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    amicon's Avatar
    amicon Posts: 6,066, Reputation: 1911
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    Apr 22, 2010, 12:57 PM

    Then change the things you can change,such as your passwords,and pack stuff up and put it out of your sight.

    And when you hear the songs,switch them off.

    When you see the happy couples,be happy for them.
    RobinBoston's Avatar
    RobinBoston Posts: 73, Reputation: 6
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    Apr 22, 2010, 01:11 PM

    "I always think of her when I see others holding hands, when I hear certain songs, when i see someone driving the car she has"

    Adro - that is going to occur for a while. You sound EXACTLY how I sounded in the beginning. I couldn't look at couples or listen to music without wanting to cry. Reminders were everywhere.

    BUT, In time, those reminders will still be there and you will think of her, but it will be a different feeling. I am reminded of my ex all the time, but it has become a nostalgia type of feeling. Like a memory. You're pain and longing will fade into memory and acceptance.

    For example, I have to drive by a restaurant near my house almost dailiy that was "our restaurant" - we went there all the time. I felt like crying for the first month or so driving by. Now I am able to look and think for a second, then laugh it off and just be happy for the memory.

    Forgiveness, time, and knowing this is what is meant to be. You are meant to be happier and you will be. Just let it happen.

    By the way, I started going to the gym every single day after my breakup. It made me feel sooo much better physically and emotionally. It helped take up time, and gave me something else to think about, and gave me confidence. I also now get looks and compliments from other girls, which helps since I am out there again. This might be something that would help you.
    heart_line's Avatar
    heart_line Posts: 14, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 23, 2010, 06:24 AM

    Adro... you sound like everyone of us sounded... or still sounds . But you need to be strong. Keep yourself busy... and remember.. you have to love yourself first.. it's your obligation... life goes on.. I know it is hard to believe.. trust me, I find it hard too... but it's simple as that. We are growing (in any ages) and learning from our experiences and becoming better persons..
    Take care..
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 12:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by amicon View Post
    Then change the things you can change,such as your passwords,and pack stuff up and put it out of your sight.

    And when you hear the songs,switch them off.

    When you see the happy couples,be happy for them.
    Im trying really really hard amicon to do those things. Whenever I saw couples I was always happy for them. I knew what I felt like holding my ladys (my exs) hand and being happy with her, and I would always be happy for them because I knew that they were feeling the same thing. Its been almost a month and the good days are finally starting to outnumber the bad days, but the mornings and nights are the hardest. That's when I feel the most alone. Ive got a long way to go.
    amicon's Avatar
    amicon Posts: 6,066, Reputation: 1911
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    Apr 23, 2010, 12:52 PM

    I don't think its as long as you imagine it.

    You are growing,as a person,in leaps and bounds.

    Get a routine for your mornings,jump out of bed and get busy.

    And make sure you are tired enough,maybe from physical exercise,to be able to drop off straight away when you go to bed at night.
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 12:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by RobinBoston View Post
    "I always think of her when I see others holding hands, when I hear certain songs, when i see someone driving the car she has"

    Adro - that is going to occur for a while. You sound EXACTLY how I sounded in the beginning. I couldn't look at couples or listen to music without wanting to cry. Reminders were everywhere.

    BUT, In time, those reminders will still be there and you will think of her, but it will be a different feeling. I am reminded of my ex all the time, but it has become a nostalgia type of feeling. Like a memory. You're pain and longing will fade into memory and acceptance.

    For example, I have to drive by a restaurant near my house almost dailiy that was "our restaurant" - we went there all the time. I felt like crying for the first month or so driving by. Now I am able to look and think for a second, then laugh it off and just be happy for the memory.

    Forgiveness, time, and knowing this is what is meant to be. You are meant to be happier and you will be. Just let it happen.

    By the way, I started going to the gym every single day after my breakup. It made me feel sooo much better physically and emotionally. It helped take up time, and gave me something else to think about, and gave me confidence. I also now get looks and compliments from other girls, which helps since I am out there again. This might be something that would help you.
    RB I read your thread about your breakup and I see a lot of similarites between our situations. Of course its not 100% dead on, but there's tons of similarites. It gives me so much hope reading your thread, it gives me hope that I can move on and be happy again. Im a little younger than u, but I am also about to graduate this June, and like u, my life will be changing drastically very soon. You were very strong from the get go, much more stronger than I was and more stronger than I am right now. You are an amazing individual in the fact that you were able to convince yourself to let go and you stuck by it. Im moving on with my life, but I know deep down inside I still have hope she will come back to me. Hope dies last. And I'm the type of person who won't stop trying until the fat lady sings, never quit until its really over. The problem with this time is that I feel like the fat lady already sung, and it already really is over, but I just don't want to accept it. People on this site tell me to look at her actions, she left so she is gone. I know this is true, and I don't know why my brain cannot convince my heart of this. My heart loves to torture itself. I really hope I can get to your level one day RB. My ex has not tried to contact me since the first week of our "break." This hurts the most, because it shows that she isn't even thinking or missing me. I keep trying to tell myself who cares, but in reality, I still care. And that sucks. I can't wait for the day when I can drive by something and be like you RB, not wanting to cry and not thinking of what went wrong. What do you mean by forgiveness, what do I forgive? And the acceptance part is going to be hard to achieve. She saved my life, I felt I owed her all of me, felt like I owed her my life for doing this. She felt like this at one point too, and that had both of us convinced we would be together forever. Our relationship was really really deep, imagine dating your superhero. Now imagine your superhero doesn't even want to see you. Wow. Sorry for the length of my rant/ramble, but felt like I really needed to vent right now.
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 01:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by heart_line View Post
    Adro... you sound like everyone of us sounded... or still sounds . but you need to be strong. keep yourself busy... and remember.. you have to love yourself first.. it's your obligation... life goes on.. i know it is hard to believe.. trust me, I find it hard too... but it's simple as that. we are growing (in any ages) and learning from our experiences and becoming better persons..
    take care ..
    Its really hard to believe right now. I know that time helps, as it has helped me greatly, but I can't imagine myself with someone else. Ive been going out with my friends a lot lately, and Ive seen and talked to hella girls. The problem is that my heart doesn't want anyone else right now. I can't seem to to push her out of there yet, and it sucks. Im trying really hard to love myself, like during this "break" Im doing me. Im hanging out my friends and family a lot more now, and doing stuff I use to like to do but gave up for her (like play basketball). My biggest fear is that I will be too scared to open up for another female and too scared to offer her my heart, because I don't want to get hurt again. Im not that type of person, Im not scared of taking chances, but this situation really hurt me. Emotional pain/heartache hurts so much more than physical pain. A bruise will go away by itself after a couple days, a broken heart my never heal...
    CinnamonComplexion's Avatar
    CinnamonComplexion Posts: 58, Reputation: 0
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    Apr 23, 2010, 01:17 PM


    I couldn't even read all of that because it was way too long, but just from this {she wants a break to appreciate me more } tells me enough.

    My opinion, she wants a break because she doesn't want you anymore. Everyone misses and realizes the truth once they're gone, but that's supposed to be their lesson for future experiences of similar grounds. If she leaves, let her leave. She'll really learn to appreciate the next man/girl from the get-go.
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 01:24 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by CinnamonComplexion View Post

    I couldn't even read all of that because it was way too long, but just from this {she wants a break to appreciate me more } tells me enough.

    My opinion, she wants a break because she doesn't want you anymore. Everyone misses and realizes the truth once they're gone, but that's supposed to be their lesson for future experiences of similar grounds. If she leaves, let her leave. She'll really learn to appreciate the next man/girl from the get-go.
    Thanks for your input. She doesn't want me anymore but she doesn't have the guts to tell me straight up, that's what I knew was really up. I feel like I deserve more than this, If you don't want me then tell me. At least respect me enough to let me heal without false hope. I hate being the guinea pig, someone else is going to get it better because of me. Story of my life. Something I did and put everything into, someone else will enjoy the fruits of my labor. Sucks big time, just wondering when am I going to enjoy the fruits of my own labor?
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    CinnamonComplexion Posts: 58, Reputation: 0
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    Apr 23, 2010, 01:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by adro_is_hurting View Post
    Thanks for your input. She doesnt want me anymore but she doesnt have the guts to tell me straight up, thats what I knew was really up. I feel like i deserve more than this, If you dont want me then tell me. At least respect me enough to let me heal without false hope. I hate being the guinea pig, someone else is gonna get it better because of me. Story of my life. Something I did and put everything into, someone else will enjoy the fruits of my labor. Sucks big time, just wondering when am I gonna enjoy the fruits of my own labor?
    Right, it''l happen though. That's what life is about. Some people come into our lives for a season, and some people are permanent. You just have to be able to distinguish one from the other.

    You have learned your lesson to, so there... you have gained some fruitful knowledge for upcoming relationships (hopefully that isn't plural).

    How long have you been with her. I know you may have it in your posting, but I have been on here for awhile and read many, so my eyes are tired, plus hgetting ready to leave work here by 5pm, and it is 4:50pm.
    bella99's Avatar
    bella99 Posts: 150, Reputation: 37
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    Apr 23, 2010, 01:58 PM

    Just read through your entire post - so sorry you are going through this. I can relate to both you and the ex. You are doing the right thing though.

    I met a guy when I was 17 and we dated for 3 years - totally in love, he was 2 years older than me. Eventually I felt like I needed to just experience life on my own since I never had done that. Wasn't that I didn't love him still, but I needed to learn to live on my own with out someone - see what was in the world. It was hard to break up with someone that I loved, but I didn't want to cheat on him or be tempted to. We took a few months off talking, and started dating other people then became friends. That was like 5 years ago now.

    My posts on here are about a relationship that broke up a year ago to the day today - I had (still have) a lot of the same friends as my ex - that's how I met him through his friends, so I would run into him everywhere, and I was the person who was broken up with so I kept holding on to the hope that he would change. I wish I had been strong enough to go NC immediately as you have. You may not realize it, but it really gets rid of a lot of the drama -jsut read my thread. It took me about 5 months, but I started to really feel better and now I feel a lot better.

    Stay no contact! Oh and he invited me to his graduation last year which was a month after we broke up - I went, but it was so strange. I love his family and they love me, but he treated me like gum on the bottom of his shoe. He said he wanted me there, but didn't treat me like it. That might influence you to invite or not invite her to your graduation - it's a special day for you - don't make it weird by inviting her.

    Keep up the NC - you will have good days and bad days - just don't cave in on your bad days - go day by day, and you will be so much better off in the end!
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 02:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by CinnamonComplexion View Post
    Right, it''l happen though. That's what life is about. Some people come into our lives for a season, and some people are permanant. You just have to be able to distinguish one from the other.

    You have learned your lesson to, so there... you have gained some fruitful knowledge for upcoming relationships (hopefully that isn't plural).

    How long have you been with her. I know you may have it in your posting, but I have been on here for awhile and read many, so my eyes are tired, plus hgetting ready to leave work here by 5pm, and it is 4:50pm.
    Ive been with her for a little more than 3 years. Im sorry my post is so long, but you've probably got to read the whole thing to fully understand the whole story. Right now it feels like the fruitful knowlegde I have gained is that even when you give your absolute 100% to someone, they can still throw you away like garbage.
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 23, 2010, 02:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bella99 View Post
    Just read thru your entire post - so sorry you are going through this. I can relate to both you and the ex. You are doing the right thing though.

    I met a guy when I was 17 and we dated for 3 years - totally in love, he was 2 years older than me. Eventually I felt like I needed to just experience life on my own since I never had done that. Wasn't that I didn't love him still, but I needed to learn to live on my own with out someone - see what was in the world. It was hard to break up with someone that I loved, but I didn't want to cheat on him or be tempted to. we took a few months off of talking, and started dating other people then became friends. That was like 5 years ago now.

    My posts on here are about a relationship that broke up a year ago to the day today - I had (still have) a lot of hte same friends as my ex - thats how I met him thru his friends, so I would run into him everywhere, and I was the person who was broken up with so I kept holding on to the hope that he would change. I wish I had been strong enough to go NC immediately as you have. You may not realize it, but it really gets rid of a lot of hte drama -jsut read my thread. It took me about 5 months, but I started to really feel better and now I feel a lot better.

    Stay no contact! Oh and he invited me to his graduation last year which was a month after we broke up - i went, but it was so strange. I love his family and they love me, but he treated me like gum on the bottom of his shoe. He said he wanted me there, but didn't treat me like it. That might influence you to invite or not invite her to your graduation - its a special day for you - dont make it weird by inviting her.

    Keep up the NC - you will have good days and bad days - just don't cave in on your bad days - go day by day, and you will be so much better off in the end!
    I can understand the feeling of wanting to know what the world has to offer and everything, I was that age not too long ago either. But my thing is, that while I was feeling those feelings, I was with her. I took her along for the ride. This is when the relationship just started, and I wasn't even close to loving her as much as I love her now (or did love her). I wasn't deep in love with her, but I still kept her around and grew to really really love her. I didn't just throw her away or be like "sorry but i wanna see what else the world has to offer, i.e. not be with you anymore because I think I can have a lot more fun without you." I think I made the right move because our relationship grew to be something extrodinary. But now she's the one throwing me away. I do not want her at my graduation, but she will be there, I know it. Ive gone NC with her, but I was still talking to her little sister and getting updates on her. I changed that because it led to me reading into everything she told me, and I knew she was telling my ex everything I was doing and saying. I have gone full NC with everyone associated with my ex. Hardest thing Ive had to do. I just want the days to move faster and faster. Thanks for the support though.
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    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 27, 2010, 11:15 AM

    Update guys:
    So Ive been doing really good the last few day. Really good actually. I had no bad days since I went full NC with everyone associated with my ex. Its been about a week since NC with her little sister, and I was talking to some of my friends at school about this. Then when Im driving from school to work, my exs little sister texts me. It was a simple hey what's up. I didn't know how to respond or if I should have responded at all. It took me like a hour to decide to respond. I just told her I was good and asked what she had been up to. She told me just school, then she asked for the date and time of my graduation. She said she and her mom wanted to ask for those days off. I didn't answer, partly because it was busy at work, but partly because I didn't know what to do. I know that if I tell them, my ex will know for sure and she will show up for sure. Im so confused and don't know what to do. I want the little sister and mom there, but not my ex. But I know that happen, its either all of them or none of them. I still haven't responded to that text. Any advice would be great right now, as I am really confused and this situation is making me think of my ex and its getting me down again after doing so good. Any advice would be great guys.
    amicon's Avatar
    amicon Posts: 6,066, Reputation: 1911
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    Apr 27, 2010, 11:23 AM

    Its your graduation,a memory for life and if you don't want the ex there,that's your right,even if that means no other of her family members.

    That's the way things go sometimes.

    Go back to real NC now and don't text the sister.
    bella99's Avatar
    bella99 Posts: 150, Reputation: 37
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    Apr 27, 2010, 11:29 AM

    If the ex shows up, it will ruin a day that is supposed to be special for u. How badly do you need the mom and sister there? It's all or nothing then you need to figure out what would be worse - mom and sister not there, or ex showing up.

    The sister is definitely telling the ex everythign she talks to you about, any chance u can just call the mom and explain why you are not inviting them because it will hurt you and not that you don't still care. She might understand the situation better. If not, then she's not really a friend.

    Remember people do take sides whether you want them to or not. Mom and sister will always be on your ex's side, even if you want to be their friend still. It will get awkward when you both move on to other relationshps to maintain a relationship with the mom and sister with out the ex being in the pic.

    So, you need to figure out who is important to you enugh that you want them to share in the special occasion and invite those people
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 27, 2010, 11:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by amicon View Post
    Its your graduation,a memory for life and if you dont want the ex there,thats your right,even if that means no other of her family members.

    Thats the way things go sometimes.

    Go back to real NC now and dont text the sister.
    This is a really hard decision. Here's some of the things going through my head. I wanted to quit college many times, but each time my ex and her family would convince me to stick through it. They did everything they could to help me through it. Whether it was homework help, giving me moral support, and just being there for me. They believed I could always do it, even when I though for sure I could not do it.

    I try to put myself in their situation, for three years you do everything you can to help someone graduate. Now that graduation is about a month a half away you don't get invited. Isn't that messed up, espcially since they didn't do anything.

    Ami, your saying I shouldn't talk to the sister at all? It felt so good to know that at least someone in that family is still thinking of me
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    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 27, 2010, 12:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bella99 View Post
    If the ex shows up, it will ruin a day that is supposed to be special for u. How badly do you need the mom and sister there? It's all or nothing then you need to figure out what would be worse - mom and sister not there, or ex showing up.

    The sister is definitely telling the ex everythign she talks to you about, any chance u can just call the mom and explain why you are not inviting them because it will hurt you and not that you don't still care. She might understand the situation better. If not, then she's not really a friend.

    Remember people do take sides whether you want them to or not. Mom and sister will always be on your ex's side, even if you want to be their friend still. It will get awkward when you both move on to other relationshps to maintain a relationship with the mom and sister with out the ex being in the pic.

    So, you need to figure out who is important to you enugh that you want them to share in teh special occasion and invite those people

    This is great advice, without putting much thought into it, my ex showing up would be worse. I know that if she showed up, my whole day would be ruined. At the same time I really want her family to be there. They helped me so much, they did so much for me in the 3+ years. They knew the struggle I went through to graduate, they had so much faith and confidence in me. They believed in me when no one, not even me, believed in me. They were so proud of me graduating. My graduation was a special date to them, and now I won't invite them? Wow.

    I def know that her little sister is telling my ex everything, and that at the end of the day, her family will have her back. That's why I really want to stop talking to her family, but its hard. I was thinking of calling her mom and talking to her, but I already know that she will be greatly hurt if I do not invite her. You say that if she doesn't understand she's not a real friend, I feel like I'm not a real friend if I just push them away.

    Her little sister told me one time that no matter what happens, all of them (even my ex) want to be at my graduation. I don't know what to do, Im almost 100% sure that at the end of the 2 months my ex asked for, she'll call me and even if me and her are nevermore (which is the most likely outcome), she will talk about coming. And even if I say no, she'll still come. Because that's how she is. What's the best option for me to do?
    bella99's Avatar
    bella99 Posts: 150, Reputation: 37
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    Apr 27, 2010, 12:32 PM

    Call her mom, talk to her - invite only the mom perhaps. Her mom should understand how you feel. It's not that you are mad at your ex, you care about her and seeing her will hurt you because it will not be like every other time you have hung out with her. There will be a lot of stress surrounding the situation if she is there.

    You seem to have already made up your mind that you are going to invite the mom and the sister, if you do you better just realize that inviting those two but not the ex will probably make the ex more upset with you, than not inviting anyone and she will also probably come to the graduation anyway if her mom and sister are going. The mom and sister might feel out of place with out her there as well.

    Talk to the mom, explain the situation, see what she thinks.

    You do really need to do no contact with the entire family. You aren't doing it because you are mad at all of them, but because if you don't do it you will continuously be reminded of your ex, and you will find it really really difficult to put thought of her out of your head. You will only prolong getting over her. If her family, her, or all of them go to you graduation you will also be setting yourself back to square one just to warn you.
    adro_is_hurting's Avatar
    adro_is_hurting Posts: 53, Reputation: 12
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    Apr 27, 2010, 12:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bella99 View Post
    Call her mom, talk to her - invite only the mom perhaps. Her mom should understand how you feel. It's not that you are mad at your ex, you care about her and seeing her will hurt you because it will not be like every other time you have hung out with her. There will be a lot of stress surrounding the situation if she is there.

    You seem to have already made up your mind that you are goign to invite the mom and the sister, if you do you better just realize taht inviting those two but not the ex will probably make the ex more upset with you, than not inviting anyone and she will also probably come to the graduation anyway if her mom and sister are going. The mom and sister might feel out of place with out her there as well.

    Talk tothe mom, explain the situation, see what she thinks.

    You do really need to do no contact with the entire family. You aren't doing it because you are mad at all of them, but because if you don't do it you will continuously be reminded of your ex, and you will find it really really difficult to put thought of her out of your head. You will only prolong getting over her. If her family, her, or all of them go to you graduation you will also be setting yourself back to square one just to warn you.
    Yea I'm going to call the mom and talk to her about the whole situation. My only fear is that she doesn't know how big this really is to me. I think her mom thinks that we will get back together, and me seeing my ex is no big deal. I never put much thought into them being at my graduation, but now I am really thinking of it. They wouldn't feel out of place, but I know that if I were to see them again, all I would do is think of my ex.

    Your line about me seeing her and hurting because it won't be like the other times is so true. Ive never told anyone that I was scared of that feeling, but you already knew. I know you have experience in this.

    I really don't care if my ex gets upset. I have no desire to be friends with her in the future if our time has really come to an end. My ex already got upset. A couple weeks ago I invited the little sister and mom to my graduation, stupidly I thought she wouldn't tell my ex. Then about an hour later she says "(exs name here) wants to know if she can go to your graduation. I said my ex should ask me herself if she wants to go. And the little sister says my ex got upset. My ex said that even if we are nevermore, she still wants to be there. I hate getting these little updates.

    I really don't want to go back to square one. I have come such a long way, and I don't want to start over. I feel like I will though when she comes sniffing around or next time we talk. I know we'll talk before I graduate. How can I stop myself from going back to square one?

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