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    sarahwhorocks's Avatar
    sarahwhorocks Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 23, 2009, 07:32 PM
    Pregnancy and hCG levels - Abnormal
    Ok, so this is the age-old question... am I pregnant?

    I have read many other posts but every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. My husband and I are hoping, but I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket. I just need some advice.

    The first day of my last menstrual cycle was the 9th of June. My husband and I tracked my LH surge (well I did, he just wanted to get to the sex part). I missed my period. Took a hpt test (July 8th)and it was negative. So didn't think anything about it. Then began to feel bloated. Ugh. Not too bad, figured it was period related. Never had any bleeding, but did have a sticky discharge. Went to the free clinic and got a blood test (July 11th). Results were 2% (Nurse stated I needed 2,000%).

    Then came two other symptoms. Sore breasts (comes and goes, some days really bad and very sensitive... even through my clothes and a blanket) and slight cramping in the lower abdomen, sometimes just one side, sometimes in the middle (the cramping is usually very mild and just feels like I've done too many situps... but I don't do situps because my nurse told me if you're trying to get pregnant and in your first trimester, you should not do any exercises on your back because it can increase chances of miscarriage).

    Then a few days ago, something really odd for me happened. Hadn't eaten since breakfast and ended up waiting for my husband to hurry his slow butt in the shower so we could go out to eat. Alluvasudden I got the worse heartburn I'd ever had! Tried to find where the hubs had hid the antacids and when my husband walked by, I just about blew chunks because his cologne was so strong! (Usually I can't smell his cologne because it's a fairly weak scent). Felt better after about an hour and went to the restaurant. Had crab ragoon (one of my favorite dishes) and it tasted sour! My husband said it tasted fine and he ate several of them. (He did throw up later, so that might have been why)...

    So I took another hpt and it was still negative. Today, really in a pissy mood because my boobs really hurt. I did some reading on another forum (one that's no longer active and learned that there are several women who didn't test positive until around 12 and 14 weeks. If I am pregnant (and I try to stay busy so I won't think about it and have a psuedo-pregnacy) I would be around 6.5 weeks.

    Any advice from anyone?
    house11674's Avatar
    house11674 Posts: 19, Reputation: 2
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    Jul 24, 2009, 07:21 AM

    Did you try doing a home pregnancy test? I would say that you are probably pregnant and since your levels are none existent anyway you may not register yet. By all means I would treat yourself as you were pregnant. Take it very easy for the next 8 weeks so that you don't miscarry if you are. And just keep checking if you can afford it take a test weekly. And good luck hopefully the stork has come and if so may you both be healthy.
    sarahwhorocks's Avatar
    sarahwhorocks Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 24, 2009, 08:17 AM

    Thanks for your advice. Since we are trying to conceive, I've been already taking prenatals since May and started a mild cardio (walking) regime along with a healthy eating diary with my job's dietitian.

    I read up on hCG levels in pregnant women and it was stated that for about 23 days after ovulation, the range could be from 10-25, with 25 or more being a definite pregnancy (I'm a science teacher, I can't help but look it up). Just what bothers me is that I really am not sure when I ovulated. My cycle is not 28 days, it varies a little from 25 to around 30... but it's 16 days past. I have decided to wait until around Aug 9th before making an appt with my physician.

    I have another question. Symptoms have subsided today (thank God) but I was wondering, can anyone describe what their boobs felt like when they were pregnant? At first they were just sore, but yesterday's episode, they also felt warm on the top. If I touched my belly and then touched my boobs, I could physically feels that my boobs were warmer (mostly on the top) and most of the achy-ness was on the top.
    sarahwhorocks's Avatar
    sarahwhorocks Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 24, 2009, 05:26 PM

    OK, just an update. Went to the dr and wasn't pregnant but rather had an ovarian cysst that had ruptured. So my advice to anyone who has "preg symptoms" and test negative on a hpt, go see an ob/gyn

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