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  • Jun 21, 2018, 11:24 PM
    Am I overthinking
    I was driving with this one girl that used to be my best friend we were heading to a mutual friends house. She was on FaceTime with one of her good friends and she made comments like “this is the first time that I have actually been single single and not talking to anyone.” It was out of no where. (I know I shouldn’t be listening to their conversation but I couldn’t help it.) they were also talking about her friends brother and how he was starting to have feelings for his best friend my ex best friend made the comment “well I think that they should be together since they have known each other for ages” her friend must have given her a look cause she said, “shut it” then her friend said that I’m going to cuddle with my boy friend and she said, “I don’t have one of those.” And her friend is like “cuddle with sam it’s okay.” She hesitated a little and then said, “I’ll cuddle with a pillow.” The thing is that I have told her I liked her but she shot me down I could be just over thinking things and just imagining things but my gut is telling me that there is something more to why she stopped being my friend I just don’t know what do you guys think.
  • Jun 22, 2018, 04:37 AM
    You are wanting there to be more there than is there. You are definitely overthinking this.
  • Jun 22, 2018, 06:53 AM
    I think you are overthinking this whole thing. Natural after having cold water dumped on your hot feelings. Move along, nothing to see here.

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