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  • Nov 26, 2005, 11:23 PM
    Girls what u want
    What exactly a girl looks for in a boy.
    I have always benn amazed by this.
    Any help is welcome.
  • Nov 27, 2005, 09:34 AM
    Well it hard to say every one is always different that what make the world such a wonderful place, me I like honesty and kindness. Nothing else really matters. When I was younger it had to be looks, as you grow, you learn that looks are not every thing.
  • Dec 1, 2005, 01:03 PM
    My truth
    Hmm, well I, being a girl, want a guy that can understand me and respect me. But there was a time when I wanted a guy that would do what I said when I said it, I wanted to have my little control boy that I could boss around. It was pretty bad but girls are different and truly they don't know what they want. It's like men, they don't know what they want either, and if they do afterwards they don't know if they want it anymore... life is confusing, but we all don't really know what we want. I don't think there is a clear answer to your question.
  • Dec 1, 2005, 02:36 PM
    Girls want to be loved. That is generally speaking. We want to be adored & pampered. Women no matter how much we deny it, love the attention. Compliments go a long way. Insults go even a longer way. So be careful about the female ego. It is a very fragile thing. Once broken, it is hard to put it back together & there goes your chance too. We want men to think we look good yet not love us entirely for our looks but our minds too. So how complicated are women? VERY complicated. :p
  • Dec 1, 2005, 05:09 PM
  • Dec 2, 2005, 02:50 AM
    DJ 'H'
    I personally look for a guy who has a great personality & Sense of Humour (I love a guy who can make me laugh) someone I can be spontaneous with - someone who generally cares about me (not what he can get) and has ambitions in life. My boyfriend Pete possess all those qualities. - it took me a while to find him though. I moved in next door to him nearly four years ago and it has taken me until this year to realise he was there all along. It's strange how things happen!
  • Dec 2, 2005, 10:00 PM
    Just a MAN veiw
    When I was younger 30 years ago I didn't have a clue as to what a girl wanted,but as I grew I found out what it was that I wanted in a women (honesty,respect... )and That is what I went for.There are a lot of fine exciting females out there.Not all are for you. :cool: :cool:I didn't feel bad at all when the really sexy ones passed me up(oohhh,. yah I tried them too.) because a lot of really nice ones liked me a lot(love? I don't know but we clicked and had a lot of fun and They were sexy in themselves) So the only thing I can say is taste all the flavors so you know what you like and stop and think about it --Isn't that the best way!! :cool: :cool:Be honest with yourself first! ;)
  • Dec 10, 2005, 04:01 PM
    Well exactly everyone's different and I personally like the personality but when I was younger in 2nd grade I loved the looks but I grew out of it when I was raised in a trailor park most of my life and I noticed hot guys are mainly jerks but looks swing both ways for my opinion... I think it all depends on the girl.. I love personality and a lot of girls I know go for the looks.. its all a matter of the girl... Good Luck...

  • Dec 10, 2005, 04:23 PM
    Look I already told you. Every woman wants chocolate. There is nothing better. Not even a man is better than chocolate.
  • Dec 10, 2005, 04:29 PM
    Me too
    At this point I'll take the choclate too, way to go (O:
  • Jan 6, 2008, 10:19 PM

    Originally Posted by DJ 'H'
    I personally look for a guy who has a great personality & Sense of Humour (I love a guy who can make me laugh) someone I can be spontaneous with - someone who generally cares about me (not what he can get) and has ambitions in life. My boyfriend Pete possess all those qualities. - it took me a while to find him though. I moved in next door to him nearly four years ago and it has taken me until this year to realise he was there all along. It's strange how things happen!!

    I'm a male And I will always look for this in a female but yes I also have a problem of going after the ones that I know will wast my time (the ulta "sexy" or "popular" ones)
  • Jan 6, 2008, 10:24 PM
    You can't go wrong if your honest, but you could work the mysterious/edgy angle, think bond, james bond. Tell us a little more about yourself, that might be helpful
  • Jan 7, 2008, 07:55 AM

    Originally Posted by rajeevsrai
    what exactly a girl looks for in a boy.
    i have always benn amazed by this.
    any help is welcome.

    When I was younger I used to look for looks in guys but then I grew to understand that its what's on the inside that really counts. I, a girl, know that I want to be able to know that I can trust every word that comes out of a mans mouth. A relationship won't work if you don't have trust.
  • Jan 8, 2008, 07:31 AM
    First impressions have a big affect too, studys showed that women will decide wheather a man is "mate material" within the first 10 minuites of meeting him

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