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Type: Posts; User: staples120703

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  1. Answers

    Slim Goodie, Sometimes abortions can cause harm...

    Slim Goodie, Sometimes abortions can cause harm later down the road when trying to conceive again, but I also know a lot of people who have had more than one and who have kids, keep your hopes up and...
  2. Answers

    Tosh, Have you tried taking a blood pregnancy...

    Tosh, Have you tried taking a blood pregnancy test yet, I know that it shows sooner than on a urine test and its a lot more accurate as well, I hope all goes well for both you and Lisa19xx... And Yes...
  3. Question: 8 days late

    by staples120703

    It may have been that you were testing too soon,...

    It may have been that you were testing too soon, needs to be at least 11 days after conception for a blood test and at least 11-14 days after conception for a urine test on average but some will...
  4. Answers

    If it is concerning you a lot and would like to...

    If it is concerning you a lot and would like to know now rather than wait for a period or to take a home test, call your DR and ask for a blood pregnancy test, it's the most accurate pregnancy test...
  5. Answers

    Hi Claire, I know that some people can bleed all...

    Hi Claire, I know that some people can bleed all the way through pregnancy and some get there regular periods and most don't bleed at all, to be on the safe side, I would see your DR immediately to...
  6. Answers

    Thank you Charolotte234s I actually just read on...

    Thank you Charolotte234s I actually just read on the internet that it takes on average about 11 days after conception to get a pos result on a blood test and 11-14 days after conception on a urine...
  7. Answers

    I was just looking this up on the internet about...

    I was just looking this up on the internet about pregnancy and HCG levels, they say that after about 4-6 weeks after a miscarriage the levels should be below 5 but they also say it depends on certain...
  8. Answers

    Confusion on if I might be pregnant

    How soon should a blood test show pos after implantation? I had what I thought was implantation bleeding on May 26 took a blood test on May 29 and June 1 both should a very low hcg level, which I...
  9. Answers

    If I were you I would definitely switch doctors,...

    If I were you I would definitely switch doctors, I can't remember what size they told me was to big to pass by itself and would need surgery but for the one that's a size of an orange, I can garentee...
  10. Answers

    I use to get cysts very often during my teenage...

    I use to get cysts very often during my teenage years and the causes that were given were birth control pills and hormonal levels, my body was making too much of one hormone and not enough of the...
  11. Answers

    I too keep having dreams, they progressed all the...

    I too keep having dreams, they progressed all the way to knowing that I was having twins and what I would name them, but I still don't know if I am pregnant, so let me know how things turn out for...
  12. Answers

    I only took one cycle of clomid so far, but the...

    I only took one cycle of clomid so far, but the Drs weren't very good with me, they didn't tell me how to estimate when ovulation would take place nor have I seen them since, they just sent me for...
  13. Answers

    I was told about 5 years ago that I had a tilted...

    I was told about 5 years ago that I had a tilted uterus and again just last week, but the good thing is, there's still hope, I have a wonderful 4 year old and endometriosis, some people just have...
  14. Answers

    Thank you! I think that if I am pregnant that it...

    Thank you! I think that if I am pregnant that it would still be very early maybe 2 weeks or so, My Dr is going to do another test next week to see if the hcg level is still going up. This will...
  15. I am so sorry to hear about all the things that...

    I am so sorry to hear about all the things that have happened to you, your body and emotional state of mind has had it rough lately, Im sure that you are really stressed out of all of this, so yes it...
  16. Answers

    I know that I did not have a miscarriage, I have...

    I know that I did not have a miscarriage, I have had no bleeding or anything that would indicate miscarriage, I don't know much about ectopic pregnancies but do know that I am at higher risk due to...
  17. Answers

    That is true, your baby does not have much room...

    That is true, your baby does not have much room to move around anymore, you will still see your baby move around just not as frequent, this is perfectly normal, at your next OB appointment talk to...
  18. Answers

    OK, for most people they have a cyce of 28 days,...

    OK, for most people they have a cyce of 28 days, which usually means that they ovulate 14 days into there cycle which I believe would have been the 22 for u, so you are around the right time frame...
  19. Answers

    Congratulations, hope all is well and you have a...

    Congratulations, hope all is well and you have a nice healthy baby!! And hopefully an easy pregnancy and delivery!!
  20. I don't know the whole story on you personally,...

    I don't know the whole story on you personally, but what I can say it, I for one am having almost the same problem but over a week late and all negative tests but even blood tests are confusing too,...
  21. Question: Worried

    by staples120703

    Yes there is always a chance of becoming pregnant...

    Yes there is always a chance of becoming pregnant every time that you have sex no matter what form of birth control you use, nothing is 100% these days, lots of people get pregnant when they thought...
  22. Answers

    Its hard to say, every person is different when...

    Its hard to say, every person is different when it comes to there cycles and having irregular periods to begin with makes it hard to say also, Most people are on a 28 day cycle but people do vary and...
  23. My son had problems with different formulas and...

    My son had problems with different formulas and it turned out that he couldn't have regular formula they had to put him on soy formula and that helped a lot, this does not mean that they are lactose...
  24. I don't know if this is totally accurate or not...

    I don't know if this is totally accurate or not cause Im not the expert but I believe the lowel hcg level sensitivity the better, if you find a test the detects at 25 rather than 100 your a lot...
  25. Answers

    Its never good being pregnant and feeling dizzy...

    Its never good being pregnant and feeling dizzy like your going to faint, especially with having sharp pains as well, I would call your OB and discuss this issue and see what they have to say about...
  26. Answers

    With the Depo shot I was always told that I...

    With the Depo shot I was always told that I needed extra protection for the first two weeks of starting the shot and if you are ever late with getting your shot again then its another two weeks then...
  27. Answers

    Low HCG levels on blood test

    I am trying to conceive my second child before my husband is deployed, my last period was on April 29th, I spotted on May 26 (light pink tinge) I am extremely tired all the time now and breasts are...
  28. Ok, I personally have endometriosis and it does...

    Ok, I personally have endometriosis and it does sound similar to what I go through as well, but only with the pain after intercourse, but pain can cause exhaustion as well. She needs to see a GYN and...
Results 1 to 28 of 28