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  • Jun 30, 2017, 08:27 PM
    Good grief !! Now Trump Wants Everybody's Name
    I don't mean to hijack this page, but Trump is so OUT OF CONTROL it's hard not to if we want to keep up with this dangerous man.

    Trump now wants the following information about every citizen of the United States of America who votes - (taken verbatim from a letter to every state):

    " [Trump team letter requesting] sensitive information, including "dates of birth, political party (if recorded in your state), last four digits of social security number if available, voter history (elections voted in) from 2006 onward, active/inactive status, cancelled status, information regarding any felony convictions, information regarding voter registration in another state, information regarding military status, and overseas citizen information."

    This is demanded under the guise of preventing voter fraud when everyone knows voter fraud is nearly non-existent in the US. What it's REALLY about is VOTER SUPPRESSION.

    And possibly more nefarious reasons that are unthinkable unless one starts thinking about the KGB or the Gestapo. Scary? You bet !!

    So far, 22 states have categorically REFUSED the demand. The Mississippi AG told the author to "go jump in the Gulf of Mexico".
  • Jun 30, 2017, 08:45 PM
    Heil Trump
  • Jul 1, 2017, 12:38 PM
    The left is in serious need of psychotherapy and strong medication.
  • Jul 1, 2017, 02:06 PM
    What do you prescribe for the repub red states who are refusing to comply? This seems like a bipartisan FU to me.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 01:23 AM
    States run elections . I don't agree with Trump in any request for states to give up this information .you should see the information I am forced to give up filling out Federal census surveys .It offends me how much information they request unrelated to census data .

    But.....All states already do give up this information for the right price. Campaigns routinely buy this data.Your voting registration and record are public information (except perhaps how you voted and SS#).Here is what the State of Florida makes available :

    As for the claim that there are no cases of voter fraud ....well I'd be convinced that were true if I did not see so many cases where voter rolls are a mess . Here is the latest ...
  • Jul 2, 2017, 03:23 AM
    Better copy and paste your point Tom. The link takes me to a sign up for a subscription page. I can only make the point that a messed up voter rolls doesn't equate to voter fraud, and data in the hands of an idiot like Chris Kobach can only lead to voter suppression in my book. We do have evidence of that and a few court rulings that says so.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 03:48 AM
    65,000 people erroneously on RI voter rolls . That is one small state we are talking about here .

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea has identified roughly 150,000 people erroneously on the state’s voters rolls and has begun to clean them up, she told The Providence Journal on Tuesday.
    Nearly 65,000 names have been removed since Gorbea took office in 2015, and another 30,000 have been marked as “inactive,” a first step toward removing them.
    “It’s not really fraud,” Gorbea said. “It’s really just inaccuracies.”
    When people move, especially when it’s not near an election, people often forget to tell voter registration officials that they’re gone, she said.
    State and federal law set out a cumbersome process to remove people from the voter rolls: if an official elections mailing to them is returned as undeliverable, they can be marked inactive. If they fail to vote in the next two federal elections, they can be removed. “It has a lot of very strict protections on how and when you can remove people from the voter rolls,” said Gorbea.
    The secretary of state has spent about $60,000 to clean up the voter list, including $38,000 to send mailings to people who may have moved and $21,000 for membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center, a cooperative of 20 states, plus the District of Columbia, that share voter and motor vehicle records to detect people who move. The cooperative, known as ERIC, has identified more than 34,000 Rhode Island voters who may have moved.
    Two notable holes in ERIC’s coverage, Florida and Massachusetts, could account for thousands of Rhode Islanders who have moved.
    Gorbea acknowledged that, especially given voter laws that guard against removing legitimate voters, the voter list can never be perfect. “There isn’t a silver bullet against bloat on the voter rolls.”
    But, she said, “having clean voter lists [is] critical to preserving the integrity of our elections and ensure that elections are fair, fast and accurate.”

  • Jul 2, 2017, 05:51 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    “It’s not really fraud,” Gorbea said. “It’s really just inaccuracies.”

    Obviously !!

    Everybody in the country knows that except for Trump and a handful of Republicans.

    Then what is Rump trying to achieve? His obese ego will not permit him to accept the PROVEN FACT that he lost the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes. According to Trump, those 3,000,000 votes were cast by aliens and Democrats voting multiple times.

    Just as he grossly misrepresented the electoral college vote, so he has done the same with the popular vote.


    And identifying all non-Republican voters will make it that much easier to prevent them as needed from voting in the future - especially as soon as Putin gets his hands on the data base collected from the states.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 06:15 AM
    The commission hasn't even met yet.

    Trump voter fraud commission: Here's what to know | Fox News


    The commission is scheduled to meet for the first time July 19. Here's what you need to know......
  • Jul 2, 2017, 06:47 AM
    NC found that 500+ ineligible voters cast ballots in their state this last election . They included non-citizens and felons. Like it or not ,ineligible,fraudulent ballots are recorded in every state ,in every election .You think it doesn't matter ;but less than 2000 votes was the determining factor in Florida 2000 ;and Kennedy won by 1/2 of 1% of the popular vote in 1960 .

    Now Trump does not help his case by making exaggerated claims . But it is unacceptable that it happens and is accepted as the norm. Illegal votes should be suppressed through legal measures that impose minimal hardships and obstacles upon eligible citizens.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 07:09 AM
    If they know the votes were fraudulent, why did they count them? If they were caught then there was no fraud, nor a false count. I can get with being alert for illegal votes, but we could do away with those 3 and 4 hour lines too!

    And this kind of hanky panky too...

    Is Kobach investigating that too?
  • Jul 2, 2017, 09:32 AM
    I disagree with any position that states photo id is an unreasonable imposition.

    NC the finding was a result of an audit of the election . That means the election had already taken place. Their arguement is that it is a small fraction of the numbers who did vote and therefore insignificant . To me any number of ineligible people voting should be considered unacceptable .
  • Jul 2, 2017, 09:51 AM
    Koboch has been slapped down by courts several times for attempting to disenfranchise voters. His Crosscheck program was responsible for disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters. Voters who might have swung the vote to Clinton. The amount of information Koboch asked for, especially SSNs (even partial) and voting histories (by law and tradition your vote is private) is frightening.

    Research Kobach, you will find he is behind Trump's lie about 3-5 illegal votes. He has been working at voter registration/suppression for years. He's been slapped down by courts several times.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 10:03 AM

    I disagree with any position that states photo id is an unreasonable imposition.
    It depends on how its handled. I agree that the use of a photo ID to verify voters is OK. But then the government has to provide a photo ID FREE OF CHARGE to anyone requesting one. Not everyone has one. Not everyone drives or goes to school or can otherwise obtain one. And if you don't give them for free, you are discouraging the poor from voting (exactly what the GOP wants).

    Voter rolls ARE in a state of disarray. There is no check against death records, people move, etc. Those are the main reasons that voter rolls are inaccurate. I doubt if any state wants to go through the expense of cleaning up the rolls. But inaccuracy in the voter rolls doesn't equate to voter fraud. It was pointed out that several of Trump's close confidants were registered to vote in multiple places.
  • Jul 2, 2017, 11:23 AM
    I have stated many times in this forum my opposition to Voter ID is in the way it's implemented. Expecting my granny to having the required birth certificate is impossible and she can't understand why her bible recorded birth can't be believed.

    Personally the Kobach voting integrity BS is just a front for midterm elections suppression, and Trumps 2020 re election which he is already raising money for, and Putin will help him again, by hacking into voter records...AGAIN!

  • Jul 2, 2017, 11:58 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    But then the government has to provide a photo ID FREE OF CHARGE to anyone requesting one. Not everyone has one. Not everyone drives or goes to school or can otherwise obtain one. And if you don't give them for free, you are discouraging the poor from voting (exactly what the GOP wants).

    PLUS, discouraging those voters who are homebound and in assisted living facilities/nursing homes (yes, many vote or would like to).


    It was pointed out that several of Trump's close confidants were registered to vote in multiple places.
    ...including his own family members.

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