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    aufo8mycow's Avatar
    aufo8mycow Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2006, 07:49 AM
    Assistance required. Am I nuts?
    Hello Folks.
    Please forgive me if I get any of the etiquette wrong as this is my first post so please forgive me.
    I feel, somewhat silly for even asking this but I am hoping one of your readers can give me some indications. As I am beginning to feel I maybe psychic. Incidentally you lot are the first persons I have told this too next to my sister.
    Just a quick list of things that have happened to me:
    I see little white lights or just movement.
    Dream't school burnt down 1 night before it happened (1982)
    Dream't 9/11 Attacks while staying in the states 4 weeks before it happened (2001)
    Dreamt 7/7 bus bomb attack London 2 weeks before it happened (2005)
    Dreamt 6 numbers, put them on lottery and 4 came up winning £67 (1996)
    Seen various types of ghosts (not sure though) but to name a few and more recently black cat, even though we don't have a cat. Sat on the sofa washing his belly with his paw up, looked away for a second then realized we don't have a cat and it was gone (also a few people have seen this after me)
    Knowing the phone is going to ring
    Having a feeling I will get a visits from so and so and later in the evening getting it.
    Having a good feel day or a bad feel day, usually bad feel days something bad happens. (although this could be psychological I guess)

    Furthermore, I seem to be able to tell if a house is haunted, feeling a heavy type of pressure, sometimes my throat feels like it has lots of mucus in it and I have to swallow often.
    Anyway, forgive all this rambling. What made me write this is that the other night I had a dream (well nightmare actually) and woke up to see a face floating to the right of me although I couldn't make out features it seemed to keep changing or trying to say something to me. I got up (actually walking around the face) and turned the light on and it was gone. Every time something like this happens I put it down to either not really happening or just I was asleep. I don't seem to have any form of ESP, with the playing cards etc. I am also at university so have quite a scientific mind. All this feels like nonsense and I feel absolutely stupid for even writing this but I think I am going to go completely nuts if I don't find out what it is that haunts me. Either my own runaway mind or something completely different.
    There is a lot more that has happened, but at the risk of boring you all to sleep I won't go on.
    However, if there are any psychics out there, does this sound like something familiar to you or should I just forget it and carry on with my studies.
    Incidentally I am a mature student of 30 so not a kid with a desire to play Buffy. Rather the opposite. I don't think I could tell anyone even if I was.
    Your help is greatly appreciated.
    Kindest Regards
    Sean Marson
    Zipper's Avatar
    Zipper Posts: 116, Reputation: 8
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    Feb 11, 2006, 07:01 PM
    Sean, as a mature student I'm sure you are aware that what you have presented us with is anecdotal. None of it is provable, or repeatable and your various "premonitions" since they are reported after the fact carry little weight.
    I don't want to sound negative on this, but many years of scientific experiments starting with J.B.Rhine in the 1940's have failed to provide any firm basis for paranormal powers in human beings. Every time an exceptional medium or psychic is tested initial results exceed chance but on repeat the results are no more than would be found by guessing.
    In short, by all means enjoy your own sense of being more aware than others but avoid involvement with any kind of organisation that claims to use or hone such skills.
    Perhaps you could talk with members of the faculty in the Psychology Department, they are often interested in running experiments for post graduate studies.
    chained_to_the_wind's Avatar
    chained_to_the_wind Posts: 11, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 11, 2006, 07:31 PM
    ZIpper I disagree... can you expect something beyond anecdote to be written here to prove the psychic phenominon to you? Lol.. that's not what the post is about.. the post is about living a real life situation..

    As for testing psychics.. and with regard to the original post too.. how do you expect someone could read playing cards anyway?. when playing cards have no human emotion attached to them...

    This is difficult to explain.. but what I mean is... humans or human objects or places they've dwelled.. or anything alive or conscious has feelings and energies about them to be sensed.. there is no feeling attached with the 7 of clubs lol... you can't put something like this into a laboratory so don't even take it there...

    I agree however.. about avoiding involvement with these kinds of organisations.. and I'll add.. that includes anyone who would think you were nuts... there's no need to go down that road!. just because the majority of people won't relate to your experiences.. it doesn't matter..

    As for the experiences themselves.. there's really no need to think in terms of "hauntings".. ….. people who are alive are generally polite and well mannered.. so there's no reason they be any different afterlife... its just films and movies which bring about this reputation... I wouldn't actively invite spirits to be around me.. but if one comes.. it'll be with love.. otherwise God forbid it! With this in mind.. try relaxing with their presence.. I believe they're around you anyway even at times you can't see them… so explore and develop.. no doubt you'll find fulfilment and peace of mind along with the more you learn…

    I'm interested in your experiences.. any nice co-incidences that happen.. let me know..

    Best Wishes

    aufo8mycow's Avatar
    aufo8mycow Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 12, 2006, 04:17 AM
    This wasn't about prooving what had happened to me, or to validate if paranormal experiances happen. I know what is happening to me, I know what I see and I know what I feel. This was never about prooving it to you. All I wanted to know if others had felt the same and if so what did they put it down to.
    That is all.. Sean
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Feb 12, 2006, 04:27 AM
    Over the years, since my teenage years I have had many many dreams that would come true. Feelings and thoughts and very good intuition. Dreams coming true is a form of ESP. Yes, you do have it. Yes, you are more sensitive to certain surroundings and you pick up on your surroundings in other ways besides the 5 senses. What people need to remember (Meaning the Skeptics) is that we only use 10 percent of our brain. Guess what, that leaves a whole 90 percent of the brain unexplored. I have a journel that I write most my dreams in. Yes, I still have dreams that come true. There are some that I do not want to come true but we can not control things and we need to accept that God has a will for everybody and that when there is a message that needs to be given we will get it. I would not hide away. I would not deny your experiances. Except them and show them to people you completely trust. Like your family and other loved ones. Now I am babbling. If you want to share more of your experiances please email me, send me messages or just simply reply. I would love to here all of your experiances and I will share you mine. Your not nuts. I am not eighter.

    Zipper's Avatar
    Zipper Posts: 116, Reputation: 8
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    Feb 12, 2006, 06:11 AM
    Chained / Sean: Please understand I'm not trying to disprove anything. I've studied the paranormal for many years and the Rhine Zener card experiments were only the first attempts to quantify the experiences.
    Yes, the human mind has minuscule electrical signals operating within its system and perhaps some people are in some way highly atuned to this - my point is that repeated experiments using more and more refined equipment have failed to substantiate this.
    As far as "premonitions" are concerned my own feeling is that with the billions of people in the world having dreams the laws of probability mean that someone, somewhere will have a dream that mirrors some real life event.
    This is exactly the same of the millions that dream of Lotto numbers, somebody will have the right numbers, but I don't consider that supernatural.
    Strange things DO happen that seem unexplainable, but often turn to smoke when analysed logically, so I'm always open to hear of people's personal experiences.
    chained_to_the_wind's Avatar
    chained_to_the_wind Posts: 11, Reputation: 4
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    Feb 12, 2006, 11:24 AM
    Joe and Sean..

    I think these experiences are down to a kind of duality of existence.. Zipper, for example, exists as both matter and spirit.. he acts upon his thoughts, based upon his feelings, based upon his soul.. maybe it all is connected...

    Maybe matter as our eyes or microscopes can see it.. could just as easily be seen by the heart or mind of one who has become.. or one who is psychic by nature.. in another form.. and neither form is more the objects true nature than the other...

    I just saw something move through the air in my room as I pondered this.. so lol.. you're not alone... its just a part of life... and yes Zipper that's totally unsubstantiable.. and no.. Actually my eye sight is perfect.. I have a nutritionally balanced diet.. I don't take drugs.. or medication.. and I'm not looking for attention.. etc... in 2004 as I wrote in another post.. the police took me to a mental hospital.. so I've had too much attention already thank you very much..

    .. in terms of the am I nuts question... 500 psychiatrists could say yes.. and I'd still say no certainly not... all I can say is.. one time people and the best scientists thought the world was flat.. so who cares what experiments have been done even today in 2006… or about this Rhine Zener thing... the most reliable thing we will ever have is our own human experience...

    To answer your specific question sean.. "what did they put it down to".. I put it down to aspects of about 3 religions.. including Christianity, Spiritualism and Hinduism.. and I think we are all looking for peace...

    God Bless

    arsinator's Avatar
    arsinator Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 13, 2006, 09:27 PM
    Sean, if you don't mind my two cents, here is what I think may be going on. There is a spiritual warfare going on all around us at all times. I think that you are one of those persons who are sensitive to the spiritual conflict. I think that if you believe in Christianity at all, that you need to get on your knees and ask God for angels to protect you from the attacks from the evil one. The Bible talks about all the things that you mentioned. I don't mean to offend you, just giving my two cents.

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