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  • Jan 11, 2011, 02:18 PM
    Dear Reader:

    Hello. This is might end up as a very long post, thank you in advance for continuing to read. I'm new to this forum, and what brought me here was a recent break-up. I'm having a hard time coping because I got dumped; and in the end the blame was on me. But first, some things about myself, I'm a 23 year old male who graduated from a university 7 months ago. I was lucky to get hired right away, doing something I like, but I had to move to a small town to work. I live in pretty much a retirement community, renting a large room to myself in a house.

    It's hard for me to gather my thoughts to write because I don't know where to begin, and whether I will be able to accept the feedback that anyone would be so kindly to give. I'm having second thoughts because I feel guilty and ashamed.

    But I guess I'm just going to say it, I slept with my best friend's ex-girlfriend, who eventually broke my heart 3 days ago. In a way I'm here to be judged, but I don't want to be, I know there are so many questions for me to answer, ultimately Why? I can't answer that right now, but I can talk a bit more about the past.

    We all met our first year in college, he was my roommate; we all lived in the same dorm. After that it was just sound bites and blur. I still don't know much about their relationship, but it lasted 3 years, along the way they broke up a couple times and I was their to support my best friend, I knew that she was his first girlfriend, first everything, and so I gave him the Good advice, advice from my experiences, advice we find on the Internet. I lived with him our last year in college, and it was then when everything changed.

    I don't know what happened but they stopped talking, they were in the no contact period, and that's when she started chatting with me. The thing is, we've always chatted online with each other, but this time it was different. But skipping the questions, I did what I did and what happened next, they got back together. That took me off guard and I realized I was disturbed and anxious about my Feelings, so I tried, please believe me I tried to suppress them, I tried to ignore them, I wrote so many letters that no one will ever get to release myself but it didn't work, I had no one to talk to but her, and so I did. I was honest and open,

    I even spoke about the Future. I was having a hard time because I started to Feel something, so I spoke to a Stranger, a completely stranger; that was the first person I let know about what happened, and he encouraged me to just tell my friend.

    And just as I was rushing home to tell him... she texted me, saying we need to talk, and I took it as a Sign. She told me that we'd talk more about this and work through it together and if we were to tell him, we'd do it together, and that we all cared for each other, but as the days went by, having to seen them together, I was going insane, and so I told her one night, I can't take it.

    She ended things with him shortly but explained to me that she didn't do it for me, it was unfair to my friend and her, all of us really. There was peace for a while until I guess she and I started missing each other, the word missing is the wrong word, but I'm using it anyway. We started sneaking out, hanging out, and I realized I wanted to be with her.

    Fast forward, we graduated, I still haven't told my friend, and I was trying my best to stay with her; I moved, our relationship turned into a long distance one, and that's when she started to pull away. She called me several times, trying to leave me, but I would manage to have her stay, then one night she got so mad at me about still being friends with her ex, and I panicked, and told him what happened the next day. She was mad that I did that because, for one, I didn't tell her first, and two, it took away hope for her to ever get back with my friend. So let's skip the questions, I managed to continue a relationship with her. We did a lot during our LDR, but more times than enough, she tried to break up with me but I didn't let that happen and managed to continue again and again, until she told me that she was dating me out of pity because she knows that I would be hurt otherwise, and that it was convenient, and that she has no feelings for me, that she does not love me, and does not want me... and still, I managed to be with her after she told me that... but a month passed, a new year began, and she destroyed me by saying all that she has said and included that she resents me, that she blames me for not letting her have what she wanted, that I got in the way of her relationship, that I was selfish, and concluded with "I don't want a relationship with you."

    I didn't manage to get her to change her tone of voice, it's silly because it's sort of an indicator of Hope; her voice wasn't soft anymore... my last plea the morning after was to go see her, she refused, I asked again, she refused, and kindly muttered she needed Space. The thing is, I fell in love with her a long long time ago, and for the things I can do, I do it, but Space right now is hard to give... because "if you love me you'd let me go," but I don't want to let go.

    Please excuse me if this is confusing because I feel lost in all this. I miss her, I haven't seen her since Christmas weekend. Throughout the months, I've talked to a lot of people, I've confessed, I've admitted, and for the most part, I've been honest and open with her... and I Understand, but I'm still a little boy and I don't want to Accept, I don't understand... but I know that deep inside, I want to accept because it's the Right thing to do, I Wronged two Friends...

    I'm going to stop soon because it hurts to write. I am Thinking so much, as I always do, and there were and are so many Scenarios and I don't like the one I'm in because it's tough. But I need to Forgive myself, because that's all I can do, I can't force her to forgive me, but that's what I want... I must Learn to move on... but I keep going back and forth, one moment I Can Do It, and another moment I Want to call her...

    Reading articles online help, and talking to the people I can talk to helps, but eventually, I have to help myself, I'm just not there yet... and it makes me anxious because I want to know if I will ever talk to her again, or see her again, I mean I want to see her, I want to talk to her, and I want her in my life but I want her a certain way, and I don't want her to be mad at me, I don't want her to hate me... I want a Chance, a real chance...

    But what's wrong is I'm using too many "I's," and I need to stop being Selfish... but my Heart is torn in a million ways...

    I'm just Reaching out in every way possible because I'm Drowning. The silly thing is I don't know how to swim.

    There are a lot of things I can't include in this post because it's literally Endless. I have so many letters written on my hard drive, so many draft emails, so many entries in a journal... and now I guess I'm trying to have an open discussion with people on the Internet.

    But let me try to live a little in the moment, I joined a gym last night, I'm eating snack a day, I'm thinking about visiting a Church, I have a therapist, and it's only been 3 days since what has happened.

    I'm trapped with my own thoughts, and maybe that's a good thing, no one is going to find me, I need to find myself, in the end I'm in the driver seat... and I'm sad because I can say what I need to do, but it's not what you say it's what you do, and that's so true, if I loved her, if I loved my friend, I wouldn't have done anything... and now I'm given another chance to make that decision, and what is Right is to not do anything.

    To solve this problem, I have to not solve this problem.

    And the weird thing is, I'm obsessed about Puzzles, Logic, Game Theory etc..
  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:00 PM


    Okay, first in my opinon you have taken all the responsibility out of your hands for putting yourself out there to find your own darn girlfriend. You have put all your feelings into this relationship with this girl, because she was convienent, you knew her, her likes/dislikes, you made it real easy for yourself, why put yourself out there and actually have to find all this information out for yourself when your FRIENDS girl who is very familuar to you is hitting on you.

    You are living proof of what goes around comes back around, you cheated with your friends girl--you should have said NO<NO<NO.
    If she would cheat on him, you should have know she would cheat on you. Come on who the heck what's a woman that basically tells you she is only meeting up with you out pity----which I don't really believe, its just that you're an easy TARGET for her!!

    You need grab a hold of those two pieces of anatomy you obviously threw away awhile back with her, and start acting like a grown man. First you need to find a job in a town or city that isn't full of retired people. You finally need to put yourself out there and find YOUR own woman. Need to take the risk like everyone else!! Stop thinking that this woman is yours because she isn't, she is nothing more then well I really can't think of a descent word to say, so I won't say anything.

    You need to stop stalking her, because that is what this is turning into. You are so lonely, you are not really seeing all her faults, that's nothing but make believe!! Don't you want a lady of your own, that will love you and be with you to establish a relationship with a possible future!

    Also I think you need to get some counseling, you have let this become such an obsession, that you need someone that you can talk to face -face. This person will be able to help you move forward, to expand your life. Don't wait get ahold of your job see if they have assistance for counseling.

    Keep us posted on your progress--take care
  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:11 PM
    Dear Cube, you really need to learn how to summarize. Your Reader isn't there feeling all this and to tell you the truth it isn't easy slogging through this story: 2 male roommates, one with GF, she cools towards him and warms towards you, you told her your feelings, she basically wasn't so sure about either one of you, but dated you out of convenience. She TOLD you when she broke up with him (sort of) that it wasn't for your benefit, but you wouldn't give up.

    'then one night she got so mad at me about still being friends with her ex.. ' What? There's not much I can stand less than someone who wants me to stay away from an EX! Double awful, she's not in love with you! She has no right at all at all at all.

    'and I panicked, and told him what happened the next day. She was mad that I did that because, for one, I didn't tell her first' She has no right. You were his friend first, and it seems, last.
    'and two, it took away hope for her to ever get back with my friend.' Again, she has no right to play you against him.

    I don't like her one bit. Snap out of it. LDRs rarely work out anyway.

  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:24 PM
    Well, My first word I'm going to say to you is "Wow" And I say that because you have no idea how much of my feelings I can relate to your story. I know, Moving on kind of sucks. It's usually not something we want to do willingly. In this case, you sort of WANT to move on because you know it's wrong and that you have wronged both of the people you love by doing so, but you don't want to move on, at the same time because your heart see's past your eyes. In other words, You KNOW it's wrong to keep going, but your heart knows what it wants you you won't want to lose that. But the truth in the matter is, (and this may sting a little)... she's over you. (O.<") I'm soo sorry...I hate telling people that, but I know what it's like to lose someone love and want them back SOO badly, but you know that it's not possible. But think of it this way...There was a point that she did love you...and what you need to do is keep that close to your heart and use that to open your eyes and realize that there is another personout there that, if given the chance, can love you like you love your ex. Time heals all woons. (Can't spell that well) And Yes! Go places, join things, be APART of sivalization...Meet people, get to know people, and TRUELY get to know them, find their hearts and don't let go. It is better to have loved thnn to have never loved at all. (Pretty sure that's how that saying goes...but it makes sence none the less.) Now where you probably won't want to "Meet" people there, considering they're all probably old enough to be your grandparents. ;) But all I'm saying is, I know it hurts, but love is never lost, she'll never forget you and your time together, and if you give her the space she is asking for, maybe you can save the friendship between the both of you.. . Hope that helped. :)

    Comment on joypulv's post

    Wow, That was kind of harsh. But yes other then the fact that he needs to summerize (lol) I agree with you, She doesn't seem like she really knows what's going one. Maybe the space she needs, is for her to think everything out. She sounds confused.
  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:38 PM
    joypulv: Thank you for reading through my post. I do need to learn how to summarize because that's one of my weak points, when she was telling me off, she pretty much jabbed at all my weak points, saying for one I need to get to the point when I talk, and I go on and on about details... every one that I've talked to says she has no right and that she is not taking responsibility for her actions, I understand this, but I also understand her point of view :( I do have to snap out of this, I keep on going back and forth between feeling all right and implementing all advice, but then I feel like not giving up... you're right, I wouldn't give up, and I feel like calling her to ask her out, and if it works out I'd be fine for a few more days or weeks, if she doesn't want to, I am afraid I'll sabotage myself by making it worst.

    answerme_tender: Thank you for reading through my long post. You are right, she and I were not strangers. And she knew how to talk to me and I knew how to talk to her. And I feel horrible that it's true, this is all coming right back at me, and what's even crazier... 5 years ago, I slept with my ex's best friend... and things played out in a similar manner, but the roles have changed... I'm on my knees... I'm so sorry, but I can't change the past... and I am aware of my obsessive behavior, and I have a lot of other issues that makes things difficult, I can only apologize for writing the way I do, and my habits because I don't mean to be this way I really don't, I wish someone would understand... but, I feel like no one ever will... and I actually have a session with my therapist in an hour... and to be honest, it's like paying for a Friend. PS: I can't switch jobs I worked hard to get here, but eventually I can change locations, so that's for hope.
  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:46 PM

    To be a bit blunt, I hope you have gotten at least some of the self-pity out.

    You made some mistakes. You aren't the only one. She could have made better judgment calls than to use one friend to stay close to an ex. Both of you were selfish at times. So stop hogging all the blame.

    Time to be a bit more selfish in a different way. Go No Contact and have absolutely nothing to do with her. Delete ALL forms of contact or ways that you have to see what she might be doing including FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, email, phone numbers, etc. Make it harder to contact her or anyone who can tell you about her.

    Embrace your new location. Learn about it and the people who live there. Get involved in the community. You might surprise yourself and meet a lot of new friends. Learn a new hobby or pick up an old one. Stop living in the past. Keep busy mentally and physically and it will help you lose interest in thinking about her.
  • Jan 11, 2011, 04:56 PM

    You ran head first into a brick wall, and now that you know life and reality is tougher than you, and your hard head, you can forgive yourself , learn from your mistakes, and do better for yourself. Eventually if you get busy rebuilding your life you will have put this in the past.

    Just don't forget, give YOURSELF the same PATIENCE, and PERSISTENCE you gave this relationship. Do that, and you will heal, and be smarter, and wiser.
  • Jan 11, 2011, 05:13 PM
    Comment on Cat1864's post

    When I drift into positive thinking, I think about deactivating my Facebook and handing it over to my Sister; MySpace is trickier because I have my journal on their, I have posts since 2005... shows how I hold onto the past... and ah typos bug me; I'm thinking of copy and pasting all entries into a word processor which will take a long time but I just can't let go; among the entries are entries I made back in March when everything started...
  • Jan 11, 2011, 07:44 PM
    I did bash you (Cher slapping Cage in Moonstruck) a bit, sorry. I forgot to add: you did not 'wrong two friends' and you have nothing to forgive yourself for nor be forgiven for. She was losing interest in him when you became interested in her. She didn't break up with him over you. She waffled with both of you and you are blaming yourself. You will be a lot freer of all this when you stop that. We have all (well, most of us) had to suffer through unrequited love. Do sudokus or something until you heal.
  • Jan 12, 2011, 12:14 AM
    Thank you all for your comments, they really help. But I'm finding that I am having to constantly be reminded of all the advice I've been given in order to Sustain myself; the worst time is at night, when I'm in bed alone with my thoughts, it's so tiring, and I hate that I Cry. I start bad reasoning with myself, like I'll just call and act normal because it's okay, right? Then I start bargaining, this Saturday I have to call or else it's too late... for what? I'm afraid I'm going to get fired too because I'm being really unproductive... I just want to read and write all the time, and when I'm not, I just want to talk to a Friend that I don't have really, or her, and so I call my sister and she can't help me because she lives far away and she's stressed herself and doesn't know what to say or do which makes it worst because I want a real person to understand me; I'm upset that she has to do this... and her last words were actually "see you later," what happened last Saturday morning when I asked if I could see her and she refused saying she needed space, I went to a beach I've never visited before and I stayed there for a while, walking, crying, sitting, I took pictures if that cheers anyone up, but when I was leaving she "accidentally" texts me her plans to go out with friends, then texts back saying she was trying to text her friend; I didn't reply, so later that night she called and said she is calling to see if I made it home safely... that was nice of her, so I thanked her and mentioned I was at the beach and she said well she was going to see her grandma...

    I'm sorry I'm going around in circles, I really want to call her...

    My talk with my therapist always ends with a cliffhanger that I am uncomfortable with, there is so much to talk about, 1 hour is not enough...

    And now I feel like checking Facebook for no reason...
  • Jan 12, 2011, 04:47 AM
    She never loved you.
    She did love him.
    You were only a rebound guy.
    She never pretended to love you.
    You were just convenient while she tried to get back together with him.
    She likes you OK, tries to be nice to you, and maybe cares about you hurting yourself (I hope you haven't implied any of that to her) but uses you still, and maybe even enjoys your infatuation, until it gets annoying, and it only makes things worse.

    You have a strange way of not caring that she doesn't love or want you. It reminds me of how a kidnapper expects to train the person he kidnapped to love him.
    You have a strange way of needing to think you are guilty of things when you aren't.
    You have a strange way of sidestepping basic issues to go on and on about stuff that sorry to say are not cliffhangers at all. (A good therapist doesn't sit there listening (and getting paid) day in and day out; he or she starts a plan of action for you.)

    Here's how it works: You get dumped. You are hurt. Hurt is supposed to lead to anger. What's so wrong with me, you eventually say? Maybe she wasn't so wonderful after all. Then you heal. You do this with the help of friends. Friends are people who tell you all the reasons you can do better with someone else. I tried to do that by picking out some awful things she said and did, and you don't want to hear it.
    Get ANGRY. Or, keep suffering and paying a therapist.
  • Jan 12, 2011, 07:03 AM

    Keep going to th therapists, because you seem to have regressed into a self pitying, needy, emotional mess. While we all have been through the same thing, and felt the same thing, yours is more like a junkie needing a fix, than a healing, and learning to fill the hole in your soul.

    That's because you have isolated yourself to the point of having NO HEALTHY outlets for your hurt. Get to a gym fellow, and get all that negative out of you. Be with people who are doing things around you. Go to a mall, and plan a brand new wardrobe. Volunteer at a place that helps those in worse situations than yours. You need a friend, first you have to be one, because they just don't magically appear.

    I have made this speech to many who come here, and will to many more God willing, and the message is always get busy off your lazy a$$, and be better from healing by working to accomplish something, even something small. To sit and feel bad is a dumb option, and not a healthy one.

    No more oh woe is me excuses, just get busy. Life throws us all curves, and reverses, and obstacles in the way of our pursuit for happiness, it's a norm, and we have to deal with them in healthy, positive, creative ways. So do something besides allow yourself to suffer.

    Read the stickies, they are full of ideas, insights, and inspiration. What!? You think you are the only one to ever lose a love, SHHHHHHESH! Some of us have lost a few, and still living life to the fullest. Now stop making this harder than it needs to be, by getting BUSY, right freakin' NOW!!
  • Jan 12, 2011, 07:42 AM

    Listen, a lot of us on this site have been also experienced being thrown away for whatever reason. All of us can verify that we all felt at the time that we would never get over these painful feelings and live a normal life. However, I am a witness that you will get over this and you will move on. Its not something that will happen right away, but its like anything you cannot sit on your backside and expect a miracle to happen, getting over this is like anything in life, it takes hard work.

    Its up to you, continue counseling, also for the love of Pete, stop all this self destruction, goodness you have stopped being a individual and are acting like a self-pitying puss. The reason you do that so much, is because you needed to make it convien for yourself that you were blame for all that is going wrong, otherwise you would have realized earlier that she was NOT the good woman you have buildt her up to be!!

    So get out, JUST GET OUT!! You need to WORK OUT until you have worn yourself out enough to actually sleep when you get home, and stop worrying about how you haven't kissed HER BACKSIDE for the day!! Take care
  • Jan 12, 2011, 08:11 AM

    Take proactive steps.

    Get rid of her phone number. DO NOT communicate with her in any way.

    Communicate with the people around you. Make new friends instead of crying about the ones you don't have.

    Are you into photography? Join a club. You like to write. Start writing other people's stories. You are in a retirement community that probably abounds with interesting people with amazing experiences. Visit new places like the beach. Take pictures and write about it.

    You said that you like what you are doing. Put your thoughts and energy into being productive. If possible learn more about what you are doing. Expand your knowledge.

    Instead of thinking about her, change the channel. Think about what you have accomplished during the day. Plan for the next day.

    You say that your sessions with your therapist end in 'cliff-hangers'. Is that because of your therapist or because you are afraid to dive off the cliff into a new life? Are you clinging to 'her' or the life you knew? Being scared of the future and major change is fairly common and quite normal. You can help yourself let the fear go by giving yourself hobbies and activities that will stay with you through relationships, jobs and moves. Build a healthy relationship with yourself. Clinging to other people for security usually doesn't work well because even the most stable person cannot always be there.
  • Jan 12, 2011, 11:59 AM
    I'm upset that she resorted to saying all those hurtful things but you all are right, I'm having a hard time getting Angry. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I started writing and wrote down all my feelings until I was exhausted. At one point I thought about getting angry, and calling her to tell her to give me back my spare cell phone she is using, and tell her how she is mean, but that would break NC rules, and telling her how I feel would give her more Power, I even thought about taking all the letters she has written me and cards and rip them in pieces in front of her, but that would give her more Power, I want to destroy a gift I made her because I'm ashamed of making it... but honestly, I want her to Change, I admit it, I want her to Change her mind, I want her to say sorry, I want to know if she really meant certain things, and if she has any more to say because I don't get it... I want her to tell me again that she used me, I want to ask her questions... but I am afraid she will be mean and say she doesn't want to talk, her attitude changed completely, and I want to know why... I want to know if she did this on purpose, if all she wanted was revenge because that would hopefully make me mad... in my angriest thoughts, I thought about calling my friend, I miss him too, I haven't talked to him since last August, and when we did talk a month after I told him what happened, we actually hung out for an entire day, drank, and actually, he spent my last day in town with me before I moved out; and I keep on thinking I'm going to have to break the rules and call her and then I remember it's not the right thing to do; I am afraid of when she decides to mess with me on Facebook, so again, I am working to disable that but I am weak, and I can't do it just yet, I have to know she hates me, and that she was being evil... and I want her to apologize or I am going to get angry and this thing is going to be thrown out of proportion... one thing I haven't let you all know yet is I had a bad break up junior year in high school, and what happened was I got dumped when I was in Hawaii and was so far from Home... I spent two weeks freaking out, and I freaked out, and I was suicidal and when I got Home my Life changed because I couldn't face high school, I couldn't leave her alone because I was alone and so I dropped out for 3 months and eventually switched high schools, it's amazing that I even made it into a university, but the thing is, it took me 5 years to get over what happened, I've been off and on medication, and I got back on medication ever since what happened with my friend and this girl... I realized that a big life change like switching high schools helped, but I can't just switch high schools because it's not high school any more, it's Life. And the thing is... I know I need to Learn to get over this if I want a normal Future because I am only 23... I know I am self pitying myself, but it's like I don't have control, like right now, I'm at work and all I can do is write and if I don't I am checking Facebook for no reason and I am getting work done, the thing is, I am highly efficient, I can get things done but this, this is such an obstacle I feel like the only way to... to move on is to drive her out of my life because right now I am keeping her... but I keep drifting back and forth, feeling calm, thinking yes, I have to get over this to prove to myself that I am not a piece of crap, that I am Growing, Maturing, that I have Self Control, that I want to be... Happy... and that's another thing, I've been fighting Depression and Anxiety for over 10 years, and I hate myself because eventually, with every one I get close to... they will find out there's something different about me and I am not at my best at times and I don't mean to, I don't want to be Sad... so yes, I have to Change for myself and every one has told me that, even she has said that to me, I have to Change because if I don't, I am going to continue having problems in future relationships and I can say it, I can explain it, but... I'm Exhausted...
  • Jan 12, 2011, 12:03 PM
    ... and I can go on and talk about my upbringing, and my past experiences and analyze everything because I do that... I majored in psychology.. and accounting... but I'm doing marketing... my thoughts are all over the place, I have had so many different explanations on why I'm like this, how my Mom raised me, and my Sister treated me, my Dad not being Dad... crap like that, that I need to get over, but I'm sad because I have to do it all Now...
  • Jan 12, 2011, 03:31 PM
    I feel like breaking no contact tonight... I want to know how she is feeling but I am afraid she might attack me again; please give me Strength, I admit, I have so much false hope and I want to get rid of it, but I feel like only she can get rid of it and I won't understand, I just won't... when I called her the morning after our break up she said she would be very very mad if I showed up at her place... I feel like doing that just because I am powerless... but people are right, I'm not ready for that, I'm not ready to do anything, I'm still hurt, and until I stop hurting, then I am able to do something, or maybe realize I don't need to do anything... but I'm foolish... there's like two of Me one that is a Fool and the other... I don't know what I am saying... I understand the concept of not being ready because I am wounded... and I was given several perspectives and the one I keep thinking about is how I don't know how to Swim and I need to Learn, because I am Drowning, and I am reaching out, panicking, trying to stay afloat but I am sinking, but I managed to make it back to my Boat, but I want to be in her boat and they only way to get to her is to swim but I really don't know how to swim and so I need to practice... but I just want to jump head first into the water and if I make it I make it, and if I start drowning I'll drown, but staying here watching every single boat not just hers so far away... I need to learn to appreciate my boat, at least I have one right? Even though the sails are worn and the deck is a mess and the hull is cracking, I'm no longer traveling a River because it has emptied into the Ocean... I'm afraid, there is Fog, and... I don't know what I am doing...
  • Jan 12, 2011, 03:52 PM

    Listen I had one hell of an up bringing, and I can guarantee you that most wouldn't have made it through alive let alone still being able to function in life. So stop your darn dwelling on this woman. So you call her and you tell her off or you beg her or you ask her questions, bottom line is YOU WANT CONTROL OF SITUATION!!

    You are NEVER going to have CONTROL of this--PERIOD!! There will be no justification, or satisfaction, and most of all she will NEVER CHANGE HER MIND!!

    I understand that with your up bringing not being in control, that you probably have told yourself that you would always strive to have that in future and here comes this woman and takes all that away from you. Well there is no turning back, so lets STOP TRYING too. Start getting your backside together focus on your job and your life NOT HERS. STOP ALL CONTACT. Change your cell phone number and don't give it out to anyone who will give it to her. Stop all service to the extra cell phone also, you owe her nothing and that includes any explanation as to why you shut off service, remember you should have already changed cell phone number so she can't get ahold of you!!

    You are only 23yrs, its time to learn to get that control back. You need to stop dwelling, and like its be suggested get out and work out till you are just about to drop then go home and sleep. I don't care if you have to physically work out every hour that you don't have to work, keep it doing it until you have control over this dwelling crap.
  • Jan 12, 2011, 04:33 PM
    Comment on answerme_tender's post
    ... it makes me Sad to think about not ever seeing her again... I wish I'd wake up tomorrow and not have to think about NC... I'm sorry.
  • Jan 12, 2011, 04:35 PM

    Haven't you figured out that all your life lessons are pointing you in one direction,

    Learn to love yourself, and all the other crap will be meaningless, and temporary.
    Learn to love yourself despite any other crap you go through.
    Learn to love yourself, when no one else does.
    Learn to love yourself, because then you will take care of yourself.
    Learn to love yourself, so you will so you will be good to yourself when life isn't.
    Learn to love yourself, so you will know what's right for you
    Learn to love yourself, so you will know when others are not for you.
    Learn to love yourself, so you keep going to be better and happy with yourself.
    Learn to love yourself, so that you can let go of the poison, and heal.
    Learn to love yourself, so that you know what makes you happy, and how to go about it.
    Learn to love yourself, so that you can deal with whatever life throws at you.
    Learn to love yourself, so you are grateful just being alive and having another chance to be happy.
    Learn to love yourself, so that you know its okay to be angry when you are not treated right.
    Learn to love yourself, so that when you are angry, you know what to do about it.
    Learn to love yourself, so past failures and mistakes don't bring you down.
    Learn to love yourself, so you don't turn pity on yourself, but can pray for others.
    Learn to love yourself, so have something good to share with others.
    Learn to love yourself, so that you appreciate the opportunities, and options you have.

    Are you sort of getting where I'm coming from? Then you can pity the poor fools that reject you, and know you're a great person, and can pray for them to someday be happy, as you are. Doesn't matter where you came from, or where your going, what your flaws are. You are the only one to be able to love yourself, and that's the lesson of all the growing pains, and trials, and tribulations you go through. Love yourself so you can share that love with others. No you can't hold it close for yourself, you have to share it to keep it. So don't let some girl, or intense feelings stop you from loving yourself. Look at the face in the mirror and tell him you love him, and promise to do right by him all the time, and then DO IT!! Fake it until you make it!! Every day.

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