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    kah07h's Avatar
    kah07h Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 10, 2009, 10:47 PM
    I have not missed my period but I got a positive HCG blood test they say I'm 3 weeks
    :confused:Well the last time I was on here it was June 17th, and I thought I was pregnant I was not. It is now July 11th and I went to the doctor and I took a blood test it was positive. My question is My period is due this Thursday or Friday and they said Im 3 weeks Im confused because I have not missed my period yet
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Aug 15, 2009, 11:45 AM

    They will get a better idea of how far along you are once you have your first ultrasound scan done. HCG levels have a very wide range of normal so trying to date a pregnancy from that is not very accurate.

    It can happen that the last period you had was not actually a period. Many women will have some bleeding in early pregnancy and often believe it to be their period, not realizing just yet that they are actually pregnant.

    Congrats... wishing you a smooth and easy pregnancy!
    Cinqui73's Avatar
    Cinqui73 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 27, 2009, 11:32 AM
    I'm working on the assumption that you had your period in June.

    Did you have a qualitative or quantitative hCG? The numbers CAN vary, but there is still a general reference range - for example, it's highly doubtful someone with an hCG of 2,000 be 3 weeks pregnant! I'm assuming your got a quantitative test and is most likely corresponds with your last period being a true period. They deem you pregnant generally when the number is higher than ~25.

    Positive pregnancy tests before your missed period is more the norm than an abberation, although 3 weeks is indeed pretty early. The implanted pregnancy begins giving off detectable amount of hormone approximately 10-12 days after implantation; this means if you have a 28-day cycle, ovulate on day 11 and the egg is fertilized, you can conceivably (pardon the pun) have a positive pregnancy test by day 21!

    As mentioned above, it is more definitely correlated with ultrasound, but they most likely will not attempt this until your are approximatey six weeks past your last menstrual period. Right now, the baby is nothing more than a speck the size of flea and is embedded deep inside your endometrial lining, therefore not yet visible.

    I know I'm late to the game but in case anyone is searching for an answer to their own situation, I hope this post is helpful.

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