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    nicki143's Avatar
    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 09:48 AM
    OK and you have a great day to with the in laws.
    The elections do not really effect us being over the pond so to speak
    Have a great day
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 24, 2008, 11:05 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Allheart
    Hi Sky -

    Warm greetings, Allheart!

    I'm so sorry - I didn't answer this. :confused: I thought I did, but I didn't.
    How are you? I hope well :)

    I am well! To God Be the Glory!!

    Before I read, can you share with me who Don is. Do you mind?

    The best person to answer that for you is Don. You can read the account of what happened to him in the following webpage and his wonderful ministry that ensued, after his brush with death. This is such a truly inspiring story that it has led me to truly see why he writes about Jesus, Heaven and Salvation as he does! Congratulations and Blessings to him and his faith in God!

    Don Piper Ministries

    On another note, I was surprised to see the conversation that has begun in this thread from page seven forward that is really off-topic to what we have been speaking about. I realize the person you are conversing with says they are a non-Believer but I would prefer that this thread stick only to your original question "What did God intend for us?", and the obvious answer to that is that He intended that we become Saved so as to have an eternal place in Heaven with Him to live in Peace, Light, Tranquility and Love when we pass on and that we come to realize that that is the only way to go if we truly care about our soul when we leave this world and what will happen to it afterwards.
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    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 11:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by SkyGem
    The best person to answer that for you is Don. You can read the account of what happened to him in the following webpage and his wonderful ministry that ensued, after his brush with death. This is such a truly inspiring story that it has led me to truly see why he writes about Jesus, Heaven and Salvation as he does! Congratulations and Blessings to him and his faith in God!

    Don Piper Ministries

    On another note, I was surprised to see the conversation that has begun in this thread from page seven forward that is really off-topic to what we have been speaking about. I realize the person you are conversing with says they are a non-Believer but I would prefer that this thread stick only to your original question "What did God intend for us?", and the obvious answer to that is that He intended that we become Saved so as to have an eternal place in Heaven with Him to live in Peace, Light, Tranquility and Love when we pass on and that we come to realize that that is the only way to go if we truly care about our soul when we leave this world and what will happen to it afterwards.
    So what you are saying then is that she should not be speaking or writing to a non beliver
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 24, 2008, 12:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicki143
    so what you are saying then is that she should not be speaking or writing to a non beliver
    It is simply amazing how you would immediately jump to that conclusion or try to conveniently extrapolate from what I was saying. If you would, go back and re-read what I wrote about that and no where do I mention what you are saying other than to say that in my opinion it is inappropriate to go off-topic and talk about children, etc. since this forum and thus, this thread specifically states: "Religious Discussions: What did God Intend for Us?". The Key is Religious Discussions and it appears that you did not want to engage in this by all of what you have been saying with your replies other than to say that you are a non-Believer. It makes it increasingly difficult to follow a serious thread where one would have to almost read each and every reply to see if it is germane to the subject matter and perhaps offer a reply as I have been doing with Allheart. Allheart, as I can see, enjoys speaking with most everyone and that is certainly her right but it is quite distracting when I am trying to follow a thread and it has gone off-topic into another area. That is the long explanation of it.

    nicki143's Avatar
    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 12:34 PM
    Well sorry but yeah I am a non beliver and as for what I can see god intent for us was a life of misery pain and suffering. If this god is so good and loving why does allow children to die or suffer abuse.
    From what I know about religion you are promised a happy afterlife correct me if I am wrong.
    But what if I am right and when you die that is it the end you have lived a life of pain and suffering for nothing
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 24, 2008, 01:41 PM
    I am sorry to both Sky and Nicki -

    In other threads I have also been flagged down for going off topic. I felt a little more comfortable here, because I thought it was good to share a part of each other, with each, as I think that is also what God would want.

    But Nicki to you specifically I do apologize, because no matter the topic, relationships, religious disccusions, they do tend to like for us to stay on topic. So I do apologize, but I still enjoyed it very much.

    Sky, again I am sorry - and will read what you provided.

    Sorry again everyone :(.
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 24, 2008, 01:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicki143
    Well sorry

    Nicki143, no problem! We are now back on topic.

    but yeah i am a non beliver and as for what i can see god intent for us was a life of misery pain and suffering.

    I'm afraid that what you are seeing or wanting to see as you are saying that what God intended for us was a life of misery and pain is very incorrect. You see, it is not God who intends these things for us. He wants only the Very Best for us! It is we, the people, who bring and attract these kinds of situations into our lives each and every day. God would always want for us to be happy, joyful and prosperous but we, in and of ourselves, are the ones who do not make it so through our free will choice.

    If this god is so good and loving why does allow children to die or suffer abuse.

    Again, because people and that includes a child's parents, care-takers, family, relatives, friends, etc. are human and not always thoughtful about their children or another's, sometimes things happen and children die or suffer abuse as you say. But again, stop to think, a God who is All-Loving, as God truly is, would want nothing but the very best for our children since it is He who created them in the first place, and as a Loving Father, He takes care of us and our children in our everyday life. When people, on the other hand, cross the line and become abusive with children, they are exercising their own individual free will, be it as wrong as it is (and there are grave consequences for that abuse). God, because He is a God whose Divine Laws look to correct each and every mistake made by his people, will allow such things to happen so that people can learn from their mistakes and hopefully avoid that kind of action or behaviour in the future. When there is abuse of children, adults, elderly, animals, etc. most always that person is brought to justice. God allows that to take place to teach that person who is the abuser as well as many others who have learned of that case, that it is never right to abuse Anyone and the dire consequences of abusing others!

    If God did not allow people to learn from their mistakes, we would be living in a most perfect world and then we could never continue to grow spiritually through life experiences and consequences.

    From what i know about religion you are promised a happy afterlife correct me if i am wrong.

    That is correct but only if you have given your life to Jesus Christ (God's ONLY Begotten Son) and have become "Born Again" (decided to ask for forgiveness for your sins and to accept Jesus as your Savior) as Holy Scriptures say. When you offer your life to Christ and become a Christian, you are guaranteed Eternal life in Heaven (the Afterlife) since Jesus already paid the price for our sins through His suffering and crucifixion and then His glorious Resurrection.

    But what if i am right and when you die that is it the end you have lived a life of pain and suffering for nothing
    But that is not right as Scriptures tell us differently.

    "After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in Heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter." -- REVELATION 4:1 (KJV)

    "Hereafter" speaks to the Afterlife.

    Scripture also tells us this about our Heavenly home:

    "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens." -- 2 CORINTHIANS 5:1 (KJV)

    So, that is God speaking to us about our Heavenly home in the Afterlife.

    And so many people (thousands if not millions across the world) have had what is called an NDE (near-death experience) where they have actually died on the operating table, for example, or in a car wreck as Minister Don Piper did, as well as many other cases, and they have been shown Heaven and what it is like for those who truly pass on permanently. These people, who do not know each other from across the world, then have come back after being resuscitated and have told us about their Heavenly experience including standing before God in judgment and a Life Review where we will see all that we have done to others, both the good and the bad, and will actually experience the pain we caused others when we hurt them, as well as the joy and happiness we brought into other's lives when we helped them in some kind way or guided them to Christ. Again, these people have seen Heaven so they know it exists and science has also found ways to prove, empirically speaking, that the Afterlife very much exists and is definitely not a figment of our imagination.

    The life of pain and suffering that you speak about is lived by literally everyone on Earth at some point or other and yes, that includes Kings, Queens, Movie Stars, Presidents, Dignitaries, etc. Jesus suffered much on the cross and so will we because we are part of Him through the Holy Trinity and He is our Heavenly Father. There is great virtue to be had when one suffers and that is something the saints realized and why they most always placed themselves in Earthly situations where they would suffer much as they knew that in the long run it would certainly help them spiritually when they pass on to Heaven to live in Eternal Life with Christ and their beloved ones who have passed on before them. Without some degree of suffering, we cannot become closer to God as suffering shows that we are imperfect and thus need to look to God, who is All-Perfect, for guidance, leadership and Eternal Salvation. So, many are glad, even proud to suffer, as was Mother Teresa, for the great Heavenly Cause and that of her own soul and spirit. The bottom line is that we are here in this world (a training ground for higher spiritual life) for such a small amount of time that whatever we suffer here is nothing to be compared with the graces, virtues and Salvation that awaits us in Heaven when we become Saved!
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 24, 2008, 02:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Allheart
    I am sorry to both Sky and Nicki -

    In other threads I have also been flagged down for going off topic. I felt a little more comfortable here, because I thought it was good to share a part of each other, with each, as I think that is also what God would want.

    But Nicki to you specifically I do apologize, because no matter the topic, relationships, religious disccusions, they do tend to like for us to stay on topic. So I do apologize, but i still enjoyed it very much.

    Sky, again I am sorry - and will read what you provided.

    Sorry again everyone :(.
    Allheart, warm greetings! No problem! It's just that I, for one, like to follow the topic at hand in the entire thread without being distracted in some way so that I can respond if necessary. This is your thread, however, so you guide it in the way you most feel led, o.k.?
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 24, 2008, 02:08 PM
    Aw, Sky it's not my thread at all. It's all of ours.

    We will put it all behind us.

    But first group hug :) (... hug... )
    nicki143's Avatar
    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 03:19 PM
    Firstly to you Allheart never feel you have to apologize you have nothing to apolgize for.

    To be honest religion is all a bit deep for me but you say when you give your life to jesus you are going to get afterlife but I thought got forgave evryone and loved everyone and jesus paid the price for us so surly will all go. If not I will burn in hell forever.

    Like I say bit deep for me trying to understand
    nicki143's Avatar
    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 03:20 PM
    I must agree though mother teresa was amazing
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 24, 2008, 03:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicki143
    Firstly to you Allheart never feel you have to apologize you have nothing to apolgize for.

    To be honest religion is all a bit deep for me but you say when you give your life to jesus you are gonna get afterlife but i thought got forgave evryone and loved everyone and jesus paid the price for us so surly will all go. If not i will burn in hell forever.

    Like i say bit deep for me trying to understand

    Hi Niki and thanks :)

    God most certainly loves us all and yes, all we have to do is accept God's love in our hearts.

    I'm not much of a deep person myself, too many words and I sink down fast. (that's where the name Allheart came from). It's just easier for me to think with my heart but I do get frustrated when I don't or even can't use my head (there she goes... off topic)

    For me, I know, that God loves each and everyone of us. We hurt, he hurts. And he wants us to love each other.

    Niki, quite honestly, sometimes he just carries me through things.

    But I promise you Niki, I respect your beliefs and love you all the same. No one on this earth is better then the other.

    p.s. I did need to apologize I felt terrible. But it's all okay now. Thanks for being so wonderful about it.
    nicki143's Avatar
    nicki143 Posts: 187, Reputation: 22
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    Feb 24, 2008, 03:43 PM
    Yeah I think with my heart to.

    But the God subject I think it what it is is people these days need to see things to believe you know if we saw something like a proper miracle or some other sign more would believe.
    I believe there is something just do not know what so many religions out there
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 24, 2008, 03:52 PM
    I've always said, the different roads just lead to God.

    Just like there are different languages that say I love you differently, but they all mean the same things.

    There are times I actually do see God's love, or feel his love. Does that sound odd?
    I've said this earlier, have you ever seen a special needs child smile... doesn't it just take your heart? I honestly see God's love in that child. That child smiles the biggest smile and is happier then most, and I believe it's because God is watching over that beautiful child.

    There are times at work, that people tend to get upset, or short fused. We all have those moments, myself included. Or someone just comes off so awful that it jolts you. When I remember, and I don't always, I was taught to pray for that person. Don't retalliate, pray that God's healing hands and light shine on that person and surround them and touch their heart and keep them safe.

    Nicki I promise you, honest to peanuts, :) my hand in there air, every time I have ever done that, sincerely prayed for them from my heart, within minutes, hours or even the next day, I am greeted with a smile and a completely different converstation with that person. All that upset... just gone.

    I just share that with you, because it actually did happen.

    Nicki, I want you to trust me, I would never ever force anything on anyone. That's not my place at all. I am a human and a step away from making a mistake. All I can share with you is what is in my heart or what I may have been taught but as I said before I accept Nicki for Nicki and if you can accept my "dizziness" then you deserve a special prize :)
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 24, 2008, 07:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicki143
    Yeah i think with my heart to.

    But the God subject i think it what it is is people these days need to see things to belive you know if we saw something like a proper miracle or some other sign more would belive.
    I belive there is something just do not know what so many religions out there
    I know what you are trying to say here. Yet, when people confronted Jesus with the very same question, He answered them this way:

    "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast Believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have Believed." -- JOHN 20:29 (KJV)

    So, those who simply Believe without wanting proof as with scientists, are the ones whom Jesus considers truly blessed because they do not question. They see with their heart without having to have physical evidence.

    When people saw Jesus before them while He was incarnate, they too Believed, but when He died, was buried and then Resurrected, He had this to say to them:

    "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." -- JOHN 14:19-21 (KJV)

    Scripture goes on to say:

    "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet Believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." 1 PETER 1: 8-9; 25 (KJV)

    It is so wonderful to Believe without having to be shown physical evidence. That is what true Faith is based upon. So, this is what The Bible says about those who doubt and want to see miracles, etc. done before they will Believe.
    firmbeliever's Avatar
    firmbeliever Posts: 2,919, Reputation: 463
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    Feb 25, 2008, 10:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by nicki143
    Yeah i think with my heart to.

    But the God subject i think it what it is is people these days need to see things to belive you know if we saw something like a proper miracle or some other sign more would belive.
    I belive there is something just do not know what so many religions out there
    I would just like to say that during the time of the messengers of the Almighty and the times when Prophets were sent,there were miracles seen by the people living then,but only those who wanted to believe believed.A lot of them called the messengers liars and did not believe.

    The same would happen in this day and age,those who see the light will see it and those who do not,will someday or maybe, they never will .
    Those who do believe see the miracles everyday of their lives,while those who do not see will put those very same miracles to the work of humans,their own hard work, just plain luck,nature,etc
    Allheart's Avatar
    Allheart Posts: 1,639, Reputation: 436
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    Feb 25, 2008, 10:52 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    I would just like to say that during the time of the messengers of the Almighty and the times when Prophets were sent,there were miracles seen by the people living then,but only those who wanted to believe believed.A lot of them called the messengers liars and did not believe.

    The same would happen in this day and age,those who see the light will see it and those who do not,will someday or maybe, they never will .
    Those who do believe see the miracles everyday of their lives,while those who do not see will put those very same miracles to the work of humans,their own hard work, just plain luck,nature,etc

    Firm that is very true.

    Even if a mircale was seen, some would not believe. I think maybe it's a fear of being hurt, in case it isn't true.

    It's similar to someone saying, He is so nice, he's such a big help and someone else having a completely different view of who the guy really is.
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    Feb 26, 2008, 10:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Allheart

    But first group hug :) (........hug........)
    Thank you, Allheart! A BIG hug to everyone!

    shatteredsoul's Avatar
    shatteredsoul Posts: 423, Reputation: 130
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    Feb 26, 2008, 10:45 AM
    Very interesting and complex question for us to ponder FIRM! I guess we all have our own ideas about this so here it goes..
    First, I don't think there are any absolutes with God. I don't think my response is a religious one, but rather a personal and spiritual perspective based on my views on what I perceive as God. I think God is the energy that encompasses all of us, the good the bad, the right the wrong and everything in between. This is because we were created with the ability to choose our ideas, beliefs, awareness, understanding, lifestyle and moral standards (or lack thereof.) From my own perspective, God doesn't have an opinion. Just an inifinite love for all of us, whether we believe in it or not, isn't the issue. God didn't make the rules, we did. Throughout history we have been given the tools to understand and what ever makes sense to us we grab on to. This is because we have no definite answers, only what seems to be the correct perspective. Life has been given to us to utilize the gifts we have been given and to love and be loved. What we do with our lives is totally up to us. A creator with the ability to give us life isn't going to judge or decide how we live it. The way we live our life may determine the next one, but I don't think it's a punishment or a reward, its based on enlightenment and where our soul is on the journey of this existence, and what it is ready for in the next.
    Second, I think if God were available in physical form, there wouldn't be a choosing of one person or another, God would be available and ready to help anyone, regardless of the circumstances or their beliefs.
    Also, God is a name we give for the creation of all that is because that is what we are taught. I believe in the wonder and miracle of life and I do think that everything we have around us is a gift. I choose to believe in that, but if I didn't that doesn't mean my existence is worth any less to God.
    Being forgiving, loving and kind are the virtues of all religions so no matter what the circumstances are, this is the universal language of God. It applies to all people, not just those who believe in the greatness and wonder of our creation.
    HOW do I feel when my kids bicker? I feel sad. I get frustrated and I try to make them work it out and get along. I don't think God feels sad, I think God loves unconditionally and waits with neverending patience for our recognition of God within ourselves.
    I don't know if I make sense, this is just what came to me. Love you FIRMY!! Long time no chat. Thanks for challenging me.. you always do!! Xo
    shatteredsoul's Avatar
    shatteredsoul Posts: 423, Reputation: 130
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    Feb 26, 2008, 10:46 AM
    Whoops, I mean Allheart, very good question. Firmy, very interesting perspective. Sorry I am a little out of it today... I love you both and appreciate the stimulating questions and answers from you both!!

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