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    kazzz's Avatar
    kazzz Posts: 111, Reputation: 6
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    May 31, 2007, 12:33 PM
    To my sweetness

    loving you is easy
    I do it everyday
    missing u is heartache
    that never goes away.

    no longer in my life to share
    but in my heart
    your always there.

    I forgive you huny, you are so special to me,
    you made such a difference in my life,
    I truly cherished every moment I had with you,
    now I will cherish our memories and our happy times and make you proud of your princess.
    forever my lover forever
    memore always
    sweet dreams
    all my heart, always yours
    sweet cheeks xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx
    SAB123's Avatar
    SAB123 Posts: 685, Reputation: 94
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    Jun 19, 2007, 07:26 AM
    Too my girl.

    I just want to say I will always love and miss you. But it's time for me to truly let go of you and XXXX(her son). You taught me a lot about things and how to truly love someone on a different level. I don't / can't ever hate you. I don't know your intentions or why you still are playing head games with me again when we are broken up, but I will not let you ever control me again. Tell XXXX(her son) I will always love him. I would like to be friends but I can never see you as just a friend. I hope you find what you are looking for in a man obviously it was not me. Please never sell our engagement ring, that would kill me to find out you had sold it. I hope one day you think of me and to yourself, yes he was a good man, I wish I never let him go. That would make me feel good about myself. But now I must let you go.

    Love always, Scott
    emopunk7's Avatar
    emopunk7 Posts: 1,052, Reputation: 161
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    Jun 19, 2007, 08:34 AM
    Dear Ex,

    There you go, out of my life over an argument. As much as I tried communicating, things were only your way and I could never say a word! You would speak and when it was my turn you would hang up! You cursed me out all the time and you shared my deepest secrets to the public whenever you got mad! You made fun of me not having a car and you constantly threw me out of your house! You talked to me like garbage and treated me like ! I dealt with all of you daily and I always tried my hardest to not pay you back for everything. You always found a way to pay me back. I made a mistake of calling certain friends you didn't like but stopped for almost 7 months and what do I hear come out of your mouth? "I'm going to call guys"? I wonder what you've been doing? And then you take a break after going out to your sister's church without telling me and you did it again the next day! Cheater! Hanging out with new guys and letting them get close to you and then you put the F****** guy on your top on myspace! F*** Y**!! You hurt me more than you will ever know. You Bit*h! I loved you with all my heart! I did everything and I was there for you. You had the worst attitude ever which is why we couldn't work things out. Everything had to be your way. Everyday you got out of work, I'd say, what do you want to do today!! I always let you choose! You had a problem with everything I did. "Don't protect me" "Don't look at girls" (even when I wouldn't) You are psycho and bi-polar! Yes you have a great smile and you can be fun, but come to think of it, you really did me a favor by leaving. I can see now how you manipulated me and controlled me. I couldn't even be around family because you wouldn't trust me. Psycho! Don't ever stop me from being around family! I never stopped you. I would tell you for us to go chill with Al and Jeremy and watch a movie with your parents but you always said no! You said you don't like being home and so much more junk. I like your family more than you do... What's your problem. You need to grow up and maybe one day you will realize I was the best thing that ever happened to you like you said everyday. You said I was your best at everything. The truth is I loved you so much I would've never left you no matter what you did to me. So thanks for the favor you mean girl. I rememeber one of our last convos, I said, "I'm being so nice to you and you're being so mean, imagine how you would get if I was mean" And you said "Fcuk you, you piece of "! Still I called you back and I said sorry for getting you upset like I always said throughout our relationship when it was you who should've apologized! You never said sorry! You never would call back to fix an argument unless you wanted to yell at me some more! How didn't you see all this good from me! You always gave up! You would swear not to curse me out and then you would the next day. Your family started hating me after a while because of you. You always made it seem like it was my fault, like I was the one who started things. You're manipulative! One day I told you not to bend over the way you did because of your shirt and people can see and my bro was next to me... One second later you did it again! You stubborn A**! You never did anything right! You even cursed me out in front of my brother! And during a basketball game just because I told you to play defense! One basketball game you walked away on me in front of everyone just because I didn't play defense. I was observing the guy to see how he played and I told you the next game I'll get serious! RELAX PSYCHO! I mean sure I had some good times with and I loved them and I swear I tried my hardest to keep them coming, but you always stopped them from coming. You are too much! Checking through my stuff every second! I let you use my moms computer to do your resume because I cared for your life and future and for 2 hours you were spying on me!! You never loved me at all!! I sent you flowers all the time and gave you everything you desired. I got you airplane tickets to take you away with me for a vacation and to fulfill your dreams, and then you leave me. I did it all for you. I tried fixing every argument but you were not there to help. You loved staying mad. You made the worst of our relationship. I am the sweetest, caring, cutest, funnest, passionate, loving, daring, cleanest boyfriend you will ever have! If you were bored I'd save you and give you the time of your life, but you're attitude is insane! Even the way you talk to your brothers and parents! Then you go to church but yet you smoke and curse up a storm in every sentence! WHO ARE YOU!! Still I always took the blame for EVERYTHING! But I don't care anymore! I'll take the blame! Just know I did my best and I tried everything to fix us, but you just played games and I'm not playing anymore! I still can't believe you told my secret out in the public! How about I tell people your secrets? You wouldn't like that huh? You're so fu*king lucky I'm not like you! I'm so much better than that. Thanks for the good times anyway and for doing me whenever I wanted it (I taught you the nastiest and funnest things!. lol) and thanks for all the lies of always and forever. Bi*ch. But don't you dare for one second ever think that I won't find someone better than you. But I sure will! Goodbye Ex-Girlfriend!!

    I hope the next boy you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips!

    And I hope there is ice on all the roads and you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt and again when your head goes through the windshield!
    zooropa1985's Avatar
    zooropa1985 Posts: 255, Reputation: 43
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    Jun 19, 2007, 08:42 AM
    Dear ex

    When we first met there was an instant spark, I felt a connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else. From the very first date I knew that you would be a major part in my life.
    I remember the first time you said you loved me, we were lying beside each other and I was toying with you, saying how I really really really liked you, you smiled, looked into my eyes and said those three words "i love you", I felt so happy, I never heard anyone say that to me before.
    I was your mr perfect, we went everywhere and did everything together, it was me and you against the world.
    I only wish you hadn't told me about your past, at least not the detail you gave, I couldn't handle it, I bugged me everyday and night but I tried to hide my feelings.
    I know I was an idiot for some of the things I did, I'm sorry I got jealous over your ex and I'm sorry I sent that text, I just wanted a reaction.
    I remember reading the text message and scrolling down to see the "its over", I remember feeling lost, like something had knocked me out and I was in a state of daze, I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't, I was so scared.
    I tried to ring you and get an answer but you didn't pick up your phone.
    Now I don't know who you are anymore, where did that sweet girl go, why didn't I get to say one last goodbye to her? I look back now and wonder where has it all gone?
    Your were my first love and ill never forget you, even now after all you put me through I would die to protect you from anything in this world.
    You will go out and find another, I hope that whoever that person is he brings you a state of happiness I could not, I want to thank you for giving me the best time of my life, I'm sorry it had to end, I would have stayed with you forever.

    Now all I feel is anger, all I'm left with is this beast that wants to burst out, why did you leave me? Why did you just text me randomly to say its over? I would understand you're behaviour if there was another guy but there isn't, why wouldn't you let me back into your heart and prove myself?

    you say your parents won't forgive me because of the text, they are christian, surely they should understand that people make mistakes, I'm still a boy, I'm sorry I swear I never meant to hurt you!

    Your friends told you to leave me and you listened, that shows what I meant to you, you listen to girls that have never been in a relationship let alone love, what would they know about the work you have to do?

    What hurts the most is knowing that you still talked to your ex, even when we were going out, you said you hated him but you could still flirt online with him while talking to me? What makes me worse than him at this point? You even added the man that abused you on bebo, the man you said you hated and wish you never met! When I wanted to go after him you stopped me, you protected him and got mad at ME for confronting him when he texted you that time.

    I was only ever trying to protect you!

    I wish you would remember the times we had, it seems that I'm always the one that get left behind, you are out having a good time with your friends but I have found something more valuable, I have found this website with great people that care about me, its ironic that almost complete strangers care more about me than you!

    I thank them all because if it wasn't for this site I don't know what I would have done.

    You were the love of my life and the life of my love

    Im sorry


    (sorry it wasn't as humourous as others lol)
    Jiser's Avatar
    Jiser Posts: 1,266, Reputation: 281
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    Jun 19, 2007, 09:10 AM
    An update:

    I don't really give a s_h_t! ;]
    TrueFaith's Avatar
    TrueFaith Posts: 1,202, Reputation: 313
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    Jun 19, 2007, 11:36 AM
    Dear Ex

    Well. I should say dear miss jump on me while you drunk use me like a bit of meat, insane monagmistly challenged, strangly blond.. women!
    I couldn't be more happy that you are leaving my life, its been a complete nightmare.. I just feel sorry for your boyfriend, I'm not the victum here, that poor guy is.
    Hope it all works out. Hope you can keep your hands to yourself when you get those vodka in you.
    Oh yeah I'm going to bill you for making me waste my time thinking about you.

    So long and good night
    pulpfiction's Avatar
    pulpfiction Posts: 43, Reputation: 5
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    Jun 22, 2007, 11:59 PM
    walg9e's Avatar
    walg9e Posts: 16, Reputation: 2
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    Jun 28, 2007, 10:21 PM
    Dear Friend,
    I’m writing this letter because if I talk to you, I’ll start crying and won’t be able to really tell you what’s on my mind. I fell in love with you the very first moment we met in the hallway. You may not believe that, but it’s true. It wasn’t an instant closeness, or connection. It wasn’t that I felt like I knew you before. It was love. From that moment I was in love. I didn’t know that then. I thought it was infatuation, lust, a faze. But looking back, I now know it was love all along. Why else would I put myself through this? When I meet a man and we are attracted to each other, but he tells me he has a woman, I am instantly offended that he would even want to get to know me and disrespect his woman like that. Even if it’s only to be friends. Because how can you only be friends with someone you like who’s taken? I usually don’t want to have anything to do with a man like that. Until you came along. I’m not saying you are exactly like that, but the way you looked at me, told me you weren’t taken. That’s why I had to ask in the hallway before I was led any further. For some reason, I didn’t feel offended or upset that you were being kind to me, and wanted to be my friend, despite the fact that you were taken. Why? Because it was too late. I was already in love. I felt it as soon as I looked into your eyes. I felt it as soon as I saw your beautiful smile. I felt as though you were mine instantly. I felt like it was normal. I thought that everything I began to feel was normal and I was suppose to feel that way.
    You are someone else’s. You are not mine no matter how much I feel like you are. You can’t give me what I need. I want to wait and see sooooo bad. I thought I could just let things flow and let everything ride out. But it has occurred to me that you will be the one who is most satisfied with that. Not me. You can continue to only talk to me on the phone and never feel the need to see me. But I can not. And here lately even an occasional visit isn’t enough anymore. And as long as things continue the way they are, I will continue to want more than what you are able to give. I want all of you PERIOD. I can’t have you PERIOD. I don’t even know if I’ll be satisfied if you were my man. I don’t know if we would work out or not. I feel in my heart we would. But anyway, I’ve fooled myself into thinking that I can be only your friend. I can not do that any longer. Maybe you can, but I can’t. It’s all or nothing for me. Because as long as I talk to you, I will continue this obsession for you to be mine. Yes I am in love with you. But you can’t entertain that thought about me.
    I want you to be with me sooooo bad it hurts. Love, love is crazy ain’t it? Everyone falls in love. Sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s right. I don’t know if this was right or wrong. I know it came at the wrong time. Man I want to talk to you, I want to see you, I want to be able to just let things ride and how I wish I could relax. But I can’t. That’s just who I am. I mean even though I’m not going to be in your life the way I was, I am still going to continue to wait for you to be mine. Even if I meet someone else. You will always be in my heart. I feel complete with you. I feel like me and my daughters can have a wonderful life with you. And if ever you do decide you want a child, I want to be the one to have it with you. I want us to continue to educate ourselves together. I want us to travel this world together. I want us to grow together in life and live as one until we are no longer breathing. If only you could feel that way. But of course you can’t entertain that thought because you are someone else’s.
    No one knows when, how or who they are going to fall in love with. B, despite what I’ve said in the past, I don’t regret falling in love with you. You have taught me so much about life and love. How it should be given and received. You have taught me what it feels like for a man to love a woman. You have taught me to be patient and live life to the fullest day by day. You have taught me to speak to strangers with a smile and give off positive energy into the world. You have taught me that everything in life has a purpose even if we don’t know what the purpose is at that moment. “It is what it is.” I have learned so much from you and I know I could learn a lot more. I want to thank you for everything that you could give me. I want to thank you for allowing me to love you. And I’m sorry for having to do this. I know it’s hard for you too. But it’s for the best don’t you think? You have a woman who understands you and loves you dearly and who would probably ride or die for you. I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I’m backing away and not just for a few days. I’ve really realized that you really love your woman. And how can I want to take that away from her. Someone once told me that when you love someone for the person they are and not what they are, you can truly be happy for them and not be selfish. I am happy for you. I am happy that you have a woman who takes care of you. And I want you to be happy even though it’s not with me. You don’t need me disrupting your life. You are set in your ways and who am I to try to change them? You are basically married and who am I to try to take you away? I don’t deserves your love. I’m not your woman. Yes I’m a friend, but the love you gave me was not for a friend, but for a love. She has to have your love not me. She deserves it. And I have to accept that. It’s not fair to her for her man to love another woman. I can’t do that to her. You must also love her so deeply. You respect her sooooo much. She must be so special. How can I ever hope to take that love away from anyone. It’s not right. This friendship is not right. It’s not normal. So continue to love your woman with all your love. I don’t want to be in the way no matter what you say. I know I am. I‘m not trying to tell you what to do. All I ask of you is to sometimes do what’s in your heart, and not what you think is right. If you want to call me, then call me. If you want to see me, then ask. Don’t not do it because you think it’s the right thing to do. Let your heart be allowed to make some decisions sometimes. I know if you do, it won’t be often enough to cause any problems. You can go for months without seeing or talking to me. I won’t say goodbye because it’s not goodbye. It’s just a pause for the cause. I’ll eventually be okay. That’s the funny thing about life. You keep on living.

    Always and forever loving you,

    pulpfiction's Avatar
    pulpfiction Posts: 43, Reputation: 5
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    Jun 29, 2007, 04:49 AM
    Dear S:
    This could be a letter full of anger or regretments, but it's not going to be that, because for this last time I want to remember all the beautiful things you made me feel.I've been thinking about how to get you out of my head and heart, but I can't, and the reason is because I LOVE you beyond anything, and I was expecting to share my life with you.I don't know why God allows such things happen, but I'm sure there's a good reason for that.I'm sure you know what I've been passing through, because probably you are passing through this too, I don't doubt you love me, or loved me in these 4 years, our story is just a bit different, there wasn't cheating, there wasn't lack of love, or passion, compassion... just a wide massive ocean between us, and time. So for all I didn't tell you and I feel I have to, I will...
    When I first saw you it was like that scene of Big Fish, when the time stops and you see the love of your life, after seeing the movie and have told me why you proposed me, I laughed but it was truth, everything stopped for me! It was a crazy attraction, that I didn't care my mum was there, I had to kiss you and simply I did! With time, I learned to love you more than anything in my life, and I still do... These almost 4 years we shared everything, were fantastic for me, and I thank you for everyday you spent with me.

    1.-For declaring your love for me in front of my parents, brother and sister, in front of your own mother, sister, niece and friends.
    2.-For calling me the love of your life.
    3.-For paying attention to every detail in the relationship, like offering me a hot water bottl
    For my cramps, for preparing me a hot bath when I was tired, for the time we spent online waiting for the sunrise.
    4.-For giving me little kisses while you were driving, and caress my leg on our way home.
    5.-For wearing white shirts and the lotion I like the most, when you were going to meet me at the airports.
    6.-For the lilies and the chocs you set on my bedroom to receive me.
    7.-For staring at me while I put on my make up for going to work, and still tell me how cute I look.
    8.-For our fights, for driving me crazy every time you didn't react for the things I was shouting you for!
    9.-For being a child, and dance of joy every time I was staring at you.
    10.-For the glances we share when I was in your house.
    11.-For the times you told me you love me, while I was eating in front of you.
    12.-For making me feel THIS loved.
    13.-For all the poems you made, the letters, the songs, the videos, the pictures, the power point presentations.
    14.-For crying and praying with me when my granny passed away.
    15.-For the nights we loved each other, with tenderness and passion.
    16.-For the time at the movies, when you selected the cloudy popcorn I told you I liked.
    17.-For letting me win in chess! Hehe. (you didn't let me win, but let's give you this, in this occasion!)
    18.-For letting me comfort you, and caring for you, for cooking with me, for loving my angry sandwhiches!
    19.-For have told me: I wish this was our time , Clau... that this was our honeymoon,This is the perfect view for me, you in front of me, the ocean and sunset behind you Clau, when you were holding me in the pool in Acapulco.
    20.-For the glances, the dances(eventhough you don't like to dance) for calling me angel, the texts, the short phonecalls , for the bunches of roses, and the little notes , for the letters and the pictures, for the trust and the will, the movies , the naps, the tickles,.

    So you see? There are more things I could be listing, but I won't bore the readers here, I wrote this, because all the times you told me, I didn't appreciate all the things you did for me,the truth is... I DID, and I still DO, I will never forget you, or our love S! but to be honest you have hurt me, and I have hurt you, and now we're lost, but I won't stop loving you because of the hurts, my love for you goes further, so I hope I can find peace somewhere
    And with time, my happiness. I don't want to hate you EVER, because we gave each other all a human being could share with another.

    See you my love.

    pulpfiction's Avatar
    pulpfiction Posts: 43, Reputation: 5
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    Jul 1, 2007, 04:23 PM
    Thanks guys! :)
    Jenahnah's Avatar
    Jenahnah Posts: 5, Reputation: 4
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    Dec 18, 2007, 03:06 AM
    This maybe a bit off topic but I just wanted to post a letter up here to my grandparents, I hope it's not a problem


    Grandma & Grandpa

    This is your granddaughter, Jenny. Trying to contact you
    I don't know how many times I have tried to get in contact with you two but it has been a lot.
    This maybe nothing but just a plain silly letter I'm writing to you but it's what I need to do.
    I don't know why we still don't talk and I may never know but it's worth a try, I don't understand what made you two stop talking to me, As far as I know I haven't done anything wrong but you two may think differently then I do. I want to know how you two are doing and how everyone in "your" part of the family are doing. Grandma, Grandpa you two have came in and out of my life so many times in my life that I can't even begin to count. Is this where my biological father got this from? Was you grandma? I have so many questions for the both of you that I don't know where to even begin. You two DO not know me by any means because you haven't even bothered or even tried putting any effort into seeing me, You know a card here or a letter here or there wouldn't of hurt? Jeff did the same thing as you two did to me, He walked in and out of my life so many times that I didn't know where I stood in the world, I was such a mess and didn't understand why he didn't want to see me until I found out the truth. Did you two know the truth? Did you know that he sexually abused me as a child? Or did you just not want to see it? Did you know that he sexually/mentally/Physically abused me when I was fifteen till I was sixteen? Grandma, You brought a monster into this world and I don't know how you can just stand by and see him do this to his children. I am not just scared for myself but I am so scared for Ashley's well being and I can't seem to do anything about it but you can, I am sure you know what's going on. You say you don't talk to Jeff or Joanne anymore but I highly doubt that you would neglect him but then again they did to me so it could be possible since he does take after you. I did nothing wrong to any of you and all I got was nothing in return, I can honestly say that I loved all four of you but you four never bothered returning that love to me.

    I'm eighteen years old now,
    Did you know that?
    Or did you forget my birthday too?

    I am currently engaged to the love of my life and one day I hoped you would have put time and effort into finding me again like you did years ago and you could join my wedding but I see that's not going to happen anytime soon. I love him, He is the one guy in my life that has showed me what it's like being in love and what it's liked to be loved in return and I am just so happy that he hasn't given up hope on me like the four of you have.

    I do hope you can write me back and I will give you the chance to explain yourself to me but if you're going to do nothing but say I'm lying then I don't want to hear from you. I just need to know the answers to my questions so I can move on in my life

    With all the love I can give,

    Sorry if it's long
    mdornan's Avatar
    mdornan Posts: 3, Reputation: 2
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    Aug 7, 2008, 08:20 AM
    I am soooo close to sending this to my ex it's scary! Somevody needs to tell me what a bad idea it would be, and that it is a stupid idea, that he doesn't care! Tell me not to do it!




    I thought I knew what it was like to miss you, but I had no idea.

    It's been exactly a month since you ended what we had. Some days it feels like a lifetime since I was with you, but most days I can still picture your face smiling before me, your voice in my ear – I loved your voice, it was so comforting to me - and I can still imagine your arms around me when I lay in bed each night.

    I’m so sorry for off-loading all my issues on you. I’ve never been one for talking to my friends – I’ve always been the one giving the advice and help - but you were my best friend for those 7 months we knew each other, and I think it’s so sad that I’ll never get to talk to you or see you ever again. I know I never really talked about my issues and all even when I wrote you that letter months ago letting you a little bit into my mind – but I thought someday you would be the one person to truly know me and support me.

    I never had a real relationship before I met you – you know that. I have always been the single one in my group of friends, and I’ve always had lots of male friends. There’s obviously something about me, which most men don’t like - but whatever that is, thank you for overlooking it enough to be with me for seven months. After a year on, I lost count of the number of dates I went on and never heard from the guys again. I always was curious why they would say they had a great night – but then never contact me. I’m obviously missing something that other people are seeing. Maybe you saw whatever it is too.

    However, when I met you, I felt special. I felt beautiful for the first time ever. When I was with you, I believed that you thought I was beautiful and attractive and it didn’t matter that I didn’t have the slim body that all my other friends have (which is why I suspect most guys don’t like me). You helped me feel normal for the first time ever. I felt comfortable being the real me for the first time. I didn’t feel like I had to pretend to be anything other than myself when I was with you. I was comfortable being with you, being naked with you – which I never thought would ever be possible for me. Even with the guys I had been with before you I always felt like I was pretending, and I never felt totally comfortable with them. When I met you, I finally found out what it was to be happy, and normal.

    I miss you every day, and I guess it does not help that I have to pass your house twice a day and I can’t help but look up at it and remember the many happy times we had together there.

    My grandfather died the week after you finished with me. All I wanted to do was call to your house for a hug, for some company. I miss that. I miss being with you. I miss having someone to give me a hug, someone to kiss me, someone to call before I go to sleep at night. I miss lying on your bed, and falling asleep in your arms – because I felt so safe and comfortable with you.

    I hope that I am on your mind and that when you look at things you are reminded of me. The only reason I hope this, is that this is how it is for me. Everything in my life reminds me of you.

    Where I work reminds me of our first date, reminds me of sitting in Starbucks and you giving me my Christmas present, and reminds me of meeting you for lunch. My job reminds me of all the many emails I got from you. The silly pictures or stories you sent, and the many emails where you told me how much I meant to you. I have deleted all your emails to stop myself from reading them every day, but I still remember them. Especially the ones so early in our relationship where you told me that it felt right, that you were crazy about me, that I made you feel special, even stupid comments about you liking my lady garden(!), and that I’d do just the way I am.

    Being in my flat reminds me of you. It reminds me that I wanted nothing more than to be close to you – that’s the only reason I moved there. Possibly that’s a bit stalker-like – but I loved you and wanted you to be close (and you said you didn’t mind! Hehehe). The flat reminds me of the times I attempted to cook food but you had to take over. It reminds me of the laughter we shared when you would slag me for my lack of cooking skills – I loved that. It reminds me of lying on my sofa wrapped in each other and you saying how much you loved just being with me. It reminds me of my birthday and opening my presents. It reminds me of your birthday when I spent a day wrapping presents for the first person I ever loved. It reminds me of falling asleep with you and waking up with you – and how much I loved that. It reminds me of how happy I was when my days began with you kissing me.

    It reminds me of you taking away the only thing in my life that made me happy. Every time I am in my room, I’m reminded of you sitting in my chair trying to justify why we could not be together. Now when I lie in my bed I am flooded with the remembrance of the utter devastation of the moment you said we were over.

    I spent so much time in the first few weeks after you finished it questioning our entire relationship. I have so many questions that I know I will probably never have answers to, or even if I got answers, I probably wouldn’t understand them. I kick myself - which is impressive given my history of injuries :o) - because maybe I should have seen it coming. Maybe if I could convince myself that the relationship was not as great as I thought it was, then maybe it would be easier to get over.

    How long before the night you ended it had you been thinking that it was coming to an end?
    How long had you been contemplating the possibility of leaving London without telling me?

    I wish you had just been honest with me. I wish you had been able to drop even the smallest hint that you were so unhappy with your life. I wish I knew why you stayed with me as long as you did if you knew it wasn’t going to last. I wish you knew how much you meant to me. I wish you had ended it much sooner – instead of letting us become my longest relationship, before letting me fall so in love with you. I wish I knew why I loved you more than you loved me. I wish I knew why I could not be a part of your life. I wish I knew how I could be so oblivious to what was going on in your world. I wish I had realised that I was not important to you, and evidently wasn’t part of your world. I wish you hadn’t made me love you. I wish you hadn’t gone on holiday with me and given me all those memories which once happy are now so sad. I wish you had considered the fact that every day we were together I loved you more and more.

    I still do not understand, and to be honest I do not think I ever will. I want to believe that you did love me. I think you did for a little while at the beginning, but whatever bit of love you did have for me clearly faded. Because if you loved me the way I loved you, you could not have just deleted me from your life.

    I feel so stupid and naïve for falling for you, and believing that what we had was special. I feel stupid for thinking that we were a good match. I feel stupid for believing you when you said at New Years that this year was going to be good because we were together. I feel stupid for gloating to all of my friends the weekend before we went on holiday that we were going great, that we had no problems and that we were so in love. I feel stupid for going on that holiday with you. I feel stupid for taking pictures of you and me together. I feel stupid for telling everyone when we got back from holiday that it was great, that we didn’t fight once – and I feel incredibly stupid for thinking that was such a great thing. I feel stupid for believing that the fact that we could spend all that time together was a great sign. I feel stupid for being so blind to what we really had.

    Maybe it’s because I was 24 when I met you and had never been in love. Maybe I wanted to be in love so bad that I invented this great relationship in my head. Maybe it is because of my depression that I convinced myself I was happy with you – maybe I thought I needed something/someone external to pin my happiness on. Maybe it is because I had 4 years alone before you that I fell for you so hard because you showed an interest – which was so unusual to me.

    Maybe you could tell me that my view of what we had was not just in my imagination. Maybe if I knew that you thought we were good together, that those seven months were not fake, maybe I’d have some comfort knowing that what we did have was as real as I believed it to be.

    Though, on the other hand, knowing that you thought that what we had was as great as I thought and that you were still able to throw it away would be hard to take in. It makes me sad that you might have just been using me to pass a few months of your life until you decided what to do. If I think of us that way, a little piece of me dies.

    Having been single my whole life, I knew that I would have my heartbroken eventually. I did not expect my first love to be the person I spent the rest of my life with – that only happens in Hollywood films. Nevertheless, I had sooooo hoped that I would get to spend more that seven months with my first love. I never trusted anyone enough to let them in my life. I trusted you with my whole heart, and you broke that trust.

    I remember how much I missed you last December when I was with my family for Christmas – even though we’d only known each other a few weeks. I was so convinced that we would last that when I booked flights home for Christmas 2008 in June I only planned to go home for a couple of days because I knew that this Christmas I’d miss you even more than last. That is how blind I was! I was so convinced we would last a year! How mental is that!

    I guess that’s also quite pathetic and sad on my part! I had such a different view of what we were. You were the most important person in my life. You made me feel special and beautiful for the first time in my life. I honestly thought I was important to you. I don’t think you really know how happy you made me.

    I know relationships end and people move one. Break-ups happen ever day all over the world. So I’m not unique in the way I’m feeling. And God I’ve been the shoulder to cry on for enough of my friends to know that time is a healer. But all logic and reasoning goes out the window when it’s you. I will get over you John, and I know our lives are separate now. It is sad, but it was your decision. And however much it kills me, I have accepted that.

    I wish I could know if you have missed me at all since you ended us.

    Even though I’m heartbroken, I can say that I’m kind of glad that I can now say I’ve been in love. Finally, at 25, I know what it’s like to love someone. Unfortunately, I also now know what it’s like to have that love taken away. Hopefully I will learn from this. Maybe when I meet the next guy (in another 4 years or something like before I met you! Hehehe) I’ll not jump in headfirst like I did with you. I’ll not wear rose-tinted glasses and think everything is great. I will hopefully learn how to view relationships realistically. I guess I never thought you could just walk away from loving someone, but now that you’ve shown that’s possible, next time I’ll be aware that it could end at any moment.

    There is a point to this rambling other than repeating how I feel about the situation, and this is it... I do hope that wherever you have ended up that you are happy. You kept saying on the night you ended it that you hadn’t made any decisions. I guess I would be interested to know what decisions you did make. Did you find a new job? Did you move up north? If you did move up north, I hope you are seeing your family and friends often - seeing as that was apparently your main reason for moving.

    I’m going to believe that in some way, at some point you did love me. If that is true, then thank you for loving me. Thank you for letting me love you. Although in the weeks after you ended us I was at the lowest I’d ever been, in the seven months we were together I was the happiest I’d been in all my life.

    I’d like to hope that at some point in the future be it in a few months, or even years, that you’ll get in touch to let me know how you’re doing and what’s happening in your life, because I’ll always care about you.

    I honestly did believe that loving someone was enough – but apparently, life is more complicated than that.

    Bye, take care of yourself.

    Love always,

    Witchywoman1212's Avatar
    Witchywoman1212 Posts: 50, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 7, 2008, 01:38 PM
    Dear ex
    Ex Friend I mean, if you were ever one.
    I k ow its been a while since youlast sent me your insulting e-letter band I do kick myself for not replying especially when ever one told me not to but in a way I'm glad I didn't, sure I couldve told you off and what an a$$hole you really were and arem, but were hopefulyl when you get hit by agarbage truck since yorue trash.
    but I want to say thanks for making me realize I do deserve Better,much better!
    even if you believe in that warped mind of yorus that I'm not and ever will be good enough for you,
    this exzperience makes me realize to be EXTRA careful and more cautious dealing with men because they will obviously turn into a$$holes like you if I am not too careful.
    Thing is I am too good for you,even if you don't value me and don't see me as much, I do,and I will make sure that the next man will never treat me the way you did,
    and not to keep blinders on when it comes to relationships and men,
    Now you made it harder on the next guy because I will make sure not to take any of his crap like I took yours.
    I'm glad we never went far because yorue a player and a cheaterand I could NEVER trust you,knowing what a dog you are and will stick it to anything that walks, like you did in your trip w/your player friend. Iam not envious of whatever Ho you're with because you'll Crap on her when you get tired,that's the person you are,a dog always scatching its fleas and sticking its disease ridden thing to anything,especially another disease ridden ho,funny she's from a country known for women Hoing themselves just to get a bar for soap from tourist.
    so enjoy yourself and I really do hope you meet the same fate as your father,
    Dog HO
    Ash123's Avatar
    Ash123 Posts: 1,793, Reputation: 305
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    Aug 7, 2008, 01:51 PM
    People don't turn into A--- H---'s. They already are A-- H---'s.

    That's your challenge.

    And why it takes practice to not try to turn people into something new.

    But to find someone good and accept them as they are... and be in a place to warrant them when they come around.

    I'm guessing this guy was no prize prince.

    How many days of NC again?

    Hang in there!

    tadita83's Avatar
    tadita83 Posts: 130, Reputation: 16
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    Nov 23, 2008, 06:49 PM

    Dear Ex,
    I don't really know what happened. I'm not sure at what point you went from loving boyfriend to uncaring jerk, but I know that one day you will realize what you lost. I gave my whole heart to you which trust me was not an easy thing for someone whose been hurt repeatedly! And what did you do, hurt me again. Not only did you never take the time to be with me, talk to me, enjoy my company, but you couldn't even spare me 20 minutes to let me break up with you properly!! The hardest thing I ever had to do was call it quits. I didn't have a choice. I was in love with someone who did not care about me. So this is my farewell. I had such high hopes for us, which is probably why this hurts as much as it does. Great thing is, I have friends that are helping me through this and showing me how to move on. Unfortunately, if you keep pushing people away as you did me. You won't have that. No girl is going to put up with as much crap as I did. Not one!! So I am now moving on to greener pastures. Whether you have realized it or not, you have missed out! One day you will, but I doubt I'll still be around to hear you apologize. I wish you the best. SEE YA!!
    tadita83's Avatar
    tadita83 Posts: 130, Reputation: 16
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    Nov 23, 2008, 06:50 PM
    Oh yeah, and I'd sure like to add these song lyrics to my "letter" too:)

    Wishes by Superchick

    The saddest thing is you could be anything
    That you could want
    We could have been everything
    But now we're not
    Now it's not anything at all
    The hardest part was getting this close to you
    And giving up this dream I built with you
    A fairytale that isn't coming true
    You've got some growing up to do

    I wish we could have worked it out
    I wish I didn't have these doubts
    I wish I didn't have to wonder just what you are doing now
    I wish I didn't know inside
    That it won't work out for you and I
    I wish that I could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye

    After all the things you put me through
    Tell me why I'm still in love with you
    And why am I, why am I still waiting for your call
    You broke my heart
    I'm taking it back from you
    And taking back the life I gave to you
    Life goes on before and after you
    I've got some growing up to do

    I wish we could have worked it out
    I wish I didn't have these doubts
    I wish I didn't have to wonder just what you are doing now
    I wish I didn't know inside
    That it won't work out for you and I
    I wish that I could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye

    It's time I said my last goodbye
    It's time I said my last goodbye

    I wish we could have worked it out
    I wish I didn't have these doubts
    I wish I didn't have to wonder just what you are doing now
    I wish I didn't know inside
    That it won't work out for you and I
    I wish that I could stop this wishing and just say my last goodbye

    It's time I said my last goodbye
    It's time I said my last goodbye
    It's time I said my last goodbye
    Icarus's Avatar
    Icarus Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 23, 2008, 08:21 PM
    You're nothing but a lie pinocchio.
    5374528966's Avatar
    5374528966 Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 26, 2008, 03:52 PM

    I think for me that would be difficult... I have no harsh words to say to the ex. Even though I left him under good (but confused terms)I can't even remember what the good reasons were, only thing I remember now is all the things we did(all the things I miss) I would probably start babbling on about how I still love him, but I'm still confused and that I am back with my ex... but after everything we shared for the time we were together has stopped me from being able to feel the same about the man I am with now, and spent five years with prior to meeting you. I hate your for being so perfect and for pulling me out my stupid life, just so I could hop back into it cause I'm scared. I could say I wish I never met you, but at the same time, I don't ever remember being so happy as when I was with you.
    kaitou's Avatar
    kaitou Posts: 190, Reputation: 43
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    Nov 27, 2008, 03:50 PM

    Goodbye JERK!
    LifeChangesMan's Avatar
    LifeChangesMan Posts: 329, Reputation: 39
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    Nov 27, 2008, 04:05 PM
    This thread is great.

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