, mercury, or any other harmful ingredients, this thread is NOT FOR YOU! If your are using a product and you are unsure about the ingredients, post the ingredients here and I along with other concerned members will do research on the ingredients. People are tired of using products that are putting their health at risk unknowingly (amazingly some don't even care, they just want to be white/lighter) and today we are going to end this!

    After my sitaution with Bio Claire I decided to go natural and I'm glad I did!
    Starting Monday I will be using gluta-blend soap (a soap that is blended with kojic acid, glutathione, and rosehip oil. It is also good at exfoliating and micropeeling) and istant skin whitening effect lotion ( a lotion that contain high dosage of kojic acid and glutathion as well as rosehip oil and other safe ingredients) and will update you on my progress. I was kind of concerned about the high dosage of kojic acid in the lotion but I searched for reviews on the product and users have seeing amazing results. Although the results were not instant ( 1 1/2 weeks before they seen results) they seen amazing results. And the bottles last 3 weeks if used all over. ITs actually the bet seller on the amira website I orderd from and I must say the amira website is amazing because it only sells natural safe products! Goggle amira majic for the website.

    So feel free to post ingredients that your unsure about or comment/review on safe products you are using or have used.


  • Apr 18, 2009, 11:27 AM

    Here is the amira website

    Glutathione Secret - Skin Whitening Effects & Beauty Care
  • Apr 18, 2009, 11:31 AM

    I like the sound on this. Hq scares me. I'm still using lemons to lighten my chin and lips. A very slow process though!
  • Apr 19, 2009, 09:16 AM

    I am going with the Natural Movement for lightening my skin gradually.Plants extracts are good.Like Bearberry Extract,Melissa Officnaliss Leaf,Malva extract,Caviar extarct, etc.Salicyclic Acid is not harmful.I started using a new Natural whitening Product that just came out called Over White.So far,its been positive.ently tones me.But I have to wait and see HOW it goes.But I am sure that the Natural Movement is the Best even though its gentle.GO FOR IT.ANY ONE WILL DO
  • Apr 21, 2009, 09:36 AM

    Omg I didn't come yesterday so it should come today I can't wait to start using it
  • Apr 21, 2009, 09:48 AM

    Where can I buy Over white super whitening lotion.Hs any one tried it?I heard from someone that its verygood and its madefrom plant extract.Any help?
  • Apr 22, 2009, 11:03 AM
    Hello Weezing.

    I have been using Bio Claire for 7 days.
    I am not sure that I've gotten lighter due to the acne scarring on 80% of my face... well, I believe I have but nothing significant.

    I read that you have gone All Natural... I also intend to.

    However, this is my question... b4 you got the brown spots using Bio Clear & you were please, what was your original complexion, how many shades did you lighten-up, did you have acne scarring(if so, did the scars disappear), how long did you use it, & was your face continuously dry & peeling in places?

    I am NEWBIE central.

    Please reply & advise.

    Thank you in advance
  • Apr 23, 2009, 04:08 PM
    missboo claire is so very safe.its d has a good amount of kojic acid and kojic acid is very good
  • Apr 23, 2009, 05:41 PM

    Originally Posted by BlackSkinGirl View Post
    Hello Weezing.

    I have been using Bio Claire for 7 days.
    I am not sure that I've gotten lighter due to the acne scarring on 80% of my face... well, I believe I have but nothing significant.

    I read that you have gone All Natural...I also intend to.

    However, this is my question...b4 you got the brown spots using Bio Clear & you were please, what was your original complexion, how many shades did you lighten-up, did you have acne scarring(if so, did the scars disappear), how long did you use it, & was your face continuously dry & peeling in places?

    I am NEWBIE central.

    Please reply & advise.

    Thank you in advance

    Well my starting complexion was medium brown and like within like 4 weeks I was very lightskinned like Beyonces complexion which was my goal and it happened so fast and all I used was the bio claire lotion. Yes I had acne and in the beginning the acne and the ance scars were gone! My sister told me that I look like I just got a facial but then the spots came I looked like a dalmatian it was so not cute I had to stop and within a week I was back to my original complexion. My face was never dry and it never peeled.
  • Apr 23, 2009, 06:13 PM

    Originally Posted by missboo View Post claire is so very safe.its d has a good amount of kojic acid and kojic acid is very good

    Well if u think that more power to you honey
  • Apr 23, 2009, 09:03 PM

    Has anyone here tried Tonique? I've been using it for 2 months now and I am about 4 or 5 shades lighter than when I started and the products are all natural. I tried Bio Claire and it took a long while to work. With Tonique the results were visible within the first week. Honestly this stuff cleared up acne scars that I haven't been able to get rid of for years. You should try it and I think they cost less than Bio Claire. Here's the website Tonique Skin Care-All Natural Skin Whitening Products.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 05:10 AM

    This is a top thread!

    I really want to try this. I'd LOVE to have brighter skin as my skin is looking very dull lately.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 05:43 AM
    Punk Chic I wouldn't tell you this stuff works if it didn't. You should try it!
  • Apr 24, 2009, 06:16 AM

    abbycute,I googled online for more info on this tonique product you said worked for come I didn't find enough information?if you say it works to lighten you so many shades how come lots info is not on the net?at least many people should have used it and shared their experience besides the testimonials on the website.reminds me of L'maj.when I googled them too I didn't find any info on them,just their website.then I later found out on other skin lightening forums that they're a scam.I hope you're not a seller and it's not a you have befores and afters?I hope I didn't offend you in anyway.just want to be clear
  • Apr 24, 2009, 07:16 AM

    On the bright skin board, it appears that this person is also trying to promote this tonique product.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 07:13 PM

    Scary if you ask me
  • Apr 24, 2009, 11:24 PM
    I am just passionate about skin whitening. I used a lot of other all natural products in the past that promoted a fairer complexion but, I didn't see any noticeable results in such a short time. I have to admit I didn't Google them when I first purchased the product a co-worker of mine uses the products and told me about it. I know they're not a scam because I personally use the products. I have been lightening my skin for 10 years now and I haven't found anything that is all natural that works like this. If you don't want to try it then don't try it I am just saying that it works so, you can call it promotion if you want to.
  • Apr 24, 2009, 11:27 PM

    If you haven't tried the product please don't criticize it. I am here to talk about my skin whitening experiences and to share and learn more about other people's experiences. Please have an open mind and don't be so suspicious gorgeous lady!! Thank you
  • Apr 25, 2009, 12:35 AM

    Originally Posted by gorgeouslady View Post
    abbycute,i googled online for more info on this tonique product you said worked for come i didn't find enough information?if you say it works to lighten you so many shades how come lots info is not on the net?atleast many people should have used it and shared their experience besides the testimonials on the website.reminds me of L'maj.when i googled them too i didn't find any info on them,just their website.then i later found out on other skin lightening forums that they're a scam.i hope you're not a seller and it's not a you have befores and afters?i hope i didn't offend you in anyway.just want to be clear

    Wow I tried to stay out of this thread cause its for natural lightening, but I couldn't help myself. I have also heard of l'mage beverly hills, the site of celebrity whitening. LOL, my friend ordered from them got a completely useless package that did nothing except send her to the bathroom. Poor girl spent over 350 for something that did not work. She ended up throwing it away.
  • Apr 25, 2009, 12:40 AM

    Originally Posted by abbycute View Post
    Has anyone here tried Tonique? I've been using it for 2 months now and I am about 4 or 5 shades lighter than when I started and the products are all natural. I tried Bio Claire and it took a long while to work. With Tonique the results were visible within the first week. Honestly this stuff cleared up acne scars that I haven't been able to get rid of for years. You should try it and I think they cost less than Bio Claire. Here's the website Tonique Skin Care-All Natural Skin Whitening Products.

    LMAO I just went to the website and I swear the products look exactly like the stuff my friend got form L'mage, the labeling looks very familiar

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