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    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Jan 22, 2009, 11:40 AM

    Oh... you are fine.

    Most of the weight gain in the beginning is bloating... that should subside :)
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Jan 22, 2009, 11:46 AM

    Honestly in that pic... you have jeans and a shirt on which is probably making your belly look thicker.

    My pic was my bare belly.

    I don't think they are comparable... don't stress about it. You are pregnant. Enjoy it!

    Do you know how many times I've been hit on since I've been pregnant?

    There is something that men find appealing in a pregnant woman.
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
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    Jan 22, 2009, 12:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by CrissyDi View Post

    ok everyone, this is serious. I think. I'm having a really hard time with accepting my pregnancy weight gain. Some days I feel really depressed about it and I don't wanna go anywhere or be seen by anyone. I feel like a buffalo. I'm 5'1 and my best weight is 120, but because of birthcontrol I was 135 before I got pregnant. I just entered my second trimester and I'm 154. I feel like this way too much weight, but I'm not eating unhealthy. My Ob says that I am fine and she's not concerned about my weight gain. My mom says it's all water weight. But I still feel fat and ugly.
    you are pregnant and gorgeous. We are our own worst critics. You are creating the most amazing child inside you. Cut yourself some slack. My cousin always gains sooner than others, my wife gained later than many... glad you are still working out... focusing on your core strength (back, abs, hips) is solid planning.

    I know others have already gone through the laundry list of good/bad things... just piling on from out experience...

    the best thing we ever bought was a good, quality double breast pump.

    I'm a guy talking about a breast pump. Does that mean I need to turn in my "man card" or I get an upgrade? I'm confused... =)

    anyway... it was the best dollar for dollar money we spent. First, it kept my wife from experiencing mastitis (painful inflammation of the breast tissue when ducts get "clogged", often because of excess milk production), it enabled her to live her life... meaning she could relieve the pressure when she needed to nurse but the little rascal wasn't interested... and it gave us a supply of breast milk in the freezer to feed him when he needed fed and she wasn't there.

    there's a ton of info out there about how good it is to breast feed. If you are considering this, id at least look at getting a good pump. We bought ours from a local midwife clinic, in used but sterile condition (theyd sterilized all the lines and bottles for us)... still, we probably spent 200 washington's to get it, but then resold it again after use (and again sterilization) and recouped 125 of the cost.

    this also let me feed the baby late at night when my betrothed needed rest but the little "leaky bag" needed fed. I know... "leaky bag" sounds ugly... its not... they are.. all kinds of holes to leak, drip, and otherwise wet stuff. Cute, lovable, leaky bags o' goo.

    what else?.

    get a baby bag /backpack that fits you well.

    the eddie bauer leather "baby" backpack looked nice... but it sucked for utility. The weight wasn't balanced well at all. Couldn't keep it slung over one shoulder, and was too uncomfy over both. We ended up using other bags (not necessarily designated for "baby use") that could be loaded up well and were able to be worn with decent weight distribution.

    I agree with cutting costs by using sams club diapers, but for us, this wasn't reasonable until after little man was on solids. He was on breast milk alone for over a year, and the sams club diapers didn't seem to be able to handle the mess as well... so we ran with pampers diapers until he was on more solids and it wasn't as liquidy...

    another wonderful thing we bought was an inflatable bathtub... looked like a duck. Pic to follow...

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    this was great. We bathed him outside on the back deck in the summer son... was a blast. Not something you NEED... but something we loved to have... think it was from target.

    uhm... good to plan on and have a supply for baby sickness. A good temporal thermometer was great to have. A supply of baby meds for fever is good to have on stock (who wants to leave the house at 2AM when the little one is running a hot fever?) and ready... likewise a good medicine syringe or three are good to have in stock.

    for pain, in addition to what has been mentioned, there are pressure points in the feet that can help you... if your man is willing to work his thumbs into your feet, especially from the heel toward the middle at the sides, for just a short time before bed, you might find you sleep better.

    at one point, late in the pregnancy, we would up buying a recliner... we didn't have one, and it seemed like that was the best way for my love to take pressure off her body and get some real rest. It might not have been a planned buy, but that thing was great for her in the last 1.5 months. A big body pillow helped also.

    cant find the book we used... as we passed it on to other new mothers... but a book like Best Baby Products, 9th Ed. (Best Baby Products): Sandra J. Gordon, Editors of Consumer Reports: Books
    was useful... gave ratings about what to get, what to skip on, and what brands seemed to be rated well.

    one of the best buys we made had nothing to do with being a "baby item"... the digital camcorder was also worth every penny. They grow SO fast in the first two years. Its just alarming. Likewise with a digital camera. Both are indispensable for getting those early moments on record.

    hmm... ill try to rattle the brain a little more... I used to have a three page word document id give to friends concerning what to get and what to skip... but I can't seem to find it.

    anyway... loved your posted pics. You look wonderful. Congrads!
    Becca1025's Avatar
    Becca1025 Posts: 422, Reputation: 45
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    Jan 22, 2009, 02:39 PM

    If your looking to connect with other expecting moms try CafeMom: Advice, Support, and Fun for Moms and Moms-To-Be
    I love this website. They have groups for everything from first time moms, to support groups for breastfeeding, to how to make handmade gifts, to local groups (there may be a group for your town). There will be a group for the month your due so you can actually talk with other mothers who are going through the same things you are during the same time. I'm due in Feb with number two so I'm part of Due Feb 2009 group.
    CrissyDi's Avatar
    CrissyDi Posts: 250, Reputation: 5
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    Jan 22, 2009, 03:51 PM

    Thanks, Becca, just joined.

    Kp, nice baby photo- soooooo cute. Hee Hee!
    I love how you are a dad who is so involved and so informed. My hubby just started reading books about a month ago, he is so cute. At first he thought I was being overdramatic about my symptoms, but after a few spontaneous vomiting sessions, he finally caught on. He is always serving me, so it's nice to have someone who will get up and make me breakfast every morning.

    Digital camcorder, what a great idea. I was pondering whether I needed to get one of those. I love editing video (I have a BS in Broadcast Journalism), so that just confirmed to me that I need to get one. Then I can get a video editing program for my computer and make my own little videos to give to our family.
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
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    Jan 22, 2009, 04:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by CrissyDi
    He is always serving me, so it's nice to have someone who will get up and make me breakfast every morning.
    my wife was pregnant once before, long before I came on the scene. In her first pregnancy apparently frozen hamburger pizza was the end all be all... she craved it all the time.

    when she was pregnant with my son, it was a little different. First... shed love one thing, but only for about 6-8 weeks. I cooked seasoned basmati rice with some tossed in chicken and steamed broccoli and it was a hit... over and over and over... until it was suddenly banished from the house for forever... or until she said otherwise...

    then it was peanut butter and honey on toasted bread... was her slick fix for about, again, 1-2 mo... then banished.


    at one point, nearing the end, she said "im getting tired of being tired and you are getting tired of kissing my arse"...

    I said nothing of course.


    AND I could only cook at night, as strong smells sent her to the porcelain much too fast.

    I remember one night she craved thai... this from the woman who NEVER wants thai food (and I could LIVE on it)... of course her order was dead on right, but my curry chicken was just "off" enough to have it, and me, immediately banished from the house. Damned if I didn't eat the whole thing on the back deck, in 30 degree temps.

    ah, the good old days.

    never did get to make her frozen hamburger pizza tho'... guess she burned that wick to the bottom with the first one.
    CrissyDi's Avatar
    CrissyDi Posts: 250, Reputation: 5
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    Jan 22, 2009, 05:33 PM

    Kp, Haa haa that is so funny! Let me tell you, my husband still can't figure me out. I want something so bad and I will eat it periodically throughout the day. Next day, I don't want it. So, hubby thinks I'm weird and then he is happy because he gets to eat everything I no longer want. I'm 3 months and so far, haven't consistenly wanted any one thing. Today, I hit a "I want pancakes" craving. So, I will eat them tomorrow for breakfast and then we will see how it goes from there. (This might have been increased because of all the IHOP commercials that keep coming on TV and haunting me.) I'm almost scared to think of what I might get hooked on. Haa haa There was about 3 days straight that I kept eating kielbosa sausage on hot dog buns with mustard, ketchup, and chow chow for lunch and dinner.

    People keep offering me all kinds of food especially cake and icecream and they assume that I should want it because I'm pregnant. But I like to eat all natural frozen fruit popsicles for dessert and I eat grapefruits and oranges throughout the day to polish off my meals. I've never been big on eating sweets a lot. But it's funny because if you ask me if I want chocolate, I will ask you if you have a banana instead. Haa haa
    GirlWSlingshot's Avatar
    GirlWSlingshot Posts: 224, Reputation: 21
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    Jan 23, 2009, 09:48 AM

    I never understood the craving thing. I didn't really get weird food cravings. But I did eat a lot of garlic and avocados.

    Crissy, also, the BEST line of pregnant and baby books EVAR is The Girlfriends Guide... they're amazing. Just search for The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy.
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    Jan 28, 2009, 08:37 PM

    Ok, everyone, I go for my second OB appt on Friday and I will get to see what they think of my weight gain since my last visit. Eeeek! Wish me luck!
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Jan 28, 2009, 08:40 PM

    Good luck... :) Hope you have an uneventful visit and come away feeling great!
    CrissyDi's Avatar
    CrissyDi Posts: 250, Reputation: 5
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    Jan 28, 2009, 08:53 PM

    Hey Doula, is this normal? At night, when I'm trying to fall asleep, I keep feeling like I'm losing my breath or my heart stops beating or something and I have to gasp for air and it scares me and my heart starts racing.
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    Jan 29, 2009, 03:41 AM

    Always wise to let your doctor or midwife be aware of any change that causes you concern, but it sounds like palpitations which can be fairly common in pregnancy because of more blood in your system and hormone changes.

    They are not fun and really cause you to stop and take notice. Feeling them when you are lying down is more common because you are not moving about and busy. Caffeine can make it worse, so cut back if that may be an issue for you. Try propping yourself up a bit instead of lying flat and see if that makes any difference as well, but do run it by your doctor or midwife, especially if it happens frequently or lasts for more than several seconds.
    CrissyDi's Avatar
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    Jan 30, 2009, 03:43 PM

    Doula, OB says my breathing problem is normal and to use more pillows. She said it didn't concern her since it only happened when I was lying down at night. I guess I just have to figure out my sleeping because she said I need to sleep on my side, which I knew. So, it's hard to sleep on your side and 3-4 pillows at a time. I'm just going to have to play around and see what works. Hopefully I won't stop breathing in my sleep.
    GirlWSlingshot's Avatar
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    Jan 30, 2009, 03:52 PM

    Body pillows! They're awesome. You can get them for pretty cheap at Target now too.

    I had three pillows for various places plus a giant curvy body pillow. Loved that thing. I even took it to the hospital with me when I was on bedrest.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Jan 30, 2009, 04:08 PM

    Yes, body pillows are great!

    You could prop yourself up with the pillows so that you are at a slight slant. If you happen to wake up on your back at night, try not to worry. You will most likely move about in your sleep so you aren't likely to be in that position too long to be of concern. It's more of a concern if you were to be lying on a firm surface. A few bed pillows, or body pillows, may help you stay put on your side more.

    Good to hear she isn't concerned about it... :)
    CrissyDi's Avatar
    CrissyDi Posts: 250, Reputation: 5
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    Feb 8, 2009, 09:47 PM

    Why do I feel like I'm the only one gaining weight during pregnancy? I go to the Motherhood maternity store and talk to women there and they're all like, "Yeh, I'm due in a couple weeks and I've only gained 7 lbs." And the other is a stick with a belly bump. HELLLLLLLO! This is really crazy! My OB told me that I have 25lbs to gain for my whole pregnancy and I've already gained at least 20, 10 of which was in a 3 week period. I'm throwing up and still gaining. Everyone else I talk to is like, "Yeh, I lost 15lbs because of throwing up." Why do I get to be so lucky? Am I the odd ball here? I thought you were supposed to gain weight in pregnancy, not loose weight and definitely not gain 20lbs or less. Where are all the real women? Geez!

    I only weighed 135 before I got pregnant and I had large breasts, so they weighed at least 10lbs. I'm 5'2. Why am I stuck at the lower end of the weight gain scale? That's so much pressure. I'm only in my 4th month, so that means, I have 5 months to try to only gain 5lbs! Are they crazy!? Here I am, pregnant, and I have to watch my diet (That's what they're telling me.) while others pig out and gain little weight. I thought this was finally going to be the time in my life when I could eat a bowl of icecream and not feel bad about myself.

    I'm barely keeping all my meals down and I'm only eating to keep my blood sugar up so I won't get sick. And yet, the OB tells me to eat less! Can you believe that!? Helloooooo, help please!

    I'm praying to God that I have twins or that I'm further along because there has to be some reason for my weight gain and the fact that I'm measuring 5 weeks ahead. And it's not because I'm eating pizza and icecream. I wish I was!
    GirlWSlingshot's Avatar
    GirlWSlingshot Posts: 224, Reputation: 21
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    Feb 9, 2009, 11:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by CrissyDi View Post
    Why do I feel like I'm the only one gaining weight during pregnancy? I go to the Motherhood maternity store and talk to women there and they're all like, "Yeh, I'm due in a couple weeks and I've only gained 7 lbs." And the other is a stick with a belly bump. HELLLLLLLO! This is really crazy! My OB told me that I have 25lbs to gain for my whole pregnancy and I've already gained at least 20, 10 of which was in a 3 week period. I'm throwing up and still gaining. Everyone else I talk to is like, "Yeh, I lost 15lbs because of throwing up." Why do I get to be so lucky? Am I the odd ball here? I thought you were supposed to gain weight in pregnancy, not loose weight and definitely not gain 20lbs or less. Where are all the real women? Geez!

    I only weighed 135 before I got pregnant and I had large breasts, so they weighed at least 10lbs. I'm 5'2. Why am I stuck at the lower end of the weight gain scale? That's so much pressure. I'm only in my 4th month, so that means, I have 5 months to try to only gain 5lbs! Are they crazy!?! Here I am, pregnant, and I have to watch my diet (That's what they're telling me.) while others pig out and gain little weight. I thought this was finally going to be the time in my life when I could eat a bowl of icecream and not feel bad about myself.

    I'm barely keeping all my meals down and I'm only eating to keep my blood sugar up so I won't get sick. And yet, the OB tells me to eat less! Can you believe that!?! Helloooooo, help please!

    I'm praying to God that I have twins or that I'm further along because there has to be some reason for my weight gain and the fact that I'm measuring 5 weeks ahead. And it's not because I'm eating pizza and icecream. I wish I was!
    Don't pig out. It'll just make you feel worse. Just eat healthy and if you have a sweets craving, have a scoop of ice cream instead of a bowl. You're only supposed to consume like 200-300 calories (Doula?) more while pregnant than normal. And they say not to waste those extra calories on empty fats. You can actually pig out more while nursing than while pregnant. Initially while nursing exclusively you get an extra 400 some odd calories rather than the 200-300 while pregnant.

    Even with eating healthy and puking my brains out I gained 47 pounds while pregnant. So I think to a certain extent your body is going to gain whatever it's going to gain. Don't stress too much over weight. But don't use pregnancy as a time to throw out healthy eating either. Just use common sense and moderation. If you're craving sweets, eat a couple chocolate chips or have one scoop of ice cream after dinner. It's all about moderation and healthy eating.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Feb 9, 2009, 11:27 AM

    If your doctor or midwife is concerned, they will do another growth scan to check various possibilities, such as an abundance of amniotic fluid. It may be you are just prone to gaining the weight more easily. It may level off during the remainder of your pregnancy.
    Eat healthy foods, watch how they are prepared, get some regular exercise, and watch portion sizes.

    While gaining around 25 pounds may be an ideal rough guide, it is not carved in stone and is unrealistic to expect all women will gain that amount. Part of the weight gain is under your control, but you can't fight the genetics aspect.

    Women used to gain very little thinking it would help avoid extra weight that needed to be lost after baby... then the pendulum swung the other way and women thought if they gained a large amount they would have healthy rolly polly babies, only to find out they still had a 7 pound baby but now had 60 pounds to lose.

    As you have seen, pregnancy comes in all shapes and sizes.
    GirlWSlingshot's Avatar
    GirlWSlingshot Posts: 224, Reputation: 21
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    Feb 9, 2009, 11:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    If your doctor or midwife is concerned, they will do another growth scan to check various possibilities, such as an abundance of amniotic fluid. It may be you are just prone to gaining the weight more easily. It may level off during the remainder of your pregnancy.
    Eat healthy foods, watch how they are prepared, get some regular exercise, and watch portion sizes.

    While gaining around 25 pounds may be an ideal rough guide, it is not carved in stone and is unrealistic to expect all women will gain that amount. Part of the weight gain is under your control, but you can't fight the genetics aspect.

    Women used to gain very little thinking it would help avoid extra weight that needed to be lost after baby....then the pendulum swung the other way and women thought if they gained a large amount they would have healthy rolly polly babies, only to find out they still had a 7 pound baby but now had 60 pounds to lose.

    As you have seen, pregnancy comes in all shapes and sizes.
    Have to spread the reputation points, but I agree completely. (As usual :D )

    My grandmother literally starved herself during pregnancy and still gained about 35 pounds during her only pregnancy. (It was the early 60s and doctors were actually prescribing diet pills to women to keep their weight gain low. Crazy, huh?) My mom gained about 45 pounds with all three of her pregnancies. And her pregnancies were each very different. She had morning sickness with one of them and ended up on bed rest with the final one. But in each she gained about the same amount of weight.

    And then I gained 47 pounds with hyperemesis and eating much more healthy than I had been. So I figure that our bodies are largely pre-programmed to gain a certain amount. The important thing is to take care of your body during pregnancy. You eat healthy, exercise (yoga is AMAZING) and your body will gain whatever weight is needed. Then if you continue eating healthy (with an occasional indulgence) post-pregnancy, the weight will come off relatively easily.

    Weight (during pregnancy and otherwise) is just a number and is silly to obsess over. Health is something else entirely and should be the focus. So as long as you're eating sensibly and not using pregnancy as an excuse to eat french fries and ice cream at every meal, the number on the scale shouldn't matter. If your ob is too much of a stickler for the number on the scale and you know you're eating healthy, you might consider switching obs while it's still early.

    Just don't fret doll. You're nurturing a newly formed life. If you gain a few more pounds than the guideline, it's not the end of the world. Consider all the things that your body is doing right now. It's miraculous.
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Feb 9, 2009, 11:44 AM

    I know you have been given a ton of great advice.I only wanted to mention that there is some controversy about certain plastic baby bottles leaching chemicals when heated.
    Here is a link to give you more information.

    Campaigns - The Center for Health, Environment & Justice

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