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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:02 AM
    Religious Discussions - Ask Me Help Desk
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:18 AM
    Disney again makes the list ... They had previously put warning labels on some of their content . Now they removing content from children profile due to some of their classic cartoons and movies having negative depictions and stereotypes. Included in Disney's black list are “Dumbo,” “Peter Pan,” “The Aristocats” and “Swiss Family Robinson” .

    So far adults can still watch these Disney classics with the content warning that reads : “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together.”

    But if the content is so negative ,why not just cancel it ?

    Dumbo ? The crows sing a song that pays homage to minstrel shows

    Peter Pan ? The children dress like Indians

    Swiss Family Robinson? The pirates look like "stereotypical foreign menace. "

    The Aristocats ? The Siamese cats is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth. He sings in poorly accented English voiced by a white actor and plays the piano with chopsticks.”
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Mar 10, 2021, 04:35 AM
    yes money speaks all languages
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 05:11 AM
    The Tree of KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil???
    "6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise..."

    You seem to be trying to make Eve's actions appear noble, but there is nothing noble about disobedience. There was much more to it than merely seeking for knowledge. God would have told her anything she wanted to know. No, Eve's primary motive was independence. She could do as she pleased and not be concerned about what God said. It's the same motive that leads to gay marriage. Rebellion. Once the devil convinced her that there would be no consequences to disobedience, then it became clear that she did not love God, for to love God is to be obedient regardless of consequences.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 05:25 AM
    Disney again makes the list
    I can sympathize with their response on this one, or at least can see the point in it all. They put a warning on the films. Adults can still play them for their children, so they are still available. It seems like a reasonable response. Some of it seems silly such as the children in Peter Pan dressing like indians, but some is more serious. I'm glad I'm not the one having to deal with it.

    In the meantime, Louis Farrakhan is posting on Facebook and Twitter that the Covid vaccine is "the vial of death". His posts are allowed and the Facebook censors do nothing, of course. It is a very subtle and yet effective form of racism. Certain people can avoid the blacklist.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 10, 2021, 11:56 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Disney again makes the list ... They had previously put warning labels on some of their content . Now they removing content from children profile due to some of their classic cartoons and movies having negative depictions and stereotypes. Included in Disney's black list are “Dumbo,” “Peter Pan,” “The Aristocats” and “Swiss Family Robinson” .

    So far adults can still watch these Disney classics with the content warning that reads : “This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together.”

    But if the content is so negative ,why not just cancel it ?

    Dumbo ? The crows sing a song that pays homage to minstrel shows

    Peter Pan ? The children dress like Indians

    Swiss Family Robinson? The pirates look like "stereotypical foreign menace. "

    The Aristocats ? The Siamese cats is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth. He sings in poorly accented English voiced by a white actor and plays the piano with chopsticks.”
    Capitalism 101-Make money and market a good image to keep making money.


    I wish the true believers would stick to their own threads and stop hijacking politics.
    Athos's Avatar
    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Mar 10, 2021, 12:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I wish the true believers would stick to their own threads and stop hijacking politics.
    Lol. You're right, tal. I've been guilty of it myself.

    Arguing with a Bible literalist or a fundamentalist is the road to nowhere. Not easy to have a fruitful discussion with a fantasist or someone who believes in talking reptiles and similar nonsense.

    I don't think the hijacking is intentional. It's just that these discussions can go far afield. I've tried to move them to Religion or Christianity, but rarely successfully.

    (PS - Current Events, not politics, is the thread).
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Mar 10, 2021, 12:48 PM
    They made real good money on the movies before the cancel culture crowd . Yeah they are taking the path of least resistance . That is just smart . The cancel culture stifles free expression and thought ..something the left used to champion. Can anyone imagine Mel Brooks making 'Blazing Saddles ' or 'The Producers ' today ? The movies were made specifically to mock ,ridicule ,and satirize the stereotypes in them .

    As for true believers ;you can count me in . However ,I have no desire ;and am not qualified to debate how many angels fit on the head of a pin.
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    Athos Posts: 1,108, Reputation: 55
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    Mar 10, 2021, 12:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I have no desire ;and am not qualified to debate how many angels fit on the head of a pin.
    Just wait around, someone will come up with an answer supported by Bible passages.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 10, 2021, 01:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    They made real good money on the movies before the cancel culture crowd . Yeah they are taking the path of least resistance . That is just smart . The cancel culture stifles free expression and thought ..something the left used to champion. Can anyone imagine Mel Brooks making 'Blazing Saddles ' or 'The Producers ' today ? The movies were made specifically to mock ,ridicule ,and satirize the stereotypes in them .
    It use to be cool and profitable to denigrate and offend just as it was to cancel the slaves past and whip rape pillage and plunder. To appease the south in 1871 the deal was struck to allow the black rules to get a president. Haven't we evolved past that crap yet?

    As for true believers ;you can count me in . However ,I have no desire ;and am not qualified to debate how many angels fit on the head of a pin.
    I'm a true believer in that sense, and God can put as many angels as he want on the head of a pin...duh...end of argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    Just wait around, someone will come up with an answer supported by Bible passages.
    True that and the argument begins anew.

    (PS - Current Events, not politics, is the thread).
    I screwed up again? Imagine that, but the intent of ancient man still is a bad fit except for some. I get the emotional attachment though and understand fringers and trolls as well as anybody.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Mar 10, 2021, 01:34 PM
    It use to be cool and profitable to denigrate and offend just as it was to cancel the slaves past and whip rape pillage and plunder. To appease the south in 1871 the deal was struck to allow the black rules to get a president. Haven't we evolved past that crap yet?
    No ,what you are doing is purging history . History is all the good ,the bad ,the ugly. What is happening is the cancel of one ugly and replacing it with a reign of terror . The bad idea the ugly idea needs to be exposed and defeated with argument and persuasion .... not by burying it and pretending it did not exist . That was a sensible argument the left made not that long ago. Now the free thought crowd is getting pummeled by the modern day Jacobins and are too intimidated to speak out . Few of the authors of this open letter written less than a year ago would dare challenge the cancel culture

    A Letter on Justice and Open Debate | Harper's Magazine

    And that is the real reason Disney caved to the mob.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 02:56 PM
    someone will come up with an answer supported by Bible passages.
    You mean as opposed to having no Bible support and only a fake quote from Aquinas?

    They made real good money on the movies before the cancel culture crowd . Yeah they are taking the path of least resistance . That is just smart . The cancel culture stifles free expression and thought ..something the left used to champion. Can anyone imagine Mel Brooks making 'Blazing Saddles ' or 'The Producers ' today ? The movies were made specifically to mock ,ridicule ,and satirize the stereotypes in them .
    It's one thing for a company to censor their own material. It is entirely different to persecute a person for his or her personal beliefs, and especially when those beliefs are merely in opposition to liberal orthodoxy. It is the latter that we must stand against. The firing of Chris Harrison is a perfect example of where that lunacy takes us.

    As for Confederate statues, I don't really care if a locality decides, in a lawful fashion, to remove a statue. It just bothers me when people act as though that really accomplishes something. It does not. There are just as many poor people as there were prior to the statue's removal. If we really want to make some progress, we'll start working on out of wedlock births and low performing schools. I will not hold my breath in either case.

    The Harper's article was pretty good. I was surprised to see Gloria Steinem signed onto that. The opening two or three lines were the obligatory rear-end kiss to the liberal dems and BLM. Hopefully they will see the error in this thinking soon. "Our cultural institutions are facing a moment of trial. Powerful protests for racial and social justice are leading to overdue demands for police reform, along with wider calls for greater equality and inclusion across our society, not least in higher education, journalism, philanthropy, and the arts."
    Wondergirl's Avatar
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    It is entirely different to persecute a person for his or her personal beliefs, and especially when those beliefs are merely in opposition to liberal orthodoxy.
    It is entirely different to verbally persecute a person for his or her personal beliefs, and especially when those beliefs are merely in opposition to his literal orthodoxy.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:19 PM
    so now discussion is persecution, if you don't want an alternative view then avoid discussion, I remember when it was not polite to discuss religion or politics
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:34 PM
    It is entirely different to verbally persecute a person for his or her personal beliefs, and especially when those beliefs are merely in opposition to his literal orthodoxy.
    I don't feel at all persecuted.

    so now discussion is persecution,
    Getting fired or demoted is persecution.

    if you don't want an alternative view then avoid discussion,
    Agree completely. People just need to be prepared to rationally defend their positions. "Believe this cause I say so," is not a rational defense. "Google it," is not a rational defense. "Oh! Those 24 Bible verses you used are just cherry picking," is not a rational defense.
    Athos's Avatar
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You mean as opposed to having no Bible support and only a fake quote from Aquinas?
    Unlike you, I don't interpret a book that offers a fable with talking reptiles as literal. Also unlike you, I don't offer the Bible as the be-all and end-all for every discussion under the sun. You have chosen to be in a land of fantasy, and that is your right. The rest of us require reality.

    My quote from Aquinas was not fake. I have now explained it to you at least 4 times. It is pointless to keep explaining to one who has the understanding of a child. When you get over your belief in talking reptiles, I'll be glad to renew discussion on any topic. Until then, I have to again consign you to your room.

    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Those 24 Bible verses you used are just cherry picking," is not a rational defense.
    But talking reptiles ARE?
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 03:53 PM
    My quote from Aquinas was not fake. I have now explained it to you at least 4 times.
    Your quote of Aquinas was literally cut off in mid-sentence. Your explanation is unsupported and unpersuasive. That's why I consider it to be just so much nonsense. You were simply surprised when someone actually checked out your quote and found it to be an outrageous example of truncating a quote in order to create a false impression.

    Unlike you, I don't interpret a book that offers a fable with talking reptiles as literal.
    That's fine and I understand your position. That must explain why you NEVER use a passage as support for a belief. You simply think your own preconceived ideas trump the words of the Bible.

    I'll be glad to renew discussion on any topic.
    I don't believe I have ever asked you to engage in any discussion. Sit it out if you want to. It makes no difference to me.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Mar 10, 2021, 04:54 PM
    oH yee of little faith, if you had the faith as big as a mustard seed you could move mountains
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Mar 10, 2021, 04:57 PM
    if you had the faith as big as a mustard seed you could move mountains
    Not actually what it says.
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    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Mar 10, 2021, 06:17 PM
    I paraphrase, but It is more than allegory, allegory can't move mountains

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