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    danni2123's Avatar
    danni2123 Posts: 65, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Jul 7, 2008, 09:53 PM
    Trying to get pregnant
    I had a miscarriage in march, I was 3 months pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been trying to get since I had my first period five weeks later. I normally have a 30 to 33 day cycle. I started my period on the July second and I'm wondering when we should have sex. Last month we had sex the 11-20. I don't want to waste his sperm having sex that many days in row if we don't have to. Sooo if anyone could help us that would be great! I'm on prenatal vitamins and I'm almost 21 so don't worry I know what I'm getting into. Thanks in advance;)
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
    Pets Expert

    Jul 7, 2008, 09:54 PM
    Every women is different, have you tried an ovulation kit? You can get them at the pharmacy, Walmart carries them too.

    Good luck. :)
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
    Uber Member

    Jul 8, 2008, 07:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by danni2123
    i had a miscarriage in march, i was 3 months pregnant. my bf and i have been trying to get since i had my first period five weeks later. i normally have a 30 to 33 day cycle. i started my period on the july second and im wondering when we should have sex. last month we had sex the 11-20. i dont want to waste his sperm having sex that many days in row if we dont have to. sooo if anyone could help us that would be great! im on prenatal vitamins and im almost 21 soo dont worry i know what im getting into. thanks in advance;)

    A rough guide would put you the week of the 14th through the 20th (12-16 days before your next period is likely due starting with the shortest cycle), however... as Altenweg said, everyone is different. You may tend to ovulate earlier or later and if you limit sex to just that week you could miss the mark by just days. One suggestion is to have sex every other day or every third day throughout the entire cycle... with maybe a few extra sessions the week you think you are most likely to be fertile.
    Miller11's Avatar
    Miller11 Posts: 40, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Jul 8, 2008, 06:51 PM
    After having a miscarriage you may want to hold off trying for another baby unless your doctor says its okay

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