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  • Nov 19, 2011, 02:43 PM
    Why would males degrade and abuse a beautiful woman and just want to mess with her?
    Ugh OK for me... this is ludicrous... but this is all I experience. I'm a very beautiful woman-- think ezlibeth taylor, vivien leigh... I have that kind of classic beauty dark hair.. exotic looks... I'm nice and cool.. however, the males of today, ONLY want to degrade and use me to mentally torture--my life is proof of it. I've never had a boyfriend.. and every guy I meet, literally does horrible things to me to mess with my head... I'm a virgin.. no boyfriend, and I've never even been on a trip with a guy anywhere... or guys don't take me places or do things with me, or give me money- however they will do everything with other women and even get off on bragging to me about what they're doing with other women. This is so mean cruel and sick to me... but its all I experience? I need help... for this is just crazy to me and so not fair...

    For instance... my 'ex' I call him an 'ex' yet he was never a boyfriend-- just a sick old guy... who mentally tortured me for fun... he refused sex with me and sexually tormented me in that way... the way he treated me was horror and cruel... and he knew I wanted a relationship and had never had a BF before or sex... he NEVER gave it to me-- he used all relationship aspects as bait to manipulate me and lure me and give me NOTHING... then manipulate and claim he was giving me everything and HE was gettnig nothing. He was a classic narcissist... sociopath etc... however even this abuse was RARE---no sex ever? Still we are 'friends' and chat and still he has NEVER had sex with me just ORAL sex in one position and he only did that to use as bait to try to manipulate me into claiming that he gives me so much and he gets nothing. Forme this was madness... I am such a beautiful hot sexy woman and this is how I got treated? He never took me anywhere or did anything with me-- other girls he used to take on trips, go fun places... with me he used me to torture on the side... it was worse than hell and a nightmare and I suffered horribly... he was a photographer and yes he's been with lots of beautiful women... so a beautiful woman was not "rare" or odd to him... however he used ME the one beautiful woman to torture so extremely... why? This is what men do to me-- REFUSE sex with me or USE me like a PROSTITUTE or give me NOTHING while they are respceting and giving other women lots of things... then they rub it in my face.. I live life totally ALONE as no one will be around me because I'm 'beautiful' everyone just hates me and is jealous of me and wants to use or abuse me... what the heck do I do?I can't find ONE male who will date or be with me and everyone wants to give me nothing manipulate abuse and use me cruelly... my life is horror and I don't understand... why men do this to me-- I'm also really nice and sweet... and you'd think any guy would dream of being with a girl like me... yet... I just get abused and mentally screwed with... I have 100's more stories but I can only list recent ones and ones that are prominent to me... it shocked me that as such a beautiful woman... this sick man refused sex with me and TO THIS DAY STILL DOES...
    He says... "who'd want to F*** YOU? LOOK AT YOU?!" and he claims I'm the hottest woman he's ever seen and so beautiful... help what do I do? These men and all men will have sex with pamper ANY FEMALE however not me, a really beautiful kind sweet female who is a virgin and an amazing woman? This sick man/freak would take models/prostitutes on trips and pay them to have sex with them-- however... he claimed I was his GF and NEVER had sex with me and just mentally tortured me... it was and still is horror... how can you pay filthy diseased women for sex and refuse a virgin an innocent pure beautiful woman sex... how is this psosible... he was satan or the devil to me... and would even mock me and say "YOU"D Love TO BE RAPED YOU"D WANT MORE"... he said that to me because he refused sex with me and made me want it so bad... he said rape would be my fantasy... yet again he NEVER had it with me... he also refused to do sexual things to me in all sorts of positions... just refused... and would only do ONE bnoring thing to me while I wanted all kinds of sex... and he NEVER gave it to me... this is shocking as this weirdo seemed like a sex addict and was turned on by ANYTHING and ANYONE and seemed to want to f*** anyone that crossed his path... however degrading and rejecting a super beautiful woman was his game with me and it was a horror one at that... and baffling and confusing...

    Second scenario: This one strange guy I met on the internet.. he seemed OK... we didn't talk for years then last yr he just called me out of the blue... I was in a bad situation and asked for his help... he offered some help BTU I didn't take it--b/c I didn't want to stay at his place for a few days... I got a creepy feeling about him however he's an engineer... one day months later out of the blue he texted me with some bizarre information and it was strange... he made some claim about being 'raped' by his ex gf's ex boyfriend and a guy... he didn't want to go to the cops to report it... again, I found it so odd... and fuodn this guy to be weird for texting me with that info-- I'm thinking... he never talks to me and only texts me with this scary information.. and he said he felt 'comfortable' telling me but couldn't tell anyone else... I didn't find it flattery but just disgusting and weird... it almost seems as if he was into it or there was something else going on and he didn't tell me the whole story---im not sure WHY he told me this... but again it was weird... and we went out a few more times to dinner and he would talk about it and he didn't seem disturbed at all that he was raped by males...

    We would chat off and on then one day he said he had a 'favor' to ask me... he claimed that he had never had oral sex with a girl (despite having several gf's) and was wondering if I could teach him or he could practice on me-- again I was very offended... and thought... ok this guy is a weirdo... and what a lame pick up line... I found it odd again and he said he was serious and it was true... so I sort of declined and he said again he only felt comfortable asking me and not other women---which again I found disrespectful as he was treating me like a prostitute of some sorts... when I sort of said no because... he seemed annoyed such as he for some reason thought I'd say yes... then he said there were women at work who wanted to date him and he'd ask them... then he asked me if I wanted to go on a cruise and said a woman at work he went out with wasnt' sure if she could make it... I said sure maybe... then he asked again... if he could do that with me and I said no... that my ex would be upset and he was controlling and a freak... (later I told him I was offended)... he then said well, he's not sure if the woman at work can go on the cruise... so if she cudn't he'd tell me... while we'd chat I told him how males disrepected me and didn't give me anything or take me aynwhere... it was odd because after I rejected him... I'd text him and he'd say during the weekend "i went skydiving" or I did this... again.. he asked if I watned to go skydiving months prior but never invited me... so then it turned into him trying to gloat in my face what he was doing all the fun he was having... and with things he had asked if I liked but never asked me to go... he seemed to be doing this in response to me rejecting him for 'oral sex lessons' which I found horrendous... I did tell him later I was offended by it.. and it was offensive since males only try to use me not just for 'sex' but so degradingly... this psycho jerk even said that he needed someone to 'practice' on so he would be good with other wmoen because he's embarrassed to do with other girls... b/c he doesn't know how to-- this is so sick and strange to me... "hey can i use you as a practice doll for oral sex and give u nothing else"... then he began constnatly saying "cant talk I'm in miami" or here or there... knowing that I've never gone anywhere with a guy or taken a vacation and this is just another guy doing the same thing to me... it seems he WANTED to put me down in this way, of course...

    While we were texting he also said that he had never treated me badly and seemed to want to imply that I didn't give him a chance or he had tried to get to know me... again while he was 'dating' this co worker and once I said can we talk on the phone and he said "not now, I'm taking that lady from work shopping"... he seemed to be lying of course... or also just trying to make me feel bad... he also claimed he had never had any sexual contact with this 'lady' but was doing all these fun things with her... it feels like a deeply twisted way of really trying to mess with me, which is what it is but again... why is this freak doing this to me? He's pretending to or going out with another woman... and rubbing it in my face after I refused to teach him 'oral sex'... (gross)? In such a creepy demand or request... and about the cruise... he never told me "well the lady decided to go on the cruise"... he just dropped it altogether but today after I texted him last night he replied with "i can't talk the whole weekend...we get no signal on the cruise"... wow... how mean and cruel of me to do... and yes it made me feel bad but is that all this sick jerk is trying to do? It may or may not be true that he's on a cruise... but he's trying hard to degrade me ridiculously and again.. why is he doing this? Because I refused to be a practice doll for him for oral sex? Or he's just evil... this guy seems like a huge submissive so the fact that he is trying to dominate me is VERY strange... in my life.. submissive MALES dominate me? They try to put me down ro treat me badly... I'm not sure why... again... men don't take me shopping or go places with me... they use me in the same way these two monsters are using me-- to mentally screw with... any clue on what guy #2 is doing to me.. and why men only degrade me in this crazy extreme way?
  • Nov 19, 2011, 02:51 PM
    How old are you?
    And please do not use text speak. It is very difficult for us Neanderthals to understand.

    It sounds like you looking in all the wrong places for nice men.
  • Nov 19, 2011, 03:20 PM
    Yes, it first appears you have way to high opinion of yourself, and perhaps these people get tired of it. I know you seem to think it is an issue in all of your posts. Or for some reason you should be treated differently because of your looks.

    But yes, if you are always looking for men in the same places and the same ways, you get the same men.
    Since men I know don't talk like that, or act like that. I know you don't hang out at good civic and religious activities.
  • Nov 19, 2011, 04:05 PM
    I had to post this... I was reading this and it sounded very familiar to me... most of the story anyway. I knew I read it somewhere before.

    Almost the exact story, down to the abusive photographer ex-boyfriend that Sophia99 posted a few days ago before being banned.
  • Nov 19, 2011, 04:41 PM
    Good point about Sophia99. Also, if you read the other posts this person has obvious mental problems.

    I think perhaps the kindest thing to do is either close the thread or not answer - answers only anger the OP.
  • Nov 19, 2011, 05:04 PM

    Originally Posted by ngrrt View Post
    ****Ah, I removed the rant myself****

    Wow... that sounds almost like the same rant that Sophia99 did on Judy and Jenni a few days ago... Once someone suggests some sort of help to you, you explode.

    I think you should seek counseling.
  • Nov 19, 2011, 05:06 PM
    Good catch, yep this is the same person banned again.

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