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    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 4, 2009, 06:01 PM

    Aww :-) The third one is gorgeous... well... they all are really!
    The third one is a lionhead dwarf like my Cotton.

    It's a great breed. They're very tame, easily trained and adorable. :)
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 5, 2009, 06:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    The third one is a lionhead dwarf like my Cotton.

    It's a great breed. They're very tame, easily trained and adorable. :)
    Hmmm, might be a possibility for bunny number 4 :D
    No, I want a shelter bunny again, I felt bad about getting my last 2 from elsewhere.
    When I got Diego though there was only one other bunny there, a huge grey lop, she would have squished Dora.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 5, 2009, 09:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    Hmmm, might be a possibility for bunny number 4 :D
    No, I want a shelter bunny again, I felt bad about getting my last 2 from elsewhere.
    When I got Diego though there was only one other bunny there, a huge grey lop, she would have squished Dora.
    Say the word, I'll come to Aussie with bunny number 3. He's a shelter bunny.

    Sadly our shelter is always filled with bunnies. There are too many people that buy that cutsie pet store bunny then find out that you can't just bring them home, put them in a cage and forget about them.

    Bunnies grow up, if not handled correctly and spayed or neutered they can become destructive and aggressive.

    Pet stores don't help. I've never met a pet store employee that knows anything about rabbits and the care they require. Heck, the pet store we got Cotton from said he was a female and was shocked when I told them that a bunny can be altered. They had no idea.

    Then there are the idiots that buy bunnies and let them roam around the house together breeding litter after litter. Kilala was from one of those homes. Over 200 rabbits roaming free.

    Rex, when you get your bunny let me know, I'm more then happy to give you some tips on your new fur baby.

    One thing you should know. If you're only getting the one bunny, you'll need to spend a lot of time with him/her. Bunnies are social animals, they live in groups, they love to be with their own kind. Since you're only getting the one you'll have to take the place of a bunny friend.

    Also, do not ever leave your bunny alone with your dog or cats. In fact, I'd be very weary of introducing Rex to your bunny. Dogs and bunnies can get along, but all it takes is one little spat and bye bye bunny.

    My rabbits always got along well with my cats (back when I was a kid). In fact, they played together all the time. But, be careful. Cats can really hurt a bunny, so let them sniff each other out through the protection of the cage, see how they react and take it slow. You'll know if they can get along.

    Buy a litter box. Bunnies can be litter trained and it makes cleanup so much easier. Most pet stores sell bunny litter boxes (they're corner boxes so they don't take up too much room in the cage) and special bunny litter. I use cat litter because it's cheaper and just as good.

    Be careful what kind of wood shavings you buy. Bunnies can suffer from respiratory disease if you get the wrong type of shavings.

    Last but not least. When your bunny is 6 months old have him/her altered. This will prolong his/her life and make him/her a much happier, gentler bunny. Altering is especially important in females. An unaltered female lives an average of 3 years, altered 12 years. Big difference.

    I like the cage you picked out. Don't get a big bunny though. A dwarf would be your best bet. Lion heads are easygoing, get along with most other pets and are very easily trained. They are the bunny of choice for most magicians because of their docile nature.

    Rex's are great too but tend to get pretty big so I'd steer clear of them.

    Lop eareds are nice looking bunnies. I've never owned one so I can't really vouch for their temperament etc.

    Okay, I'll stop now. I've written another book. :o
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 5, 2009, 09:32 AM

    I can't help myself.

    More pictures of bunnies in the Edmonton shelter right now;

    Attachment 21626

    Attachment 21627

    Attachment 21628

    Attachment 21629

    Attachment 21630

    The majority of them are mini lops. Another bunny home busted.
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 5, 2009, 09:42 AM

    Nothing wrong with writing a book! Your novels are very helpful :)

    I've been playing with the idea of trying organic cat litter, the paper pellet ones... they have 2x20kg bags at the moment for $18... a lot cheaper than the clumping one I buy...
    Going to get a small bag on Tuesday and see if they eat it or just wee on it!

    Good points about the dogs and bunnies. Mine get on fine with my rabbits, even when I open the cage doors both dogs jump up and just poke Dora with their nose, then Dora pokes them back. I would never trust them with the bunnies on the ground though, I reckon if the rabbits ran the dogs would chase!

    Dora was a pet store bunny, I saw her and couldn't resist.
    The lady who sold her to me was pretty good.
    She asked me if I knew how to care for a bunny, if I had owned them before and asked if I knew what bedding to use etc.

    Jack, who is now 8 was from a pet store as well. I never got asked a thing.
    They just shoved him in a box, taped it up and said "That will be 35 dollars"

    I had to answer more questions and fill out a bajillion forms when I adopted Diego... I wish pet stores were more like shelters!

    And of course, the babies were from a breeder, but she knew that I had rabbits before and just asked me questions like where was I keeping them (after the accident) and what do I feed, how much time do I spend with them etc. She never mentioned spaying come to think of it...

    Tax time is soon so hopefully I will be getting 2 little bunnies spayed and buying a new puppy!
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 5, 2009, 09:44 AM

    That black and white one (3rd one) looks like Jack :)
    I don't think I've posted pictures of him... I'll have to track some down.
    Mum and Dads place is a no-go zone at the moment because they have kennel cough :eek:
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 5, 2009, 09:55 AM

    I like the last little guy. Almost looks like a wild rabbit mix.

    I hinted to hubby that a fifth bunny wouldn't be a bad thing. The bunnies in the shelter right now have all been brought in over the last month. 100 bunnies relinquished by owners. People really don't do enough research before getting a new pet. It really makes me mad.

    What kind of puppy are you getting Shaz?
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 5, 2009, 10:07 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    I like the last little guy. Almost looks like a wild rabbit mix.

    I hinted to hubby that a fifth bunny wouldn't be a bad thing. The bunnies in the shelter right now have all been brought in over the last month. 100 bunnies relinquished by owners. People really don't do enough research before getting a new pet. It really makes me mad.

    What kind of puppy are you getting Shaz?
    Don't research is a big one... as is thinking breeding would be "fun"

    I'm getting a Chinese Crested, a friend of a friend hooked me up with a really good breeder.
    I miss showing, I love my two pets but it's time for another show dog :)
    rex123's Avatar
    rex123 Posts: 766, Reputation: 100
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    Jul 6, 2009, 01:51 AM
    I'm going up to get my bunny today. I'm so excited. I love the cage I'm getting because it is so big and the bunny can run around a lot.

    I know it'll take time for Rex to get used to him. And the first few meetings will definitely be the bunny in the cage. Until I can see how he will react to him. After a couple weeks to a month he should be fine. I know he is great with my hamsters and doesn't even notice them any more.

    I don't think I'll take any chances with my cats though. They are great hunter and have high prey drive. And you're right it only takes one time, one fight.

    Anyway the rabbit I'm getting is a 8week old Mini Rex/Mini Lop cross. He's beautiful and I'm thinking about naming him Blaze.
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 6, 2009, 04:13 AM

    Nice name :)
    You know you have to post pictures right? :D
    joyluo1999's Avatar
    joyluo1999 Posts: 240, Reputation: 12
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    Jul 6, 2009, 11:00 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Have everything on hand Rex, all the facts.

    Know the prices, the care needed, everything.

    Read the sticky on the top of this forum on rabbit care, it's really good (I wrote it ;)).

    Perhaps check out your local shelter, find a rabbit you love, show your mom. Shelter rabbits are not only cheaper in the long run (purchase price and the fact that they're usually spayed or neutered before being adopted out), but then you're also saving a life.

    Also, explain that an altered rabbit is less aggressive and doesn't smell as bad as an unaltered rabbit.

    Here are some of the bunnies in my shelter right now.

    Attachment 21567

    Attachment 21568

    Attachment 21569

    Attachment 21570

    Attachment 21571

    Everybody say Aw. :)
    Awwww sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 6, 2009, 12:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by rex123 View Post
    I'm going up to get my bunny today. I'm so excited. I love the cage I'm getting because it is so big and the bunny can run around a lot.

    I know it'll take time for Rex to get used to him. And the first few meetings will definetly be the bunny in the cage. Until I can see how he will react to him. After a couple weeks to a month he should be fine. I know he is great with my hamsters and doesn't even notice them any more.

    I don't think I'll take any chances with my cats though. They are great hunter and have high prey drive. And you're right it only takes one time, one fight.

    Anyway the rabbit I'm getting is a 8week old Mini Rex/Mini Lop cross. He's beautiful and I'm thinking about naming him Blaze.
    Start saving for the neutering now. Also start researching for a rabbit vet in your area.

    A male rabbit reaches maturity at 6 months of age. The loving sweet gentle bunny you knew from the moment he came home will turn into an aggressive sprayer, humper and downright unpleasant little bunny if he's not neutered.

    Our Cotton was a dear until he hit 6 months. He started destroying his cage, would lunge at us when we put our hands into his cage, would spray, and hump anything in site. Once he was neutered and healed he transformed back into the sweet little bunny we knew.

    It will cost around $300 or more to have this operation. That's not the hard part though. Finding a vet that is knowledgeable in rabbits will be the challenge.

    If the surgery isn't done, not only will you have a more aggressive bunny, but you'll also shorten his life drastically. An unaltered rabbit lives an average of 3 years, an altered rabbit can live up to 12 years. Big difference.

    I can't wait to see pictures. :)
    rex123's Avatar
    rex123 Posts: 766, Reputation: 100
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    Jul 7, 2009, 12:18 PM

    Well last night I got home with my rabbit. He was really scared of everyone. But after spending a lot of time with him he's gotten used to me and my mom. He loves crawling on my and hopping around my legs.

    And today his paws looked really dirty so I wiped them off, he didn't really like it too much.So then I wrapped him up in a blanket to dry off his paws and he loved it. He drinks lots of water and eats a lot too.

    I did notice that he uses the bathroom a lot too. Which is nomal, but the cage is so big that it takes one huge bag of shavings to fill the bottom. So I figured I should litter train him.

    My dad laughed at me and thought I was crazy thinking I could litter train him. But I bought some cat litter, a litter box and put it in his cage. Right away he ran in there dug up some litter and used the bathroom. I didn't even have to train him.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 7, 2009, 12:24 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by rex123 View Post
    Well last night I got home with my rabbit. He was really scared of everyone. But after spending a lot of time with him he's gotten used to me and my mom. He loves crawling on my and hopping around my legs.

    And today his paws looked really dirty so I wiped them off, he didn't really like it to much.So then I wrapped him up in a blanket to dry off his paws and he loved it. He drinks lots of water and eats a lot too.

    I did notice that he uses the bathroom a lot too. Which is nomal, but the cage is so big that it takes one huge bag of shavings to fill the bottom. So I figured I should litter train him.

    My dad laughed at me and thought I was crazy thinking I could litter train him. But I bought some cat litter, a litter box and put it in his cage. Right away he ran in there dug up some litter and used the bathroom. I didn't even have to train him.
    They're very tidy animals, they don't like being messy. Also, he's young, so litter training is easy. They're a lot like cats in that respect.

    Remember to take it slow. Rabbits actually hate being picked up, they just tolerate it. They feel much more secure either in your lap or on the ground. Let him come to you. Treat training is a great way to train a rabbit. Hold a treat in your hand, let him come to you for it, then slowly start to pet, pick up, etc.

    Rabbits are skittish, so let him have a few days of peace and quiet, time to adjust to his new home. Rabbits can and will die of fright if too much happens too soon.

    Pictures. We want pictures. :)
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    rex123 Posts: 766, Reputation: 100
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    Jul 7, 2009, 02:01 PM
    Okay you guys here are some pics.
    He's in his cage because Rex was in the house. We only let him out of the cage, while Rex is outside.

    I love that his cage is so big. He gets so much room to hop around. We also have two rabbit safe teddy bears in there for him, to cuddle with. Like I said he drinks lots of water and seems to love the food we bought for him.

    Okay not to the pics(these ones may be hard to see, because he's in his cage but I'll get some on here soon of him hopping around outside his cage in our house.)

    Name:  PICT0020.jpg
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    joyluo1999's Avatar
    joyluo1999 Posts: 240, Reputation: 12
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    Jul 7, 2009, 02:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by rex123 View Post
    Okay you guys here are some pics.
    He's in his cage because Rex was in the house. We only let him out of the cage, while Rex is outside.

    I love that his cage is so big. He gets so much room to hop around. We also have two rabbit safe teddy bears in there for him, to cuddle with. Like I said he drinks lots of water and seems to love the food we bought for him.

    Okay not to the pics(these ones may be hard to see, because he's in his cage but I'll get some on here soon of him hopping around outside his cage in our house.)

    Name:  PICT0020.jpg
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    He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! The cutest thing ever! :D:D:D
    ChihuahuaMomma's Avatar
    ChihuahuaMomma Posts: 7,378, Reputation: 608
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    Jul 7, 2009, 02:36 PM

    He's adorable, rex.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jul 7, 2009, 10:25 PM

    So sweet. I could just cuddle him all day.

    What a cutie. :)
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Jul 8, 2009, 02:08 AM

    AGH! That is so gorgeous!
    The cage looks huge, I like the teddy bear too hehe don't expect it to stay in one piece for long :D
    rex123's Avatar
    rex123 Posts: 766, Reputation: 100
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    Jul 8, 2009, 04:02 AM

    So far he just lays against the teddy bear. But we have a plush carrot in there and he throws it around with his paws. The cage is like
    4feetx2feet. Which I love because normally cages are really small. And the rabits don't have very much room to hop around.

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