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  • Jul 21, 2008, 08:15 PM
    You are not telling them how to gain weight, you are telling them how to kill themselves. Bad advice.
  • Jul 24, 2008, 10:17 PM
    You shouldn't eat too much fatty foods. There is a documentary called "Supersize Me" where the guy ate McDonalds for a whole month, and nothing else. It was so unhealthy, and he spent months in rehab, and it took a toll on his heart. Just remember: if you want to eat fatty foods, think of the consequences to your vital organs, like your heart, or your liver, etc.
  • Jul 24, 2008, 10:22 PM
    I agree, but couldn't give a greenie. Absolutely true.
  • Aug 4, 2008, 12:58 AM
    The person who asked this question doesn't know what he's doing. My deranged cousin tried to do the SAME THING! He gained 40 pounds! It was a real shame seeing him that huge. Don't end up like him! To this day, he is still trying to lose the weight. Please, don't end up like him. Please!
  • Aug 24, 2008, 04:32 AM
    you may find it erotic but do many people? Do you realise the health risks here? Eating lots of fatty foods could end up with you getting cancer or the like
    but if you really want to put on weight, do it healthier. Don't start eating loads of fatty foods, just carry on eating healthily, whilst increasing your portions, and double your calorific value, so start eating 4000 calories instead.
    but if you end up ill and stuck in a nursing home unable to move properly, you only have yourself to blame.
  • Aug 29, 2008, 09:22 PM
    wow that post was up for a looong time almost two years lol... I weigh 220 now and I'm the happiest man alive. =] I got a fat girlfriend too and we're gaining weight together =]. I don't care if it's dangerous... cause it's not.
  • Sep 7, 2008, 05:02 PM
    I guess your didn't care about the risk factors that your are subjecting yourself too. It not eroctic when you have to get a wall torn down to get up your house or your in the hospital because your arteries are clogged. Diabetes affect your whole body all the way down to your feet. My sister is overweight and one time we went ice skating and she fell and sprained her ankle, nobody wanted to help her. It took 6 guys to carry her out and she was very embrassed. The only good thing from the situation it made her want to lose weight. This scene happen over 3 years ago and now she is 211 pounds lighter and looking and feeling great. The turning point for her was being down and not being able to receive help right away. However it seems that you don't care and it is your life so you control it and that gives you the right to do whatever you want but one day your wake up and realize what you did to yourself.
  • Feb 21, 2009, 11:26 PM

    You can't change who you are. If you're worried about people noticing, just gain slower. Slowly put more on your plate, and reduce daily movement. I didn't want to be a gainer but I am, like me, just realize this will make you happy, and don't give a crap what others think. If you don't care what others think you will enjoy gaining more, and you will become fatter. Take it from me, I weighed 165 in jan 08, now I weigh 205
  • Feb 25, 2009, 04:14 PM
    I recogmend that you not eat at all for at least 2 days then when your metabolism in VERY low eat anything high in calories and fat (empty calories) I feel the same way it is kind of erotic, though I am 15 , 5'6 and only way 98 lbs:D and I am trying for the same goal, not an overhanging belly just a chubby one and I want a significant other with a very large belly.

    And PS who gives a about the risks, if its what we want why should care about our lives DEAL WITH YOUR OWN!
  • Feb 27, 2009, 11:36 AM
    I don't think it is right for so many people to be encouraging someone to pursue an unhealthy lifestyle. Why hasn't someone deleted this thread?
  • Feb 28, 2009, 09:47 AM

    Originally Posted by chaserlewkis13 View Post
    i recogmend that u not eat at all for at least 2 days then when your metabolism in VERY low eat anything high in calories and fat (empty calories) I feel the same way it is kinda erotic, though i am 15 , 5'6 and only way 98 lbs:D and i am trying for the same goal, not an overhanging belly just a chubby one and i want a signifigant other with a very large belly.

    and PS who gives a about the risks, if its what we want why should care about our lives DEAL WITH YOUR OWN!!

    That's horrible advice. It's unhealthy, period. And we are giving advice to someone asking for it, so it's not really us butting into someone else's affairs.
  • Feb 28, 2009, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by earl237 View Post
    I don't think it is right for so many people to be encouraging someone to pursue an unhealthy lifestyle. Why hasn't someone deleted this thread?

    Because we don't delete threads around here unless they are profane or a duplicate. This is a learning experience for anyone that comes by it with the same issue. It's unhealthy and it's dangerous.
  • Mar 25, 2009, 08:23 PM

    OMG! I have searched for a thread like this for a while.

    I understand what this guy meant when he said he found it erotic etc. I am unfortunately in the same position - only much further down the road. I am currently 320lbs, and am sick of feeling like a freak. I feel far too embarrassed to go to my doctor though - I just feel too strange, like I must be broken somehow - no one should find weight gain attractive, right? I always wanted to be fat, and I still do. I know all the health complications - some of them even run in my family. But I found places years ago that promote gaining weight, and it feels really good to talk to people like yourself.

    I really don't know what to do - how can I beat this? How can you overcome your own sexuality?
  • May 14, 2009, 11:10 PM
    There isn't much I can say to you other than it is NOT a good idea. I am fat and it is NOT fun.
    Yes, some find it erotic. My husband loves every inch of my body, curves and all. But that doesn't mean you should STRIVE for it.

    You can't do anything without gasping for air, (not even walking across the house to the kitchen to get you more food)

    Sex is difficult on many levels, the accual ACT of it is a trail in and of its self, the amount of energy it takes literally leaves you gasping for air, and being over weight can make it hard to reach orgasm.

    Sleeping is difficult because its hard to get into a position that won't sufficate you.

    Your body aches. You go from constipation to diariah (sp) over a span of a few hours. NOT FUN.

    Going to the bathroom is a trail. Trying to whipe yourself after using the bathroom is difficult.

    Have I left anything out?

    Need I even SAY about all the many HEALTH issues. High blood pressure, high cholesterol (heartattack waiting to happen) heart burn, migranes, heart disease, loss in sexual drive, depression. Your lungs can literally collapse by the weight. If you get large enough you stand a chance for being bed riden, bed sores, tumor growth.

    Not to mention the psycological agony many go through. But aparently this is not a problem for you :)

    I would suggest you watch on TLC "inside brookhaven obesity clinic"

    You might find it enlightening.
    Please feel free to comment :D
  • May 16, 2009, 12:06 AM

    Hello again. I forgot a few things that I feel are also important.

    Obesity is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Excess fat makes your body resistant to insulin. When your body is resistant to insulin, your cells can't get the energy they need.

    The more overweight a person is, the greater more severe the sleep apnea will be.


    Weak pelvic muscles

    Osteoarthritis. When one is heavier than what the legs can support, this puts undue pressure to the joints of the legs and the feet. Uknowingly, tears and wearing away in the cartilage can develop.

    I hope my posts on this matter helps SOMEONE at least.

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