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    animalover23's Avatar
    animalover23 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 18, 2013, 08:27 PM
    Don't have money for a vet
    I am going through the same thing with my puppy... I came here for advice and I see sometimes people can be kind of harsh with words.. she may have parvo I'm not sure. She did have her shots and dewormer but even with her being very sick I cannot afford a vet. I'm sorry but I don't need to be attacked for not having as much money as some people. I simply love my puppy and seek advice to what may be her sickness and what I should do since I cannot afford her a vet at the moment. I have three children and this puppy was given to my oldest son for his birthday. So I didn't just bring an animal into a home that can't afford 400$ visit to a vet by will. Someone please help! She is about 4 to 5 months old and is a lab and Alaskan husky mix. She is not eating and vomiting white foam and I'm pretty sure she may have had a seizure... anyone..?
    teacherjenn4's Avatar
    teacherjenn4 Posts: 4,005, Reputation: 468
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    Jun 18, 2013, 10:49 PM
    She needs to see a vet. She deserves health care, even if that means you work out a payment plan. You accepted the gift of a dog, so you need to care for her.
    odinn7's Avatar
    odinn7 Posts: 7,691, Reputation: 1547
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    Jun 19, 2013, 07:02 AM
    Well, sorry to be harsh but... since you can't afford a vet and she is vomiting but won't eat, can you at least afford a shovel? That's what you're going to wind up needing to bury her with when she dies... you know... AFTER she suffers.

    You can't cure this on your own. You need to talk to a vet about payments.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jun 19, 2013, 04:46 PM
    I understand not being able to afford a vet, vets are expensive, treatment is expensive. My vet charges $100 just to walk through the door, even if no treatment is given. I do understand, I really do.

    Now comes the harsh part. We can't diagnose your dog. We can guess, but with the symptoms you're describing, any guess (if the guess is accurate) will need to be treated by a vet. There are no home remedies for parvo (if this is what it is, and it really doesn't sound like parvo to me) even vet treatment doesn't guarantee survival from parvo.

    So, I would like to help, and I'll do my best, but I'll need you to answer a few questions, and I also need you to know that I'm not a vet, and anything I say is not a diagnosis, not treatment. I can't give you that. But maybe we can at least figure out if this is something life threatening.

    So, here are the questions.

    1. When did she have her shots and the de-wormer? Did the vomiting happen shortly after?

    2. Is she drinking?

    3. Is she pooing and peeing?

    4. How long has this been going on for?

    5. Have you recently changed her food?

    Just as a side note, you should really be yelling at the person that gifted you this dog. In fact, I'd be calling that person up and telling them to pay for the vet bills. An animal should never be given as a gift to someone that isn't prepared to care for it. A dog is a very personal purchase, it should never be gifted to someone. I would bring the dog back to the person that gave it to your son. She's the person that should be responsible for caring for this animal, and frankly, I'd rethink keeping her as a friend.
    xx-man's Avatar
    xx-man Posts: 37, Reputation: -1
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    Jun 19, 2013, 08:28 PM
    Call vets and ask if they will see a "RESCUE" animal at a discount. Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money. Many will help or send you to some vet who will. I have some pets that were rescued from some bad situations and some that were were just dropped off in the country,My vet gives me a big discount for them. Also. Google" free online veterinary help". Many times you can diagnose and the treat with meds from "pet".
    Good luck
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jun 19, 2013, 10:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by xx-man View Post
    call vets and ask if they will see a "RESCUE" animal at a discount. Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money. many will help or send you to some vet who will. I have some pets that were rescued from some bad situations and some that were were just dropped off in the country,My vet gives me a big discount for them. Also. Google" free online veterinary help". Many times you can diagnose and the treat with meds from "pet".
    Good luck
    This is really bad advice. Warning, I'm going to be pretty harsh.

    First you tell the OP to lie to her vet. That's never a good idea. It's much better to be honest, ask the vet to consider a payment plan (which many vets will do if the animal is sick) than to lie about the animal.

    Second, there is no way anyone, even a vet, can diagnose an animal online. Any site that claims to do so, is not a legitimate site. They can offer a guess, an opinion, just like we do here, but they cannot diagnose without running tests, and no vet would risk there license to do so. This is a complete scam, and suggesting that the OP do this, is very bad and very dangerous advice.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 20, 2013, 08:53 AM
    "call vets and ask if they will see a "RESCUE" animal at a discount. Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money. many will help or send you to some vet who will. I have some pets that were rescued from some bad situations and some that were were just dropped off in the country,My vet gives me a big discount for them. Also. Google" free online veterinary help". Many times you can diagnose and the treat with meds from "pet".
    Good luck

    AMHD most certainly does not advocate lying to your Vet. I have also read some of your other advice. This is not the first time you've sugested lying to get what you want.

    You totally plagerized on another thread, word for word -

    Please be more responsible.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Jun 20, 2013, 09:29 AM
    I came here for advice and I see sometimes people can be kind of harsh with words.. she may have parvo I'm not sure. She did have her shots and dewormer but even with her being very sick I cannot afford a vet. I'm sorry but I don't need to be attacked for not having as much money as some people. I simply love my puppy and seek advice to what may be her sickness and what I should do since I cannot afford her a vet at the moment. I have three children and this puppy was given to my oldest son for his birthday. So I didn't just bring an animal into a home that can't afford 400$ visit to a vet by will. Someone please help! She is about 4 to 5 months old and is a lab and Alaskan husky mix. She is not eating and vomiting white foam and I'm pretty sure she may have had a seizure... anyone..?
    You are right, you "don't need to be attacked for not having as much money as others." But you DO need to be attacked (well scolded at least) for accepting care and responsibility of a living being when you can't afford to. If one of your 3 children got sick and you couldn't afford a doctor, would you treat them according to a stranger's guesses?

    Why not go back to the person who gave your child the puppy? If this person was close enough to give such a gift, they must have known your financial situation. Explain to them and ask their help in caring for the animal.

    But I'm wondering what you expected when posting here. Did you think we could just guess at the problem with such serious symptoms and give you some magic pill to fix it?

    The bottom line here is you accepted responsibility for this animal. If you can't care for it, then bring it to a shelter and give it up.
    Sariss's Avatar
    Sariss Posts: 1,471, Reputation: 244
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    Jun 21, 2013, 06:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by xx-man View Post
    call vets and ask if they will see a "RESCUE" animal at a discount. Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money.
    And this folks is one of the reasons (besides "I'll pay you back later, I just don't have the money now!") that many vets don't offer this type of help.

    Also - to the OP. I understand how you feel attacked. However these are things you need to THINK about before getting a puppy. I spent several THOUSAND dollars the first year of my dog's life due to routine care and some sicknesses. A puppy is NOT a cheap thing and you need to take that into account.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jun 21, 2013, 06:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sariss View Post
    And this folks is one of the reasons (besides "I'll pay you back later, I just don't have the money now!") that many vets don't offer this type of help.

    Also - to the OP. I understand how you feel attacked. However these are things you need to THINK about before getting a puppy. I spent several THOUSAND dollars the first year of my dog's life due to routine care and some sicknesses. A puppy is NOT a cheap thing and you need to take that into account.
    I completely agree. I also have to stress, again, that no one should ever buy an animal as a gift for someone else. Not ever! That is the worst possible gift you can give someone. Think about it, if they wanted a pet, they'd get one.

    I did buy goldfish, an aquarium, all the necessities, for a friends daughter one year. But I called my friend first, and asked if this was okay. It's never okay to buy an animal for someone without checking first, and it's never okay to buy an animal like a dog or cat for someone else. Goldfish adapt to any home, dogs, cats, rabbits, and others, do not.

    Bringing a dog into your home is a very personal decision. Just because you like a certain breed, doesn't mean everyone else will. Dogs, cats, rabbits etc, need to be matched to their owners, and the owners need to be the ones to choose the pet, and choose whether to get a pet at all.\

    It's a commitment of 12 plus years. It's not right to make that commitment for someone else against their will. It's not only about caring for the animal, cleaning up after the animal, training the animal, it's also the cost, and those costs can get out of control if something goes wrong. It's not right to inflict that responsibility on someone that didn't choose it.
    xx-man's Avatar
    xx-man Posts: 37, Reputation: -1
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    Jun 21, 2013, 07:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    I completely agree. I also have to stress, again, that no one should ever buy an animal as a gift for someone else. Not ever! That is the worst possible gift you can give someone. Think about it, if they wanted a pet, they'd get one.

    I did buy goldfish, an aquarium, all the necessities, for a friends daughter one year. But I called my friend first, and asked if this was okay. It's never okay to buy an animal for someone without checking first, and it's never okay to buy an animal like a dog or cat for someone else. Goldfish adapt to any home, dogs, cats, rabbits, and others, do not.

    Bringing a dog into your home is a very personal decision. Just because you like a certain breed, doesn't mean everyone else will. Dogs, cats, rabbits etc, need to be matched to their owners, and the owners need to be the ones to choose the pet, and choose whether to get a pet at all.\

    It's a commitment of 12 plus years. It's not right to make that commitment for someone else against their will. It's not only about caring for the animal, cleaning up after the animal, training the animal, it's also the cost, and those costs can get out of control if something goes wrong. It's not right to inflict that responsibility on someone that didn't choose it.
    In my previous response I did not intend for the man to lie about the rescued dog... I just wanted the man to have a chance to save the little critters life... after all it does need to be rescued... Anyway... I agree that you should NEVER buy a pet for some one else, especially for their children (unless you hate them and the animal in question, because both will suffer) I am unfortunately in the awkward position of living in the perfect geographic location
    For animals to be abandoned in the country... I now have four cats, one just showed up and the other three were born in my basement. The offspring of abandoned cats. My dog is a rescue animal who found us after being rescued from a six year old girl. A Christmas gift that by Easter the newness wore off
    And one wanted to bother with it. Her uncle took the dog and no one noticed for two weeks. It kept slipping its collar while he searched for a good home for it and it found us... Any way... 1800-PetMeds® - Huge Savings and The Best Guarantee is great for all medicine... shots , vitamins. Etc etc... Oh and to the person who suggested they just buy a shovel... you kindness and compassion are undoubtedly not your best attribute...
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jun 21, 2013, 07:36 PM
    The fact is, before medicine can be administered, a diagnosis has to be made, and that's not something anyone (not even a vet) can do online. Once a vet diagnosis your pet (not online, but an actual examination by an actual vet), and meds are prescribed, by all means, get the cheapest price, I have nothing against that.

    I am against people attempting to get a diagnosis online, and I'm even more against anyone giving a diagnosis, and prescribing meds, online.
    odinn7's Avatar
    odinn7 Posts: 7,691, Reputation: 1547
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    Jun 22, 2013, 07:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by xx-man View Post
    ......Oh and to the person who suggested they just buy a kindness and compassion are undoubtedly not your best attribute.....
    Thanks for your opinion. Stick around here as long as I have and see how long it takes until you become entirely frustrated with these people who are willing to let an animal suffer because they can't afford a vet. I realize not everyone has money but if you accept the responsibility, you better be willing to accept the consequences. It's not right to have an animal suffer and die because you can't afford a vet. I am not here to be kind and compassionate. I am here to be honest with people and in that answer, I was honest. Kind and compassionate gets what in a case like this? Nothing. They will do nothing, the dog will suffer and die. I am just done with seeing things like this. The fact is that this dog needs a vet and will die without one. How do I sugar coat that?

    So again, thanks for chiming in and adding that. I am glad that you are on a higher level than I am... let's see how long you stay there.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 22, 2013, 07:23 AM
    You are not suggesting that anyone lie? You told a woman who can't afford Vet care for her child's pet to "Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money." So in your world that's the truth?

    Now you are recommending self medicating an animal.

    You are also not the only person on the Board who adopted a pet that came from a sad background - mine's a rescue from a dog fight ring. Other people have worse horror stories. That doesn't make anyone noble or educated in pet care. It's not a given.

    I agree with Odinn - you are slowly slipping off your high perch. Two threads which advocate not being truthful (including lying to your spouse) and one where you plagerized an entire newspaper article.

    You probably have something to offer here on AMHD. I'd suggest you read other threads and see how other people respond.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jun 22, 2013, 07:27 AM
    You are not suggesting that anyone lie? You told a woman who can't afford Vet care for her child's pet to "Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money." So in your world that's the truth?

    Now you are recommending self medicating an animal.

    You are also not the only person on the Board who adopted a pet that came from a sad background - mine's a rescue from a dog fight ring. Other people have worse horror stories. That doesn't make anyone noble or educated in pet care. It's not a given.

    I agree with Odinn - you are slowly slipping off your high perch. Two threads which advocate not being truthful (including lying to your spouse) and one where you plagerized an entire newspaper article.

    You probably have something to offer here on AMHD. I'd suggest you read other threads and see how other people respond.
    Bravo! Standing ovation! Kudos!!
    teacherjenn4's Avatar
    teacherjenn4 Posts: 4,005, Reputation: 468
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    Jun 22, 2013, 07:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Bravo!! Standing ovation!! Kudos!!!
    I second that!!
    xx-man's Avatar
    xx-man Posts: 37, Reputation: -1
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    Jun 22, 2013, 10:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Thanks for your opinion. Stick around here as long as I have and see how long it takes until you become entirely frustrated with these people who are willing to let an animal suffer because they can't afford a vet. I realize not everyone has money but if you accept the responsibility, you better be willing to accept the consequences. It's not right to have an animal suffer and die because you can't afford a vet. I am not here to be kind and compassionate. I am here to be honest with people and in that answer, I was honest. Kind and compassionate gets what in a case like this? Nothing. They will do nothing, the dog will suffer and die. I am just done with seeing things like this. The fact is that this dog needs a vet and will die without one. How do I sugar coat that?

    So again, thanks for chiming in and adding that. I am glad that you are on a higher level than I am...let's see how long you stay there.
    I understand your frustration... completely... I live in an area where the farmer type mentality seems to rule... animals stay outside, are never neutered / spayed and if they get sick , just shoot them and bury them . They seem to think the animals are a tool for rodent control and property protection... it really bothers me... Anyway , I agree and you can't ( nor should you )sugar coat the fact the dog will die without a vets help, but being mean doesn't help... and even though I know it would not help ,I would still like to SLAP a few of my neighbors...
    xx-man's Avatar
    xx-man Posts: 37, Reputation: -1
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    Jun 22, 2013, 10:31 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    You are not suggesting that anyone lie? You told a woman who can't afford Vet care for her child's pet to "Say you found/rescued the pup and would like to help it but don't have much money." So in your world that's the truth?

    Now you are recommending self medicating an animal.

    You are also not the only person on the Board who adopted a pet that came from a sad background - mine's a rescue from a dog fight ring. Other people have worse horror stories. That doesn't make anyone noble or educated in pet care. It's not a given.

    I agree with Odinn - you are slowly slipping off your high perch. Two threads which advocate not being truthful (including lying to your spouse) and one where you plagerized an entire newspaper article.

    You probably have something to offer here on AMHD. I'd suggest you read other threads and see how other people respond.
    Didn't she rescue the pup from going to the pound? Isn't she trying to save the animal from death ?
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 22, 2013, 10:40 AM
    "but being mean doesn't help" -

    Neither does lying.

    I think there's a need to speak the truth. If the OP (original poster) doesn't have the money for Vet care you find it acceptable to let the animal suffer, perhaps live, perhaps die, because... again... she can't afford Vet care? Have you no compassion for a suffering animal?

    If you don't like the way your neighbors treat their pets, take a stand. Join an organization. Have a voice. Speak up. Being quiet and sugar coating the truth, being "nice" helps exactly no one.

    Know why I have 2 rescue dogs and not 22? Because I can only financially and emotionally support these two. The day that changes I will have one or none. I got a THIRD job, yes, third, many years ago when things were tough for me and my GSD got sick. I had three choices - put him down, rehome him, find the money to pay for his medical treatment. I typed term papers at night (after working full time and part time all day). He lived 5 more years, and he didn't suffer because I was helpless.

    That doesn't make me a martyr or a saint or, for that matter, a good person. It makes me a person who loved her dog.

    You have a need to keep us informed about your attributes. Good for you - I'd back off a little so you don't have so far to fall (but, again, that's just me).

    This OP needs to get real. Usually the people who post these questions (and you'll learn the hard way) refer to the pet as "their baby," "one of their children." They could "never, ever" rehome the pet, not their child, not their baby. Meanwhile the dog/baby/child has uncontrollable diarrhea, can't eat or drink, is wasting away and suffering - but, hey! The loving words read really well when you're playing to the crowd.

    A lot of us here are activists by birth, by nature, by education, and trained/informed in the same manner.

    I think you need a little more compassion for the animal and a little less "making nice" to the pet owners who sit by and let the animal suffer.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jun 22, 2013, 10:45 AM
    Question: "Didn't she rescue the pup from going to the pound?

    Answer: No, she did not. "Didn't she rescue the pup from going to the pound? Isn't she trying to save the animal from death ?"

    Question: "Isn't she trying to save the animal from death ?:"

    Answer: No, she's trying to own a pet without having to pay money to pay for any medical bills for that animal. If this involves ripping off the Vet with some gut wrenching "adoption/found animal" story and that causes the rest of us who do care and do get our animals the appropriate and proper medical treatment, apparently you think "so be it."

    And the moral of the story? Don't accept/buy/acquire what you cannot afford. These are living, breathing creatures.

    You have the website that enables her to self-diagnose and treat. What's your recommendation here?

    Brace yourself for heavy sarcasm - all that's wrong with the dog is the white foam coming out of its mouth (and, presumably nose), it can't eat or drink and it's had at least one seizure. No reason to get medical attention here! It's not like it's serious and the dog is suffering. This is also a great example for her children - a really great lesson in compassion and kindness.

    And here's a thought - give up the Internet and OP could save $X a month. Maybe that's a good start.

    And to Alty - I think Elvis is leaving the building, and it's time to close the theatre.

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