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    rissawag2's Avatar
    rissawag2 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 22, 2007, 07:37 AM
    Screwed up Registry

    I really hope some one can help me. This is a windows issue but it all started with a printer. I was trying to install a new lexmark printer on a terminal server that runs Windows 2000 Server. It appeared to install normally but it would not print. I then discovered that the print spooler had stopped, so I restarted it, but the printer still would not print. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled the printer drivers twice and it still would not print. The last time I uninstalled the driver and was about to add the drivers via the windows add printer wizard but again the printer spooler had stopped and this time I could not start it again.

    I checked the dependencies and all but the LexBce Server wold start. Then I did a little research and found an article that said that all I had to do was the delete the entries in the registry that pretained to LexBce Server under the pritner dependencies and I would be fine because now the only thing the spooler would be depend on would be the RPCSS.

    I had be at it for two days and thought that I had finally found the answer and in my haste I neglected to backup my registry first. Now there are no dependencies under the print spooler so naturally it still won't start!

    Am I effectively screwed or could I use a dos command to make RPCSS the only dependency for the print spooler? I found sc config spooler depend= RPCSS but Windows 2000 will not recognize the command. Is there a similar command that I can use for Windows 2000 Server?

    Also could I use a regisrty cleaner to repair it? And lastly, if I upgrade it to Server 2003 would that fix the problem and would all my files and security that I have in place for all the users of that terminal server still be in place?
    c_starrs's Avatar
    c_starrs Posts: 64, Reputation: 5
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    May 23, 2007, 05:04 AM
    Yes, Yes you have screwed up, there is no sane way to re-write the dependancies, there has never been a need to re-write them... so that's a no... registry cleaners just fix orphaned/redundant reg entries they don't repair missing registry what you could do is go to another windows 2003 server, back that reg up, and use it on yours... it won't over-write yours, but simply fill in all gaps, but you will need to run a cleaner after to remove all entries that were unique to the other computer as they are useless on yours. Your last option you mentioned is also feesable, Server 2003 would re-write the rigistry, again filling in all gaps, but it depends how you install is as to weather you keep your files or not. If it's an "Upgrade" then all your files will be fine, but if it's just a cleam install, then you'll need to back everything up, or move it to a different partition on the HD.

    Sorry for your computer troubles - Rate Answer please :)
    rissawag2's Avatar
    rissawag2 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 9, 2007, 02:04 PM
    Hi C_starrs

    Thank you for the resounding confirmation of my mess:o Anyway, what I did was looked another server that was not screwed up and manually edited the registry entry. It worked and I breathed a sigh of relief.

    Thank you for the suggestions though!

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