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  • Mar 4, 2008, 01:55 PM
    9 weeks pregnant.morning sickness
    Hi I just had a few questions. I'm nine weeks pregnant and I haven't been able to go to the doc yet. My first app is the 18( the soonest they could get me in). I know been feeling sick but I haven't thrown up just really tired and achy. What is normal? Is it different for everyone? Or am I just one of the lucky ones who hasn't thrown up yet?:confused: any advise will help me. Thanks so much
  • Mar 4, 2008, 02:01 PM
    I have 2 - I never once threw up. Each pregnancy is different. Good Luck!
  • Mar 4, 2008, 02:32 PM
    When it comes to pregnancy, there is not normal. LOL

    Literally, what is normal for me, may not be normal for you. What is normal for your first pregnancy may not be normal for your second, and so on.

    You can count your lucky stars that you are not one of those women who are deathly sick the first three months of pregnancy, or longer in some cases.

    Many doctors do not take appointments for pregnancy until around the 10th or 12th week. Not sure why, I keep forgetting to ask them when I am at work.

    Being achy and tired is very common and usually goes away around the end of the first trimester, but definitely comes back during the third trimester.

    Good luck in your pregnancy.

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