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    jennifer0814's Avatar
    jennifer0814 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 6, 2012, 01:42 PM
    How do you bring nitrite levels down in brackish water
    I have a 55 gallon brackish water tank. I did a 15 gallon water change today and now the water is all cloudy. Also, will someone please let me know what the PH should be for brackish water? My gravity is running at 1.014 right now. Tank is stable, I put saltwater buffer in it for the PH and it almost killed all my fish, this was at the intruction of the pet store worker. Not going to listen to them again. I have two moray eels, two spotted puffers, two mons one archer and a silver shark. All was good until I put that stupide buffer in it, I have managed to get my PH back down but now I have the cloudy water. Will it go away within a few days. My nitrites are just a smidge high and that is the only thing that is off in the tank. Help if you can please. I am new here so this is my first question. My tank has been set up for about a month now and everything was fine till now.

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