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  • Sep 14, 2009, 01:12 PM
    Obama is black?
    Since this week's talking point is "Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it," let's address that shall we? It's not just Dowd and it isn't new, Politico delved into the issue quoting several Democrats including Gwen Dawkins, Democratic activist from Michigan who thinks all conservative anger toward Obama is about race.


    “Black people have lived under white presidents since day one,” Dawkins observed, “So would you give him a chance?”
    Do those who think it's all about race want us to give him a chance - or do they expect us to just roll over and let him do what he wants?
  • Sep 14, 2009, 01:23 PM

    I think for a very small percentage of people it is about race. Another percentage of people don't like him simply because he is a democrat. But if you really get down to it people don't like their tax dollars going to pay for other peoples health care, Social security etc... I have friends who are not racist and they don't want their money paying for leeches. And I get that.

    The race card is just so easy to play I mean no thought needs to go into it and if you disagree with them then you are a racist it's a catch 22.
  • Sep 14, 2009, 01:40 PM

    I've said elsewhere:

    Obama ain't black, he's red.

    That's why I don't want him as president. My estimate of him probably falls right in the middle of conservatism.

    Whether it does or not makes no matter to me.
  • Sep 14, 2009, 01:58 PM

    Maybe Dowd is projecting her own subconscious racism onto Wilson, because Wilson never said "boy," but Dowd had to put in print the word.

    It is Obama's Ivy League know it all attitude, when he clearly doesn't, that turns me off.

  • Sep 14, 2009, 01:59 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Since this week's talking point is some people just can’t believe a black man is president

    Hello Steve:

    It would be a LOT easier to believe that your party is NOT racist if you had a few more black faces in your delegation.. But, you don't... So, cracks from a rightwing redneck, who think the Confederate flag should STILL fly over South Carolina, are HIGHLY suspect for racist content..

    It's still MORE damning when you consider this guy also thought Strom Thurmonds' BLACK daughter was SMEARING him when she came forward...

    So, you can protest all you want. Joe Wilson is a racist bastard.

  • Sep 14, 2009, 02:14 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    It would be a LOT easier to believe that your party is NOT racist if you had a few more black faces in your delegation.. But, you don't... So, cracks from a rightwing redneck, who think the Confederate flag should STILL fly over South Carolina, are HIGHLY suspect for racist content..

    It's still MORE damning when you consider this guy also thought Strom Thurmonds' BLACK daughter was SMEARING him when she came forward....

    So, you can protest all you want. Joe Wilson is a racist bastard.


    Who just happened to tell the truth. Amazing!!
  • Sep 14, 2009, 02:25 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    It would be a LOT easier to believe that your party is NOT racist if you had a few more black faces in your delegation.. But, you don't... So, cracks from a rightwing redneck, who think the Confederate flag should STILL fly over South Carolina, are HIGHLY suspect for racist content..

    It's still MORE damning when you consider this guy also thought Strom Thurmonds' BLACK daughter was SMEARING him when she came forward....

    So, you can protest all you want. Joe Wilson is a racist bastard.


    So now the entire GOP is racist... because we don't have enough blacks in the party... like Michael Steele, Lloyd Marcus, Frances Rice, Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, Alan Keyes, Richard Parsons (Time Warner CEO), Joseph C. Philips (actor from The Cosby Show), Angela McGlowen (Former Miss District of Colombia), Lynn Swann (former Pittsburg Steelers wide receiver), JC Watts, Don King, Karl Malone, Armstrong Williams, actor Denzel Washington, Thomas Sowell, Sammy Davis Jr. Jackie Robinson, Keith Butler, Clyde Drexler, Alveda King (neice of MLK Jr. and member of the House of Reps), Yaphett Koto, and many more.

    The GOP is racist, despite the fact that it was the Lincoln and the Republicans who freed slaves, while Democrats were puching to keep slavery a national insititution.

    The GOP is racist, despite the fact that it was Republicans who voted for civil rights while Southern Democrats were fighting tooth and nail for segregation.

    Fact is that the Dems have the history of being racists AS A PARTY, while Republicans have been the party of racial equality as an institution. But nobody will recognize that fact... it's too inconvenient.

    I find it interesting that the word "liar" is now being equated to the word "n-gger" by leftist anti-white racists.

    President Obama is a liar. His statements in his address to Congress last week regarding the health bill not applying to illegal immigrants are demonstrably FALSE. And when Republicans tried to block illegals from being subject to the bill, he and the Dems ACTIVELY BLOCKED THE AMENDMENTS. He LIED and he was called on it. Wilson was right... and therein lies the rub.

    Calling George W. Bush a liar is considered an act of Patriotism... but calling Barrack Hussein Obama a liar is an act of racism.

    No, excon, Wilson is not a racist bastard. He's a member of Congress who called the President on his BS. But the people who would call him a racist bastard when they can't find a way to defend Obama lies... those people are racists. Anyone who would use the race card to defelect the truth about Obama's lies is, by nature, a racist.

  • Sep 14, 2009, 02:38 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    It would be a LOT easier to believe that your party is NOT racist if you had a few more black faces in your delegation..

    Ex, how many blacks, Asians, Latinos were a part of the Bush administration? It's been pointed out to you before but to this day no one gives him any credit for the diversity of his administration.


    But, you don't...
    So we're racist? If blacks would rather be condescended to as "victims" that can't make it without handouts and preferential treatment instead of being treated as people I can't help that. What does it say about a society that thinks we shouldn't hold Obama accountable just like every other president because he's the first black president? What, he can't handle the job, he needs a pass because he's black?


    So, cracks from a rightwing redneck, who think the Confederate flag should STILL fly over South Carolina, are HIGHLY suspect for racist content..

    It's still MORE damning when you consider this guy also thought Strom Thurmonds' BLACK daughter was SMEARING him when she came forward...
    Unlike a candidate talking about his "typical white" grandmother, being mentored by a race-baiting pastor for 20 years or accusing police of acting "stupidly" without knowing the facts?


    So, you can protest all you want. Joe Wilson is a racist bastard.
    This OP isn't about Joe Wilson anyway, I asked a specific question, do those who think it's all about race want us to give him a chance - or do they expect us to just roll over and let him do what he wants?
  • Sep 15, 2009, 02:40 AM
    RACIST -n- What a liberal calls a conservative when the conservative has won the argument.

    Dowd's North vs South bigotry is the only obvious bias.Must suck for her becoming old and irrelevant.

    The rag she works for demands a higher standard of evidence when they publish defamatory rhetoric against a fellow lib. Not surprising that they turned a blind eye to journalism that in other free nations would've gotten her and them sued .

    Investor's Business Daily's oped on the subject said it best .

    The reaction to the congressman's outburst shows what happens when you judge this president by the content of his character. In a post-racial presidency, charges of racism are the new last refuge of scoundrels.
  • Sep 15, 2009, 12:16 PM
    I think more people dislike Obama because he is a Liberal, not because he is black, although a small minority of people may be racist. He didn't help himself with his preacher and not wearing the flag pin though, many people thought these were trivial issues but they were still troubling. I personally believe that most if not all of the people who hate Obama would have no problem with Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice being president so I think it's time for Liberals to stop playing the race card.
  • Sep 16, 2009, 03:17 AM
    Maureen Dowd hates white men. I can't prove it .It's not there in her written words .It's just there under the surface... implied you know.

    I recall during the Sotomayor nomination she wrote a column 'White Man's Last Stand 'that opponents of Sotomayor were nothing more than "white Republican men afraid of extinction" who traffic in "codes, handshakes and clubs."... "President Obama wants Sotomayor, naturally, to bring a fresh perspective to the court. It was a disgrace that W. appointed two white men to a court stocked with white men. "

    But how does she feel about the courts lone black Justice ? Well I've read much of her work over the years about Justice Thomas.Implied in code beneath the surface of her body of work are the words "UNCLE TOM" and "OREO COOKIE" . No she never actually wrote it . But it's implied nonetheless.
    Am I wrong ? Well all I'm doing is applying her journalistic standards of integrity and extrapolating . Just like she did in her column about Joe Wilson.
  • Sep 16, 2009, 04:12 AM

    Americans are losing hope in Obamas leadership because he has shown he's not afraid to stick his nose in any and all business,is it fitting for a PRESIDENT to call a entertainer who makes a fool of himself on national t.v. a "JACKASS" .
    I am amazed when members of the media want to call G.W. Bush a moron and yet he wasn't foolish enough to let a opinion based,non-relavent comment like the one Obama made about K.West be recorded.
    We really don't need to hear the presidents opinion on everything.
  • Sep 16, 2009, 04:27 AM

    Originally Posted by zippit View Post it fitting for a PRESIDENT to call a entertainer who makes a fool of himself on national t.v. a "JACKASS" .

    You know what? He sounds like a regular guy; listen to it here: Obama Calls Kanye a 'Jackass' -- The Audio |

    Better a regular guy then a Bush elite. Bush was called a moron for his actions.
  • Sep 16, 2009, 04:42 AM

    That is my exact point I don't want a regular guy running my country
    The comment was very inappropriate for a president.
    I have a feeling there will be more to follow
  • Sep 16, 2009, 04:47 AM
    He's certainly better educated than you or I. I wouldn't want some rich elite running a country, they just care about their rich friends and lifestyle, out-of-touch with those who don't live the lavish lifestyle. What kind of person do you want running the country?
  • Sep 16, 2009, 05:19 AM
    Talking about elected officials wasting their time... Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina (with a probable hattip from Rhambo) convinced Madame Mimi that the House needed to waste their time yesterday to vote on a resolution to "disapprove " of Joe Wilson's outburst.



    Raising a question of the privileges of the House. Whereas on September 9, 2009, during the joint session of Congress convened pursuant to House Concurrent Resolution 179, the President of the United States, speaking at the invitation of the House and Senate, had his remarks interrupted by the Representative from South Carolina, Mr. Wilson; and Whereas the conduct of the Representative from South Carolina was a breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives disapproves of the behavior of the Representative from South Carolina, Mr. Wilson, during the joint session of Congress held on September 9, 2009.
    Honestly I thought that the constant interuption of the address by the mindless drones standing and applauding throughout the address degraded the proceedings much worse than Wilson's single expression .

    Both Madame Mimi and Steny Hoyer's instincts were to let the whole incident go away but as the Politico article points out ,the Dems will use the race boogyman whenever they can.
    Clearly Jim Clyburn hates white guys. Do I have any evidence of that ? No... Just applying the Dowd standard.
    Recently Andrew Napolitano asked Clyburn where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to regulate the delivery of health care.

    Clyburn replied ...."There's nothing in the Constitution that says that the federal government has anything to do with most of the stuff we do." Then he shot back: "How about [you] show me where in the Constitution it prohibits the federal government from doing this?"
    Andrew Napolitano: Health-Care Reform and the Constitution -
    But I can extrapolate using the Dowd standard that Clyburn hates Italian Americans and that he meant to throw in a Guido ,Wop or Guinny into his outburst somewhere. Clearly Dowd would believe Napolitano had an implied "boy " in his question to the Congressman.
  • Sep 16, 2009, 06:45 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    He's certainly better educated than you or I.

    Speak for yourself. You have no idea what level of education Zippit has... or anyone else on this board, for that matter.


    I wouldn't want some rich elite running a country, they just care about their rich friends and lifestyle, out-of-touch with those who don't live the lavish lifestyle. What kind of person do you want running the country?
    I guess you want a guy who has no experience with handling money, investing money, running a business or managing a group of people to run the country instead... someone with NO EXPERIENCE in the tasks necessary to run a large organization.

    Personally, I prefer a President with management experience, an understanding of finance and economics, and a history of being able to use limited resources to their maximum.

    Instead we have a President who has never managed anything in his life, has no understanding of how the economy works, and assumes that the resources of government are unlimmited because he can simply raise taxes or print more money.

    The "rich elite" became rich because they were better at leading teams of people, running a business, managing money and creating efficiencies of scale than anyone else. The very thing that makes them the "rich elite" is what makes them the most qualified people to lead a nation.

    There are others who are similarly qualified and not are rich... but they are fewer and far between. Becoming and staying rich requires a certain skill set. That skill set is similar to the skill set needed to be an effective President.

    Zippit is right. We don't need "regular people" running our country... especially not in these rough economic times. What we need are the best qualified people... the ELITE... the best of the best.

    But what we've got is the picture of mediocrity... a self-claimed former druggie and "solid C student" who spent more time on the basketball courts than in the classroom, with no management experience, barely 2 years of experience as an elected official in the Federal government --- most of which was spent on the campaign trail, not doing his job --- who has never authored a single piece of meaningful legislation (including his own stimulus bill, his own cap & trade bill, and his own health care bill), who knows nothing about international relations, economics, or fighting wars, and who can't take five minutes to stop campaigning for 2012.

    Forget the fact that he's black. I dislike Obama because his skills are mediocre and his policies are throwbacks to Soviet-style communism.

  • Sep 16, 2009, 06:51 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    He's certainly better educated than you or I. I wouldn't want some rich elite running a country, they just care about their rich friends and lifestyle, out-of-touch with those who don't live the lavish lifestyle. What kind of person do you want running the country?

    I have no problem with him calling Kanye a jackass because he is. However, who do you think is running the country now? Obama sends his kids to a private school that runs $28,000 a year per child. He spent $20,000 a year each in Chicago. That's a regular guy?
  • Sep 16, 2009, 06:58 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Honestly I thought that the constant interuption of the address by the mindless drones standing and applauding throughout the address degraded the proceedings much worse than Wilson's single expression .

    Hello tom:

    Didn't your momma teach you manners?? I guess not. Here's what you don't understand... When, for example, you're at your aunts house for dinner, and you spy an old relative that you don't much get along with. He yells at you, and you let an f-bomb go towards him...

    Then you realize your mistake and apologize to him... But, don't you think you owe an apology to Auntee?? No, of course, you don't. That's because your momma didn't teach you no manners.

    So, just sit back and get learned... Do I havta do it ALL?

  • Sep 16, 2009, 07:02 AM

    Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post
    Speak for yourself. You have no idea what level of education Zippit has... or anyone else on this board, for that matter.

    Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. If he can better that then I would indeed be impressed.

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