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  1. Answers

    He is trying to get the ladies attention by...

    He is trying to get the ladies attention by looking like he has something to attract their attention or attract them. My rooster does the same thing, finds food on the ground outside but doesn't eat...
  2. Answers

    Babies can see angels. I think it works like that...

    Babies can see angels. I think it works like that Star Trek episode where there are people moving around and talking at very high speed who can't be seen by the crew who look like frozen statues and...
  3. You probably will have to pay them, but you will...

    You probably will have to pay them, but you will draw a bigger crowd and raise a lot more money for your charity with a big name star quality act.
  4. Answers

    Yes a cat that is autistic would be dull and...

    Yes a cat that is autistic would be dull and withdrawn and not like to be touched, sort of the odd kind that hides under the furniture or under the bedspread on the bed and doesn't like people.
  5. Answers

    We used to have a cat that both talked and...

    We used to have a cat that both talked and fetched years ago, would play ball for like an hour at a time. Mostly said Wheeee! But sometimes said Uh-oh! Siamese cats are supposed to have dog like...
  6. This is mostly oaks, the roots don't stick up out...

    This is mostly oaks, the roots don't stick up out of the ground like maples do but my tractor and bushhog has a roll bar, I can't go under stuff less than ten feet from the ground easily when I mow...
  7. I guess I'm going to go with the vinca periwinkle...

    I guess I'm going to go with the vinca periwinkle stuff. I looked it up and it is non toxic, I know they sell flats of it at the same store where I got the pachysandra stuff years ago. They also have...
  8. Answers

    Look to see if anything is sticking out, like a...

    Look to see if anything is sticking out, like a thorn or splinter. My vet tells me cats being carnivores and natural fighters, don't need to worry about tetanus, but since it's on the foot will be...
  9. Answers

    Yes you guys are right, the vet says...

    Yes you guys are right, the vet says malnutrition, too little protein at a young age can stunt their growth. I know nothing of her background, no other cats around there, so I suspect she was just...
  10. Answers

    You could go over the edges of the area with...

    You could go over the edges of the area with sandpaper or steel wool to blend the new area into the old to make it less noticeable, then repaint.
  11. Answers

    Tell me about these arrowheads?

    Hi all, I found more arrowheads, made of quartz. They are perfect but very tiny, about 1/2 inch long. Why would they be so small? Could they have been child's toys?
  12. Answers

    We have named her Lilly, and tell her stories...

    We have named her Lilly, and tell her stories about "the old country," Lilliput, where she was adopted from.
    She still goes nuts over Big Macs and fries or any kind of bread, we have to hide our...
  13. Answers

    It's important to have your plant lites just a...

    It's important to have your plant lites just a couple of inches from the tops of the plants, hang them on chains and raise it up as the plants grow. Just a light shining on them, you can see the...
  14. Answers

    Oh she is ever so cute. The vet says she seems...

    Oh she is ever so cute. The vet says she seems healthy. She is light as a feather--when she jumps in the bed at night you don't realize she is sitting on you, then you pull back the blankets to get...
  15. Answers

    There could be debris or a piece of ice blocking...

    There could be debris or a piece of ice blocking the flywheel from turning around, or the cord could have gotten wet and is stiff or frozen to itself? Ours used to get chipmunks and food stuck in it
  16. Answers

    Well a lot of the "losers" have battleships and...

    Well a lot of the "losers" have battleships and nuclear weapons.
  17. Answers

    Maybe we could organise a shoe collecting drive?

    Maybe we could organise a shoe collecting drive?
  18. Answers

    And a lot of people never collect a thing, I mean...

    And a lot of people never collect a thing, I mean they die before they are actually retirement aged. And they are all the time wanting to raise the elegibility age, used to be 55, then 60, 65, 72...
  19. Answers

    As long as the wood is not chemical treated wood,...

    As long as the wood is not chemical treated wood, I say no problem. And since it is probably kiln dried wood they are buying it should be high in BTUs. It's mostly tree sap rather than water that...
  20. Answers

    The orange eyes are like an uneven stain in the...

    The orange eyes are like an uneven stain in the iris color part of the eye. Could it be something like hemachromatosis, or a copper metabolism problem? I can't find anything on this disorder in cats,...
  21. Need to find an easy care groundcover for under trees and fence

    The property line out back of my place in Maryland, zone 6: I'm clearing it out of dead brush, poison ivy. 250 feet along the property line wire cattle fence, has some healthy trees both on my side...
  22. Answers

    Israel's example shows that man does not have the...

    Israel's example shows that man does not have the ability to save himself, even through good works or wanting to repent. Israel's sacrifices to God (animals and grain) needed to be offered over and...
  23. She does not have to pay rent on a house she...

    She does not have to pay rent on a house she owns. You own the house and have just as much right as her to move in there yourself. There is no mortgage, so as long as she is paying the utilities and...
  24. Question: Proper wood

    by wildandblue

    Well if he gets to use that answer, I get to say...

    Well if he gets to use that answer, I get to say petrified wood! Extremely rot resistant stuff, just a little difficult to work.
  25. Answers

    Yes a concrete wall out in your garden would be...

    Yes a concrete wall out in your garden would be different than a garage or the foundation wall for a house etc. Also have to consider your soil type, drainage and depth to frost line.
  26. Answers

    Well with my cell phone all you get is the number...

    Well with my cell phone all you get is the number calling you on the display, unless you have that person listed in your phone's address book, in which case their name will come up on the screen....
  27. Answers

    But 3 lbs. is pretty small, isn't it, I mean most...

    But 3 lbs. is pretty small, isn't it, I mean most of ours are about 10 lbs, we have one squishy bean bag of a cat that weighs 15.
  28. Answers

    Oh I should have said, it's just a DSH, regular...

    Oh I should have said, it's just a DSH, regular type of alley cat like all of ours are, we did have one persian/exotic years ago in the bunch at home.
  29. If you are the executor, you have the legal...

    If you are the executor, you have the legal authority to sell the house. It's important to determine if your mother's will specifies that you are to each get half of the house or if the house is...
  30. Answers

    What do you think of this cat?

    We found a cat near the dumpster at a fast food place in town. It was very small so we assumed it was a kitten but have had it for a year now and it is not much bigger. Cat weighs 3 lbs. female solid...
  31. Answers

    Well you should not be calling the number back,...

    Well you should not be calling the number back, how did you get it anyway since you said it was unlisted. If you are calling each other the police will look at that as mutual harassment instead of...
  32. Answers

    wildandblue agrees with that! Why kill yourself...

    wildandblue agrees with that! Why kill yourself growing a couple dollars worth of vegetables when you can easily do a little grocery store reconnaissance and then swoop down on those unsuspecting...
  33. Answers

    Others on this site have told me in the past it...

    Others on this site have told me in the past it is better to have one large heavy gauge wire going out to a detached building rather than 4 separate ones. And I don't like mixing different types of...
  34. Answers

    It's in the laundry detergents aisle in the...

    It's in the laundry detergents aisle in the grocery store.
  35. Answers

    With a diesel engine loss of power is usually...

    With a diesel engine loss of power is usually aclogged or dirty or loose fitting air cleaner element or a plugged fuel filter or water in the fuel. Replace fuel filter element, empty the filter bowl...
  36. Answers

    You could wipe the windows with the same kinds of...

    You could wipe the windows with the same kinds of turtlewax, armorall, etc. cleaners that you use for your car. I don't recommend that for the siding because the wax could affect it's fire retardant...
  37. Most likely the lawsuit was filed against the...

    Most likely the lawsuit was filed against the review site by the person that you posted trash about. And since they have identified you, or your internet address as the source of the trouble they are...
  38. Answers

    Yes don't delete the texts. They have information...

    Yes don't delete the texts. They have information attached to them that shows the server the texts were sent on, as well as the time they were sent which will identify the caller. It is illegal to...
  39. Well I'm leaning toward the torture theory. He...

    Well I'm leaning toward the torture theory. He wants to hear how desperate you are without him, so he can reject you some more. It's a power trip for him. Usually people who are like this have very...
  40. Answers

    We will probably need additional information to...

    We will probably need additional information to solve this. Are you talking about one of those frost free yard hydrant things? It could have a rubber seal or O ring type of thing like a washer that...
  41. Answers

    Guys it is a five carat diamond!! I also found...

    Guys it is a five carat diamond!! I also found out some more about diamonds while trying to research it. Listen to this:
    One of the world's most famous diamonds, the Jonker diamond was found in 1934...
  42. Answers

    Well I got it all arranged on the wall following...

    Well I got it all arranged on the wall following ZoeMarie's diagram. Sorry to take so long to get back to you about it. I used the excuse that I wanted to wait until the paint was dry, but really...
  43. Second best to the bathroom is a small closet or...

    Second best to the bathroom is a small closet or get underneath a substantial table like the dining room table which you've pushed up against a wall away from windows. Or of course down in the...
  44. Answers

    I would get estimates from several diggers before...

    I would get estimates from several diggers before going ahead. Important to be the right distance away from your septic system. Also depends on what kind of rock he is drilling through. Groundwater...
  45. Well I'm talking about California, and I did get...

    Well I'm talking about California, and I did get the agent's boss's name and number (from her.) I'm a little worried that if I report her to her boss, she will do even less than she has already to...
  46. Answers

    How to arrange several pictures on a wall

    Have a large blank space on a living room wall 5 x 12 with chair rail below it. We have a collection of framed landscape lithographs to hang up there but wondering how to arrange them? There are 3, ...
  47. The Bible tells us to lay up treasure in Heaven,...

    The Bible tells us to lay up treasure in Heaven, our treasures on Earth will rot or rust or get eaten by moths or stolen by thieves. We are told that when a man finds a pearl of great price, he will...
  48. Well thanks for posting, but like I said, I...

    Well thanks for posting, but like I said, I really wouldn't have had a clue my recipie was "good" if she hadn't plagiarized it, if that is the right word. As far as proof, I grew up in Maryland and...
  49. If they were just mailed to you out of the blue,...

    If they were just mailed to you out of the blue, I would be very suspicious. You are almost 40 so why suddenly now? It could have something to do with an inheritance or child support claim? Or even a...
  50. Real Estate agent is lying to prospective buyers! Am I liable?

    I got into an agreement with a real estate agent to show my country property. In hind sight I shouldn't have agreed to a 3 month contract! Now my financial circumstances are such that I don't need to...
Results 1 to 50 of 500