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    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Nov 7, 2008, 08:20 AM
    At least Barney exacted a little revenge for all the bashing he's taken in the media...

    Barney Bites White House reporter
    classyT's Avatar
    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Nov 7, 2008, 09:10 AM


    Lol... sic them barney!
    Galveston1's Avatar
    Galveston1 Posts: 362, Reputation: 53
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    Nov 7, 2008, 06:31 PM

    Some of you give Pres Bush way too much credit. You seem to forget that a president doesn't have a lot of things he can control. He can appoint his cabinet, of course and certain bureau heads. He can veto legislation, and he can appoint judges. Most of the power resides in Congress.

    Some people even wanted to blame Bush for the catastrophic hurricanes. He didn't sign the Kyoto treaty!!

    How stupid can you get?
    classyT's Avatar
    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Nov 7, 2008, 06:39 PM


    I agree. When in doubt blame Bush. I am sick of it. I want so much for this man to be vindicated.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 7, 2008, 06:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post

    I agree. When in doubt blame Bush. I am sick of it. I want so much for this man to be vindicated.
    Don't hold your breath
    TexasParent's Avatar
    TexasParent Posts: 378, Reputation: 73
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    Nov 7, 2008, 09:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post

    I agree. When in doubt blame Bush. I am sick of it. I want so much for this man to be vindicated.
    We are in the worst financial crisis in a century and it happened on George Bush's watch, we are in two wars and our entry into Iraq was based on lies and misinformation; and exactly where is that Bin Laden he was going to hunt down and kill.

    Government spending under George W. Bush has created our largest yearly deficit in history and our largest national debt in history.

    "We have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society," said Sen. John McCain, the Republican candidate vying to replace Mr. Bush in the White House, during the first presidential debate.

    That, in fact, was an understatement. No president since FDR — who offered a New Deal to pull the nation out of the Great Depression and then fought World War II — has presided over as rapid a growth in government when measured as a percentage of the total economy.

    Any economic growth under George Bush has been on a credit card that has now come due.

    I have to ask you, how can this man ever be vindicated? There has never been a President who has left the country in as bad a shape; is your partisanship so extreme that you could never say anything bad about a Republican President; even though the evidence is that he is the worst President in history?

    To me, you're not even a McCain "Country First" person; you are a me first, because clearly you have no idea what is good for the country when you can't see how he has hurt all American's by his incompetence as President of the United States.

    Your kids, my kids, and their kids will be paying for this mess for decades to come; and you want to vindicate him? Your alligence is more like the blind alligence of the German's to Hitler and even though he murdered millions; many of the post-war German's though he was a hero and that he would be vindicated someday.

    There is no rational argument for vindicating George W. Bush when he leaves the country in this shape. Ask yourself, if Clinton had left the country in this exact same condition would you be asking for his vindication? (Note: Clinton left his Presidency with a budget surplus)
    classyT's Avatar
    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Nov 7, 2008, 10:48 PM


    Oh my gosh, I best wait till later to reply to you. I am really angry. My alligence isn't blind and comparing Bush to Hitler is appalling for lack of a better word. It sickened me. This is exactly why I want him vindicated.

    And fyi I can say plenty bad about the republican party... including Bush.
    inthebox's Avatar
    inthebox Posts: 787, Reputation: 179
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    Nov 7, 2008, 11:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasParent View Post
    We are in the worst financial crisis in a century and it happened on George Bush's watch, we are in two wars and our entry into Iraq was based on lies and misinformation; and exactly where is that Bin Laden he was going to hunt down and kill.

    Government spending under George W. Bush has created our largest yearly deficit in history and our largest national debt in history.

    "We have now presided over the largest increase in the size of government since the Great Society," said Sen. John McCain, the Republican candidate vying to replace Mr. Bush in the White House, during the first presidential debate.

    That, in fact, was an understatement. No president since FDR — who offered a New Deal to pull the nation out of the Great Depression and then fought World War II — has presided over as rapid a growth in government when measured as a percentage of the total economy.

    Any economic growth under George Bush has been on a credit card that has now come due.

    I have to ask you, how can this man ever be vindicated? There has never been a President who has left the country in as bad a shape; is your partisanship so extreme that you could never say anything bad about a Republican President; even though the evidence is that he is the worst President in history?

    To me, you're not even a McCain "Country First" person; you are a me first, because clearly you have no idea what is good for the country when you can't see how he has hurt all American's by his incompetence as President of the United States.

    Your kids, my kids, and their kids will be paying for this mess for decades to come; and you want to vindicate him? Your alligence is more like the blind alligence of the German's to Hitler and even though he murdered millions; many of the post-war German's though he was a hero and that he would be vindicated someday.

    There is no rational argument for vindicating George W. Bush when he leaves the country in this shape. Ask yourself, if Clinton had left the country in this exact same condition would you be asking for his vindication? (Note: Clinton left his Presidency with a budget surplus)

    As to fannie and freddie and the financial crisis

    Remember Barney Frank, Chris Dodd were suppose to supervise, and that along with Obama were the top 3 to receive money from these gse[s]

    And who is going to be Obama's chief of staff but Emanuel Rahm - one of the corrupt in the accounting scandal?

    Government spending is dictated by CONGRESS

    Clinton, looked the other way when it came to terrorism [ WTC 1, Cole, for example ] and he had a shot at getting OBL but did not.

    Clinton had the 94 Republican congress and the contract with america, that was part of reason that there was a budget surplus. Clinton benefitted by Reagan's victory in the cold war.

    Has there been another 9/11 - thankfully no. Because GWB stood up to terrorism. Would you rather have Al queda fighting us in Iraq and Afghanistan or at your local mall?

    Bush gave us Justice Roberts and Alito :)

    Remember the top 50 % of wage earners pay 97% of the taxes. Obama wants the rich to pay more for taxes - what do you care if Obama is going to have the rich pay for everything?
    classyT's Avatar
    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Nov 7, 2008, 11:20 PM


    You are nicer than me.
    TexasParent's Avatar
    TexasParent Posts: 378, Reputation: 73
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    Nov 8, 2008, 12:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebox View Post
    As to fannie and freddie and the financial crisis

    Remember Barney Frank, Chris Dodd were suppose to supervise, and that along with Obama were the top 3 to receive money from these gse[s]

    and who is going to be Obama's chief of staff but Emanuel Rahm - one of the corrupt in the accounting scandal?

    Government spending is dictated by CONGRESS

    Clinton, looked the other way when it came to terrorism [ WTC 1, Cole, for example ] and he had a shot at getting OBL but did not.

    Clinton had the 94 Republican congress and the contract with america, that was part of reason that there was a budget surplus. Clinton benefitted by Reagan's victory in the cold war.

    Has there been another 9/11 - thankfully no. Because GWB stood up to terrorism. Would you rather have Al queda fighting us in Iraq and Afghanistan or at your local mall?

    Bush gave us Justice Roberts and Alito :)

    Remember the top 50 % of wage earners pay 97% of the taxes. Obama wants the rich to pay more for taxes - what do you care if Obama is going to have the rich pay for everything?
    Ho ahead, blame it on the Democrats; as for Barney Frank, there isn't a hole deep enough to bury him, but this was on Bush's watch and the Republican's had control of congress for 6 of Bush's years. I can't believe you are still blaming things on Clinton; but even so, you had 6 unfettered years to clean up the mess and what happened; this catastrophy.

    No vindication for Bush. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and all those on both sides; CEO's too, who participated in this fraud of the American taxpayer should be thrown in jail.

    However, it starts at the top; Bush should have and could have stopped it, but he didn't; there is no vindication for a President who leaves us in this mess.


    As for the Hitler comment, it's about blind love for a leader, party or ideology which removes all objectivity on behalf of the person. However, it might be as simple as you can't admit you were wrong.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 8, 2008, 04:25 AM

    This is another falsehood that has been spread that must be challenged.

    Why are the Dems so concerned about getting overwhelming majorities ? Because the minority party in Congress has some power to influence if the majority party doesn't have enough of a majority .
    In 2001 the Senate came in exactly 50-50 .Because the VP is the tie breaker the Republicans could claim a majority But Senator jumping Jim Jeffords (RINO VT) dropped out of the GOP and went independent .That gave the Dems a 50-49 majority and Democrat Tom Daschle became majority leader of the Senate.

    In the 2002 midterm elections the Republicans gained the majority in both houses but they never achieved a majority where they could effectively block Democrat obstruction. That is why so many of the Bush judicial appointments have been blocked.
    In 2006 the Dems gained control of both houses of Congress.

    In Bush's 8 years there were only 4 of them when the Republicans controlled both branches of government .

    The fact is that President Bush asked for reform legislation as early as 2002. Frank and Sen.Dodd led the obstruction of it. John McCain also sponsored reform legislation that was blocked.
    classyT's Avatar
    classyT Posts: 1,562, Reputation: 214
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    Nov 8, 2008, 11:17 AM

    As for the Hitler comment, it's about blind love for a leader, party or ideology which removes all objectivity on behalf of the person. However, it might be as simple as you can't admit you were wrong.[/QUOTE]


    When was I wrong? I think having a sewage plant named after him is a disgrace. I think he is blamed for things that are out of his control. I haven't said he was the greatest President in US history... I am just saying he isn't as bad as many americans think and EVEN if they THINK he is, they should have a little class and respect the office. He is being trashed right and left. The world is watching not just President Bush... but the American people. How is that wrong?
    TexasParent's Avatar
    TexasParent Posts: 378, Reputation: 73
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    Nov 8, 2008, 11:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by classyT View Post

    As for the Hitler comment, it's about blind love for a leader, party or ideology which removes all objectivity on behalf of the person. However, it might be as simple as you can't admit you were wrong.


    When was i wrong? I think having a sewage plant named after him is a disgrace. I think he is blamed for things that are out of his control. I haven't said he was the greatest President in US history...i am just saying he isn't as bad as many americans think and EVEN if they THINK he is, they should have a little class and respect the office. He is being trashed right and left. The world is watching not just President Bush....but the American people. How is that wrong?
    I've agreed on the sewage plant issue; despite my opinion of his performance as President, I do believe he loves our country and did the best he could and that we should honor his service. However, I do think that criticism of his policies, methods, misdeads and performance are fair game for 'attacks' as it strengthens our country to remind each other of the mistakes of our leaders so as to help create a better America for the future.

    Were some things out of his control, sure; things happen, and no leader can solve all of the nations problems in an interdependant world. However, there were more than enough things he was in control of or his response to those things which were not of his making where his administration failed us.

    As for the world watching us, I think the American people responded in a responsible way and the world is applauding our election of Barrack Obama which they view as a rejection of the failed policies of the Bush Administration. The world finally has a renewed respect for the American people and our democracy because we can admit when we were wrong and make a change for the better, for American's and the rest of the world. Our criticism of Bush isn't seen as disrespect but freedom; something that hundreds of millions of people all over the world do not have the luxury of when it comes to criticising their own leaders performances for the good of their fellow citizens.

    You did express desire for him to be vindicated and had issue with people blaming him for everything. Hence much of what of have said over and above the sewage plant naming was directed at those issues of yours.

    As for vindication, if in the years to come it turns out that he was simply a figurehead for the ambitions of Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld; I'm sure the American people will forgive him for any personal malicious intend. However, how sad will it be for vindication to come in the form that he was duped by his advisors; hardly a positive vindication for his Presidency.

    God Bless America.

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