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    shupraja's Avatar
    shupraja Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 10, 2010, 10:35 PM
    My hips and thighs
    Am a las of 18 yrs old. I weight 60 kg . My upper part of my body seems to be perfect but I have huge hips and thighs. My hip size is 34. The pant that fits my hip never fits my thighs so I prefer to get pant at 36. Its my gene and I desperately want to reduce my hips and thighs.
    Whenever I take effort to reduce my weight it shows in my face and my cheeks become down which actually appeals that I have become more thin and am actually not.
    I hardly feel that reducing food to reduce weight is stupidity. I tried going to gym but I couldn't help me out .
    Friends help me out to reduce and maintain the same...
    farfellow's Avatar
    farfellow Posts: 47, Reputation: 6
    Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2010, 12:59 AM

    Do lunges... that helped me lose some of fat on my hips and toned my butt...
    As for thighs... do squats... with your feet apart as your shoulder, feeet facing opposite direction... do as many as can but don't over do it...

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