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    lucygoosey's Avatar
    lucygoosey Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 12, 2010, 10:21 PM
    I'm two weeks late with my period heaps of crampin done blood test and urine test but
    The tests were negative am I pankin too much!
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
    Uber Member

    Jun 12, 2010, 10:30 PM
    Well.. honest truth is you are still in the "dont know one way or another" stage...

    Any negative isn't really a "negative"... as in you are not, for sure, pregnant.

    A negative simply means the failure of the test to detect hormone levels at or above the threshold of the testing limits.

    Its like saying you didn't hear anything... when maybe nobody was calling to you, or maybe they were too far away to hear. Both are possible.

    Wish there was a more definitive answer for you at this time.

    Presumptive symptoms, like cramping, are not definitive. Being late is not definitive. Even negative tests are not definitive answers.

    Time and testing and patience will tell. Wish I could give you more than that, but that is the reality.

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