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    yoginisue's Avatar
    yoginisue Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 3, 2008, 12:15 PM
    How to wean off prednisone and on to msn?
    I have been on 5 mg twice a day dose of prednisone for about 3 months now. My doctor wants me to wean off it and onto methotrexate but I'm afraid of this drug. I would like to try msn but am not sure just how to do this. Does anyone have any ideas? I have rheumatoid arthritis.
    20anonymous08's Avatar
    20anonymous08 Posts: 74, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Jul 3, 2008, 12:31 PM
    Hi I also have rheumtoid arthritis. I started on prednisone and have been on methotrexate for about a year and a half. Why are you afraid of it? Let me know what concerns you have. I was also scared of the drug before I started. I have never heard of MSN though what it that? I have been on a few different drugs for the arthritis.
    chansey's Avatar
    chansey Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 27, 2010, 05:57 PM
    My dr put me on prednisone four years ago for contact dermatitis and I've been on 30 mgs. I like the way it clears up my skin but the moon face and the weight gain are killing me. I also have a bad hip now which I'm assuming is due to the med. Now, the pred doesn't seem to work and I'm sure diet is playing a role. I have many allergies and sensitivities and no insurance and no money. I want to wean as well and start an all natural life style with organic foods and cleaning products. Im hoping I can do it because I can't go anywhere with this swollen red itchy hivey face. I hear horror stories about weaning and I hope I have no such problems.

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