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  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:09 AM
    Sister wants to be a Vampire!
    My sister says she wants to study to become a Vampire. How can you study to become a Vampire? Is this real? :eek: What should I tell her? She's very serious about it, and wants my advice!
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:12 AM

    Tell her to seek counseling immediately! Do this before things get way out of hand! Next thing you know the "red wine" you guys toast with on Thanksgiving won't be just "wine."
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:13 AM

    Just ask a Vampire how to become one... oh yea, there is no such thing as Vampires!! How old is she?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:41 AM

    Well first things first (not second or third) you have to take her to hot topic and then the costume shop for fake fangs at first. Then take her to the library so sh can lend books on the vampiric culture and in due course her real fangs should grow if she follows the hints and instructions properly, oh and of course keep her away from anything garlic related what so ever, and also steaks, not just the wooden type but the meat ones too, people often forget this vital fact on becoming a vampire. Good luck to your sister and if you need any more info ill have to do a bit more digging or I could put you into contact with certain people.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:52 AM

    Cool! I mean vampires are people too and they shouldn't be judged.

    Where I come from we hold vampires in very high esteem,think of it as respect for your elders.

    There is a toll free hot line she can call .I work there on the week ends and I can give her some advice .The ins and outs ,how to protect yourself from slayers and stuff like that. Sorry I had to remove the number,I will Im it to you!
  • Mar 31, 2009, 11:58 AM

    She also should know that there are the fake vampires out there.

    They say they are recruiters but they aren't.They are posers and they try to deprogram you.

    They wear these charms on their ankles and if they touch you with it,you lose your power.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:04 PM

    What kind of "powers" do they claim to have?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:12 PM

    There is teleportation.You can move from one place to another instantly.
    The ability to muse someone which is like hypnosis.

    Super sensitive hearing and sight and sense of smell.

    You can also take lessons in other special mediums that enhance your powers of esp and clairvoyance.

    I Know it sounds crazy but I have been a closet vamp for years.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:20 PM

    I don't understand. You can move from one place to another physically? How would this be possible?

    I know she's always been supersensitive to smell, and well, I always thought as kids she was just nosy, because she always seemed to see and hear everything we did, and tattle on us. Could this be why?

    I don't know. I don't think I am buying this whole vampire thing. Is it really a whole culture?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:28 PM

    Yes,we have to remain somewhat low profile but we exist .

    Just think of all the popularity of vampires over the years in movies and books,its not just made up.Everything has an origin.We have been given a bad rap by the media but in reality we are just like anyone else ,just a little more of what others are.

    I suspect that her early childhood instincts were such that she did have some contact and that is why she has re devolped an interest.That is rather common.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:33 PM

    What do you do with all the dead bodies after you drink their blood? Never hear about the police finding them in the news, must be some secret vampire hiding place somewhere.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:33 PM

    Hmmm, I see. So how old were you when you discovered this? Did you have to study this? Is their classes or anything that you must attend? Are their certain rules that you must follow? How much of what we see in movies is actually true?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:40 PM

    Originally Posted by amricca View Post
    What do you do with all the dead bodies after you drink their blood? Never hear about the police finding them in the news, must be some secret vampire hiding place somewhere.

    There is a code that I must adhere to and I can't reveal everything but most people are not killed.Only the dark ones do that.
    Most of us are life givers and go on to give eternal life to others.
    I know it sounds complicated ,I'm not really used to talking to blues(humans) about it.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 12:41 PM

    My sister is a novelist that writes about vampires and constantly receives recipes and all sorts of weird stuff from some of her fans.

    I believe that there are vampires, but not the kind that suck blood. A friend of mine's ex-husband sucked the creativity and life energy as well as 10s of thousands of dollars from her before she got rid of him. It didn't take a stake to the heart, (although I'm sure she thought about it) just a good attorney.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 01:31 PM

    Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    Hmmm, I see. So how old were you when you discovered this? Did you have to study this? Is their classes or anything that you must attend? Are their certain rules that you must follow? How much of what we see in movies is actually true?

    It's a family thing in my case, lore handed down from my grandfather on my mothers side(it is always from the maternal side)

    When you grow up in our culture you don't see it as odd and I appreciate that no one here is judging.

    My sect ,the Lampuriants do not kill we just pass on our life to others.

    When I tell people on here I am an old woman ,I'm not kidding :)

    There are many rules and there are always obeyed.No one in my lifetime has eever broken any.

    The movies are close but clearly way off the beaten path.There is no garlic or stake or death pall from silver.I happen to wear silver all the time.

    Daylight can be tricky but if you wear certain uv protected contact lenses your O.K.

    Im happy to answer your questions and glad you are being so open minded.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 01:36 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    There is a code that I must adhere to and I can't reveal everything but most people are not killed.Only the dark ones do that.
    Most of us are life givers and go on to give eternal life to others.
    I know it sounds complicated ,I'm not really used to talking to blues(humans) about it.

    So what is the difference between the dark ones and the life givers? Is there a pact that you enter into where you are given this secret code? How do you become a vampire to begin with? Can anyone become one?--or do you have to be bitten like it shows in the movies?
  • Mar 31, 2009, 01:48 PM

    Originally Posted by starbuck8 View Post
    So what is the difference between the dark ones and the life givers? Is there a pact that you enter into where you are given this secret code? How do you become a vampire to begin with? Can anyone become one?--or do you have to be bitten like it shows in the movies?

    The dark ones are nothing but gluttons and do not have the finesse to create anything but death.They are walking corpses in my book!

    The life givers have the formula for everlasting life and give that to the entitled(people worthy of sanction).

    There is a ceremony that takes up to a year depending on your strength as you must be milked throughout the probation period.

    Not everyone can become one.You must pass a battery of tests and be* acquainted * with a fellow initiate.

    It is not like a bite as much as a medical procedure ,and it is inside the inner thigh,not the neck,another Hollywood drama:).

    Thanks Starby.. gee you sound interested.I knew when I met you their was something different about you.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 01:59 PM

    OK this just got really real for me!! I never really talked about this with anyone before so here it goes. Artlady I was just thinking you were joking around until you called humans Blue. I had a relationship with this one girl who would always call me blue. I would ask her why she called me blue and she would just say because that is what you are.

    It was strange the entire relationship. For example when I first met her I asked her for her number she said I don't need to give you my number give me your number and just say my name and I will call you. So I thought great she is blowing me off. So the next day I said her name a bunch of times through out the day. Then finally she called and said Blue you can't call my name all the time like that just say it once and I will call you. Just thought OK she is messing with me.

    When I was with her I didn't even need to talk I would just think Maybe we should go to old city then she would stick her head in the room from the kitchen when I KNEW she was up stairs and say yeah lets go to old city. I thought OK maybe I said something or maybe I didn't see her walk from upstairs to down stairs. 5 minutes later she would walk down the stairs.

    When we got real got to know each other she told me one night she could shape shift. At that point I thought OK she is crazy and I never talked to her again. So did I have a relationship with a vampire? Please do not think I am crazy
  • Mar 31, 2009, 02:24 PM

    The fastest way for your sister to become a vampire is to find another vampire and let him or her bite her.

    I must say that there are people out there that really try to turn themselves into a vampire. They even go as far as shaping their teeths into flangs. Some believe in drinking blood some don't. This is called vampirism.

    I once saw a special about this on HBO. You might be able to find the special at HBO website.
  • Mar 31, 2009, 02:27 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    The dark ones are nothing but gluttons and do not have the finesse to create anything but death.They are walking corpses in my book!

    The life givers have the formula for everlasting life and give that to the entitled(people worthy of sanction).

    There is a ceremony that takes up to a year depending on your strength as you must be milked throughout the probation period.

    Not everyone can become one.You must pass a battery of tests and be* acquainted * with a fellow initiate.

    It is not like a bite as much as a medical procedure ,and it is inside the inner thigh,not the neck,another Hollywood drama:).

    Thanks Starby..gee you sound interested.I knew when I met you their was something different about you.

    So you mentioned that this runs in families. Does this skip generations, or should I be worried? Does this trait develop over time in families, or is more likely that only certain family members will be vampires. I'm confused. Are you born a vampire, or is it a choice? What does it mean to be "milked"? Who would do this type of medical procedure on the inner thigh? There aren't really Dr's that do this are there? I don't understand what being "blue" means. Does this have something to do with the color of their skin?

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