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Can't remember name of movie- 80's -90's family movie
[ 2 Answers ]
I am trying to remember the name of a movie that I used to watch when I was younger. It may have only been a television movie I am not certain. The movie was about two girls in high school. One was quite popular and the other was labeled a "nerd". The two got in trouble and their punishment was...
Late 80's movie or early 90's movie
[ 2 Answers ]
I remember this movie where there is this girl who has long red hair and she lives with her mom and grandpa and she want to trade places with the rich popular girl. And they do switch.. I can't remember the name of the movie can anyone help me??
What's that movie? (late 90's movie)
[ 1 Answers ]
The only seen I can remember is that there is a group of kids in there mid 20's and they are hiking out in the forest or something. There is a particular seen where its night and a few people from the group go rock climbing on a cliff near a river and it turns out one of the girls pushed another...
Looking For Movie Title of 90's Movie That Was Kind of Like Secret Garden
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Im looking for the name of a movie and can't find it anywhere, its been driving me crazy for like the past three years. It's a chaldren's movie that I remember being similar to the Secret Garden. All I can remember is that a little girl is told not to enter a room, and she ended up finding...
Late 80's movie or early 90's teen romance movie
[ 2 Answers ]
I remember that there is an unpopular girl that goes to a medium's place and the medium woman turns a toad into a man. The girl and the guy have a love story.. I remember scenes where they are running in the fields, and climbing stairs into a windmill or something and then I think the guy later... View more questions Search