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    ana.p's Avatar
    ana.p Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 3, 2011, 11:21 AM
    I want to go to college, but what if I'm an illegal?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Feb 3, 2011, 11:25 AM

    Go someplace where you aren't an illegal.

    Many states are rightfully cracking down and stopping to allow illegals to displace legal residents who want to attend college. Every seat an illegal takes in a school is one less seat that's not available for a legal citizen that wants to go.

    Not what you want to hear... but it's the truth. And a violation opf federal law for any public college or university that received federal money to have illegals as students. There is a big lawsuit making its way to the courts in the state of Maryland right now over it. Assuming the country in question is the USA.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Feb 3, 2011, 11:31 AM
    There's a sad story on the news of a Mexican who got an engineering degree, a good job, married and had children - and boom, he was deported out of the blue one day. So it can be done, but I wouldn't without somehow working on becoming a citizen.

    I don't know how he managed the admissions process, what with just about everybody needing financial aid. I don't know if he lied or found a school that would admit him anyway.
    Depending on the state you live in, I would go talk to an admissions counselor and ask, hypothetically.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Feb 3, 2011, 12:24 PM

    ana.p does not find this helpful : that result upset me reaaly bad. what's wrong with someone who's trying to get an education.

    Too bad ****... there are site rules and you violated them *****. YOUR opinion isn't a reason for ANY not helpful ever... but you have a problem with rules don't you. Incidentally... I've reported the violation to the site admins.

    Get an education in your home country... for YOU to get a seat here someone else that is qualified isn't going to get in... tough... I don't care. Blame your parents... there are immigrations laws that would have allowed them and you to get here legally...

    What upsets me is YOU don't give a damn about the legal citizen that would not get their chance at college because YOU got their seat, and colleges can onluy accept so many people... and you don't care and don't grasp what you are doing wrong. Just like your parents... you only think about what YOU want and aren't willing to take the time to do things legally.

    Plus I'm tired of subsidizing anything for people that don't pay taxes... and as an illegal... you and your parents aren't paying your state and federal taxes and that makes ME have to pay more as a result. Get a green card... or get out. I have no problem with people who are here LEGALLY. Just the illegals who disrespect our laws. And every illegal here DOES disrespect our laws.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Feb 4, 2011, 06:45 AM
    Hi smoothy, a good debate on any political subject is what makes a democracy.
    I get to sit here in my little New England town and feel for ana.p, but I also have a reason for how I feel: nations fall when they get fat and lazy, and the US could do so without immigrants. Now I know you want them to be legal, but I also think that there's something to be said for those people who go through a huge struggle to get over an imaginary line in the sand called a country's border. I know I pay higher taxes and I know some of the illegals are criminals and deadbeats, but so are what I think are an equal proportion already here by birthright.
    I used to work for a company that had summer workers from Ireland. They were the best! They had nothing but contempt for the 3rd and 4th generation Irish already in that city, using nepotism to get all the public service jobs and then being lazy. (Don't shoot me; I'm just the messenger.)
    ana.p wants to go to college.. obviously not a criminal or a deadbeat, I think.
    If I had been born in some nowhere place with no chance of a life except grinding poverty, I'd try to emigrate, and if I didn't meet the quota, I'd try to get in illegally too.
    I break the laws of the US in little ways all the time. Seatbelts, stop signs, selling on eBay without telling the IRS, sneaking into movies as a kid, maybe a few things I won't mention.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Feb 4, 2011, 07:03 AM
    Comment on smoothy's post
    ana.p, don't negative people over matters of opinion!
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Feb 4, 2011, 07:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Hi smoothy, a good debate on any political subject is what makes a democracy.
    I get to sit here in my little New England town and feel for ana.p, but I also have a reason for how I feel: nations fall when they get fat and lazy, and the US could do so without immigrants. Now I know you want them to be legal, but I also think that there's something to be said for those people who go through a huge struggle to get over an imaginary line in the sand called a country's border. I know I pay higher taxes and I know some of the illegals are criminals and deadbeats, but so are what I think are an equal proportion already here by birthright.
    I used to work for a company that had summer workers from Ireland. They were the best! They had nothing but contempt for the 3rd and 4th generation Irish already in that city, using nepotism to get all the public service jobs and then being lazy. (Don't shoot me; I'm just the messenger.)
    ana.p wants to go to college.. obviously not a criminal or a deadbeat, I think.
    If I had been born in some nowhere place with no chance of a life except grinding poverty, I'd try to emigrate, and if I didn't meet the quota, I'd try to get in illegally too.
    I break the laws of the US in little ways all the time. Seatbelts, stop signs, selling on ebay without telling the IRS, sneaking into movies as a kid, maybe a few things I won't mention.
    I have no issues with LEGAL immigrants... a very large part of my circle of friends are LEGAL Immigrants... my wife is a LEGAL immigrant (now a citizen). My Grandparents were LEGAL immigrants in fact.

    I only have issues with the ILLEGAL immigrants just so that is abundantly clear to any and all readers of this thread. I also have no sympathy toward the ILLEGALS... and don't think a dime of my tax dollars should go to aid them in any way. And EVERY public school and College does receive my tax money. Too much of it in fact.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Feb 4, 2011, 12:09 PM
    Yes, I understood the difference.
    I'm assuming that OP is fairly young. To me that means brought here even younger, by a parent. Fate, not design. And maybe very young, because his or her English is very good. I have read about illegals who are being deported who don't remember their homeland, don't speak the language there, and are feeling as alien about going there (such as Cambodia) as going to Mars, with no place or people to even contact. Is that fair? It's not that far from deciding we made a mistake about slavery and should ship everyone descended from one back to Africa.

    So.. there's a story for every side. Not much of any of it is fair. Never has been. Look at what Stalin did to all those people, shipping whole townships off far far away. If someone took over the world and decided he hated the US and all Americans and was going to fence us off and make us do nothing but mine coal and pick vegetables, I'd be sneaking over borders too.

    Our gov't gives billions every year to other gov'ts just so they will like us (not align with someone we don't like). Educational open doors would be SO much cheaper. We already do brain dead things thing requiring aliens to go home after getting their advanced degrees. Oops, I'm back to legal aliens. So back to OP: an unwitting young illegal here, what do we do? I vote to keep him or her.

    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Feb 4, 2011, 12:15 PM

    Hello a:

    If you were born here, you're not illegal even if your parents are.

    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Feb 4, 2011, 12:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Yes, I understood the difference.
    I'm assuming that OP is fairly young. To me that means brought here even younger, by a parent. Fate, not design. And maybe very young, because his or her English is very good. I have read about illegals who are being deported who don't remember their homeland, don't speak the language there, and are feeling as alien about going there (such as Cambodia) as going to Mars, with no place or people to even contact. Is that fair? It's not that far from deciding we made a mistake about slavery and should ship everyone descended from one back to Africa.

    So.. there's a story for every side. Not much of any of it is fair. Never has been. Look at what Stalin did to all those people, shipping whole townships off far far away. If someone took over the world and decided he hated the US and all Americans and was going to fence us off and make us do nothing but mine coal and pick vegetables, I'd be sneaking over borders too.

    Our gov't gives billions every year to other gov'ts just so they will like us (not align with someone we don't like). Educational open doors would be SO much cheaper. We already do brain dead things thing requiring aliens to go home after getting their advanced degrees. Oops, I'm back to legal aliens. So back to OP: an unwitting young illegal here, what do we do? I vote to keep him or her.
    Not me... we have too damn many illegals here now... too many of them expecting handouts and subsidies those of us here legally have to pay for... while many people who are trying to get here legally have to wait and pay large sums of money... and these others who think they are special and above the law and break every law they want. And contrary to what they may claim... they aren't paying their share of taxes.

    Sorry... I fume every damn month when I pay my protgage and my property taxes that are artificially high to pay for illegals in the school system... and 17% of my counties school budget pays for illegals that shouldn't even be here... that costs me thousands of dollars every year in higher property taxes. I vote throw them out. If they leave... file the proper applications from where they belong... and IF they get legal papers to return... then and only then will I welcome them.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 4, 2011, 01:19 PM

    I will go with smoothy here, if they want all of the government benefits and scholarships, let them go and become a citizen or a legal alien, or they can go back to their own country and get a scholarship there for one of those schools.
    Mom of 2's Avatar
    Mom of 2 Posts: 449, Reputation: 90
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    Nov 30, 2011, 06:20 PM
    The law is the law. It is there to protect the American citizens and for those who come to our country LEGALLY! Why should we foot the bill for them while they continue to break the law for being here illegally? Go see a lawyer and start the process to become legal if you want to stay in this country. I agree, this country WAS founded by immigrants and we would not be here if it were not for our ancestors who came from other countries. However, my great grandparents came to this country and went through the process of becoming American citizens. They were hardworking people who loved this country and become citizens because of that.

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