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    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Oct 8, 2008, 01:00 PM
    My oh mY!
    BMI and Historian Chick!
    Where on earth have you been?
    See,what happens when I don't hear from both of you?
    Thanks for the input and advice,and thanks for sharing that you (BMI) did the same things too.
    Alo you're right Histchick, I should definitely not attempt to do this again

    Dr. J,
    I knew you'd like that, creole plantation slave,
    I study antebellum history and live in New orleans, and I am Creole descent.
    The plantation creole house slaves are the ones who always get slapped by their mistresses,and treated like dirt ,usually if/when their mistress get jealous. Due to the fct their ,the mistresses,husbands are always hitting on them.
    I just made that analogy, because that's how I feel, as if someone slapped me and treated me as if I don't count like he did.
    I'm hoping for the day that our paths will cross, but he lives in another country/planet it seems. Both people tell me, I il hear from him,even if its indirectly,
    That's after I put that voodoo hex on him,j.kidding :)
    But that's where my test begins, I have to stop hoping to ever hear from him and BMI is right, he made no effort at all
    He can go on as if I don't exist fine. Maybe one day I will get the last word,and perhaps by then I won't care
    Have you ever had this happen to you Dr,J? That's my name for you if you don't mind.
    HistorianChick's Avatar
    HistorianChick Posts: 2,556, Reputation: 825
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    Oct 8, 2008, 01:12 PM

    :) Aww... I've been here... just not as "present" as I would like. Its been a rough few months.

    Be strong, Viva, dear. You can do this. Remember, its all a mental struggle. You can "wash that man right out of your hair" (you tube that song and watch it! Its from the musical South Pacific)...

    Much, much luck to you! :)
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Oct 8, 2008, 03:18 PM


    I am going through this RIGHT now... and honestly, I should listen to my own advice.

    I am probably the worst at sticking to any type of NC with an ex.

    I put myself through a lot of unneeded agony sometimes :D I guess I am a bit of a gluten for punishment... oh well. That's just me.

    But through it all, I do manage to maintain a good friendship with my ex's... or at least a close acquaintance.

    Oh and should you ever cross paths with him again... be sure to make HIM YOUR plantation creole house slave ;)
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Oct 8, 2008, 06:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle View Post

    I am going through this RIGHT now... and honestly, I should listen to my own advice.

    I am probably the worst at sticking to any type of NC with an ex.

    I put myself through a lot of unneeded agony sometimes :D I guess I am a bit of a gluten for punishment... oh well. Thats just me.

    But thru it all, I do manage to maintain a good friendship with my ex's... or at least a close acquaintance.

    Oh and should you ever cross paths with him again... be sure to make HIM YOUR plantation creole house slave ;)
    I like that,ands sell his butt at the auction block-you should be practicing NC too if someone treats you like a Virginia field slave,you seem to nice'
    You really think our paths would ever cross? he seemed to be Gone with the Wind""
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 23, 2008, 07:45 PM
    Is it me,am I scaring men or is it cyber relationships?
    Hello Everyone
    I appreciate al the support I have received in my previous posts and I know I can always turn to the AMHD community for some honest blunt advice,as well as support.
    Well last time I posted I met this guy online,frm another forum and we became fast friends,email and call,text each other and he said he was going to make plans to fly and meet me, He's up North,I'm Down south,land of dixie.
    Then he disspeared on me,after I sent my pics,even when he said they were nice,
    But have never returned my emails,or texts,just plain ignored me which really hurt.
    I found out in the forum where he posted and dmitted to arranging a date w/someone else,that
    Explained his not returning any of my messages.which to me is beyond rude.
    What's worse is that I broke NC after 6 months to my original heartbreaker,
    The guy who lives in another continent,whom I met online also
    Against ny better judgment,but nothing has changed
    He seemd happy to hear from me and siad he like for us to talk again
    But hasn't called me or make any effort,dead end as usual.
    Thing is after he broke my heart months ago, I kept making friends w/guys online
    Who have similar circumstances to him,broke up w/their girlfriends
    So managed to strike friendship w/them.
    My problem is they stop writing or not even bother return any of my calls or emails,
    Mind you I do no bombard pple with messages if they don't want to be bothered
    What I don't get isthese are the same men who goes on these forums and moan about how thie exes treat them like dirt and here they go on and treat someone who just want to be friends likredirt.
    The guy who lived in another continent was the worst of all ( I wrote many posts on him)
    And has moved on which makes me angry how is it that he can easily find someone
    Knowing what a jerk he is and was to me,(I know its my fault for dealing w/him)
    And here I am I keep getting snubbed by these men
    So I want to know is it me or something wrong w/me the whole online cyber friendship/or possibly relationship thing.
    Now these places where I nteract with guys are not online dating sites,but guys that are on broken hearts forums,
    Because they seem to understand w ell what I'm going through and became great support-
    Plus they see my pics and all commented that I was very pretty,unlike disappearing guy
    My aunt told me to actually try dating online sites, but I am so burned out by the way
    Guys can act online and disappear on people,why should I try
    Also I am trying my best to meet guys in person,I live in small university town,which I am near graduation,and is planning to go back to the big city where I'mfrom
    But I hardly have money to make that kind of move
    My aunt says I am looking for water in the desert,(due to my location) and I should conider moving.
    I just want to know how am I turning these guys off? And why do they ignore my messages after they are the ones who seemd interested in talking to me,and to cry abou ttheir woes,and mean exes, I am beginning to wonder maybe their exes are justified
    Fact is I made mistake reconnecting w/the first guy which is proven dead end.
    Should I give the whole onlien thing the heave ho?
    Don't want to pay for dating sites to have guys act the same way,it is really hurting me
    What can I do?
    Sorry for long post, hope its not confusing,I 'll clarify anything that needs clarifying, Thanks!
    TrueFaith's Avatar
    TrueFaith Posts: 1,202, Reputation: 313
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    Nov 23, 2008, 07:59 PM

    I think that is your problem right there.

    But from what I read.. it gives me the impression that you are a very very lonely women.
    Who's one thought in life.. is to have a relationship
    And can not stand rejection
    And over thinks things way too much

    You go after people with broken hearts. And they don't have enough time to heal.

    While they are healing they are talking with you..
    Then.. they either lose interest.. which happens online.. and its easy to do.

    Or they find someone else that sparks there interest.

    You are so looking in the wrong place..
    And you are going about this all wrong.

    I think you should lose the safety of the computer world.

    And really get out there.. and find local places to meet people. I mean even if there is nothing in your area.

    Take the train or buss.. and go to another town.
    There are so many things you can do.

    Stop looking online for love.
    And just stop looking for it. The people that want it the most.. never normaly get it.

    Its when you don't look for it.. it creeps up on you.
    And you know why.

    Because you don't project that image of needy and want.
    You are just you.. going about your own world. Doing your own thing and having fun

    Not in broken heart chat rooms.. being a shoulder for people to cry on.

    Get out in the real world
    And stop thinking about online buddies and all that.. stuff.

    Because in the end.. it does not mean anything.

    What matters here.. is you.
    You get your life together.
    Planned out.
    And get on that road.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 23, 2008, 08:08 PM
    Several issues,

    A large percent of men online are not really looking to date, and many will not actually travel.

    And some of those that do are just chatting with a dozen ladies and looking for a lot of sex with differnet women.

    Then you have some that may be serious but are chatting to several and in the end decide on one or two to meet.

    Several sites are pretty good, eharmony is very good for finding more local people, at least not more than a hour or two drive away.

    The problem with long distance, you chat for a couple months, meet, and chat antoher couple months, well where is it going to go, who is going to move to the location of the other, are you willing to marry or move in with a person you only meet a couple times in person?

    I have started dating myself this month and it is hard. Getting turned down by local people or worried about nut cases you may meet online.

    I have nothing against online dating, it is just that people are moving too fast without any face to face meeting,;

    But you need to have one strong rule, if they are still crying about their exs and their relationships don't even talk to them. Find someone who is happy with thierself, OK living alone if they have to, but just wanting to expand their lives with a new partner.
    Until they are ready to actual start dating ( completely over their ex) you dn't need to have anything to do with them.
    High Max's Avatar
    High Max Posts: 271, Reputation: 43
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    Nov 23, 2008, 08:18 PM

    It depends. A lot of guys online are shallow and selective, and may just be big talking. Are you a good looking girl? Be honest.
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 23, 2008, 08:53 PM
    Thanks True Faith,and Fr Chuck and yes to the last guy I get lots a whistle and mean stares frm women w/their boyfrends-not to sound shallow
    Sure I got some guys liking me,but they're usually old enough to be my father.
    You are right faith and Fr chuck,I'm going this not the right way
    Men online are probably talking to more than I female online just like I talk 2 different guys but I don't act flaky like they once they meet someone that sparks interest
    It seems they toss people aside and then months later come crying online how that person act flaky.
    Its not that I handle rejection,well... who actually enjoys it,
    But I feel as though I'm getting more of my fair share and its not helping-
    Well many times I do get innterested in someone unavailable in real world,like a married man or professors,who are married.
    I really considering reloacting once I have the cash,I don't want to be an old maid stuck in this small college town-especially if I'm not frm here
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Nov 23, 2008, 09:13 PM

    The right one always comes along when we aren't expecting it Vivia , just be patient. Besides THE ONE is always worth waiting for :)
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 23, 2008, 11:07 PM

    You don't really think most of those online guys are telling the truth, and they sure as heck have a lot of lonely females on their string.

    As was said, stop looking for love, and companionship online, when you can build a life that you enjoy with friends, and activities, you love, and just explore you.

    When your happy with yourself, you'll meet someone to share it with.

    Then you won't have to take chances with the online Romeo's looking for a quick, and easy target.

    Don't look for love, when you can build a life, where ever you are.
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 24, 2008, 12:55 PM

    I appreciate this Tali and Friend,
    You guys are always right on the spot,if only I can actually let this sink in my head,
    Its just fustrating that's all
    See me w/out relationship and jerks who screwed me over are having a ball
    kctiger's Avatar
    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Nov 24, 2008, 01:00 PM

    Don't worry about finding love... worry about finding love within yourself. The over glorification of having to have that special someone causes people to rush into relationships that are meaningless and do more harm than good. Love will find you, and me, for that matter. You are way too good of a person to feel down.
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 24, 2008, 06:50 PM
    Thank you that's very sweet,so the adage is true you don't go looking for love
    kctiger's Avatar
    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Nov 24, 2008, 06:53 PM

    Love will find all of us... sometimes we are just too blind with other things that we don't even realize it. Keep your chin up!
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 24, 2008, 06:56 PM

    I appreciate that,
    I really thought it was my fault, well maybe the signals I give out, its crazy how some folks act like you mean the world to them and then act as thou don't exist,
    Like the first runner
    kctiger's Avatar
    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Nov 24, 2008, 06:58 PM

    Yes, it is funny how much people change in what seems like a short amount of time. I know what you mean. Rest easy in knowing you will mean the world to someone someday... and that will be real. Just wasn't meant to be this time, but it will happen. Don't sweat it! :)
    vivia12's Avatar
    vivia12 Posts: 143, Reputation: 15
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    Nov 24, 2008, 07:04 PM
    Yes someday I'll meet someone nice
    When the economy is booming and everyone's are buying 50,00 vehicles!
    Sorry don't mean to be tad pestimistic
    Must be the full Cajun moon shining on the bayou
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Nov 24, 2008, 07:09 PM

    People don't change , some people just give you a false impression when you first meet them to impress you.

    We all find out in the long run what a person is REALLY like. Sounds like you were lucky Vivia to find someone isn't what you initially thought before you invested too much.

    Like I said earlier just be patient and you'll find the right one when you aren't even looking.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 24, 2008, 08:45 PM

    It also depends on what your requirements are, I find I meet many ladies who want the man to have at least a 75,000 income to be considered, and some want over 100,000 income. So what you want in a partner often comes out.

    And then others seem to be on dating sites not wanting to really DATE, I have talked to several ladies this week
    Chat on one, and they want to chat, not meet for coffee, not go to dinner, online is a way to meet, but dating is still dating.

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