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    High Max's Avatar
    High Max Posts: 271, Reputation: 43
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    Jan 30, 2009, 07:35 AM
    Let me throw in my two cents on this one, as I know exactly what the poster is talking about here. These kinds of women are a by product of our society, the degradation of men and their pride. They know that they are desired and wanted, and act very mean, lewd, rude, stupid, and often cheat and try and put their men on a leash.

    I believe its our fault (men) for letting these kinds of women behave this way. If we dumped them and put them in their place, this kind of behavior would stop. Of course, with the feminist movement men have lost their pride and ability to stand up for themselves a lot of the time.
    slapshot_oi's Avatar
    slapshot_oi Posts: 1,537, Reputation: 589
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    Jan 30, 2009, 08:07 AM

    I forgot to mention that all men and women like the poster is talking about are rarely respected. They're blatantly conceited and all of it is phony. Someone that self-absorbed is trying to convince him/herself and others that they're really beautiful, tough, whatever the case may be. People who actually believe they're gorgeous won't say anything.

    They'll just have people walk into their lives that use them over and over. They aren't nearly as happy as they make themselves out to be just because they're not satisfied with their true-self. Being one of them actually sucks.
    bEaUtIfUlbRuNeTtE's Avatar
    bEaUtIfUlbRuNeTtE Posts: 1,051, Reputation: 112
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    Jan 30, 2009, 02:24 PM


    You're FACT isn't relavent to what the OP is asking.

    That may be how you feel but I know that's not how every man thinks.
    roxypox's Avatar
    roxypox Posts: 1,028, Reputation: 328
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    Jan 30, 2009, 06:39 PM
    I too have to throw my 2 cents in... mostly because I have some topic related stories...

    A friend of mine told me about a conversation she had with her boyfriend a year back, when she said; honestly what do you think about the fact that my boobs arn'r, you know exactly big... and he said, well if you were some girl I was going to have a one night stand with then I'd go for the fantasy... blond hair, big boobs and a tan... but you're the dream, your smart, we share a sense of humor and you're beautiful (not kidding real conversation.. whether boyfriend told the truth not sure, but he did save his bottom ;))

    But as for ppl/guys or whom ever labeling those girls and those types of guys as 'hot', well... I don't really think all people label those types of girls as hot, I know quite a lot of guys (early 20s) who have a WHOLE OTHER range of words for them... none of them nice, besides it depends what type of person you are yourself... like most people in here have all ready said, we all have a type that we are attracted to...

    Personally I've never been attracted to a type of look, what they all had in common,is a personality I like, a sense of humor that I love and that little special thing that grabbed my attention.

    People with confidence is always hot, someone who is sure about themselves, and who are comfortable in their own skin... And not about where you can place them on a scale from 1 to 10. ;)

    Beauty is only skin deep. I work at a school ages 6-16 (1st to 10th grade) and when ever I see young girls falling into the HOLE of thinking that looks is all that matters, I just find it really sad, B/c in the end its not your looks that'll make you happy is it?

    And our society has become like that, always striving to be something or someone that is seen as GREAT, or hot or what ever it maybe.

    Like Tal said, isn't it better to be loved?

    When it comes to people who tell you you're hot or pretty or what ever, I find that such a compliment, just feels a whole lot better when it comes from someone who is close to you... and why strive to be hot, when you can be YOU for you and not a label. Besides, when it comes from someone you know they know you and all of you is included... they don't think you're pretty because they passed you on the street but because they know you as a person as well...

    Oooo a story about looks; lol the worst pick up sentence a guy tried on me was;

    Seriously, you are so pretty, you have great hair, beautiful eyes, you're practically perfect!!! You just need some bigger boobs and you will be.:rolleyes: :p LOL just had to throw that in there ;) The funniest part was him actually thinking that he could get me to go home with him after saying that, like appealing to my vanity would help him achieve his goal... when I'm the sort of person who actually laughed in his face and walked away... (and yes, turned it into a joke)

    Like slapshot said, I do people who strive and strive to be hot just end up cheating themselves, why not find something worth striving for, something that won't fade that easily?
    Molecular's Avatar
    Molecular Posts: 34, Reputation: 12
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    Jan 31, 2009, 04:05 AM
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    I for one find nothing attractive about the blond-haired bimbo type with spray on tans.

    Then again I hardly find anyone really "attractive" unless I'm actually falling in love with them. Nobody is ever as attractive as the woman you love. At least that's how it's like for me.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 31, 2009, 07:00 AM

    I have found myself attracted to many types of female, short, fat, or tall, skinny, or small, blind, cripple, or crazy.
    kctiger's Avatar
    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Feb 1, 2009, 06:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I have found myself attracted to many types of female, short, fat, or tall, skinny, or small, blind, cripple, or crazy.
    I had to highlight that last characteristic Tal, as you are now referring to every female there is...

    On the other side, this is correct. I find myself being attracted to every type of female you can think of. Sometimes it is their personality that I am enamored my, sometimes it is their looks. It all just depends. As for the females that think they are "God's gift," well, that is another story. Those types are just simply fun to mess around with just to put them in their place...

    Yes, I am bitter from time to time.

    Carry on... :cool:
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Feb 1, 2009, 02:45 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by kctiger View Post
    I had to highlight that last characteristic Tal, as you are now referring to every female there is...
    OK, you are due for this one. Not saying there are not crazy women out there, but as a level-headed, easy-going female I can't say it's EVERY female there is... :confused:

    Sad thing is they ought to be able to stamp that characteristic on your forehead... Can't see crazy when you are looking to meet someone.
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    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Feb 2, 2009, 06:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Justwantfair View Post
    OK, you are due for this one. Not saying there are not crazy women out there, but as a level-headed, easy-going female I can't say it's EVERY female there is... :confused:

    Sad thing is they ought to be able to stamp that characteristic on your forehead... Can't see crazy when you are looking to meet someone.
    Easy... I was actually doing that more for laugh than anything. You seem like a very well put together woman, inside and out, so I didn't mean to offend. Sometimes I make comments on this board for mere laugh...

    Truth be told, I respect ALL women a lot, until they lose that respect by their actions.

    Carry on... :cool:
    Justwantfair's Avatar
    Justwantfair Posts: 3,422, Reputation: 944
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    Feb 2, 2009, 07:50 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by kctiger View Post
    Easy...I was actually doing that more for laugh than anything. You seem like a very well put together woman, inside and out, so I didn't mean to offend. Sometimes I make comments on this board for mere laugh...

    Truth be told, I respect ALL women a lot, until they lose that respect by their actions.

    Carry on...:cool:
    LOL, there was no real offense... just thought I would point out the generalization.

    I have seen your respect for all people and that is a characteristic I admire.

    ::Carrying on::
    wolfgangqpublic's Avatar
    wolfgangqpublic Posts: 189, Reputation: 29

    Feb 2, 2009, 08:58 AM

    As a guy, with plenty of guy friends, I can say with absolute certainty that the best guys (the top 25%) are definitely interested in more than thin, bleach-blond bimbos.

    It may take some girls a little longer to realize who those guys are.
    wolfgangqpublic's Avatar
    wolfgangqpublic Posts: 189, Reputation: 29

    Feb 2, 2009, 08:58 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by HistorianChick View Post
    Meet at Gettysburg, sound good? ;) I'll bring the coffee, you bring the picnic basket?
    LOL - I actually went to Gettysburg with my ex. This was clearly my choice haha.
    neverme's Avatar
    neverme Posts: 1,430, Reputation: 270
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    Feb 2, 2009, 09:00 AM

    I just scanned over the other answers and I agree with most of the posters here.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    Hot.. is the whole package.

    You know you guys said it.

    But I think that truly these girls are just insecure about their appearance so they cover it up with fake bake and make up. It's all a mask. So next time you see them try to see if it's just a scared girl underneath all of that.

    By the way the OP never said anything about these girls being stupid for the posters that said stuff about that, just because you have blonde hair and big boobs doesn't mean you have air for brains.
    kctiger's Avatar
    kctiger Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 1319
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    Feb 2, 2009, 09:49 AM

    I think it goes a long way in saying that none of us should feel confident enough to EVER call someone ugly. A poster said, on the first page, that people are attracted to all kinds of different people. I am totally humble when I get a compliment from a girl, whether I find her attractive...

    No one is ugly, and I don't care how good looking you think you are, you don't have the right to call someone else ugly. I am a pretty good looking guy, but didn't get a lot of girls to like being around me because, at one time, I lacked any real self confidence. I can tell you, now that I have some self confidence, it makes a world of difference, as it projects from the inside out...

    Carry on... :cool:
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Feb 2, 2009, 10:10 AM

    In my 38 years experience on this earth (no comments KC;)) I've learned a few things, here's a few of them.

    The girl with the bleach blonde hair, fake tan, lowcut shirt and fake boobs is usually the girl with the least confidence in herself.

    If you're looking for substance, go up to the girl sitting at the bar, talking to everyone there, wearing jeans and a sweater. Really, that's the girl who will get the guys, every single time!

    The more someone pays for their outward appearance, the more insecure they are about what they have to offer, they're hoping that no one will look deeper. It's like shining a light in someone's eye, you're too busy concentrating on the light to notice that everything else is dim.

    I find it sad that so many younger girls think that their appearance is all that matters. I can promise you one thing, at 70 years of age, those bleach blondes aren't going to be so hot, and unless they have something else to offer, they'll die without a partner, just their 30 cats and a goldfish.

    Find the light within, it always shines brighter!
    roxypox's Avatar
    roxypox Posts: 1,028, Reputation: 328
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    Feb 2, 2009, 10:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    In my 38 years experience on this earth (no comments KC;)) I've learned a few things, here's a few of them.

    The girl with the bleach blonde hair, fake tan, lowcut shirt and fake boobs is usually the girl with the least confidence in herself.

    If you're looking for substance, go up to the girl sitting at the bar, talking to everyone there, wearing jeans and a sweater. Really, that's the girl who will get the guys, every single time!

    The more someone pays for their outward appearance, the more insecure they are about what they have to offer, they're hoping that no one will look deeper. It's like shining a light in someone's eye, you're too busy concentrating on the light to notice that everything else is dim.

    I find it sad that so many younger girls think that their appearance is all that matters. I can promise you one thing, at 70 years of age, those bleach blondes aren't going to be so hot, and unless they have something else to offer, they'll die without a partner, just their 30 cats and a goldfish.

    Find the light within, it always shines brighter!
    So true Alty! And so well said!

    My experience is that as well.

    And as for young girls, like a said in a previous post, I work at a school, and I see a lot of young girls who seem to spend a lot of time on their appearance, and the way they act... its like dense is the new clever, and the dim is the new smart. Its sad is what it is.

    As for the girl in the jeans and the sweater! Heck yeah!

    Lol "30 cats and a goldfish":D
    slapshot_oi's Avatar
    slapshot_oi Posts: 1,537, Reputation: 589
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    Feb 2, 2009, 11:11 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    In my 38 years experience on this earth (no comments KC;)) I've learned a few things, here's a few of them.

    The girl with the bleach blonde hair, fake tan, lowcut shirt and fake boobs is usually the girl with the least confidence in herself.
    So true, in fact, I was hanging out with a girl like that last night. Unfortunately, she is the girlfriend of a good buddy of mine. Aside being very whiny, needy and treating him like garbage, she is constantly judging people on looks alone.

    If she didn't find me attractive she probably wouldn't be my friend, and I think she's only my friend just to use me as leverage against her boyfriend to make him jealous (she's brought my name up in a few fights they had... yeah, she's that bad). She's one of the girls featured in movie Clueless. I've never seen her without a low-cut shirt.

    There's nothing to her beside her looks, and I know first hand she makes a terrible girlfriend. She's only in a relationship now because she knows that her boyfriend won't leave her.
    HistorianChick's Avatar
    HistorianChick Posts: 2,556, Reputation: 825
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    Feb 2, 2009, 12:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by neverme View Post
    just cos you have blonde hair and big boobs doesn't mean you have air for brains.
    I have a humorous story for this one...

    It all happened on a dark and stormy night... lol. Actually, literally. I was in a Barnes and Noble, waiting for the release of a book (a book that shall remain unnamed, simply because at my age, waiting for said book *could* be taken as childish! ), as I was waiting, I bought myself a nice large coffee and went to have a seat in my favorite section - US History. Mind you, I have almost every book EVER written about Andersonville Prison - including the diary of my great, great great, Grandfather... a prisoner and survivor - and was quite enthralled with a book that I hadn't seen before. I was sitting on the ground in front of the Civil War section, completely enthralled with this book, my coffee and pink cell phone sitting right next to me... as well as my cute little Coach purse and pink leather jacket.

    So, the stage was set. I'm sitting there, minding my own business, when some JERK stood over me and impatiently cleared his throat. I didn't look up because I was, well, because I was lost in the book. He cleared his throat again and made his shadow fall over the book - stupid man. I looked up, and said, "Can I help you?" He laughed and said, "You're in the way."

    At that moment, all the Barbie, Jessica Rabbit instincts in me shot out, I stood my jean clad, Barbie figure up, looked him straight in the eye (since I had my heeled boots on, we were the same height), and said, "EXcuse me?? I was reading."

    He did the up-down, and said, "Well, haha, you're in the WRONG section. This is history."

    (I was getting a little bit upset at that point)

    I replied, "Yes, SIR, I know."

    He stepped back, did another up-down, and said, "YOU are into CIVIL WAR?"

    I said, "But of course, SIR. This Barbie has Brains." And took my little Barbie self, my stack of civil war books, and my cute accessories over to the World War 2 section, where a chair was just opening up. I did an extra little "hip swagger" just for him... the man that was scraping his chin off the floor.

    It was great.
    YesIamIam's Avatar
    YesIamIam Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2009, 12:14 PM

    It's biology, there are proven studies on it and everything. Men really are more sexually attracted to blondes (in general). This is because women's hair darkens as they get older so men evolved to want to mate with the lighter haired women as a means of bettering their chances at healthy offspring. Younger women are more fertile. And as far as make up goes, it often shows youth too. As piggish as a lot of men are about these fake girls, they really can't help a lot of it!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Feb 2, 2009, 12:20 PM

    I love it when men assume that because you're pretty you must be dumb as a post.

    Ah the stories I could tell, too many to post here. I really should write a biography, but I'd have to do it under a fake name. ;)

    My favorite memory was in high school. We were finally offered a German 10 course in grade 10, so I decided to take it in lieu of french, after all, I already speak German, it was an easy A (okay, not showing my intelligence here, or am I?)

    Anyway, the teacher was new, young, motivated and overly confident. He swaggered up to the black board and wrote down a sentence in German. He turned to face the class with this self satisfied little grin on his face and proclaimed "I guarantee that you will all be able to write in German by the end of this semester, I know that it seems impossible now, but under my instruction you will learn!"

    I raised my hand and when he called on me I explained to him that the sentence he had written on the board was incorrect. He glared at me and said "I don't think that you have any right to question me, I am the teacher, you are the pupil, you're here to learn German, and until you do I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself."

    I raised my hand again, and this time I told him how to properly write the sentence. He turned bright red, "young lady, I have taken 3 years of German in college, I think I'm a bit more knowledgeable then a 10th grade girl, so you just sit your pretty little self down and leave the teaching to those that are smarter than you".

    Okay, I couldn't that let that go "Um, sir, I was born in Germany, english is my second language, so, even though your 3 years of german study is impressive, I've been studying it since I was born, so, you might want to listen to me, unless of course you want to teach everyone how to speak German incorrectly."

    Ya, I got kicked out of the class. Me and my big mouth! :(

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