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    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 27, 2019, 09:04 AM
    I said they were a PART of his base supporters
    No, you didn't. Here is your quote. The word "part" is nowhere to be found. "the coalition pf racist and white evangelicals have coalesced behind."

    Take off your blinders and read just like I do. Plenty of evidence for BOTH statements.
    Sure there is.

    What's illegal about that?
    Maybe nothing, but it sure smells to the high heavens. His daddy is the VP and HB himself said that he would never have gotten the position if his last name had not been "Biden". Now maybe it was all perfectly innocent, but it doesn't take much thought to see that it could very well have been a REAL quid pro quo. "We'll give your completely unqualified son, who was kicked out of the navy for drug use, a job in exchange for $$$ in aid," or maybe even dollars under the table. It's at least worth looking into. That's just one reason I think there is a good chance that the dems will not vote to impeach. They know that if this circus gets to the repub controlled Senate, then all bets will be off.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 27, 2019, 09:56 AM
    Coalition = bloc, faction, union, alliance, partnership, often temporary

    Sounds like "PART of his base" to me.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 27, 2019, 10:11 AM
    You know we said the that about Kavanaugh and boy did you holler smear and no evidence, and even some of those conservative judges smell to high heaven, but you guys just push 'em through like hotcakes and butter. All of that goes out the window though as we present more and more evidence of the dufus scandals and antics and we get what about Hunter...what about HC...what about Obama...!

    I like your new excuse about the aid being released to Ukraine without them announcing investigations and just wonder if being caught at his attempt to extort them for political gain have anything to do with it? Of course it did. Hope yo' boy gets his lawyers over to those hearings next week since he was formally invited to them.

    Nice to know the senate has already decided this case well before charges have been filed or presented. Repub minds are already made up and don't know how legal that smells for sure. That's okay, dems just need to do their jobs and let repubs fend for themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Coalition = bloc, faction, union, alliance, partnership, often temporary

    Sounds like "PART of his base" to me.
    He doesn't get it WG, English isn't his native language.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 27, 2019, 10:53 AM
    You know we said the that about Kavanaugh and boy did you holler smear and no evidence, and even some of those conservative judges smell to high heaven, but you guys just push 'em through like hotcakes and butter. All of that goes out the window though as we present more and more evidence of the dufus scandals and antics and we get what about Hunter...what about HC...what about Obama...!
    It's real simple. If you think someone is guilty, then go ahead and investigate. If you can FIND REAL EVIDENCE that resolves the issue beyond a reasonable doubt, then you can find the person guilty. In the cases of Kavanaugh and Trump, that has not happened. It has not happened as well with Hunter Biden. I'm an equal opportunity demander of evidence.

    Coalition = bloc, faction, union, alliance, partnership, often temporary

    Sounds like "PART of his base" to me.
    So it goes like this. You list synonyms for "coalition", none of which includes "part" and none of which means "part". Then you say it sounds like "part of his base" to you. Well, that's about as strange as anything I've seen in a long time. There is nothing in your reply that leads a person to believe that "coalition" means "part of" in any way.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 27, 2019, 01:12 PM
    Talaniman: You keep wanting to say the South has the "Race Problem" or is rooted in racist tendencies and this is just not as absolute as you make it out to be: There are far too many cases of race problems anywhere from the Northeast through the Midwest and on into the West Coast for anyone to accuse the South of having a monopoly on racism.....In fact, all the big arse Race Riots were everywhere BUT THE SOUTH.

    Liberal regions of the country are endowed with Institutional Racism and you can see it in how they attempted to create "enclaves" of government sponsored housing complexes in order to created "VOTE FARMS" where Democrat voters would be born and raised "from the cradle to the grave."

    Talaniman, if you want to keep digging back 154 year old history to strike pay dirt on "A Racist History Of The South" then you should make sure to also read about and disclose and publicize "THE DEMOCRAT PARTY: THE PARTY OF THE KLAN" because that is a fact, too, of history: When you want to talk history, make it a point to tell all of it, not just the sweet parts that fit the liberal narrative.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 27, 2019, 02:25 PM
    Vac; don't you know it is racist to point out someone's racist past. We all come from peoples who have practiced racism in the distant past. Some have wiped out antecedent peoples, some have enslaved, some have ignored poverty and destitution, and as you want to focus on, some have murdered and terrorised
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 27, 2019, 02:47 PM
    Paraclete: My point, exactly: For ANYONE to point and cry racism is like "the pot calling the kettle black"! Hell, New York had slaves at one time! Anyone wanting to be self-righteous about this subject needs to check their brakes: YOU AIN'T THAT CLEAN....SO STOP PREACHING!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 27, 2019, 02:50 PM
    Vac, you have a legit point, but it's also true that white southerners from decades ago were big-time offenders. At the very least, many stood by, watched terrible injustice, and did nothing about it. And that doesn't mention the Confederacy and slavery.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 27, 2019, 03:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    So it goes like this. You list synonyms for "coalition", none of which includes "part" and none of which means "part". Then you say it sounds like "part of his base" to you. Well, that's about as strange as anything I've seen in a long time. There is nothing in your reply that leads a person to believe that "coalition" means "part of" in any way.
    bloc = faction, sect, section, pressure group, division, clique, cell

    Sounds like a PART of something to me, a group smaller than the whole!

    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Vac, you have a legit point, but it's also true that white southerners from decades ago were big-time offenders. At the very least, many stood by, watched terrible injustice, and did nothing about it. And that doesn't mention the Confederacy and slavery.
    I was born and lived until my teens in the South. White families loved their black mammy or their friendly black garbageman. They hated the race.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 27, 2019, 04:22 PM
    I was born and lived until my teens in the South. White families loved their black mammy or their friendly black garbageman. They hated the race.
    Sorry WG, but to me that is a dreadfully racist statement, It reeks of the slavery and disenfranchisement of the coloured people and that you cannot see it is tragic
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 27, 2019, 04:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Sorry WG, but to me that is a dreadfully racist statement, It reeks of the slavery and disenfranchisement of the coloured people and that you cannot see it is tragic
    That wasn't MY experience. It was what I observed when I visited friends' homes. "Love the black person, but hate the race" was a common comment. Yes, it was tragic. And Chicago's white former South Siders still talk about "white flight" when they moved to the west side of the city to avoid living among blacks who were moving into that area.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 27, 2019, 05:49 PM
    We all have people we don't like because of their behaviour, and it is very difficult to be surrounded by people of that persuasion, to move away may not be racism, it may be common sense to avoid confrontation
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 27, 2019, 06:15 PM
    bloc = faction, sect, section, pressure group, division, clique, cell

    Sounds like a PART of something to me, a group smaller than the whole!
    Yeah. Now if you can locate "bloc" anywhere in Tal's quote, you might have a case. Since you can't, then you don't. Tal contended that he said "they were a PART of his base supporters". He said no such thing. It's a ridiculous claim. Anyone who knows English knows he did not say it.

    I was born and lived until my teens in the South. White families loved their black mammy or their friendly black garbageman. They hated the race.
    I was raised in Mississippi in the 60's. We had no "black mammy" and neither did anyone else. I had no idea who the garbage man was and didn't care. There were some hardheads who hated blacks, but most people were fine with them. When the schools integrated, it was, in most places, a great big nothing of an event.

    "Love the black person, but hate the race" was a common comment.
    I never heard that comment a single time until I just now read it in your post.
    Vacuum7's Avatar
    Vacuum7 Posts: 47, Reputation: 2
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    Nov 27, 2019, 06:44 PM
    W.G.: There was "White Flight" all over the U.S. but particularly in the North...and, there STILL is WHITE FLIGHT AND BLACK FLIGHT WHEN THE CHICANOS MOVE IN! I don't know if these types of reactions will stop anytime soon but I also know that you can't blame these reactions on any particular political affiliation, either and to do so is simply disingenuous. The faster the GOVERNMENT gets its nose out of the fouled-up business of SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND RACE LABELING, THE QUICKER IT WILL GO AWAY!

    If you have't noticed: Just about everything the GOVERNMENT touches turns to sh#&!
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 27, 2019, 07:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post

    If you have't noticed: Just about everything the GOVERNMENT touches turns to sh#&!
    Yes dogooders will do that, and guess what their political persuasion is likely to be
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 28, 2019, 06:49 AM
    The faster the GOVERNMENT gets its nose out of the fouled-up business of SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND RACE LABELING, THE QUICKER IT WILL GO AWAY!
    I wanted to stand up and applaud when I read that. There will always be problems because people have problems, but when the feds decide to come in and make things better, then fasten your seatbelt because it's going to be a bumpy ride.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 28, 2019, 06:50 AM
    The government is only as good as the people who elect it. We do have the government we deserve now, and if it's not good enough for you, change it next November. LOL, I love it when you righties blame bad government that you have controlled for the last 6 years on the dems. You guys are good at hollering and whining but lousy listeners, and even worse at understanding your own language you want everybody to speak.

    JL, it's no wonder your literal understanding of our language leaves you so perplexed, and maybe you should revisit your position of the written word, since after further explanation you still don't get it, and it sends you off on all kinds of tangents that are unrelated to the simple statement presented to you. I suspect the zeal to promote your own agenda blinds you and renders your ears as useless.

    For my part though I will try to simplify and be more precise with my words in an effort to convey my positions and opinions more effectively. Being stuck on the meaning of words was not my intention. I wish all a great Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy family, food, and friends.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 28, 2019, 07:00 AM
    you have controlled for the last 6 years on the dems.
    The past six years? What?

    JL, it's no wonder your literal understanding of our language leaves you so perplexed, and maybe you should revisit your position of the written word, since after further explanation you still don't get it, and it sends you off on all kinds of tangents that are unrelated to the simple statement presented to you. I suspect the zeal to promote your own agenda blinds you and renders your ears as useless.
    You made a racially prejudiced statement, and then you tried to soften it by claiming you "said" something that you, in fact, did not say. Now if you want to clarify your meaning then fine. You could say, "I said xxx but I should have said xxx." OK. I can get that, but to claim you said something that you did NOT say is a false claim.

    Your statement gives me cause for concern simply because it seems there are a lot of folks out there who really believe that Trump is a blazing racist and that every white person who voted for him is likewise a racist. That's a despicable belief that is far removed from the truth. The party that nominated a loser like HC shouldn't complain when they don't win.

    For my part though I will try to simplify and be more precise with my words in an effort to convey my positions and opinions more effectively. Being stuck on the meaning of words was not my intention. I wish all a great Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy family, food, and friends.
    Simplification is not needed, but precision is always a good idea. I know you want to resort to me "being stuck on the meaning of words", but if words don't have meaning, then language becomes useless.

    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well. I thought about you yesterday. I was painting the carport ceiling and thinking about how much I hate painting. I imagine you have had to do some painting at times in your life. I just wondered if you disliked it as much as I do.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Nov 28, 2019, 08:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    The past six years? What?
    You have had full control of congress since 2012, stopping Obamas agenda in it's tracks as well as appointing judges and SCOTUS, This changed in 2018, when you lost the house, after winning the WH in 2016.

    You made a racially prejudiced statement, and then you tried to soften it by claiming you "said" something that you, in fact, did not say. Now if you want to clarify your meaning then fine. You could say, "I said xxx but I should have said xxx." OK. I can get that, but to claim you said something that you did NOT say is a false claim.
    Is it my fault my nuanced and command of language went over your head? A simple statement of fact that I felt needed clarification because YOU misunderstood it.

    Your statement gives me cause for concern simply because it seems there are a lot of folks out there who really believe that Trump is a blazing racist and that every white person who voted for him is likewise a racist. That's a despicable belief that is far removed from the truth. The party that nominated a loser like HC shouldn't complain when they don't win.
    I am not accountable for anyone but myself and that includes my part of OUR misunderstanding. Never said ALL dufus voters were racists, that's just how YOU read it. I own saying the dufus is a racists though, and recognize that's not his only shortfall, since I pointed out he is a greedy selfish racist as a precise qualifier.

    Simplification is not needed, but precision is always a good idea. I know you want to resort to me "being stuck on the meaning of words", but if words don't have meaning, then language becomes useless.
    Sometimes language is useless and inadequate and has always lead to misunderstandings and hard feelings amongst us humans. Probably always will but we can discuss it and gain better understanding through those discussions.

    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well. I thought about you yesterday. I was painting the carport ceiling and thinking about how much I hate painting. I imagine you have had to do some painting at times in your life. I just wondered if you disliked it as much as I do.
    LOL, I don't paint and quit completely in the late 70's. I'd rather pay a guy and go fishing to be honest. Nope no paint brushes in my toolbox. The wife gave up asking decades ago.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 28, 2019, 03:07 PM
    You have had full control of congress since 2012, stopping Obamas agenda in it's tracks as well as appointing judges and SCOTUS, This changed in 2018, when you lost the house, after winning the WH in 2016.
    Once again your writing skills have failed you. You wrote, "you have controlled for the last 6 years on the dems." Now you want to change your meaning to include the congress only.

    Is it my fault my nuanced and command of language went over your head? A simple statement of fact that I felt needed clarification because YOU misunderstood it.
    "Nuanced?" "Command of language?" That made me laugh. How about "I made a racially prejudiced remark and now I don't want to own it?" Or better yet, "I made a statement that does not reflect my true feeling on the matter and I would like to clarify/correct it."

    Sometimes language is useless and inadequate
    That is apparently sometimes true with you, especially when you claim to be "nuanced".

    LOL, I don't paint and quit completely in the late 70's. I'd rather pay a guy and go fishing to be honest. Nope no paint brushes in my toolbox. The wife gave up asking decades ago.
    That is very wise, my friend.

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