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    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 11, 2008, 06:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    OMG....I so like know what you mean! Like I wouldn't know what to do if I like didn't have the entire package!! Like OMG....I like wouldn't accept anything OMG.....I don't care if I pass up someone who may have a few OMG, why would anyone want to pay any attention to someone like that? OMG that's just crazy!!

    Like, OMG. You are so, like, right.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 11, 2008, 06:41 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    OMG....I so like know what you mean! Like I wouldn't know what to do if I like didn't have the entire package!! Like OMG....I like wouldn't accept anything OMG.....I don't care if I pass up someone who may have a few OMG, why would anyone want to pay any attention to someone like that? OMG that's just crazy!!

    Like OMG. You are so right. Like, I don't want to have to work on a relationship. Like, OMG - the first time I met my ex-husband I said...

    Oh, wait, OMG, maybe that's not a good argument.

    (Like, OMG - it said it didn't post and then it did and then I rewrote it and then it posted a second time! I'm flawed!)
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Oct 11, 2008, 06:51 PM

    Like OMG... I had to spread the rep! LOL!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Oct 11, 2008, 07:03 PM

    Well I guess in the US with well over 1/2 of marriages ending in divorce, being physcially interested seem not to be enough at this point.

    But looks will never hold a marriage together, one or both get old, perhaps fat, they lose hair, get glasses, get false teeth. So that "hunk" will someday be chubby with no hair and no teeth at night when they come to bed.
    So there had better be a lot more.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 11, 2008, 07:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    well I guess in the US with well over 1/2 of marriages ending in divorce, being physcially interested seem not to be enough at this point.

    But looks will never hold a marriage together, one or both get old, perhaps fat, they lose hair, get glasses, get false teeth. so that "hunk" will someday be chubby with no hair and no teeth at night when they come to bed.
    So there had better be alot more.

    And when the OMG factor ends, you'd better be able to talk to each other - teeth or no teeth, hair or no hair - well, you get the idea.
    jrebel7's Avatar
    jrebel7 Posts: 1,255, Reputation: 251
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    Oct 11, 2008, 07:14 PM

    Starby, you nailed it! I tried to rate but said I had to share the love first!! LOL

    I have dated guys who were drop dead gorgeous, said all the right things, opened the car door for me, gave me gifts and would have driven me absolutely nuts if I would have married them because it was an empty package. I have dated some guys that were not cute nor handsome but were so much fun! We would have a blast together, no matter where we were. I enjoyed kissing them because I came to love them for the great person they were. However, never would have kept my interest over the long haul.
    Now... I met and married my husband 38 + years ago. I knew I loved him but was not in love with him. He is and was good looking and polite and fun but was also probably 82 when he was 2 and will be 82 when he is 102, but he is always the same, not many highs or lows. I have enough of those for both of us. I meet that need in him and he meets my needs for sanity and clarity. I fell in love with him after three years of marriage. I married him because when I would try to visualize his face after he would drop me off from a date, I never could get his face in my head. I would try to visualize his eyes, his nose, his mouth... nope, didn't work. Any other guy I dated, I could have drawn their face blindfolded and nailed it. I knew I would never be bored with this guy and have not been!

    It helped I am sure that I thought he was good looking and sexy, he moved sexy, touched and kissed sexy but honestly, I think it depends somewhat on the individual as to whether they could marry someone they were not physically attracted to. Many arranged marriages are healthy long lasting marriages and some people marry because they are lonely and fall in love later... some like me... are 19, the guy asks, the girl thinks she won't ever be bored so it must be a go... get married and here I am. When I look at him, in my mind's eye, I still see the strong, young man that I never could visualize in my mind. He is older than I and I have had comments about his age and it totally startles me when someone thinks he looks old. Go figure. Life is strange.

    I took the long way around answering this question but I think perhaps because it intrigued me so. It made me really think back to why I made certain choices. I fell in love at 14 to a guy who was gawky and shy and didn't really come into his own until college. We broke up because he was not honest with me and that counts for so much with me. I am still in love with him, although it does not touch what I feel for my husband. He sent me a telegram (are some of you asking what is a telegram?? LOL, this was before home computers were so accessible) the day I was getting married, begging me not to marry, that he still loved me. (He should have worked a bit harder in that direction all through our college years! LOL) He is still good looking but he also has many problems and my husband meets my needs in such a beautiful way. I know I made the right choice. If you stay in tune to your heart and not base your decisions totally on the superficial, you will make the right choice also. Making love and having a committed happy marriage does not always hinge on physical attraction but I must agree with other posters that I too would need to see something attractive in the man I would marry, whether by their beautiful spirit and kindness or the things I respect about them as an individual. I do enjoy looking at a gorgeous man. I won't deny that but for marriage, one must weigh all that the person is, inside and out!!
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 11, 2008, 07:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    well I guess in the US with well over 1/2 of marriages ending in divorce, being physcially interested seem not to be enough at this point.

    But looks will never hold a marriage together, one or both get old, perhaps fat, they lose hair, get glasses, get false teeth. so that "hunk" will someday be chubby with no hair and no teeth at night when they come to bed.
    So there had better be alot more.

    And when the OMG factor ends, you'd better be able to talk to each other - teeth or no teeth, hair or no hair - well, you get the idea.

    And always marry somebody you like.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Oct 11, 2008, 08:10 PM

    You are absolutely right Judy! After a few times of getting woken up in the morning, to your husband wanting to have sex before he goes to work, and then taking that pregnancy test, and he is out celebrating while you are sitting at home doing laundry and cooking dinner. After yrs of changing smelly diapers, dealing with the teacher at school because your kid is being a brat, and only to have to miss dinner for yourself, because your husband is at work, and you have to take Jr. to soccer practice, after you have helped him with his homework, because hubby is too tired after work, and needs down time.

    Missing car and mortgage pmts, because there is just not enough money, because hubby got laid off from his job. Being pissed at the hair in the shower drain and all over the soap, because he is losing it everywhere, having to remind him to go have his prostate checked, the price of his viagra, and the cost of your High BP meds, because now you aren't getting any action... lol. The OMG factor turns into 'WHAT THE HELL?? " and you had better have a solid ground to stand on, whether the guy was attractive or not when you married him!
    jrebel7's Avatar
    jrebel7 Posts: 1,255, Reputation: 251
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    Oct 11, 2008, 09:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    You are absolutely right Judy! After a few times of getting woken up in the morning, to your husband wanting to have sex before he goes to work, and then taking that pregnancy test, and he is out celebrating while you are sitting at home doing laundry and cooking dinner. After yrs of changing smelly diapers, dealing with the teacher at school because your kid is being a brat, and only to have to miss dinner for yourself, because your husband is at work, and you have to take Jr. to soccer pratice, after you have helped him with his homework, because hubby is too tired after work, and needs down time.

    Missing car and mortgage pmts, because there is just not enough money, because hubby got laid off from his job. Being pissed at the hair in the shower drain and all over the soap, because he is losing it everywhere, having to remind him to go have his prostate checked, the price of his viagra, and the cost of your High BP meds, because now you aren't getting any The OMG factor turns into 'WHAT THE HELL???" and you had better have a solid ground to stand on, whether the guy was attractive or not when you married him!!
    Dang, you are good Starby! What memories you ignited in my long asleep brain! LOL You are right on! That was a beautiful post! :)
    hollylovesbrandon's Avatar
    hollylovesbrandon Posts: 633, Reputation: 78
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    Oct 12, 2008, 06:50 AM

    Why would you care if you did pass up someone with a few flaws when you got the total package at home? Seriously.

    I was just trying to show this person that everything can be amazing about one person when you are in deep enough to love them with your whole heart.

    It doesn't just start perfect, it becomes perfect.
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    hollylovesbrandon Posts: 633, Reputation: 78
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    Oct 12, 2008, 06:53 AM

    I've been with him for 7 years now and yes, he's chubby... 375 pounds... that's how he started. And yes he's intelligent, that's how he started. We have days where we just go off on these conversations for hours about nothing. We always have fun together because he's hilarious and we have the same sense of humor. If you noticed my whole post wasn't about his looks. It was about how everything he did was amazing... because he's an amazing person.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 12, 2008, 07:14 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    well I guess in the US with well over 1/2 of marriages ending in divorce, being physcially interested seem not to be enough at this point.

    But looks will never hold a marriage together, one or both get old, perhaps fat, they lose hair, get glasses, get false teeth. so that "hunk" will someday be chubby with no hair and no teeth at night when they come to bed.
    So there had better be alot more.

    OMG! My plan is - if I ever date again - to only date people who are ALREADY old, fat, have no hair, wear glasses and have no teeth. That way no matter WHAT happens I won't be disappointed.

    Anyway, those are probably the only people who will ask me out. Them and the married guys.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 12, 2008, 12:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by hollylovesbrandon View Post
    I've been with him for 7 years now and yes, he's chubby...375 pounds...that's how he started. And yes he's intelligent, that's how he started. We have days where we just go off on these conversations for hours about nothing. We always have fun together because he's hilarious and we have the same sense of humor. If you noticed my whole post wasn't about his looks. It was about how everything he did was amazing...because he's an amazing person.

    I've been pondering this. He's 375 pounds and chubby? How tall is he? I thought my husband was "large and tall" but he was nowhere near 375# and several inches over 6 feet.

    Or is this a typo?
    hollylovesbrandon's Avatar
    hollylovesbrandon Posts: 633, Reputation: 78
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    Oct 12, 2008, 05:51 PM

    No that's right. 375. But he's 6'4. Sure he's taller, but he's still chubby. I didn't mean to offend anyone with my teenager like answer. But, in a way, I guess you can say the love I have for my husband does sometimes make me gush like a teenage girl. I can't help it.

    I was just trying to say that physical attraction isn't the only thing that's important. You got to have it all and when you do have it all, it's amazing.

    Sorry if there was any confusion in the purpose or direction of my answer.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 13, 2008, 08:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by hollylovesbrandon View Post
    no that's right. 375. but he's 6'4. Sure he's taller, but he's still chubby. I didn't mean to offend anyone with my teenager like answer. But, in a way, i guess you can say the love i have for my husband does sometimes make me gush like a teenage girl. I can't help it.

    I was just trying to say that physical attraction isn't the only thing that's important. You gotta have it all and when you do have it all, it's amazing.

    Sorry if there was any confusion in the purpose or direction of my answer.

    No, no need to apologize - we had some fun with your posting and you took it all in good stride - every now and then the board (translation: me) gets goofy.

    At 6'4" he probably carries the weight well. I figured if was 5'4" there were some problems here!

    Good that you found a whole package - doesn't always work out that way. And, again, thanks for taking the ribbing with good humor.
    breathless1's Avatar
    breathless1 Posts: 59, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 16, 2008, 07:19 AM

    I have been getting to know him and he appears to be everything I could possibly want, a gentlemen, polite, intelligent, kind, calm, caring, generous, a family wanting man and provider etc. a man with a vision, purpose and goal. BUT I still don't really find him (physically) that attractive. I would say he is cute and has a nice smile. Other girls like him (especially because of his personality, it shines through) but he is really in love with me and wants me to be his wife.

    Its just that I am thinking, what if we get married and hit turbulence? Won't I reflect back and think (ugh, I wasn't and am not even physically attracted to this guy! '

    Now I am not shallow. I really like him and I am seeing how it goes as we have to get to know each other anyway. Even though I am liking him the physical attraction just peers through and is making me very careful.

    I'm just saying he is not what I would normally go for that's the strange thing and the missing element making me indecisive.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 16, 2008, 07:47 AM
    I'm just saying he is not what I would normally go for that's the strange thing and the missing element making me indecisive.
    You are wise to think twice about this issue, as lifetime is a very long time to deal with a missing ingredient, when you could have made the choice to be honest with yourself and him, and just be friends, and not just settle for his other qualities, good though they be.

    If your having these thoughts now, think of years down the road, when there are kids, and a mortgage involved. Will you still be happy with no attraction to your partner??

    Not to be personal, but do you have intimacy now?? (SEX? )
    breathless1's Avatar
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    Oct 16, 2008, 08:12 AM

    We do not have intimacy at all I do not believe in that before marriage and it's a good thing.

    Sometimes I really miss him and try to imagine if sexually we could be compatible in marriage because his physique is one of the things Im talking about.

    Then when I see him it changes and I just don't know. Even when I am with him there's just this feeling that contradicts any feeling for marriage so I told him to just give me time and stop buying me stuff but he can't seem to want to stop himself.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Oct 16, 2008, 09:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by breathless1 View Post
    We do not have intimacy at all I do not believe in that before marriage and its a good thing.

    Sometimes I really miss him and try to imagine if sexually we could be compatible in marriage because his physique is one of the things Im talking about.

    Then when I see him it changes and I just don't know. Even when I am with him theres just this feeling that contradicts any feeling for marriage so I told him to just give me time and stop buying me stuff but he can't seem to want to stop himself.

    The whole "please stop buying me stuff" and he continues on would concern me - do you just refuse the gifts? I think if you accept you are sending him mixed messages.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 16, 2008, 09:18 AM

    I tried to go back for some background, but was unable to find anything helpful, so let me ask your ages, and how long have you been dating?

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