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  • Feb 15, 2021, 10:27 AM
    The Black List
    I forgot which OP I was posting the casualties of the cancel culture . So starting a new one .

    Today's victim is Gina Carano who is (or was ) in the Disney Channel's 'The Mandalorian ' . She was a rising start and rumors was that Disney was going to do a spin off series of her Star Wars character.

    That was before she took to Twitter and made this comment :

    Her observation is dead on accurate .
    But a Twitter lynch mob formed and demanded she be cancelled .(#FireGinaCarano )

    Disney bowed to the pressure and fired her .

    "Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future," "Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable."

    Following the announcement, #canceldisneyplus began trending on Twitter

    .................................................. .............................

    Next is Illinois Institute of Technology where a conservative student attempted to start a 'Turning Point USA 'chapter on campus .
    Turning Point promotes conservative principles in college and high schools.121 other students signed collection cards expressing interest in a TPUSA chapter.

    But in a Q &A session student senators questioned the validity of Turning Point as a national grassroots organization. Friends of the student started getting texts asking why he would want to start a 'hate group ' on campus . The student bowed to the pressure and withdrew his request . He informed the student government that classmates began to wonder if he, his peers, and his fraternity brothers were “terrible people” for trying to start the club.
    Derek Rhea, the executive vice president of the Student Government Association commented that the “entire campus had been completely mobilized,” leading to a “huge movement on the opposing side” against the prospect of a TPUSA group at Illinois Tech.

    The student provided screen shots where other students gleefully boasted that they had 'cyber bullied a student org to death.'
  • Feb 15, 2021, 10:39 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I forgot which OP I was posting the casualties of the cancel culture . So starting a new one .

    An OP is an Original Post or Original Poster. I believe you mean you're starting a new thread.

    Today's victim is Gina Carano who is (or was ) in the Disney Channel's 'The Mandalorian ' . Disney bowed to the pressure and fired her .

    Her observation is dead on accurate .
    That specific observation is valid. Her other ones are not.
  • Feb 15, 2021, 02:08 PM
    if everyone who made a Holocaust analogy recently were to be canceled, she would have plenty of company on the unemployment line.
  • Feb 15, 2021, 03:14 PM
    You can add Chris Harrison to that last. He was asked about a woman participant in the Bachelor who had her picture taken with a number of other young college women dressed up as southern belles at a party. Evidently, for the dainty, easily offended crowd, that now passes as racism. Harrison simply pointed out that perhaps people should wait for her response to the allegations before crucifying her publicly. His refusal to join the holier than thou lynch mob has resulted in his job now being on the line. He has offered up the obligatory apology in hopes of saving the day.

    In the meantime, more than 70% of black kids are now born out of wedlock. It is an absolute disaster that gets no press and is never discussed. Sad.
  • Feb 15, 2021, 06:10 PM
    don't you think it racist to give that statistic without giving the statistics for other races. I guess not but your racial superiority is showing
  • Feb 15, 2021, 06:17 PM
    Hey Tom does your cancel culture also include the repubs who get censured by state GOP because they voted against or talked against the dufus?
  • Feb 15, 2021, 06:27 PM

    I guess not but your racial superiority is showing
    Well, that's one way to look at it. Another is that, altogether apart from you, I have worked with lower income kids (certainly not all black) who were raised in a single parent home. It is usually a terrible disadvantage. You plainly don't care, and are, it would seem, among those in the the dainty, easily offended crowd. But I don't pay attention to that. Someone needs to make an issue of it. I would hope you would jump on board rather than sit back and throw stones about an issue you seem to know practically nothing about.

    BTW, I raised the issue since the Chris Harrison story is about supposed racism against black people. The two subjects go together. If you want to say that most groups in America have enormous problems with OWB, then I agree completely. Why don't you raise the issue and actually discuss it?
  • Feb 15, 2021, 06:37 PM
    Not interested in discussing racism in america
  • Feb 16, 2021, 05:28 AM

    Hey Tom does your cancel culture also include the repubs who get censured by state GOP because they voted against or talked against the dufus?
    did he lose his job ? Add Burr to the list if you like . His votes was a safe vote because he had already announced he would not run again. A censure is a slap on the wrist . That is why the Dems did not censure Trump ;which was one of their options . They went for the kill shot and that is what I am mostly posting about .

    I'm talking about things like the LGBT organization 'The Human Rights Campaign ' that is pushing the Quid administration to deny accreditation to any school that did not endorse their agenda .

    “Language regarding accreditation of religious institutions of higher education in the Higher Education Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions that discriminate or do not meet science-based curricula standards. The Department of Education should issue a regulation clarifying that this provision, which requires accreditation agencies to ‘respect the stated mission’ of religious institutions, does not require the accreditation of religious institutions that do not meet neutral accreditation standards including nondiscrimination policies and scientific curriculum requirements.”

    So if a religious school teaches homosexuality is a sin, based entirely on that school’s religious beliefs, it's accreditation should be cancelled, and its ability to provide students legally recognized degrees eliminated. First Amendment be damned .

    Will Quid go along with that ? Of course he will . This is the President who signed an EO that requires schools to let men who “identify” as women compete in women’s sports.

    Question .... if Quid goes along with this ,when will the first Madrasas be closed ?
  • Feb 16, 2021, 06:27 AM

    Hey Tom does your cancel culture also include the repubs who get censured by state GOP because they voted against or talked against the dufus?
    Politicians are in a different world. We elect them because of their beliefs, and we vote them out or censure them for the same reason. One would hope that actors, plumbers, CEOs, etc, would not fit into that category.

    But that being said, I'm not altogether opposed to the idea of the cancel culture. I don't watch the NBA or NFL because of their stupid views on kneeling for the National Anthem. There are very few movies I watch because of the content and language of the movies. Still, when we begin to attempt to practically destroy individuals because they have political views with which we disagree, then that seems to be extreme.

    It would be nice if some of them would begin to develop a backbone and refuse to apologize. Chris Harrison would be a good place to start. John McEnroe had a run-in with the speech police several months concerning a statement he made about Serena Williams. He refused to apologize because he knew, and any thinking person knew, that what he said was correct.
  • Feb 17, 2021, 06:37 AM
    I have a question .. We can’t call it the “Chinese” virus cuz that’s racist but calling variations of COVID the “South African” strain or “U.K.” strain are perfectly acceptable?
  • Feb 17, 2021, 07:34 AM
    Just wait for the Wyoming strain of the virus, or the NC strain of the virus. I guess you're to use to the abrasive hyperbolic dufus speech Tom. Hopefully that will change once the 4 years of hateful hollering screaming lying and blaming wears off. Fingers crossed.

    The repub infighting is amusing so far as throwing rocks at other repubs is a sport I can get with.
  • Feb 17, 2021, 08:31 AM
    So you don't have an answer . Diseases traditionally have names based on where they originated ( Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ; West Nile Virus; German Measles and yes even regionally in the US like Lyme disease , Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and St. Louis Encephalitis) .

    NOT calling covid the China virus was the exception. Do they wield so much power over us that we cower to their demands ?
  • Feb 17, 2021, 08:39 AM
    Did the dufus have to stoke the flames of resentment with his derisive style? His incompetent bigmouth is what sunk him, so why hold on to such a self defeating strategy since THAT guy is gone?

    Trying to be civil while you righties recover from the years of dufism. Please refrain from kicking us liberals for trying to pull you by the ankles from the dufus arse.

    Your ankles are all we can see of our right wing brothers.
  • Feb 17, 2021, 10:05 AM
    Today's Black lister is Chris Harrison ;host of The Bachelor .
    And what did he do ? Nothing .
    What happened was that Rachael Kirkconnell, a contestant on the show in 2018 attended an 'Old South 'themed dance in college . I'm sure she was dressed up as a Southern Belle and not a white hooded KKK member . The social media thought police started looking for the dirt when she became a contestant and it did not take long for the fire storm to start .

    Now what has that to do with Harrison ? Well initially he would not condemn her and withheld judgment. “We all need to have a little grace, a little understanding, a little compassion.” Then he made the unpardonable sin of saying he was not the "woke police" .

    Wrong !! In the cancel culture you are either part of the solution or part of the problem . Non-commitment is as good as guilty . He is guilty of refusing to condemn her .

    His punishment ? Last week he announced he was 'stepping aside ' as host of the show .
  • Feb 17, 2021, 10:20 AM
    Gina Carano, about whom I know very little, has taken the right approach. She has apologized for nothing and instead started in a different direction.

    "“The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered,” Carano posted Friday on Instagram. “I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same."

    It sure does inspire me!!
  • Feb 17, 2021, 10:38 AM
    Is the right wing cancel culture just as bad? Or is this more right wing hollering about the dems? I remember when you guys defended the bosses right to hire and fire who he pleased for whatever reason.

    Now you say the boss can't have control over his own product?
  • Feb 17, 2021, 10:45 AM
    The boss still can fire almost at will . What I am pointing out is the mob mentality of the cancel culture . If something as petty as NOT taking to task a contestant who dressed up like a Southern Belle to attend a college dance can get someone canned then anything can. Show me examples where the right applies anything close to this and I will comment on it . In the meantime I will continue to do this . The thing that has been bipartisan is the victims . The left eats their own as well as those from the right . Robespierre awaits his turn in the Guillotine .It is just a matter of time with the left Jacobin mob.
  • Feb 17, 2021, 11:10 AM
    Students and alumni of Harvard University are signing a letter, titled, “Revoke Their Degrees,” which asks Harvard’s leadership to take action against Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, and former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany by banning them from campus and stripping them of their degrees.
  • Feb 17, 2021, 11:17 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Students and alumni of Harvard University are signing a letter, titled, “Revoke Their Degrees,” which asks Harvard’s leadership to take action against Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, and former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany by banning them from campus and stripping them of their degrees.

    I can see where the kids and elites actions would bug you, almost as the fringers who can't distinguish between BLM and loony criminals bug me. Join the party.

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