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  • Sep 6, 2012, 06:18 PM
    I am a senior girl and I like a freshman guy
    1. Is that kind of weird or wrong? I normally like older guys but, I think this one is really cute. I feel like a cougar though.
    2. How do I get this guy to notice me, I now he's into rock music and such like I am, but I am afraid to talk to him cause I don't want to scare him.
    3. I have him for a music class and I noticed that when I told this friend of mine that I like a freshman, my crush was listening intently. Also, when I was asking the teacher some questions after class, he was stalling until I left. So um, what could that possibly mean?
  • Sep 7, 2012, 06:15 AM
    That's about a 4 years difference. You're roughly 18 and he's 14 am I right, depends on the birthdays.

    Around your age 4 years difference is pushing it. It could just be a crush, it doesn't sound like you exactly know him yet. I would treat it as such and try to hold back you feelings.
  • Sep 7, 2012, 07:56 AM
    Homegirl 50
    You don't know if this boy even has permission to date and I can't imagine what an 18 year old girl sees in a 14 year old boy. Getting hi to notice you? He probably already does in his 14 year old way. It's a crush. Get over it! Go after someone closer to your own age.

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