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    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Mar 31, 2009, 02:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by spitvenom View Post
    OK this just got really real for me!!! I never really talked about this with anyone before so here it goes. Artlady I was just thinking you were joking around until you called humans Blue. I had a relationship with this one girl who would always call me blue. I would ask her why she called me blue and she would just say because that is what you are.

    It was strange the entire relationship. For example when I first met her I asked her for her number she said I don't need to give you my number give me your number and just say my name and I will call you. So I thought great she is blowing me off. So the next day I said her name a bunch of times through out the day. Then finally she called and said Blue you can't call my name all the time like that just say it once and I will call you. Just thought ok she is messing with me.

    When I was with her I didn't even need to talk I would just think Maybe we should go to old city then she would stick her head in the room from the kitchen when I KNEW she was up stairs and say yeah lets go to old city. I thought ok maybe I said something or maybe I didn't see her walk from upstairs to down stairs. 5 minutes later she would walk down the stairs.

    When we got real got to know each other she told me one night she could shape shift. At that point I thought OK she is crazy and I never talked to her again. So did i have a relationship with a vampire?? Please do not think I am crazy
    I can't speak for her but it sounds like one of us.Shape shifting is defiantly something we incorporate into our charms.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 31, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Have you guys been drinking? ;)
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Mar 31, 2009, 02:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    So you mentioned that this runs in families. Does this skip generations, or should I be worried? Does this trait develop over time in families, or is more likely that only certain family members will be vampires. I'm confused. Are you born a vampire, or is it a choice? What does it mean to be "milked"? Who would do this type of medical procedure on the inner thigh? There aren't really Dr's that do this are there? I don't understand what being "blue" means. Does this have something to do with the color of their skin?
    You are really curious and that's a good thing.
    There is no skipping,it is in your family and it is a heritage that you can take pride in.

    It's a choice in one way and in another way it isn't.You are born a certain religion from your parents but as an adult you can have your own religion,its akin to that.

    Milking is like what the barbers used to do in the olden days when they bled someone and it is done but a doctor.A Cult doctor but a doctor.
    A blue is a person who has blue blood and is not initiated yet.
    ** personal contact edited out
    Ren6's Avatar
    Ren6 Posts: 539, Reputation: 121
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    Mar 31, 2009, 02:43 PM
    Here. I got this from a "real" vampire site. Your sister can take this quiz and see if she is a true vampire. There are a few deluded people who get a wee bit too caught up in the romance of novels and vampire shows. They convince themselves that they need human blood, too (they have willing donors). Please let your sister know about the dangers of blood borne pathogens if she insists on being a vampire.

    I don't believe in vampires.

    How to know if you are a real vampire

    The sole purpose of this page is to help you figure out if you are a real vampire or not. This is to be used with the spotting a real vampire page on this site, after all if you don't spot yourself as a real vampire then you aren't a real vampire. All of the traits below are accurate for at least 95% of the real vampire population most are 100%. and assuming that you are a real vampire, the fact that they are accurate for you may shock you (those are the ones that I am saying are 95% to eliminate the chance of ruling a real vampire out that they may not be accurate for.) If you are convinced that you are a real vampire, yet have few to none of these traits you really need to read up on a term that is known as enabling and stop claiming to be one. or you could even seem to have all of them and still there is no guarantee that you are a real vampire.

    "I didn't draw blood at first, but I did get an overwhelming feeling"

    If you can relate to that quote don't waste your time reading any farther, because you are definitely not a real vampire.

    1. Do you have unusually white skin? If yes then cook up one or two (depending on size) medium rare steaks (the best way to do this) if by the time your done enjoying the second one you have a new pinkish color through out your body that you havent had in awhile read no farther you are a real vampire. (humans can't digest blood let alone get color from it, real vampires do. However the extra work involved in trying to eat medium rare or rare meat can cause a temporary pink color to the skin which is otherwise known as being flushed. Temporarily being flushed is not the color that is being referred to when a vampire gets color from the blood in the steak. takes a lot less human blood then animal blood to get the same effect but animal blood is way easier to get.) if you were white before and still are see a doctor. Odds are you aren't a real vampire, your just malnourished, they can help.

    2.Have you been told by professionals that your lucky that you survived a few things that you survived with pretty much just a scratch or a cut?

    3. Are you a naturally strong magic/energy user self taught, self realized?

    4. As a kid were you the strongest, smartest, or quickest kid in the class. and around 16 years of age maybe all 3?

    5. Did your dad disappear from your life while you were at a young age? (note 52% of vampires out of a large range of vampires have said yes to this, that includes people who believe they are real vampires however may not really be one.) Click for one theory on how this is vampire related, truth about the ''Vampire Community'' or Click here to give a response.

    6. Do people often tell you that you look very young for your age, or that they would have never guessed how old you are?

    7. Are you extremely energetic at night time but seemingly around the time the sun comes up you get really tired?

    8. Are you a slightly quicker healer than most, if not a much quicker healer?

    9. Do you have an unusually high tolerance to alcohol and other poisons/toxins?

    10. Do you tend to switch between very social and antisocial frequently?

    11. Do you rarely get sick, or when you get sick does your body recover quicker than most people?

    12. Are your six senses more enhanced than most other peoples, i.e. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and intuition?

    13. Do you have extremely good vision in the dark, how many times has some one said its to dark they can't see while you were doing something like reading?

    14. Do you tend to not be surprised or scared by the typical sudden loud noise in a movie or things like that because you sensed it coming.

    15. Do you tend to react to things like catching a falling object or other normally unexpected things at an almost psychic speed? (as if you were expecting it to happen).

    16. Do you tend to get a high from human blood, when drinking someones blood do you tend to find yourself being able to do something that they could do (that you couldn't do) about 2 weeks after drinking it?

    17. Are you sensitive to light or the heat from it (ranging from getting a bad glare to burning very easily)?

    18. If while your skin is white from lack of enough blood in you, do you bleed quite noticeably less than a person normally should, or more likely not bleed at all?

    19. Are your nails clear like glass, yet very strong?

    20. Is you'r bedroom the coldest and darkest room in the house?

    21. A legitimate Vampire is able to safely digest more than 600% of the daily recommended amount of iron(RDA is 18mg 600% of that is 108mg)This can be tested by use of iron pills bought at almost any nutrition store or grocery store. (always read the warnings on this site).

    22. How often do you look at the person that almost bumped (or bumped in to you) in to you and think "you idiot, or people are so stupid" because they didn't know that you were only a couple feet away from them, because you always know when someone is that close to you? (which when you think about it you only know because you can sense when someone is that close to you).

    23. Do you always feel a strong urge to travel.

    24. How often does something smell so strong that you can literaly taste it, whether its a good thing or a bad thing? (little note when most people say it smells so strong that they can taste it, only say it as a figure of speech. and the people that agree with you when you say it rarely can taste it, think I'm wrong ask them yourself).

    25. Can you hear a whisper from across a room?

    26. Is there a dark colored ring around the the iris (color part) of you'r eyes? All real vampires have this, however not everyone that has it is a real vampire.

    27. Is there a noticeablly different color surrounding the pupil? (Inner part of the color of your eyes.)

    28. Do the words "come on outside, it's a nice bright sunny day, and theres a lot of people out." seem more like a bad thing than a good thing to you, as oppossed to the guy who said it to you, saying it with a big happy smile.

    29. According to multiple news articles easily found online older adults can't here this, so far I haven't found some one over 36 nonvamp that can, click to try to hear it. warning: if you can hear it, it will be loud. (always follow the warnings on this website) My reference for this yahoo homepage/news 6-21-06, and testing it on friends.

    30. Regardless of how normal you may consider yourself to be, do you tend to meet a lot of weird people that you quite often hit it off with relatively frequently? (keep in mind, normal is just a politically correct term for people that have no creativity. And definately is NOT some thing to be proud of calling yourself).

    31. Do you have a predator instinct that is so strong that, it makes most people seem to act more like herbivores than the omnivores that they consider themselves to be?

    32. Does sunlight/bright light in general hurt your eyes and head, most cases to the point of a migraine?
    (but you can still go out in it).

    33. Do electrical appliances generally tend to hate you?
    (watches stop often, computers malfunction for no reason, microwaves start up by themselves, etc).

    34. Are your dreams often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of deja vu?

    35. Do people often find you very empathetic to how they feel?

    36. Do people usually either trust you completely or not trust you at all?

    37. When you will things to happen, do they usually happen?

    38. Does your mood have an obvious effect on the mood of others around you, only count this if it happens to the people that can't see you. (especially on babies and animals like cats).

    Click Here To Find Places Where You Can Meet Others Like You. For those of you who want to try to feel important by poking holes in this list, Read this first and don't waste your breath trying, because I know i'm right, this list only applies to blood vampires, and your belief isn't required nor do I care if you disagree with me.
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    Do you really need me to ask you more of these question? All of these can be passed off as just a coincidence, though how many coincidences can happen at the same time for the same person? <> Sychronicty a word coined by DR. Carl Jung, which basicaly states that it is not just a mere coincidence for something like that to happen. Yes all of these can be explained but for them all to happen to one person, as well as the fact that they are all vampiric traits should make you wonder. <> Not to mention, if you only knew how many people that think they are vampires, give me hell because they don't have any of these traits. (Those people really should learn about something known as enabling and not complain to me about it.) You would really think twice on the fact that as a vampire you take these for granted. <> The only reason why I haven't listed all the people and their statements on it, is because regardless of what they think or tell me I really dont care. Real vampires have had awakenings because of this page, wannabe vampires have ed and complained to me about this page, all in all it is helping vampires and that is all that matters to me.

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    liz28's Avatar
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    Mar 31, 2009, 03:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Have you guys been drinking? ;)
    I think so but Artlady is the drunkiest. Sorry Artlady!
    Ren6's Avatar
    Ren6 Posts: 539, Reputation: 121
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    Mar 31, 2009, 03:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by liz28 View Post
    I think so but Artlady is the drunkiest. Sorry Artlady!
    LOL! I had to spread the rep before I could give you more!
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 31, 2009, 03:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    My sister says she wants to study to become a Vampire. How can you study to become a Vampire? Is this real? :eek: What should I tell her? She's very serious about it, and wants my advice!

    All else aside, what if I have no advice? What if I only have a question for her. Why does she want to be a vampire? (You did say "vampire," right? I'm not reading this wrong.)

    Would make for interesting family reunions. Be sure to invite me. I'll bring my sister who is still protesting the War in Vietnam. So far we haven't told her it ended some years ago. They'll get along fine.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Mar 31, 2009, 03:41 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    My sister says she wants to study to become a Vampire. How can you study to become a Vampire? Is this real? :eek: What should I tell her? She's very serious about it, and wants my advice!
    Did this happen due to the Twilight series and the movie perhaps?
    Ren6's Avatar
    Ren6 Posts: 539, Reputation: 121
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    Mar 31, 2009, 03:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Did this happen due to the Twilight series and the movie perhaps?
    That's what I'm wondering... plus, the "True Blood" series on HBO is very popular.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 31, 2009, 04:02 PM

    Wasn't there a young girl on the site some time back that believed she was a vampire?

    Starby, exactly why does she want to do this? Is she thinking of becoming a vampire, or does she believe she is a vampire? Big difference I think.

    If she wants to become one, how does one actually go about that? Is it as simple as being bitten by someone that is a vampire? If so, isn't there the possibility of death?

    If she thinks she is a vampire already, how did this happen? Was she bitten, or did she simply decide to be a vampire?

    So many questions, no answers.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Mar 31, 2009, 04:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Wasn't there a young girl on the site some time back that believed she was a vampire?

    Starby, exactly why does she want to do this? Is she thinking of becoming a vampire, or does she believe she is a vampire? Big difference I think.

    If she wants to become one, how does one actually go about that? Is it as simple as being bitten by someone that is a vampire? If so, isn't there the possibility of death?

    If she thinks she is a vampire already, how did this happen? Was she bitten, or did she simply decide to be a vampire?

    So many questions, no answers.
    Have you read Artlady's responses? She answers many of those questions.
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Mar 31, 2009, 04:09 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Wasn't there a young girl on the site some time back that believed she was a vampire?

    Starby, exactly why does she want to do this? Is she thinking of becoming a vampire, or does she believe she is a vampire? Big difference I think.

    If she wants to become one, how does one actually go about that? Is it as simple as being bitten by someone that is a vampire? If so, isn't there the possibility of death?

    If she thinks she is a vampire already, how did this happen? Was she bitten, or did she simply decide to be a vampire?

    So many questions, no answers.
    I'm trying to explain to the best of my ability without revealing too much of our secret society.
    Her sister wants to be one of us.
    There is a process that takes up to a year,sometimes more in people who have no second sight.
    Being bitten is a myth perpetuated by Hollywood.
    If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.And no people I am not drunk :)
    liz28's Avatar
    liz28 Posts: 4,662, Reputation: 1034
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    Mar 31, 2009, 04:30 PM

    Artlady are you serious because your starting to scare me, lol

    Can vampir shift shape into animals? If so, did you shift shape into that wolve in your avatar?

    I thought it looked to realistic! :-)
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Mar 31, 2009, 04:37 PM
    Out of curiosity, can vampires cast any sort of spell like witches? Can they cause harm or good to a "blue?"
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 31, 2009, 04:39 PM

    Good question J9. Considering that we'd be considered Blues, that wouldn't be good. :(

    I don't know about this Starby. I'd tell her to run like h.e. double hockey sticks.
    starbuck8's Avatar
    starbuck8 Posts: 3,128, Reputation: 734
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    Mar 31, 2009, 04:52 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Good question J9. Considering that we'd be considered Blues, that wouldn't be good. :(

    I don't know about this Starby. I'd tell her to run like h.e. double hockey sticks.
    I had to leave for awhile, and just got back. Artlady has sent me some very interesting info. I'll have to read it tonight. I really hope this doesn't run in the family! I remember my Aunt talking about this years ago, and saying that she was a vampire too! We haven't spoken with her in years! Maybe I'll try and get in touch with her and see what she thinks! I find this all very interesting!

    Now that I think about it, I remember my great grandmother said something to my grandmother about this thing too! My grandmother thought it was just crazy!
    nitelight198073's Avatar
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    Mar 31, 2009, 05:15 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    She also should know that there are the fake vampires out there.

    They say they are recruiters but they aren't.They are posers and they try to deprogram you.

    They wear these charms on their ankles and if they touch you with it,you lose your power.
    Are you for real please tell me you are being sarcastic
    friend4u178's Avatar
    friend4u178 Posts: 3,349, Reputation: 1584
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    Mar 31, 2009, 05:18 PM

    You guys a crazy... I love it :) Name:  23_29_132.gif
Views: 128
Size:  21.1 KB

    Although Artlady is starting to scare me a bit :eek:
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Mar 31, 2009, 05:27 PM

    What are the advantages of being a vampire - and I'm being serious, no joke. Why would anyone want to be a vampire? Eternal life, maybe? But outliving everyone you love? I don't know.
    XOXOlove's Avatar
    XOXOlove Posts: 830, Reputation: 131
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    Mar 31, 2009, 05:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    Wasn't there a young girl on the site some time back that believed she was a vampire?

    Starby, exactly why does she want to do this? Is she thinking of becoming a vampire, or does she believe she is a vampire? Big difference I think.

    If she wants to become one, how does one actually go about that? Is it as simple as being bitten by someone that is a vampire? If so, isn't there the possibility of death?

    If she thinks she is a vampire already, how did this happen? Was she bitten, or did she simply decide to be a vampire?

    So many questions, no answers.
    I think you are talking about this person:

    Starby, if your sister is like this she needs help!! Maybe this is a psycological problem. It kind of reminds me of those people who think that they are pregnant and end up pretending to be pregnant and even look and have the symptoms of a pregnant person. Maybe your sister will become the same way and think that she is a vampire and pretend that she is one!!

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