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  • Jun 6, 2007, 07:11 AM

    Originally Posted by bushg
    your dad let you drink and have a party, and you are 16. you poor girl. You better get smaert real quick and tell your mom.

    Good catch Bushg
  • Jun 6, 2007, 07:12 AM
    My heart aches for children like this who do they have to turn to for help, this happens in every social and economic level. How sad... she thinks her father was being her friend and look what he let happen to her.
  • Jun 6, 2007, 07:41 AM

    Originally Posted by DamnGina
    i totally understand what you guys are saying
    but the thing is that my dad knew i was drinking and knew about the party he was there!! so i don't care about that i don't want to tell them for other reasons long story but the other messed up thing that they did which has made me more angry and agressive is that they raped me and robbed me and my dad they stole so much i was kicked out of my house because my dad thinks i was the one who brought them to the party all of my friends are guys and are willing to literally die for me they are going to talk to my dad for me at least about us not knowing them at all my friends will take care of them im sure

    Were you really raped Melissa? To say that you "don't care about that" is very strange and not the reaction of someone who has been physically violated. I am sorry if this offends you, but I just don't get this story. It doesn't make sense to me. And when something doesn't make sense, I have to question it. You are saying that your father was there and knew that you were drinking? If your father knew you had the party and knew you were drinking and became drunk, why it would be so hard for him to believe you were raped? No father wants his daughter to be touched by a man. Not even a regular boyfriend, much less someone taking advantage and forcing themselves onto her. He would be furious at that. That would be something that I would tell my father before he even realized anything was missing. The money would be a secondary issue to him, and he certainly wouldn't kick you out of the house if you were raped. Something is not adding up here. I think you need to reread some of these other women's posts about how rape screwed up their lives. It would be very cruel to state something like that happened when these other women actually experienced it and shared their stories with you. What exactly is going on? Why would your father be more upset over money being stolen than the welfare of his daughter? Why would your father, knowing it is illegal for underage teens to drink, allow you to do so in his home? Are you saying your father is more concerned about himself than doing the right thing for his daughter? I think you need to tell us the full story of what exactly is going on with you. Maybe we can help. But, until you give us the truth, we aren't going to be of any help to you in resolving your problem. If you don't want to tell us, that is fine. If you just want to know if you have an std, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. It is the only way to know for sure.
  • Jun 6, 2007, 10:22 AM

    Originally Posted by RubyPitbull
    Were you really raped Melissa? To say that you "don't care about that" is very strange and not the reaction of someone who has been physically violated. I am sorry if this offends you, but I just don't get this story. It doesn't make sense to me. And when something doesn't make sense, I have to question it. You are saying that your father was there and knew that you were drinking? If your father knew you had the party and knew you were drinking and became drunk, why it would be so hard for him to believe you were raped? No father wants his daughter to be touched by a man. Not even a regular boyfriend, much less someone taking advantage and forcing themselves onto her. He would be furious at that. That would be something that I would tell my father before he even realized anything was missing. The money would be a secondary issue to him, and he certainly wouldn't kick you out of the house if you were raped. Something is not adding up here. I think you need to reread some of these other women's posts about how rape screwed up their lives. It would be very cruel to state something like that happened when these other women actually experienced it and shared their stories with you. What exactly is going on? Why would your father be more upset over money being stolen than the welfare of his daughter? Why would your father, knowing it is illegal for underage teens to drink, allow you to do so in his home? Are you saying your father is more concerned about himself than doing the right thing for his daughter? I think you need to tell us the full story of what exactly is going on with you. Maybe we can help. But, until you give us the truth, we aren't going to be of any help to you in resolving your problem. If you don't want to tell us, that is fine. If you just want to know if you have an std, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. It is the only way to know for sure.

    Yes I was really raped, when I said I don't care I meant about him being mad that I was drinking that's not even an issue my dad cares more about what was stolen and kicked me out because HE DOESN'T KNOW and I am NOT telling my mother, that's probably the main reason I'm not telling my father is because she will find out and that's a long story
  • Jun 6, 2007, 10:24 AM
    Your father put you in a wrong situation by allowing you to drink and now you are raped and possibly pregnant, or have a disease. And now he kicked u out. Stop protecing him and open up your mouth and tell your mom.. you are old enough to help yourself out a little now do it!
  • Jun 6, 2007, 10:43 AM

    Originally Posted by bushg
    Your father put you in a wrong situation by allowing you to drink and now you are raped and possibly pregant, or have a disease. and now he kicked u out. Stop protecing him and open up your mouth and tell your mom..or suck it up and shut up! you are old enough to help yourself out a little now do it!

    Absolutely! You need to see a dr. If in fact you were raped! You can go to any free clinic. That is all I have to say to you!
  • Jun 6, 2007, 10:44 AM

    Originally Posted by DamnGina
    yes i was really raped, when i said i don't care i meant about him being mad that i was drinking thats not even an issue my dad cares more about what was stolen and kicked me out because HE DOESN'T KNOW and i am NOT telling my mother, thats probably the main reason im not telling my father is because she will find out and thats a long story

    I am not going to try to force you to tell me what is going on. This is still very confusing to me. Melissa, I am worried about your health. Do a little legwork and find out if there is a free clinic or a low cost clinic in your area if you don't have a regular doctor you can call. You need an examination and to be tested for STDs.

    P.S. Sorry Mrs. J. I posted at the same time you did. We were both thinking about the free clinic at the same time.

    I hope you listen to all this advice Melissa.
  • Jun 6, 2007, 06:50 PM
    I know you are only 16, which is fairly young. I know you are probably terrified about what happened and still confused about what to do. But you need to learn to stand up for yourself. Stop playing the blame game. You won't tell your mom because of this, you won't tell you dad because of this, etc... Absolutely nothing will get accomplished unless you step up to the plate and take control of your life. Remember it is your life! Stop giving your power away to everyone else. What happened to you was not your fault, but doing nothing about it IS YOUR FAULT. I want to encourage you and challenge you to be bold, be strong tell your dad and mom. Nobody will be mad at you, they will want to protect you. Stop crying over the spilt milk, get a paper towel and wipe it up. I hope this doesn't sound harsh. I just want you to realize that nothing will change unless you make it change.

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