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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Racist, well I'll have to let my abo's go loose, goose, then won't I. Racist because I don't want my country overrun by middle eastern and south asian yobboos, because I don't want the same conditions you enjoy to arise here. Because I don't want an underclass. Declare your hispanics citizens and then speak to me of racism. When I look at Obama I don't see a black man, can you say the same?

    It is not racist to be anti-muslim, anti-terrorist and anti-bullshiite. We, in this country, are fed to the teeth with multi-culturism, an idea completely foreign and imported from northern climes who now wish they had never thought of it. Our original inhabitants are unimpressed with boat people, discuss racism with them
    I rest my case.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, Steve:

    Nahhh... It's a non existent victory in the non existent war on women...

    non existent excon
    What's odd is on the "affordable" health care thread the argument is people should be happy to be forced to purchase coverage that's provides better care, while on this one you're arguing women should be happy to have less stringent standards of care.

    You libs make no sense.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 29, 2013, 06:28 AM
    Originally Posted by talaniman
    Breaking News

    Federal judge: Texas abortion limits unconstitutional
    Don't tell me, it's a racist law.
    Sexist is a better word.
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    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:30 AM
    Hello again, Steve:
    You libs make no sense.
    Well, when you grasp that the law to require a doctor to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, has NOTHING to do with care, and EVERYTHING to do with closing down the clinic, you'll understand.

    But, I ain't holding my breath..

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    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:43 AM
    Hello again, Steve, my very, VERY naive friend:
    But, I ain't holding my breath..
    I been thinking... You really CAN'T believe that trap laws are designed to protect women.. You CAN'T...

    If you came upon a 3 Card Monty player on the street, you'd IMMEDIATELY recognize that the PURPOSE of the game was NOT to offer the player a chance to win money, but to STRIP the player of his money...

    That's what trap laws are for. It's the ONLY reason. The INTENTION of the law is to SHUT DOWN abortion clinics, and it was going to DO that before the judge stepped in..

    Look, my friend.. I'd have a LOT more respect for you if you'd ADMIT that you KNOW what trap laws are for, instead of pretending they're for the health of the woman...

    If in fact, you BELIEVE 3 Card Monty is an honest game of chance, then I have some real estate to sell you..

    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, Steve:

    Well, when you grasp that the law to require a doctor to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, has NOTHING to do with care, and EVERYTHING to do with closing down the clinic, you'll understand.

    But, I ain't holding my breath..

    And in light of Gosnell you have no issues with making sure women have quality care.

    The State’s Exhibits appear to be devastating to the abortion clinic’s arguments that abortion is so safe that hospital privileges are unnecessary.

    A declaration submitted by John Thorp, Jr., M.D. notes that hospital privileges make it more likely that abortionists can effectively care for patients. He stated that 73% of hospitals report inadequate on-call coverage by specialists, especially Ob/Gyns. Dr. Thorp also concluded that hospital privileges prevents patient abandonment by itinerate physicians.

    A declaration by James C. Anderson, M.D. states that the new law “will most likely improve the quality of care…and enhance patient follow-up care after an abortion.”

    Anderson continued, “As stated earlier, I have worked in local Emergency Rooms across Virginia for over thirty years. When women have come to the Emergency Room with complications related to an abortion, never once have I received a phone call initiated by the provider conveying information about the abortion, the young woman’s condition or potential complications. I have always had to evaluate the situation, come to my own conclusions, and initiate what I thought was appropriate treatment. This definitely created some time delays that were not in the patient’s best interest. I have called many abortion clinic physicians but never once has the provider come to the Emergency Room to assume care. I have always had to call a staff physician. This then creates another delay since the staff physician is taking care of his/her own patients, but now must change his/her schedule to assume the care of someone else’s patient. These delays can have life-threatening implications when dealing with hemorrhage or infection.”

    Dr. Anderson cites the cases of 35 abortion clinics and providers from recent news stories as “illustrative of the need for state regulation of abortion practice and conformity to standards of care in medicine.” Those cases include that of Ann Kristin Neuhaus in Kansas, Feliciano Rios and Andrew Rutland in California, Rapin Osathanondh in Massachusetts, Alberto Hodari in Michigan, and ten abortionists in Texas who were discovered to have committed violations during an undercover investigation conducted in 2010 by Operation Rescue and The Survivors, and other cases.
    I can admit that such laws will either force abortionists to provide quality care or close, I have no problem with that. I don't believe any woman should face the prospect of a Gosnell.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    I can admit that such laws will either force abortionists to provide quality care or close, I have no problem with that. I don't believe any woman should face the prospect of a Gosnell.
    If they do abortions at a walk-in/women's clinic, it must be a Gosnell-type clinic.
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    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 06:59 AM
    I said nothing of the sort, I said women deserve quality care. Why would any reputable abortionist, an oxymoron if ever there was one, not have admitting privileges? Why would they not want to care for their patient in the hospital?

    It's more of the absolute contradiction that is liberal/progressive America. Whine about anti-choice Americans while limiting our choices. Forcing us to pay for better care while denying higher standards to women facing an abortion. It makes no sense.
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    Oct 29, 2013, 07:07 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Why would any reputable abortionist, an oxymoron if ever there was one
    So it's not the cleanliness of the clinic that bothers you. It's what they might be doing inside.
    It's more of the absolute contradiction that is liberal/progressive America. Whine about anti-choice Americans while limiting our choices. Forcing us to pay for better care while denying higher standards to women facing an abortion. It makes no sense.
    Isn't Republican closing of walk-in/women's clinics exactly that -- limiting women's choices? and forcing us to go to high-priced hospitals where they charge $$ for your "welcome pack" of toothpaste/toothbrush/tissues/deodorant/paper slippers?
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    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 07:18 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    So it's not the cleanliness of the clinic that bothers you. It's what they might be doing inside.

    Isn't Republican closing of walk-in/women's clinics exactly that -- limiting women's choices? and forcing us to go to high-priced hospitals where they charge $$ for your "welcome pack" of toothpaste/toothbrush/tissues/deodorant/paper slippers?
    I make no pretense that I don't despise abortion or that such laws may limit "choice", I've been very clear and non-contradictory about that. I'm not the one that remained silent about the horrors in Philadelphia while fighting every effort to set standards of care and loudly,hypocritically for years and years claiming they want to make abortion "safe and rare."
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Oct 29, 2013, 07:20 AM
    Hello again, Steve:
    And in light of Gosnell you have no issues with making sure women have quality care.
    If Gosnell were the norm instead of a criminal, certainly. But, it's NOT.
    Andrea Ferrigno, vice president of Whole Woman's Health, which operates for-profit abortion clinics in five Texas cities, testified Tuesday on the potential impact of the law on two clinics in the Rio Grande Valley. Abortions account for 90 percent of the company's business, she said.

    The company so far has approached 32 hospitals and submitted 15 applications for privileges without success, Ferrigno said. Ferrigno acknowledged under cross examination that none of the applications has been rejected. She said she didn't know whether they will ultimately be accepted or denied.

    State law also bans abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy and, as of Sept. 1, 2014, will require clinics to meet the same standards as ambulatory surgical centers. Those provisions weren't challenged in Planned Parenthood's lawsuit.

    The law says any doctor who performs abortions must have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles (48 kilometers) of his clinic. The rule is unjustified because fewer than 0.3 percent of abortions nationwide result in hospitalization, according to Planned Parenthood.
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    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 07:26 AM
    And you believe everything Planned Parenthood says. Bwa ha ha!
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 29, 2013, 07:26 AM
    Abortions or most female reproductive services can be done safely in a doctors office. Why make them go to a hospital? And what hospital wants a doctor who has no need to admit patients?

    And not all abortion facilities are the rat infested unclean place that the right paints them to be. If you cannot understand that the Texas law creates obstacles then you must have an agenda besides safety or health.
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    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 07:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Abortions or most female reproductive services can be done safely in a doctors office. Why make them go to a hospital? And what hospital wants a doctor who has no need to admit patients?
    Things go wrong.

    And not all abortion facilities are the rat infested unclean place that the right paints them to be. If you cannot understand that the Texas law creates obstacles then you must have an agenda besides safety or health.
    Already answered, and in the spirit of the OP if you can't see I despise racism you must have an agenda besides ending racism.
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    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 29, 2013, 07:51 AM
    Things that go wrong are not widespread or the norm for 99.9% of clients and middle class clients have had no such obstacles placed before them because they have insurance to pay for a private doctor. That's the whole key for making abortions rare.

    To address racism, which is only a small part of hate, you must first address inequality. You may not change a sick mind, but you can make sure the law is applied equally to all and protection under the law is equal. You cannot outlaw racist thinking, but you can outlaw racist behavior.

    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 29, 2013, 08:12 AM
    That's the whole key for making abortions rare.
    Nah ,making abortions rare was just another lie . They want it free ;and on demand .
    Evidently safe is optional .
    Free Abortions on Demand Without Apology | The Nation
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 08:16 AM
    Things that go wrong are not widespread or the norm for 99.9% of clients and middle class clients have had no such obstacles placed before them because they have insurance to pay for a private doctor. That's the whole key for making abortions rare.
    You know PP is in this not only for an agenda but to make PROFIT while obfuscating how they get all that revenue, but those evil profits don't concern you any more than making sure women have access to that "safe" abortion they preach. And no, having insurance is not the key to making abortions rare. That's a ridiculous argument.

    To address racism, which is only a small part of hate, you must first address inequality. You may not change a sick mind, but you can make sure the law is applied equally to all and protection under the law is equal. You cannot outlaw racist thinking, but you can outlaw racist behavior.

    No, I disagree. We don't need more laws and the ones we have now have spurred a lot of resentment as it is and in some areas as segregated as ever. As I've said before until your side stops fanning the flames racism will always be an issue, Democrats WANT it to remain an issue.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 29, 2013, 08:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Things go wrong.
    Women have home births all the time. That must be even risker and, gosh, should be forbidden because she is pushing out an 8+ pound object (instead of a miniscule one). Things could go wrong! New law = no more home births.
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    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Oct 29, 2013, 08:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Women have home births all the time. That must be even risker and, gosh, should be forbidden because she is pushing out an 8+ pound object (instead of a miniscule one). Things could go wrong! New law = no more home births.
    Giving birth is a natural event taking place for millennia, induced abortion is medical intervention.
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    Oct 29, 2013, 08:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Giving birth is a natural event taking place for millennia, induced abortion is medical intervention.
    Guess how many home births are not totally natural and need medical intervention of some kind. That little object doesn't just slip out effortlessly.

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