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    whythelleh's Avatar
    whythelleh Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 6, 2011, 11:36 PM
    Help me figure this out
    I *****ing hate life. From the moment where born where expected to gain an education, which leads us to a job. Where then expected to work until the day where physically and mentally unable to do so anymore. We expend so much *****ing time and energy working that we have no time left to truly take advantage of our life's. Although the way our society is set up, if you don't work and don't make money, you can't afford to feed yourself, provide yourself with shelter or indulge in any of life's supposed “pleasures”. And all the while we work, we are simply making some other ****head richer e.g. our boss, or the government (through the payment of taxes). On the side of all of this going on where supposed to meet a partner, love them, marry them and then have kids so they can suffer through all this ****ing bull****.
    A long time back, I accepted how dead ended and pathetic the life's we are supposed to lead are, and I maintained steady employment. Worked my *** off every day, doing a job I hated, and copping abuse from c**ts all *****ing day long. I got by.
    I had a girlfriend at the time, she meant the world to me. One day, she told me she was bored of me and left, moved countries and all. I was *****ing destroyed. I never saw it coming.
    It left me lost and confused and not paying attention to the outside world perhaps as much as I should've been. 2 hours after she left, I walked onto the road and was hit by a car. It shattered both my knee caps, and broke numerous bones in both my legs. As a result, I lost my job.
    Many months have passed, and I still can't walk.
    All this time alone has pointed out to me just how horrid the world and society itself is.
    Since then I've unsuccessfully tried to kill myself 6 times.
    Don't get me wrong this is not a *****ing cry for attention. I just want to ask a question to see if anyone can give me any decent reason as to why I should change the path I'm going down.
    Can anyone give me a single reason, why life is worth living?
    What is so *****ing great about all this *****ing sh*t?
    Honestly what is the point of carrying on?
    ITstudent2006's Avatar
    ITstudent2006 Posts: 2,243, Reputation: 329
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    Jan 6, 2011, 11:46 PM

    You can't judge the entire world and the societies that live within by comparing it to your life and the things you got out of it or didn't get out of it.

    I see someone who is putting a lot of blame in all the wrong places. The world didn't put you were you're at. Society didn't either.

    You are correct, we are expected to do a lot of things, does that mean we have to obey expectatation by expectation? No, it doesn't. Varying the expectations given to us is what creates are own unique paths and lifestyles. If everyone did what was expected of them, the world would be Pleasantville.

    I think you need to sit down and realize that what happened to you was no one's fault but your own. Blaming everything else is easy but wrong.

    I don't need to explain why living is vital. Not only to you but your loved ones too. Don't live your life trying to please everybody else and conform to societies norms and expectations. Live to be happy and make your loved ones happy.
    Nepolean's Avatar
    Nepolean Posts: 24, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 7, 2011, 12:56 AM

    I am sorry that your girlfriend left you and I wish you a speedy recovery.
    I have thought the same way like you have.
    Life can be dull,boring and can even be cruel.
    So, what do you like to do? I mean what kind of job would you like to apply for?
    After you recover from your injuries, try to think what you can do to get the job of your liking.
    Even if you get a job that you don't like, try to think what you can do to make life happy.
    You can do some extra curricular actvities that you love.
    Even if we hate our lives, sometimes it feels good to dedicate ourselves for someone whom we love.
    Maybe you'll meet your soul mate soon. That would make your life better.

    I wish you the following:

    1. You'll get over your physical distress soon
    2. You'll find a good job and you'll fall in love with the sweetest, loveliest girl.
    3. Even if you hate your job, you can think that you are going through all the non-sense for the person that you love the most. You are dedicating your life for her. Life will be good.

    Just be optimistic and pray to God.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jan 7, 2011, 01:18 AM

    I'm only going to answer one part of your post. The last part. Your question "Can anyone give me a single reason, why life is worth living?"

    When I look into my children's eyes, see their joy at being alive, I know life is worth living.

    When I watched my parents die from cancer, but fight until the bitter end to be here with me, their grandson, their loved ones, I know life is worth living.

    When my husband comes home with fudge because he knows how much I love it, I know life is worth living.

    When I talk to friends, have them over, spend time with people I care about, I know that life is worth living.

    When the hard cold winter is over and the grass starts to grow, the trees start to blossom, the tulips pop out, I know life is worth living.

    If tomorrow I lost all of the above, I would still find a way to go on, I would still find worth in living.

    I'm not religious, so I won't spout any of that "God put you on this earth for a reason" stuff. But, I do believe that each person on this earth has a purpose.

    You are so angry. Your entire post is full of anger at what you seem to think are the cards you've been dealt. You have choices. You can find a job you love. You can be optimistic about your life and your future. You can allow yourself to be happy. If you do all of that and finally stop grumbling about the things that have happened, than I'd bet you could meet someone that would enjoy spending her life with you.

    The choice is yours. You can fight and become what you want to be, or you can continue being mad at the world and end up bitter and alone.

    Personally I like the first option.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Jan 7, 2011, 03:09 AM
    Life has no worth, no value, no meaning in and of itself.
    We humans look for worth now that we are out of the caves and trees, no longer just fighting to survive a few years before we died of attacks or injuries or disease or starvation or the elements. We were social primates and our instinct for caring for our young turned into a concept we call love. Love became all for many of us. Working some stupid job (not sure I'd rather go slay the saber tooth tiger, but maybe) was OK when you had love.

    Some people say that the search for knowledge and truth is a reasonable substitute for love, especially if love is missing. Truth and beauty, beauty and truth. Science, history, literature, art, music. When you can make that a career that pays you, even better.

    Others find meaning in loving the world's unfortunate people or animals or habitats.

    (The ones who think there's meaning in riches or power or oppression, I am leaving out.)

    I'm not one who proclaims life (or anything) to be sacred. If someone wants out of life, they should have to right to a peaceful exit, with people around to say goodbye. If you could do that today, would you? Be put to sleep? I for one don't want to live to be 100, or 90, or even 80. I want to be like the Eskimos of old, who would put me out on the ice floe when I couldn't soften hides anymore.

    I'm not encouraging suicide, far from it. I want you to feel free to examine life from all sides and not feel like your bitterness and anger and grief are 'wrong.' You happen to be right, I think, about how meaningless much of our world is, the rat race to have one more iPod and purse and car to get to that deadend job that pays for it all.

    If you can get out, maybe look for a bereavement/grieving group. No one died but it's the same thing. You are not alone, if it's any consolation.
    Nepolean's Avatar
    Nepolean Posts: 24, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 11, 2011, 12:58 AM

    Please answer. What did the doctor say about your legs?
    Please be patient until you are completely healed.

    I too hate my present life. But I know that it would really be heaven if I could live the wonderful life that I have in mind. Instead of committing suicide, I always think the following depending on the situation or mood I am in:

    1. I know that I will live the life that I want to live, all I have to do is to make the right choices
    2. This is an ordeal that I have to survive and once I come out of this it's going to be good
    3. I know... God will help me

    I always sit down and think on what I should do with my life.
    You can make a list of all the things that troubles you and also think and write what you have to do to solve your problems. Try to come up with solutions. I am sure that there solutions to every problem in this world.

    I hope that this helps.

    redhed35's Avatar
    redhed35 Posts: 4,221, Reputation: 1910
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    Jan 11, 2011, 04:11 AM

    Oh please!

    There is plenty to be angry about,children being abused day in day out and no one to help them or listen to them, mothers watching their babies starve to death and can do nothing,families losing their homes and living on he streets,entire countries on the brink of disaster,you watch the news and there is famine flood and fire everywhere.

    Yep,there's certainly plenty to be angry about.

    For you,your girlfriend left,you had an accident and you lost your job,I'm not going to belittle that at all,that sucks,no question there.

    So what are you going to do about it?

    You have options.

    1. stay in the same mind set and be angry,unhappy and discontented.

    2. do something about it,make a change,go for what you want,retrain for a job you love,make a place in the world for you,make your mark.

    No one is coming to your door with a new life for you,you have to go get it.

    Human beings over the decades have found their finest hour and strength when they are overcoming obstacles and tragedies,its in the mistakes,failures and hurt where we learn the most and find the best in ourselves.

    That's worth living for.

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